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Bill Decker and John Tower

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Gary Wean, a US Navy vet of WWII and LAPD cop, wrote a book in the 1980s in which he recounted meeting Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker through actor and Medal of Honor recipient Audie Murphy. Decker told Wean that at one conversation over lunch "Decker told them that he knew Oswald had not fired the shots, and that a man in Dallas wanted to talk to somebody about it."

Murphy, Wean and another man then flew to Ruidoso, New Mexico where they met Decker and a man later identified as John Tower, who told them, "...Oswald was anything but a 'lone nut.' He was a U.S. intelligence agent acting under the direction of E. Howard Hut. Oswald had been recruited into military intelligence when he joined the Marines. His hanging out in an expensive Tokyo nightclub as a private , his learning Russian at the highly sensitive U2 base in Japan, his defection to the Soviet Union and other oddities were part of his intelligence career...Oswald was inducted into CIA covert activities and came under Hunt's direction....Oswald was going to participate in a fake assassination attempt on John Kennedy, and frame Castro for it. Oswald's apparent visit to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City was part of laying an elaborate trail to Cuba. Hunt believed that if Castro could be implicated in an assassination attempt on JFK, the American people could be riled up into supporting an outright invasion of Cuba. JFK Was not aware of the fake assassination plan, but high-ranking officials in the government and administration were. Military intelligence, the FBI and CIA were all involved...."


For more details see Wade Frazier's


While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?

Did Wean write the book and say that in the book The Fish In the Courthouse - 1987?

And why did they meet in Ruidoso, New Mexico? Did somebody live there?

There might not be much to this story, and it could be certifiable Disinformation, but then again, there might be something to it, especially if Tower did have documents and photos to back up his story.

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Apparently the book is still available at Amazon.com... http://www.amazon.com/Theres-Fish-Courthouse-Gary-Wean/dp/0962419419

...but it's a bit pricey for my budget. And apparently the JFK assassination "blockbuster" is merely a sidebar to the rest of the story.

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Gary Wean, a US Navy vet of WWII and LAPD cop, wrote a book in the 1980s in which he recounted meeting Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker through actor and Medal of Honor recipient Audie Murphy. Decker told Wean that at one conversation over lunch "Decker told them that he knew Oswald had not fired the shots, and that a man in Dallas wanted to talk to somebody about it."

Murphy, Wean and another man then flew to Ruidoso, New Mexico where they met Decker and a man later identified as John Tower, who told them, "...Oswald was anything but a 'lone nut.' He was a U.S. intelligence agent acting under the direction of E. Howard Hut. Oswald had been recruited into military intelligence when he joined the Marines. His hanging out in an expensive Tokyo nightclub as a private , his learning Russian at the highly sensitive U2 base in Japan, his defection to the Soviet Union and other oddities were part of his intelligence career...Oswald was inducted into CIA covert activities and came under Hunt's direction....Oswald was going to participate in a fake assassination attempt on John Kennedy, and frame Castro for it. Oswald's apparent visit to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City was part of laying an elaborate trail to Cuba. Hunt believed that if Castro could be implicated in an assassination attempt on JFK, the American people could be riled up into supporting an outright invasion of Cuba. JFK Was not aware of the fake assassination plan, but high-ranking officials in the government and administration were. Military intelligence, the FBI and CIA were all involved...."


For more details see Wade Frazier's


While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?

Did Wean write the book and say that in the book The Fish In the Courthouse - 1987?

And why did they meet in Ruidoso, New Mexico? Did somebody live there?

There might not be much to this story, and it could be certifiable Disinformation, but then again, there might be something to it, especially if Tower did have documents and photos to back up his story.

It's just as believable as the story the WC came up with.

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Ruidoso, New Mexico is a pretty remote ski and gambling resort that seems to have no significance other than that's where they met.

John Tower, originally a Democrat, ran against LBJ in 1960 and had political ambitions so he could have been selling JFK assassination information in the immediate aftermath.

I also found some more of Gary Wean's bigoted philosophy on line, but can't wade through it looking for this, but somebody might want to.

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I think the real shocker in this story would be the fact that according to Wean this meeting took place in December 1963 and at that time Tower identified Oswald as Hunt's operator. As far as I know Hunt wasn't on anyone's "radar" until much later. Of course, Hunt was a person of interest to Garrisson and the HSCA and he could have been added into the story at a later date by Wean. If the I.D. of Hunt stands then this is probably the earliest mention of him being involved that I'm aware of.

