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BREAKING : Ford : "It wasn't a lone assassin. It was a plot"

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And here's one simple reason why this is not "old news". Nobody knew before today that Gerald Ford told anyone privately that he believed a conspiracy took place. By the way, your reason #3 makes no logical sense whatsover. Here's what you are arguing: "The former French President never told anyone about this therefore it's "old news." Could anyone here please explain to me how that statement makes sense? Finally did Gerald Ford go by the nickname "Lynda B." or "Curry"?

okay, because you don't understand something, don't tell me what I am saying..or arguing.

let me dumb it down and sterilize it for you so you can understand.

point one.

A number of its own members have stated since the late 60's early 70's that they thought the WCR wasn't conclusive in precluding a conspiracy..( or for you a PLOT ) as well as the SBT and other issues.

This also includes non WCR members such as Lyndon " Kiss me I'm Bribable" Johnson aka Lynda B and Jessie Curry, DPD Clown Car Driver.

This "special guest star" list of "officials" who didn't buy it is a long one.

point two.

because the french president aka cheese loving surrender man says Ford agreed with this, " Oswald didn't act alone/we fudged it/there was a plot" doesn't make it fresh. It's the same old cheesburger but this time Ford is the bacon.

Have they re-invented the hamburger because they added bacon? no.

point three

the "core" of this story is " IT WAS A PLOT".

this equals OLD NEWS. Everybody knows this.

The French Prime minister is awful late in volunteering this non news and because it's Ford, while that may be a novel element to the story, the core "IT WAS A SETUP" is still old news.

I know this is terribly exciting for you this third hand old NEWS ...here...I'll give you some news that isn't third hand:


here is another example...THE MOON IS NOT MADE OF CHEESE!!.

Just because it's Ford, doesn't make it new. Just because it's the first time you have heard of it, doesn't make it new.

Drinking and driving kills people every year...

If Rob Ford of Toronto (the crack smoking clown mayor ) comes out and says this, it is not new or "news".

we all know this already. it is made news because a crack smoking drunk driving mayor says it.

there is a thing called "context" and without it, you run the risk of living a sad and confused life.

or, like a dog, you get excited every time your owner comes home because while you recognise your owner, it is novel to you again.

everyone knows there was a "plot" to kill Kennedy beacuse he is dead...old news. Move on and prosper.

Something being plotis not the same as the fact that someone thinks it was a plot. The length of your explanation should give you a hint that you shouldn't have called this old news. We didn't know what Ford said. Period.


i will return to this response when I have trouble getting to sleep.


My grocer just told me there was a plot to kill Kennedy and he heard it from President Ford...or was it mayor Ford?

this is news!

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And here's one simple reason why this is not "old news". Nobody knew before today that Gerald Ford told anyone privately that he believed a conspiracy took place. By the way, your reason #3 makes no logical sense whatsover. Here's what you are arguing: "The former French President never told anyone about this therefore it's "old news." Could anyone here please explain to me how that statement makes sense? Finally did Gerald Ford go by the nickname "Lynda B." or "Curry"?

okay, because you don't understand something, don't tell me what I am saying..or arguing.

let me dumb it down and sterilize it for you so you can understand.

point one.

A number of its own members have stated since the late 60's early 70's that they thought the WCR wasn't conclusive in precluding a conspiracy..( or for you a PLOT ) as well as the SBT and other issues.

This also includes non WCR members such as Lyndon " Kiss me I'm Bribable" Johnson aka Lynda B and Jessie Curry, DPD Clown Car Driver.

This "special guest star" list of "officials" who didn't buy it is a long one.

point two.

because the french president aka cheese loving surrender man says Ford agreed with this, " Oswald didn't act alone/we fudged it/there was a plot" doesn't make it fresh. It's the same old cheesburger but this time Ford is the bacon.

Have they re-invented the hamburger because they added bacon? no.

point three

the "core" of this story is " IT WAS A PLOT".

this equals OLD NEWS. Everybody knows this.

The French Prime minister is awful late in volunteering this non news and because it's Ford, while that may be a novel element to the story, the core "IT WAS A SETUP" is still old news.

I know this is terribly exciting for you this third hand old NEWS ...here...I'll give you some news that isn't third hand:


here is another example...THE MOON IS NOT MADE OF CHEESE!!.

Just because it's Ford, doesn't make it new. Just because it's the first time you have heard of it, doesn't make it new.

Drinking and driving kills people every year...

If Rob Ford of Toronto (the crack smoking clown mayor ) comes out and says this, it is not new or "news".

we all know this already. it is made news because a crack smoking drunk driving mayor says it.

there is a thing called "context" and without it, you run the risk of living a sad and confused life.

or, like a dog, you get excited every time your owner comes home because while you recognise your owner, it is novel to you again.

everyone knows there was a "plot" to kill Kennedy beacuse he is dead...old news. Move on and prosper.

Something being plotis not the same as the fact that someone thinks it was a plot. The length of your explanation should give you a hint that you shouldn't have called this old news. We didn't know what Ford said. Period.


i will return to this response when I have trouble getting to sleep.


My grocer just told me there was a plot to kill Kennedy and he heard it from President Ford...or was it mayor Ford?

this is news!

Hey Blair, when did you first hear that Ford agreed that it was a conspiracy?

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Hey Blair, when did you first hear that Ford agreed that it was a conspiracy?

I don't need to hear it from Ford, a dead president of little to no worth via a French Former Prime Minister...

Ford being on the Warren Ommissionz is almost as pointless in this discussion...

I'll dumb it down one more time and that will be the last of it because this is boring.

CONTENT: "it was a plot!" or "there was a conspiracy!"

DELIVERY METHOD: French Prime minister says....Lyndon B Johnson says ....hundreds of people in politics, the intelligence etc community say....

INTENT: someone of value says CONTENT on 50th anniversary to get press time...

so, some french guy, says some dead guy told him YEARS AGO that CONTENT..aka IT WAS A PLOT.

#1 I say hogwash. prove it.

#2 Who cares? this would be a totally different thing if it was " RECENTLY UNCOVERED DOCUMENTS FROM LBJ/DULLES FILES PROVE IT WAS A PLOT!! HERE ARE THE DOCS!"

#3 so its "i knew this guy who said this" just like "my sister has a friend that knows this guy who...." it's hearsay and of little worth.

we all know there was a plot. how does a French guy you never heard of until you clicked this link make this new? because Ford supposedly said it?

furthermore, did you even read the article? are you fluent in french?

i first heard about the plot to kill Kennedy years ago..and now yesterday again from some french nobody quoting a dead president of little worth.

if my explanation is beyond your grasp you have issues beyond my abilities to correct.

thanks to the original poster...i'm not slamming your post or you for posting it...my glib retort however has rustled the children into a state.

Ford maybe said it ,therefore it's news..so what. move on.

moreover, prove Ford said it.

Edited by Blair Dobson
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so old news, from an old source, on the 50th anniversary, quoting a dumbass like Ford...

this would have been interesting news 30 years ago.

If a revelation is new, it's not old news. If we had known that the former French President had previously said that Ford believed in conspiracy this would be old news. Can you explain why you said it's "old news"?

i agree, Andric - that it was a "plot" isn't the news, but another admission by Gerald Ford, even a hearsay from another national president, IS news, as far as I know. Other than his allusion to the edits of the WR, this is yet another to add to the thousand shards of evidence.

Lest many forget (they do), overwhelming circumstantial evidence is usually more reliable than eye-witness evidence.

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