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The Boston Bombing and Dealey Plaza

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I was very close to this story (as a news photog) all week; it had us all very edgy, and I was trying to explain it, but I ran into a little condescension.

Now they think #1 might be tied into a triple homicide in Waltham back in 2011.One of the victims was one of his former friends/mma boxing .

Edited by Steve Logan
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Steve, if you're irritated because you believe the MSM is liberal, especially in a place like this, consider that there is a risk

that if the MSM were to move its political bent any further right it might fall off the edge. This message will probably fall on

EIB protected ears, but it should be presented because the MSM is no more liberal or conservative than a tube of toothpaste.

It distributes a product, exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized....

Sorry Tom maybe we're on different cable systems . Unfortunately I have Comcast. I promise to stay away from the higher numbers.........Wonder what Maddow going to chat about tonight....

Yeah I agree 110%, the MSM showed how far-left it was during the run-up to the proposed invasion of Iraq, they pushed all sorts of bogus information contradicting the clear evidence the nation had WMDs thus undermining support for the Iraq War Resolution which failed to pass the Senate as a result. The US and the rest of the world have been sorry ever since. The worst of these stations is the quasi-Communist Fox news.

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Your emotional incontinence is, to be candid, of no interest or relevance. It is also most definitely not a fit and proper substitute for the rule of law, as you have so artlessly demonstrated.

As for evidence, what evidence? A lot of law enforcement and spook briefings, many of them hopelessly contradictory, incomplete, censored, and self-serving, as relayed by the establishment transmission belt that is the mainstream US media?

And you call yourself a student of the Kennedy assassination?

You’ve learned precisely nothing.

I'm sure this won't sway the likes of Rigby, Dawn and Jefferies but besides the video evidence

-The carjack victim says the brothers told him they did it

-Several civilian and police witness said they shot and threw bombs at the police

- Their uncle, their sister, her husband, and the elder brother's widow all think they are guilty

- the surviving brother seems to have confessed (before a judge, legal aid attorney and court reporter)


Edited by Len Colby
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There are the usual troubling questions here. The "evidence" against these brothers consists of them walking around the area carrying backpacks. There were lots of people with backpacks there, including a number of obvious Navy Seals (they were wearing their patented logo). But since the American people have shown conclusively that they absolutely love martial law, I don't expect that the surviving brother has any chance at justice.

How many amendments to the Bill of Rights were broken during the "lockdown" around Boston? And with all that law enforcement and military presence-they looked like an occupying army-they still couldn't track down one 19 year old kid. If the citizen hadn't been smoking a cigarette and alerted the authorities, he'd probably still be at large. And yet the same voters who loved having their homes searched and movements restricted are unanimous in calling these guys "heroes."

All very troubling Don. The evidence for false flag here is staggering. I don't expect the 19 year old to live. If he does he will be tortured til he confesses. From the horrible pic of the older one going around the net looks like he was tortured already.

For shame people in MA. Liking Martial Law. It broke my heart to see my former hometown of Newton MA. under Martial law. What next? We know there WILL be a "next".


Imagine the ironic possibility that these two brothers really were terrorists and knew beforehand that a lot of us would claim that they were just innocent victims or "patsies."

--Tommy :sun

Related (and ironic):


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Stephen, I understand that you are literally close to this situation. And yes, I would certainly be protective of my daughter as well, as you were. But I hope that I'd at least be outraged by the videos that have leaked out, showing just how the paramilitary forces occupying Boston were treating citizens. Shouting out "raise your hands" to virtually everyone they forced from their homes? Putting it as politely as possible, their actions were over-the-top and tremendously excessive.

Those of you who have no concerns here should remember that we were also "told" by the authorities that Lee Harvey Oswald, a "commie," acted alone. The evidence against him was said to be overwhelming, by the same sources you evidently trust so implicitly now (local police, FBI, Secret Service, Justice Department, CIA, politicians from both major parties, mainstream media). That official story set the tone for all the ones to follow, the latest being this absurd Boston Marathon fairy tale.

As the venerable Paul Rigby noted, it's hard to keep up with the ever changing official narrative. Now we are hearing the older brother was suspected in a murder a few years ago. Ane yet his boxing coach testified that he was a great guy, and couldn't conceive he was capable of this crime. And, of course, despite his diabolical bent, he was surprisingly lenient with the guy whose car they stole. What a fortuitous break for the authorities- the brothers leave this witness behind to finger them and, we now hear, claim that the brothers admitted to him that they were the Boston Marathon bombers!

Independent Canadian journalist Dan Dicks spoke to the brothers' aunt yesterday, but she was terrified and ultimately would not meet them in person. She kept telling him that she feared being killed. And she also wanted him to tell the world that she was 100% certain that the guy the police forced to strip naked in front of the world was her older nephew. The one they claimed was killed in a "shootout." Now you can look online, at several videos that have frozen the frames of this guy's arrest, and he certainly looks like the older brother. Dark hair, and a very powerful build (remember, he was a heavyweight boxer). Needless to say, if anyone in the mainstream media had the slightest instincts of a real reporter, they would be grilling the authorities relentlessly, and interviewing the brothers' family with an open mind.