I haven't read deeper than the preface and the first few paragraphs yet, but the ID of E. Howard Hunt is what jumped out at me.

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My memory suggests that there was an earlier thread (several years ago) on this on EdForum. If I remember correctly, Audie Murphy's private investigation of the assassination was the thread subject.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it being posted here, but I have read about the Murphy-Tower meeting before.

Edited by David Andrews
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While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?


Here is a photo of Decker and Audie Murphy.


While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?


Here is a photo of Decker and Audie Murphy.


While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?


Here is a photo of Decker and Audie Murphy.


Hey! JR, so good to hear from you.

I guess that answers the question as to whether the knew each other.

From what I remember, Audie Murphy was introduced to Hollywood by Humphrey Bogart, and lived at his house while getting jobs doing the westerns at first, but then getting some more serious rolls, including playing himself in a movie based on his Medal of Honor exploits, and then doing an Oscar worthy performance for John Houston i the film adaption of the classic Civil War epic Red Badge of Courage.

It has also been pointed out to me that Audie Murphy was also part of the double feature of war movies (War is Hell?) playing at the Texas Theater where Oswald was arrested.

I know the Medal of Honor recipients were studied and tested by the military, and I suspect Murphy was one of the MKULTRA subjects, though that's only a suspicion and I haven't really looked into it.

Does anyone have Decker's biography or has anyone read it?


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My memory suggests that there was an earlier thread (several years ago) on this on EdForum. If I remember correctly, Audie Murphy's private investigation of the assassination was the thread subject.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it being posted here, but I have read about the Murphy-Tower meeting before.

It is mentioned that Gary L. Wean's unnamed partner was Frank Hronek - an LA DA investigator, which led me to some other articles, including this one, http://www.arkenterprises.com/cultrule.html

in which Wean and Hronek describe using a plumbing truck to secretly film meetings and that Audie Murphy was a Colonel in the Texas National Guard.

It also says that the two guys who really killed JFK were expert Hollywood stunt men and marksmen.

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My memory suggests that there was an earlier thread (several years ago) on this on EdForum. If I remember correctly, Audie Murphy's private investigation of the assassination was the thread subject.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it being posted here, but I have read about the Murphy-Tower meeting before.

It is mentioned that Gary L. Wean's unnamed partner was Frank Hronek - an LA DA investigator, which led me to some other articles, including this one, http://www.arkenterprises.com/cultrule.html

in which Wean and Hronek describe using a plumbing truck to secretly film meetings and that Audie Murphy was a Colonel in the Texas National Guard.

It also says that the two guys who really killed JFK were expert Hollywood stunt men and marksmen.

Yiminy! This Wean business seems far-fetched, especially with director Joe Mankiewicz factored in as a conspirator. However, Joe Mank did direct a soft-soaped version of Graham Greene's novel, The Quiet American, with Audie Murphy. Here's Wiki's take, just for one side of that story (I've seen the film, and it's unwatchable):

"In 1958 Mankiewicz directed The Quiet American, an adaptation of Graham Greene's 1955 novel about the seed of American military involvement in what would become the Vietnam War. Mankiewicz, under career pressure from the climate of anti-Communism and the Hollywood blacklist, distorted the message of Greene's book, changing major parts of the story to appeal to a nationalistic audience. A cautionary tale about America's blind support for 'anti-Communists' was turned into, according to Greene, a 'propaganda film for America'.[9]"

Wean's assertion that, in the recent past, loyal lapdog Jack Valenti was behind the TV smearing of LBJ as the assassination mastermind seems unsupportable. Wonder how Robert Morrow will take that.

Edited by David Andrews
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When I was still active in the leadership of Young Americans for Freedom in the early 1960s, I met with Senator Tower in his office in Washington at his request as a means of getting to know one another. He was most courteous to me.

His Administrative Assistant was Peter O'Donnell of Dallas who over the years has been linked to the CIA. O'Donnell was close to William F. Buckley of National Review and either he or his foundation donated money to a tax-exempt entity that was part of National Review to pay the salary of the acting Executive Director of YAF after I went into the Army in June 1961. Buckley, of course, was a CIA agent who reported to E. Howard Hunt in the CIA office in Mexico City that they shared after Buckley was graduated from Yale.

The New York Times article above recounts Tower's death in an airplane crash, an event that was shocking to the political world at the time.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Doesn't his Tower story tie in with Harry Dean's account of the JBS southern California/General Walker's connection to the assassination?

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