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Was it somehow important to establish the presence on the TSBD steps during the shooting of the man who would be photographed by the FBI in February 1964?

Was it important to identify this man beyond question as witness "Billy Lovelady."

If it was important for the FBI to put Lovelady as the Doorman in Altgen's6 ( so as to eliminate Oswald )

they " threw a cat amongst the pigeons" by photographing Lovelady in a "Red and white vertical short sleeved shirt"

and then saying in the Hoover memo, that Lovelady told them, that this was the same shirt he was wearing ( as Doorman ) on 22/11/63

Then contradicting them self, they also said in the Hoover memo, that in the same FBI interview

Lovelady had identified himself in photo's from various publications, as the man standing on the left side of the doorway in the Doorman position ( Altgen's 6)

wearing the plaid Long Sleeve shirt.

If i were Hoover, that discrepancy, that Lovelady stated he was wearing (two completely different shirts) on 22/11/63 while standing in the Doorway would have immediately raised a red flag.

If i were Hoover,and i needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Oswald was NOT the man seen in the DOORWAY at the time of the assassination

i would immediately have contacted the Dallas FBI Office to clarify the situation.

And then have INSISTED that they get Lovelady back into the Dallas FBI Office,

this time wearing the Plaid long sleeve shirt he said he was wearing as seen in Altgens 6 in various publications.

And then re-shoot the photo's in the correct shirt.

Edited by Robin Unger
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Was it somehow important to establish the presence on the TSBD steps during the shooting of the man who would be photographed by the FBI in February 1964?

Was it important to identify this man beyond question as witness "Billy Lovelady."

If it was important for the FBI to put Lovelady as the Doorman in Altgen's6 ( so as to eliminate Oswald )

they " threw a cat amongst the pigeons" by photographing Lovelady in a "Red and white vertical short sleeved shirt"

and then saying in the Hoover memo, that Lovelady told them, that this was the same shirt he was wearing ( as Doorman ) on 22/11/63

Then contradicting them self, they also said in the Hoover memo, that in the same FBI interview

Lovelady had identified himself in photo's from various publications, as the man standing on the left side of the doorway in the Doorman position ( Altgen's 6)

wearing the plaid Long Sleeve shirt.

If i were Hoover, that discrepancy, that Lovelady stated he was wearing (two completely different shirts) on 22/11/63 while standing in the Doorway would have immediately raised a red flag.

If i were Hoover,and i needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Oswald was NOT the man seen in the DOORWAY at the time of the assassination

i would immediately have contacted the Dallas FBI Office to clarify the situation.

And then have INSISTED that they get Lovelady back into the Dallas FBI Office,

this time wearing the Plaid long sleeve shirt he said he was wearing as seen in Altgens 6 in various publications.

And then re-shoot the photo's in the correct shirt.

I really don't think the guy filmed to the right of the TSBD door, and at DPD HQ around 2 PM, is the same "Billy Lovelady" photographed at FBI in February 1964. Unlike Ralph Cinque, I don't think he was inserted into any photos. I wonder whether Lovelady and the plaid shirt guy who resembles Lovelady were planted as Oswald near-lookalikes.

Greg Burnham: We know next to nothing about Billy Lovelady - less than we do about Wesley Frazier, apparently. What if the Altgens 6 Lovelady is in the photo to send some kind of political message?

Edited by David Andrews
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Was it somehow important to establish the presence on the TSBD steps during the shooting of the man who would be photographed by the FBI in February 1964?

Was it important to identify this man beyond question as witness "Billy Lovelady."

If it was important for the FBI to put Lovelady as the Doorman in Altgen's6 ( so as to eliminate Oswald )

they " threw a cat amongst the pigeons" by photographing Lovelady in a "Red and white vertical short sleeved shirt"

and then saying in the Hoover memo, that Lovelady told them, that this was the same shirt he was wearing ( as Doorman ) on 22/11/63

Then contradicting them self, they also said in the Hoover memo, that in the same FBI interview

Lovelady had identified himself in photo's from various publications, as the man standing on the left side of the doorway in the Doorman position ( Altgen's 6)

wearing the plaid Long Sleeve shirt.

If i were Hoover, that discrepancy, that Lovelady stated he was wearing (two completely different shirts) on 22/11/63 while standing in the Doorway would have immediately raised a red flag.

If i were Hoover,and i needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Oswald was NOT the man seen in the DOORWAY at the time of the assassination

i would immediately have contacted the Dallas FBI Office to clarify the situation.

And then have INSISTED that they get Lovelady back into the Dallas FBI Office,

this time wearing the Plaid long sleeve shirt he said he was wearing as seen in Altgens 6 in various publications.

And then re-shoot the photo's in the correct shirt.

I really don't think the guy filmed to the right of the TSBD door, and at DPD HQ around 2 PM, is the same "Billy Lovelady" photographed at FBI in February 1964. Unlike Ralph Cinque, I don't think he was inserted into any photos. I wonder whether Lovelady and the plaid shirt guy who resembles Lovelady were planted as Oswald near-lookalikes.