As Jim D. stated, not every defendant is guilty. And, of course, plenty of defendants are. However, unless one is wealthy and/or some kind of celebrity, the standard of innocent until proven guitly simply doesn't apply, in the minds of the vast majority of the American people (and certainly in the minds of the authorities). As I said previously, all our arguments aside, this kid will be convicted. There is no chance of him being found not guilty, by any jury they pick, in any courtroom they pick, presided over by any judge they pick. And he will, like every widely celebrated defendant since Sacco and Vanzetti and Richard Hauptmann, be given an inept defense. That is how our system works in these cases.

I'm sure Detective Colby will be along shortly to show me the error of my ways again. The reality is more and more of us every day are realizing the authorities have no credibility and refuse to believe anything they say in these high profile cases. The "evidence" in this case is likely to be similar to the "evidence" used to convict Timothy McVeigh. Lots of emotional pleas, and continuous references in the press to the supposed radical philosophy of the defendants.

Edited by Don Jeffries
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Once again, Paul, read this:


There's some of the evidence as it stands today.

Interesting that you took my passionate offering of evidence and took it personal with "incontinence," "artlessly," "you call yourself a student," and I've "learned precisely nothing." Says more about you than me.

Read the criminal complaint.

I have. It's a string of allegations knitted together by the presumption of guilt. Evidence is the stuff a prosecutor presents to a judge and jury.

Bet you we see some interesting modifications by the time - or rather, if - the young bloke is placed before a jury of his, er, FBI and CIA peers.

The latter's explanation of its funding and arming of Chechen terrorists promises to be a hoot.

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Stephen, I understand that you are literally close to this situation. And yes, I would certainly be protective of my daughter as well, as you were. But I hope that I'd at least be outraged by the videos that have leaked out, showing just how the paramilitary forces occupying Boston were treating citizens. Shouting out "raise your hands" to virtually everyone they forced from their homes? Putting it as politely as possible, their actions were over-the-top and tremendously excessive.

Those of you who have no concerns here should remember that we were also "told" by the authorities that Lee Harvey Oswald, a "commie," acted alone. The evidence against him was said to be overwhelming, by the same sources you evidently trust so implicitly now (local police, FBI, Secret Service, Justice Department, CIA, politicians from both major parties, mainstream media). That official story set the tone for all the ones to follow, the latest being this absurd Boston Marathon fairy tale.

We let's compare: did LHO carjack and/or rob anyone (before or) after the assassination?

Did he tell anyone he had done it?

Did he admit during a legal proceeding he had done it?

Did he throw various bombs at the police?

Did he engage in a shootout with LEOs

Did he hide in a boat or otherwise got to great lengths to avoid capture?

Was he filmed or photographed in the snipers nest holding an object rembling the murder weapon at the time of the shooting?

As the venerable Paul Rigby noted, it's hard to keep up with the ever changing official narrative. Now we are hearing the older brother was suspected in a murder a few years ago. Ane yet his boxing coach testified that he was a great guy, and couldn't conceive he was capable of this crime. And, of course, despite his diabolical bent, he was surprisingly lenient with the guy whose car they stole. What a fortuitous break for the authorities- the brothers leave this witness behind to finger them and, we now hear, claim that the brothers admitted to him that they were the Boston Marathon bombers!

He's not exactly a suspect but he was close friends with one of the victims, Various mutual associates said they thought it odd he had NOT attended the funeral or memorial service. If simply makes sense to investigate when a close associate of the victim of an unsolved multiple victim murder commits multiple victim murder a few years later.

As for Tamerlane being a nice guy, people said the same thing about Hitler, Ted Bundy got a recommendation letter from the governor of Washington, they were both obviously innocent pasties.

And I think you're right the carjack victim was probably lying, except wait, I almost forgot the bothers are on VT trying to take out money with his ATM card. One reason for leaving him alive was to get his password.

Independent Canadian journalist Dan Dicks spoke to the brothers' aunt yesterday, but she was terrified and ultimately would not meet them in person. She kept telling him that she feared being killed. And she also wanted him to tell the world that she was 100% certain that the guy the police forced to strip naked in front of the world was her older nephew. The one they claimed was killed in a "shootout." Now you can look online, at several videos that have frozen the frames of this guy's arrest, and he certainly looks like the older brother. Dark hair, and a very powerful build (remember, he was a heavyweight boxer). Needless to say, if anyone in the mainstream media had the slightest instincts of a real reporter, they would be grilling the authorities relentlessly, and interviewing the brothers' family with an open mind.

