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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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News of day: Politician Novorossiisobytiya Novorossiya
Liberation of Mariupol began, the Ukrainian army recedes


Liberation of Mariupol began. The Ukrainian army recedes. About it on the page Rustam Temirgaliyev, the ex-Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea wrote to Facebook.

"We free the Russian city of Mariupol. To the Crimea 280 kilometers" — were added by Temirgaliyev.

The same fact is established forcedly by Yury Bereza, the commander the shelf "Dnieper-1" which is based in Mariupol.

The war correspondent of "KP" Dmitry Steshin commented on a situation:

"The left coast of Mariupol now on fire. Tell "Azov" from the city I got to somewhere, probably recede. Panic. The second direction of blow was defined".

Meanwhile rebels of the Donetsk National Republic disproved information of security officers on attacks of Mariupol by artillery of DNR.

Earlier on Saturday the press center of special operation of the Ukrainian security officers declared attack of east suburb of Mariupol by rebels. Thus the head of department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Donetsk region Vyacheslav Abroskin declared that at attack at least ten people allegedly were lost.

"Militia forces near Mariupol have no artillery systems which could fire at the specified area. From our positions to the specified place it is too far (for arms of rebels)" — the representative of a staff of a militia of DNR reported.

"According to our information, it was fired from the area "Old Crimea". There are Ukrainian security officers. According to that information which we now have, we can make the assumption that it is provocation of the Ukrainian security officers" — the representative of a staff added.

Approach of a militia, to the Crimea 280 km

Mariupol – the weakest link of the Ukrainian defense, and the shortest road to the Crimea. Latest news of approach of rebels.

Mariupol was called as one of the most probable directions of approach of rebels for a long time. This not only weakest link of the Ukrainian defense on a saturation troops and reinforcement of positions, but also the shortest road to administrative border with the Crimea. The former Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Rustam Temirgaliyev made record on the page on "Facebook" which excited minds of many. "We free the Russian city of Mariupol. To the Crimea 280 km". In this short phrase all sense of the events is concluded. If Mariupol falls, the road to Berdyansk – the only large settlement which is under control of VSU on the bank of the Sea of Azov and an exit to the route Melitopol-Jankoi opens. And to Melitopol, it is possible and not to come – there are fine detours. Large fortification constructions on this direction and the strengthened areas aren't observed if of course they weren't built in the mode of deep privacy. The huge role will be played by a capture of Mariupol. The large industrial center, with almost semi-million population and antimaydanovsky moods, considerably will strengthen DNR positions. The huge ideological blow will receive Kiev in this situation, and Poroshenko can not remain sitting in the chair.

In the last days as if in confirmation of this option of succession of events military operations round Mariupol sharply became more active. The militia smooths out a glade before the city. Grape, Kalinovka and Talakovka where military operations actually are conducted adjoin Ordzhonikidzevsky district of the city. Rebels strike artillery attacks to strong points of VSU which gradually depart in city line. Today security officers decided to use this situation to accuse rebels and to provoke to them negative attitude of local population. Residential quarters of the city and the market where according to statements of the Ukrainian party 10 peace citizens were lost were fired. The militia denies the participation in attack, having explained that attack was conducted with the party of N of the item. The old Crimea which is controlled by security officers. Now OSCE deals with this issue.

There are messages on withdrawal from the city of separate divisions of VSU, including the battalion "Azov", but in Kiev this fact isn't confirmed. So it or not - will show time, but anyway to rebels not to have hopes for an easy victory. Most likely, it is long operation on gradual expression of the opponent from the city if for this purpose there are necessary forces, means and conditions. Though it is possible to count and on a panic among chasteners who won't want to die in an environment and will use still open corridor to Berdyansk.

Liberation of Mariupol is very optimistical option of succession of events, with far-reaching consequences.




On materials of Internet mass-media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


The deputy minister of defense of DNR Eduard Basurin declared to "Interfax": "Attack of residential quarters of Mariupol — provocation of the Ukrainian security officers. DNR army didn't open fire of artillery in this party today in general".