Greg Burnham: We know next to nothing about Billy Lovelady - less than we do about Wesley Frazier, apparently. What if the Altgens 6 Lovelady is in the photo to send some kind of political message?


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Was it somehow important to establish the presence on the TSBD steps during the shooting of the man who would be photographed by the FBI in February 1964?

Was it important to identify this man beyond question as witness "Billy Lovelady."

If it was important for the FBI to put Lovelady as the Doorman in Altgen's6 ( so as to eliminate Oswald )

they " threw a cat amongst the pigeons" by photographing Lovelady in a "Red and white vertical short sleeved shirt"

and then saying in the Hoover memo, that Lovelady told them, that this was the same shirt he was wearing ( as Doorman ) on 22/11/63

Then contradicting them self, they also said in the Hoover memo, that in the same FBI interview

Lovelady had identified himself in photo's from various publications, as the man standing on the left side of the doorway in the Doorman position ( Altgen's 6)

wearing the plaid Long Sleeve shirt.

If i were Hoover, that discrepancy, that Lovelady stated he was wearing (two completely different shirts) on 22/11/63 while standing in the Doorway would have immediately raised a red flag.

If i were Hoover,and i needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Oswald was NOT the man seen in the DOORWAY at the time of the assassination

i would immediately have contacted the Dallas FBI Office to clarify the situation.

And then have INSISTED that they get Lovelady back into the Dallas FBI Office,

this time wearing the Plaid long sleeve shirt he said he was wearing as seen in Altgens 6 in various publications.

And then re-shoot the photo's in the correct shirt.

I really don't think the guy filmed to the right of the TSBD door, and at DPD HQ around 2 PM, is the same "Billy Lovelady" photographed at FBI in February 1964. Unlike Ralph Cinque, I don't think he was inserted into any photos. I wonder whether Lovelady and the plaid shirt guy who resembles Lovelady were planted as Oswald near-lookalikes.

Greg Burnham: We know next to nothing about Billy Lovelady - less than we do about Wesley Frazier, apparently. What if the Altgens 6 Lovelady is in the photo to send some kind of political message?


OK - I see the reason for your question mark, so I'll butt out after this. But what I meant was: What if the "Billy Lovelady" pictured in Altgens 6 was a spook, and somebody seeing him inserted into a front-page photo would recognize and identify him as a spook?

Maybe it's just overexposure of the image, but that "Lovelady" face seems to stick out back there in the black doorway like it's meant to attract the eye, in the way this mug used to confront people:

I mean: People fall over themselves saying that Umbrella Man was some symbolic message sent to a president being shot to death in a (barely) moving car while driving into the declining sun at 12:30; or that Umbrella Man was placed there to gratify the people who paid for the assassination and its filming. Yet the world at large (including the Russians) endured varying lag times before seeing the Zapruder film. Lovelady's "Killroy" face was out there much earlier. Was somebody meant to have recognized that face, leaning into the frame just behind Kennedy's head?

I'll butt out now.

Edited by David Andrews
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I mean: People fall over themselves saying that Umbrella Man was some symbolic message sent to a president being shot to death in a (barely) moving car while driving into the declining sun at 12:30; or that Umbrella Man was placed there to gratify the people who paid for the assassination and its filming. Yet the world at large (including the Russians) endured varying lag times before seeing the Zapruder film. Lovelady's "Killroy" face was out there much earlier. Was somebody meant to have recognized that face, leaning into the frame just behind Kennedy's head?

I'll butt out now.

No need to butt out - I just didnt get the inference but the above explains it well.

It could well be significant that an Oswald lookalike was there on the day - I mean there are numerous reports of Oswald impersonators both leading up to and after the assassination but very little about their involvement on the day (AFAIK)

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The face sticks out ,because he leans forward into the sun. :blink:

also watch the limo, as it approaches him, he appears to retreat back into the shadow

Yes. It is, as if Lovelady is telling something to somebody. To B.W.Frazier? Who, according to his own words, was standing behind him in the shadow, more interested in his sandwich, than the president? :)

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It's interesting, Robin, watching the film and now knowing that Lovelady (or "Lovelady") was pulling back earlier as the limo passed, but then peered out after Kennedy was wounded, as if he avidly wanted to see what was going on in the limo then. It could have just been rubbernecking.

I'm done.

Edited by David Andrews
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The face sticks out ,because he leans forward into the sun. :blink:

also watch the limo, as it approaches him, he appears to retreat back into the shadow


While I've only followed the "It was Oswald on the steps" argument off and on, I must say this clip from the Martin film seals the deal. The shirt in the clip s NOT the shirt worn by Oswald at the police station, and it is NOT the shirt Lovelady wore when photographed by the FBI. It is--quite clearly--the shirt Lovelady later showed Groden.

Does anyone recall how Cinque and Fetzer explained this one? I mean--what--this film was faked, and then fed Robert Groden, in hopes he'd put a DVD out 30 years after the killing in which this clip was featured?

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It also shows that Lovelady was on the move during the assassination sequence.

In hughes he is against the west wall, then as the Limo goes past the doorway area, he then moves across to the middle of the doorway.

Where he is then captured in Wiegman / Altgens 6

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