OMG a relative thinks they are innocent! Of course the relatives who think they are guilty can be ignored. And yeah the guy does look like Tamerlane, perhaps that's why he was arrested, but that happened about an hour AFTER the shootout. Numerous witnesses said they saw one brother arrested or killed at the scene and the other escape in the SUV.

I'm sure Detective Colby will be along shortly to show me the error of my ways again.

Glad to be of service but given your various misinformed comments on this thread your sarcasm was unwarranted, especially from a moderator.

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Bet you we see some interesting modifications by the time - or rather, if - the young bloke is placed before a jury of his, er, FBI and CIA peers.

The latter's explanation of its funding and arming of Chechen terrorists promises to be a hoot.

Got any evidence of such? If so don't be shy!

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Two hours earlier, they had assassinated MIT police officer Sean Collier, and now the vile little maggots were coming for more cops. It was about 12:45 on Friday morning, and a half-dozen Watertown officers had been exchanging gunfire with the Tsarnaev brothers for 10 minutes. The cops had their sidearms and a couple of rifles, and they were holding their own. The maggots decided it was time for the heavy artillery.

They ducked behind their Honda and opened the trunk. One of the cops was pinned behind a tree, the others were set up behind their cruisers. More than 200 rounds had been fired. Transit police officer Richard Donohue, who had rushed to scene to support his brothers from Watertown, was shot and wounded. More officers were on the way. Sirens and blue lights filled the air, and the maggots had to know: It was over.

They had paralyzed our city since 2:50 p.m. on Monday. Getting away was no longer an option. Soon they would either be in custody or be dead. Now they were only hoping to take a few more cops with them.


In the end, of course, the Tsarnaevs proved to be exactly what their Uncle Ruslan said they were: Losers. Failures. Oh, they took four innocent lives, and they hurt so many more. But there is no doubt that they had bigger plans, more destruction, more death, more terror in mind.

In many dark, godforsaken corners of this planet, there are people who support and applaud scum like the Tsarnaevs, and you know what they’re saying today: That’s it? That’s the best they could do?

That was the best they could do because of people like the cops in Watertown who stood their ground against these evil, Armani-wearing terrorists. In a week where we pay tribute to heroes from the finish line to Fenway Park, no one stood taller than the team of brave police officers on Laurel Street in Watertown. This was no game. This was real life and these were real heroes.

Desperate and trapped, the Tsarnaevs began to throw their explosive devices at the cops, including four small, homemade bombs. Two exploded, two didn’t. At one point, according to Watertown police chief Ed Deveau, they tossed a pressure-cooker bomb, the same kind of device that caused such destruction on Boylston Street at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

The bomb didn’t reach the officers, but it did explode. Miraculously, none of the cops got hit.

“My officers saw them throw something, and then there was a huge explosion,” Deveau said in a radio interview on WEEI yesterday morning. “That turned out to be the pressure-cooker bomb. They found the lid down the street.”

So a bomb designed to cause maximum damage went off in the middle of the street and no one was hurt?

“Why Watertown isn’t planning funerals for one, two, three, four or five officers is just incredible to me,” Deveau said.

Let me tell you something else that was pretty incredible that morning: the reaction of Deveau’s officers when Tamerlan Tsarnaev ran out of ammo. In a scene straight out of a “Die Hard” movie, the older brother began to walk toward the officers while firing his weapon. Call it a tough break for the terrorist: He ran out of rounds only 10 feet from the officers, according to Deveau.

Now the cops could have shot the rabid dog down right there in the middle of the street, but they wanted him alive. So with his heart racing, his head spinning and his hearing shot, one Watertown police officer left his cover, ran toward Tamerlan and tackled him.

Deveau refused to single out The Tackler. He said two other officers jumped in right away to help handcuff Maggot No. 1. Oh, by the way: All three of these cops believed there was a good chance Tamerlan had explosives strapped to his body.

When I first heard this story, I thought of David Feherty, the great golf announcer. Three or four times during the previous week’s Masters, Feherty described a golfer as showing “courage” for hitting a shot over water or going for a par 5 in 2. Well, if that’s the case, we need to come up with new words to describe men like the street cops who stopped these armed-to-teeth terrorists and quashed their plan to kills hundreds, if not thousands, more.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would only kill one more, and that would be his big brother. At least that’s what we’d like to believe was the fatal blow. As the cops were restraining Tamerlan, Dzhokhar jumped behind the wheel and drove at them. The cops jumped out of the way. Tamerlan did not. The gash you see in the photo of his dead body is believed to be a burn mark from the undercarriage of the Mercedes, which dragged the maggot for about 45 feet.

Dzhokhar then drove a few blocks and fled on foot before crawling into a boat and nearly bleeding out. Tamerlan was rushed to Beth Israel hospital where he was declared dead.

Remarkably, of the more than 180 people who were injured in last Monday’s attacks, every single one of them is expected to leave the hospital alive, doctors said yesterday.

The only one to die in the hospital since the Patriots Day attack: Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Loser. Failure. The big, bad terrorist who turned out to be nothing but a speed bump and blood stain on Laurel Street.

That is all?

Yes, that is all.

by Gerry Callahan

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For Don and Dawn et. al.:

Random Notes From the Police State

Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:13

| Op-Ed


Contrary to a number of addle-brained pontifications offered by people who have never set foot in the 617 area code, we were not "cowering in our homes," and Boston was not transformed into a "police state," and it was not "martial law." The governor asked us to stay inside - there was a bomber on the loose who made his own bombs, several of which were thrown out the window of a car during a miles-long shoot-out, so maybe there was also unexploded ordnance in the streets between where the brothers started running and where they stopped, and maybe the surviving brother had more such explosives with him, along with the gun he used to shoot at police in a well-recorded battle - and so we did.

How is it a police state if all the Dunkin' Donuts were open? Fascists need caffeine, too?

Or maybe it was voluntary, a city-wide community action. We're pretty good at that here in Boston. We get huge snowstorms every winter, and our public officials always ask us to remain indoors and not to drive so they can clean it up. When the blizzard hit in February, our public officials asked us to stay inside and off the roads. They were the exact same public officials who asked us to stay inside on Friday...and gloriosky! It worked!

I had a beer at my local on Saturday with a guy who lives next door to the house where they found Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bleeding out in the boat. He showed me a picture of the boat taken from his bedroom window. When a toast was raised to the way Boston law enforcement handled the situation, his was the first pint in the air.

That happened because I live here. I know better than you, and he knows better than me, how all this went down.


Edited by Len Colby
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Here is another excellent article from Fintan Dunne at BFN (all emphasis belong to Fintan Dunne):

Boston Bombs: Return of the LIHOP

(Let It Happen On Purpose)

by Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com

19 April 2013 @ 10pmET

The question for many will be how these two managed to carry out a mass-killing bombing --despite being under the nose of the FBI since 2011, when they interviewed the elder brother.

Following that interview, (at the request of Russian security services) did Tamerlan ease off on his radicalism and thus fall off the FBI radar?

The opposite, in fact.

In late 2011, he travelled to southern Russia and stayed for six months, returning in mid-2012 to Boston.

You might imagine that on his return, the FBI would be all over him, because there would be a strong likelihood that he underwent some training and indoctrination while abroad. This overseas travel scenario has played out before - in the case of the alleged London 7/7 bombers.

You might imagine that the FBI maybe checked his YouTube "likes" - which in the second half of 2012 continued to feature radical views.

You might even imagine that in the wake of his Russia trip he would be on a local Boston counter-terrorism Top Twenty list of potential attackers.

Finally, your imagination might envisage that on Tuesday, when the FBI got a detailed description that matched Tamerlan in testimony from the double amputee victim of the bombings, and were told by the victim that Tamerlan had dropped a bag which exploded --that the FBI would then have zeroed in on video footage of him by late Tuesday/early Wednesday.

And would have checked the video image against their Top Twenty list and then proceeded to immediately arrest him at his known address.

But no such thing happened.

Nor did the FBI release video. They stalled and recounted tales of how it takes a long time to review footage; and that they were looking for a broad panoply of "persons of interest." But not looking for a known terrorism threat who had recently been to Russia for six months.

Eventually, they released some conspicuously poor-quality video. The agency would later release sharp images, but initially, the grainy images were too ambiguous to enable identification - but ominous enough to

surely spook the hapless brothers.

Finally, via new internet images, the man the FBI could or would not identify --was quickly named.

The rabbits, had already run. Because they were given room to run.

And the hounds were released.

The result: Tamerlan --the key individual in this attack-- is dead.

And dead men tell no tales about their recent adventures.

The brother's mother has scorned the idea that her son could have carried out an attack while under FBI watch. The father says that his sons "were framed."

Perhaps "framed" is the wrong word here.

Russia has some interests in common with the USA. Among these common interests is both countries use of "terrorism" as a social conditioning mechanism.

But you can't have the domestic theater of War on Terror....

....without some useful-idiot "terrorists" to oblige the drama.

That applied also at the time of 9/11. When some said that US agencies stood aside and LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose).

Others said that 9/11 was way to complex to just LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) and that more realistically they MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose).

But the Boston Op was not complex. It was simplicity incarnate.

So in this case, maybe "Framed" is the wrong word.

Perhaps "Groomed" works better.

Boston 2013: The Return of the LIHOP.

The truly hard questions about the Boston bombings are only beginning.

(Source/s: http://fintandunne.b...hop-let-it.html)

...and this is a supplementary article piece:

FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev,

Boston bombing suspect years ago

7:20 PM, Apr 19, 2013

CBS News correspondent John Miller reports it is likely Russia asked to have the elder Tsarnaev vetted because of suspected ties to Chechen extremists.

The FBI is likely to have run a background check, running his name through all the relevant databases, including those of other agencies, checking on his communications and all of his overseas travel. Miller reports that culminated in a sit-down interview where they probably asked him a lot of questions about his life, his contacts, his surroundings. All of this was then written in a report and sent it to the requesting government.

This is an issue they've had in the past. They interviewed Carlos Bledsoe in Little Rock, Ark., before he shot up an Army recruiting station in 2009. They were also looking into Major Hasan Nadal before the Fort Hood shootings.

However, the FBI has maintained in those incidents that they took all the steps they were asked to and were allowed to under the law.

Although the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, the brothers' mother said they had in an interview with Russia Today.

Zubeidat Tsarnaeva said her son got involved in "religious politics" about five years ago, and never told her he was involved in "jihad."

She insisted the FBI "knew what he was doing on Skype" and that they counseled him "every step of the way."


Let us not get confused with details as a 'Salandria-minded' individual would know well lol...the issue is simple and to the point.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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Boston Bombers: Role of CIA in Chechen Terror:

Islamic terror from Caucasus next phase of plan to undermine our liberty

By Kurt Nimmo, 22 April 2013


“The Chechen jihadi network is very extensive,” the neocon Walid Phares told Fox News. “They have a huge network inside Russia and Chechnya.”

“They could well be supported by a significant international network,” warned Bush era neocon and former United Nations ambassador, John Bolton.

I find myself in the rare position of agreeing entirely with the ghastly Bolton: Chechen terrorism is unquestionably supported by “a significant international network,” comprising the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon, and sundry US think-tanks, including…er, all the usual suspects

Chechen Terrorists and the Neocons

by Coleen Rowley, April 22, 2013


Giuliani knows full well how the Chechen “terrorists” proved useful to the U.S. in keeping pressure on the Russians, much as the Afghan mujahedeen were used in the anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan from 1980 to 1989. In fact, many neocons signed up as Chechnya’s “friends,” including former CIA Director James Woolsey.

The Chechens' American friends:

The Washington neocons' commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own

By John Laughland, 8 September 2004


An enormous head of steam has built up behind the view that President Putin is somehow the main culprit in the grisly events in North Ossetia. Soundbites and headlines such as "Grief turns to anger", "Harsh words for government", and "Criticism mounting against Putin" have abounded, while TV and radio correspondents in Beslan have been pressed on air to say that the people there blame Moscow as much as the terrorists. There have been numerous editorials encouraging us to understand - to quote the Sunday Times - the "underlying causes" of Chechen terrorism (usually Russian authoritarianism), while the widespread use of the word "rebels" to describe people who shoot children shows a surprising indulgence in the face of extreme brutality.

On closer inspection, it turns out that this so-called "mounting criticism" is in fact being driven by a specific group in the Russian political spectrum - and by its American supporters. The leading Russian critics of Putin's handling of the Beslan crisis are the pro-US politicians Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Ryzhkov - men associated with the extreme neoliberal market reforms which so devastated the Russian economy under the west's beloved Boris Yeltsin - and the Carnegie Endowment's Moscow Centre. Funded by its New York head office, this influential thinktank - which operates in tandem with the military-political Rand Corporation, for instance in producing policy papers on Russia's role in helping the US restructure the "Greater Middle East" - has been quoted repeatedly in recent days blaming Putin for the Chechen atrocities. The centre has also been assiduous over recent months in arguing against Moscow's claims that there is a link between the Chechens and al-Qaida.

These people peddle essentially the same line as that expressed by Chechen leaders themselves, such as Ahmed Zakaev, the London exile who wrote in these pages yesterday. Other prominent figures who use the Chechen rebellion as a stick with which to beat Putin include Boris Berezovsky, the Russian oligarch who, like Zakaev, was granted political asylum in this country, although the Russian authorities want him on numerous charges. Moscow has often accused Berezovsky of funding Chechen rebels in the past.

By the same token, the BBC and other media sources are putting it about that Russian TV played down the Beslan crisis, while only western channels reported live, the implication being that Putin's Russia remains a highly controlled police state. But this view of the Russian media is precisely the opposite of the impression I gained while watching both CNN and Russian TV over the past week: the Russian channels had far better information and images from Beslan than their western competitors. This harshness towards Putin is perhaps explained by the fact that, in the US, the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled "distinguished Americans" who are its members is a rollcall of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusastically support the "war on terror".

They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be "a cakewalk"; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind George Bush's plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines.

The ACPC heavily promotes the idea that the Chechen rebellion shows the undemocratic nature of Putin's Russia, and cultivates support for the Chechen cause by emphasising the seriousness of human rights violations in the tiny Caucasian republic. It compares the Chechen crisis to those other fashionable "Muslim" causes, Bosnia and Kosovo - implying that only international intervention in the Caucasus can stabilise the situation there. In August, the ACPC welcomed the award of political asylum in the US, and a US-government funded grant, to Ilyas Akhmadov, foreign minister in the opposition Chechen government, and a man Moscow describes as a terrorist. Coming from both political parties, the ACPC members represent the backbone of the US foreign policy establishment, and their views are indeed those of the US administration.

Although the White House issued a condemnation of the Beslan hostage-takers, its official view remains that the Chechen conflict must be solved politically. According to ACPC member Charles Fairbanks of Johns Hopkins University, US pressure will now increase on Moscow to achieve a political, rather than military, solution - in other words to negotiate with terrorists, a policy the US resolutely rejects elsewhere.

Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus. The fact that the Chechens are believed to use as a base the Pankisi gorge in neighbouring Georgia - a country which aspires to join Nato, has an extremely pro-American government, and where the US already has a significant military presence - only encourages such speculation. Putin himself even seemed to lend credence to the idea in his interview with foreign journalists on Monday.

Proof of any such western involvement would be difficult to obtain, but is it any wonder Russians are asking themselves such questions when the same people in Washington who demand the deployment of overwhelming military force against the US's so-called terrorist enemies also insist that Russia capitulate to hers?

The “Chechen Connection”, Al Qaeda, CIA and the Boston Marathon Bombings

By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, The 4th Media News, Monday, 22 April 2013


Al Qaeda and the Chechnya Jihad

Chechnya is an autonomous region of the Russian Federation.

Among the recruits for specialized training in the early 1990s was the leader of the Chechnya rebellion Shamil Basayev who –in the immediate wake of the Cold War– led Chechnya’s first secessionist war against Russia.

During his training in Afghanistan, Shamil Basayev linked up with Saudi born veteran Mujahideen Commander “Al Khattab” who had fought as a volunteer in Afghanistan. Barely a few months after Basayev’s return to Grozny, Khattab was invited (early 1995) to set up an army base in Chechnya for the training of Mujahideen fighters. According to the BBC, Khattab’s posting to Chechnya had been “arranged through the Saudi-Arabian based [international] Islamic Relief Organisation, a militant religious organisation, funded by mosques and rich individuals which channeled funds into Chechnya”.(BBC, 29 September 1999).

The evidence suggests that Shamil Basayev had links to US intelligence as of the late 1980s. He was involved in the 1991 coup d’Etat which led to the break-up of the Soviet Union. He was subsequently involved in Chechnya’s unilateral declaration of independence from the Russian Federation in November 1991. In 1992, he led an insurgency against Armenian fighters in the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. He was also involved in Abkhazia, the largely Muslim breakaway region of Georgia.

The first Chechnya war (1994-1996) was waged in the immediate wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was part of a US covert operation to destabilize the Russian Federation. The Second Chechnya war was waged in 1999-2000.

Broadly speaking the same guerrilla terrorist tactics applied in Afghanistan were implemented in Chechnya.

According to Yossef Bodansky, director of the U.S. Congress’ Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, the insurgency in Chechnya had been planned during a secret summit of HizbAllah International held in 1996 in Mogadishu, Somalia. (Levon Sevunts, “Who’s Calling The Shots? Chechen conflict finds Islamic roots in Afghanistan and Pakistan”, The Gazette, Montreal, 26 October 1999.)

It’s obvious that the involvement of Pakistan’s ISI in Chechnya “goes far beyond supplying the Chechens with weapons and expertise: The ISI and its radical Islamic proxies are actually calling the shots in this war.”(Ibid)

The ISI is in permanent liaison with the CIA. What this statement signifies is that US intelligence using Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) as a go-between was calling the shots in the Chechnya war.

Russia’s main pipeline route transits through Chechnya and Dagestan. Despite Washington’s condemnation of “Islamic terrorism”, the beneficiaries of the wars in Chechnya were the Anglo-American oil conglomerates which were vying for complete control over oil resources and pipeline corridors out of the Caspian Sea basin.

The two main Chechen rebel armies (which at the time were led by the (late) Commander Shamil Basayev and Emir Khattab), estimated at 35,000 strong, were supported by CIA and its Pakistani counterpart the ISI, which played a key role in organizing and training the Chechen rebel army:

“[in 1994] the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence [in liaison with the CIA] arranged for Basayev and his trusted lieutenants to undergo intensive Islamic indoctrination and training in guerrilla warfare in the Khost province of Afghanistan at Amir Muawia camp,set up in the early 1980s by the CIA and ISI and run by famous Afghani warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. In July 1994, upon graduating from Amir Muawia, Basayev was transferred to Markaz-i-Dawar camp in Pakistan to undergo training in advanced guerrilla tactics. In Pakistan, Basayev met the highest ranking Pakistani military and intelligence officers: Minister of Defence General Aftab Shahban Mirani, Minister of Interior General Naserullah Babar, and the head of the ISI branch in charge of supporting Islamic causes, General Javed Ashraf (all now retired). High-level connections soon proved very useful to Basayev.” (Ibid, emphasis added)

Following his training and indoctrination stint, Basayev was assigned to lead the assault against Russian federal troops in the first Chechen war in 1995. His organization had also developed extensive links to criminal syndicates in Moscow as well as ties to Albanian organized crime and the KLA. (Vitaly Romanov and Viktor Yadukha, “Chechen Front Moves To Kosovo”, Segodnia, Moscow, 23 Feb 2000)

The Chechen insurgency modeled on the CIA sponsored jihad in Afghanistan has also served as a model for several US-NATO sponsored military interventions, including Bosnia (1992-1995), Kosovo (1999), Libya (2011), Syria (2011- ).


A Caucasian Republic On An Oil Transit Corridor Between The Caspian And Black Seas


The EyeOpener- Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US Roots of “Chechen” Terrorism

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Show notes:

USA: The Creator & Sustainer of Chechen Terrorism

RT interviews Tsarnaev brothers’ mother

FBI Press Release: 2011 Request for Info on Tamerlan from “Foreign Government”

Terrorist incidents in Chechnya 1970 – present

Terrorist incidents in Dagestan 1970 – present

Barbarians at the Gate: Terrorism, the US, and the Subversion of Russia

By Eric Draitser, 20 August 2012


The complex network of terrorist organizations that operate under the banners of “separatism” and “independence” for the Caucasus region, has been at the center of the destabilization of Russia for the last two decades. Within hours of the deadly attacks, the Kavkaz Center – an organization known to be the propaganda mouthpiece of terrorist leader Doku Umarov – released an article characterizing the attacks as heroic acts and referring to the dead as “Russian puppets.” Though this would seem to be not in keeping with the Center’s stated mission “to provide reporting of events…and assistance of journalistic work in the Caucasus,” this is, in fact, very much par for the course for an organization that is funded by the US State Department and Finland’s Foreign Ministry.

Kavkaz Center has a long track record of supporting and legitimizing terrorist actions throughout the region, rationalizing atrocities committed in the name of “resistance.” In fact, Kavkaz engages in perpetual upside-down logic, referring to Russians as “terrorists” and terrorists as “heroes.” This type of Goebbles-esque propaganda is the hallmark of Western imperialist projects; most recently in the conflict in Syria, in which the Syrian National Council, Western corporate media and the like refer to terrorism and subversion as “rebellion and freedom-fighting”. Additionally, it is essential to note that Emarat Kavkaz (Umarov’s terrorist organization translated as “Caucasus Emirate”) has been listed by the United Nations as an organization associated with Al-Qaida. Kavkaz Center has been described by Umarov himself as “the official information organ of the Emarat Kavkaz.” This, of course, supports the claims made repeatedly by Moscow of the connection between Chechen and other extremists in the region and Al Qaida, a claim which, until recently, Kavkaz Center continued to deny.

Despite the fact that organs such as Kavkaz Center operate in the service of terrorists who advocate the destruction of Russia, their activity alone is not altogether significant if seen in a vacuum. Rather, it is the association of these types of individuals and organizations with the US State Department and US intelligence that makes them particularly insidious. One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. As reported by Right Web at the Institute for Policy Studies, “The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a neoconservative organization that has worked closely with the U.S. government, receiving funds from the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. democratization initiatives.” This intimate relationship between the ACPC and the US State Department indicates not merely a confluence of interests, but rather a direct relationship wherein the former is an organ of the latter.

The paternalistic role of the US intelligence establishment in the ACPC is made all the more evident when one examines some of the more well known members of the ACPC including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, and Robert Kagan – the last two being closely associated with the inner circle of the Romney campaign. What becomes apparent in even a cursory analysis of these figures is that, despite the preponderance of neoconservatives, the top members of the ACPC are pulled from both the liberal and conservative establishments. Therefore, one can see how the ACPC represents a bipartisan consensus within the US imperialist ruling class – a consensus of aggression against Russia. What should be even more concerning to political observers is that, given the very real possibility of a Romney victory in November, Russia may see a surge in separatism and violence supported overtly or covertly by the ACPC and a future Romney administration.

The ACPC has taken the lead in championing the cause of separatism and terrorism directed toward Russia, both tacitly and overtly. After having championed the cause of former Chechen Foreign Minister Ilyas Akhmadov in his quest for asylum in the United States – subsequently granted along with a generous taxpayer-funded stipend – ACPC member Zbigniew Brzezinski went so far as to write the foreward to Akhmadov’s book The Chechen Struggle. The alliance between political figures such as Akhmadov and terrorist leaders in the region demonstrates conclusively the partnership between the various terror networks and the imperialist ruling class in the West. Moreover, it shows that, along with oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich, the US and UK are still the favorite safe havens for criminals fleeing Russian justice.

The Political Context

Although the attacks of this week are tragic, their real significance is political in nature. There has been a sustained destabilization campaign waged by the West, particularly the United States, and aimed at President Putin going back to last December and the beginning of the so-called protest movement. The attempt by the Western imperialists has been to isolate Putin, demonize him, and erode his support within the country in hopes of toppling his government, thereby removing the biggest obstacle they face in implementing their hegemonic agenda. However, despite the financial backing, political demagoguery and media inundation, the attempts have entirely failed.

Once it became clear that Vladimir Putin would be reelected to a third term, the US State Department began its campaign against him. Organized and implemented by US Ambassador Michael McFaul in Moscow, the protest movement led by figures such as Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov as well as US-funded NGOs such as GOLOS and the Moscow Helsinki Group, the movement essentially sought to instigate a “color revolution” in Russia using the same tactics that had been successful in Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere. However, it was soon quite obvious to political observers in Russia and around the world that this movement was nothing more than a superficial destabilization attempt that had no real traction among the Russian people.

Because of the failure of this manufactured protest movement, the tactics of subversion had to change. The imperialists had to incorporate new tactics that would either revive and grow the protest movement or inspire an international outcry. And so, we get the controversy surrounding the feminist punk band Pussy Riot. The Western media has attempted to hold up the band, which engaged in obscene and lewd acts inside a Russian church, as crusaders and martyrs for the cause of free speech. Naturally, this utterly transparent and vacuous attempt to whip up anti-Putin sentiment has, like the protest movement before it, sputtered and stalled. And so, as every covert attempt at subversion through the use of “soft power” has failed, the Western imperialists now activate their terror networks in the Caucasus to do by force what their intelligence networks failed to do by stealth: destabilize Russia.

The Geopolitical Calculus

The seemingly endless attempts to subvert the Putin government are cynically designed operations whose overarching goal is geopolitical in nature. To the US and its allies, partners, and clients, Putin represents a block that is difficult, if not impossible, to maneuver around. As demonstrated clearly in Syria, President Putin is able to successfully lead an opposition to the United States: an empire attempting to impose its hegemonic designs on the region. By using international law, the principle of national sovereignty, counter-propaganda, and countless other diplomatic weapons, Putin, along with his allies in China, has prevented the wider war that the US has tried to foment. Moreover, Putin has presented a major roadblock on the path to war with Iran, another mortal sin in the eyes of Western imperialist warmongers.

Putin’s “crimes” do not stop there. He has managed to successfully assert the right of national sovereignty over state resources, jailing or otherwise diminishing the power of the oligarchs who enriched themselves in the 1990s at the expense of the Russian people. He has successfully established the legitimacy of international institutions such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS that exist outside the dominance of the United States and have begun to emerge as a counter-weight to NATO and other similar arms of US imperialism. Putin has also led the economic resurgence of Russia and maintained its dominance in the energy market with pipelines, exploration, and myriad deals with multinational corporations.

The common thread that unites the above mentioned achievements of President Putin is an unwillingness to be subservient to the United States. Putin has become, in the eyes of the Western imperialist ruling class, the unruly little brother who must be taught a lesson by force. And so, innocent Russians must pay with their lives for the hubris of these imperialists. As has been clearly demonstrated in Syria, Iran, Pakistan and countless other places around the world, terrorism remains the favorite weapon in the arsenal of the ruling class in the West. The attacks in Ingushetia and Dagestan are merely the latest example of this. Surely, they will not be the last.

Other links of interest

Elements of US intelligence have also backed the Chechen jihadis:



Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?

By Daniel Hopsicker, 22 April 2013


Boston's Jihadist Past

Long before the marathon bombing, Islamists in Massachusetts were helping militants in Chechnya.

BY J.M. Berger, 22 April 2013


When Boston Marathon runners rounded the bend from Beacon Street last week, they were in the home stretch of the race. As they poured through the closed intersection, they ran past a nondescript address: 510 Commonwealth Avenue.

The location was once home to an international support network that raised funds and recruited fighters for a jihadist insurgency against Russian rule over Chechnya, a region and a conflict that few of the runners had likely ever given any serious thought.

Chechen Terrorist Networks Trace Back to the US State Department

By Brandon Turbeville


The CIA and Muslim terror-gangs: roots

A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West

By Ian Johnson


Al-Qaeda: From Serving Hitler to Serving the CIA

By John Loftus, former U.S. Deputy Attorney General, 7 January 2011


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I guess I'm about done with this. Sorry I hijacked your thread, Ron. I disagree with Don, and I disagree profoundly with Paul. For those interested in the truth (or creating a faux conspiracy), here's some photos of the shootout.


EDIT: That link seems dead. Try this one:


Edited by Stephen Roy
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I guess I'm about done with this. Sorry I hijacked your thread, Ron. I disagree with Don, and I disagree profoundly with Paul. For those interested in the truth (or creating a faux conspiracy), here's some photos of the shootout.



Not that it matters, but people who say that we never went to the moon, no plane hit the Pentagon Building on 9/11, and, last but not least, Oswald was standing on the front steps of the TSBD will convince themselves that these photos of the Boston Shootout are fake and will, unfortunately, convince many other gullible people that they have a corner on the truth market.


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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