And though in a staff of ATO prove that rebels began attack of the city, inhabitants say that shells began to arrive from the Ukrainian party. The same statement arrived from the Ministry of Defence of the Donetsk National Republic. The First Deputy Minister of Defence Eduard Basurin officially declared that the blow to Mariupol was struck from the settlement the Old Crimea where the Ukrainian parts are deployed.

Also to them it was told that DNR army didn't fire towards Mariupol in general. According to the statement of the representative of a staff of DNR, force of a militia hold the fort at Novoazovsk in 40 kilometers from Mariupol and there don't carry out any attacks.

In Mariupol the panic is created really. Data on victims and the dead differ on all mass media. Under control Donetsk YEAH reports to the Ukrainian authorities about 20 injured attacks. According to information from doctors, residents of Mariupol were traumatized different severity, there are very heavy. As reports a press - service of the Mariupol City Council, in the residential district "East" 16 civilians were lost, and 83 more got wounds of different severity.

Meanwhile, it is reported that Yatsenyuk collects special session across Mariupol, Poroshenko so far in Saudi Arabia where will hold operational meeting with heads of law-enforcement and power structures. According to information from the insider, the head of SBNO and the government will resolve an issue of the announcement of the martial law.


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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If Moscow doesn't manage to incline Poroshenko to the real world with federalization and an autonomy of Donbass (and even more if it will be discharged of the power or will force to make aggression against Donbass), the scenario of defeat of the Kiev junta is in general clear.

The first. Current creeping approach of DNR and LNR will imperceptibly turn in large-scale and lightning. There will be it after a reinforcement holiday-makers which really is now carried out. In a short space of time Novorossiya's army will break through defense of chasteners who so included already all the reserves, and strengthening due to mobilization will manage to receive hardly, and will create some coppers.

From where leaves there will be only one — in captivity and on buildings. Taking into account today's statement of Zakharchenko that the militia will move to area borders. That will automatically give an impetus to resistance to junta in the next areas.

The second. At the same time Moscow will declare the requirement to Kiev to repay to 3 billion debt because of non-performance of conditions that will automatically lead to a default of the Ukrainian economy and full financial destabilization.

Not without reason the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Lagarde constantly tries to convince Putin it not to do. For an efficiency dense forest Russia can chop off to Ukraine delivery of the electric power and coal when threat of blockade of the Crimea is removed thanks to creation of an overland corridor.

After an economic collapse the political will follow — all destructive processes sharply become more active: clans and bandit groups will enter open opposition. Kiev will lose uniform control over territories, process of disorder of Ukraine which was noticed even by Kravchuk, will accept the accelerated and irreversible character.

The third. It will be promoted by activization of forces of resistance in Kharkov, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Nikolaev and some other cities of Big Novorossiya. Or perhaps and Malorosssi. Direct destruction of chasteners and occupation of power departments and administrations will begin guerrilla or even.

That Avakov and Turchynov the day before came to Kharkov for the sake of prevention of such scenario, as well as strengthening of posts in Kiev, and carrying out mobilization — all this won't help. Judging by the last guerrilla sorties in Odessa and Zaporozhye, resistance is created and is ready to active large-scale actions.

In parallel Moscow will announce key decisions in the financial and geopolitical sphere which or will strike on a world oligarkhat, or will force it to be frightened and to stiffen waiting. It can be anything, up to refusal to sell the resources for dollar.

However, most likely such step will be left finally, Russia in a stock has many other trumps. Also those from them which are sufficient for Big Novorossiya's formation will be applied. The main task — to crush junta and at disintegration of Ukraine to protect Donbass.

Thus Russia shouldn't enter troops or even peacekeeping forces of the CSTO, working it is exclusive by efforts a military group under the auspices of Novorossiya's army. Moreover, at the first stage of overthrow of junta territories of Ukraine and Kiev will leave other on an arbitrariness of nazis and criminal clans, having limited to protection of Donbass and Big Novorossiya's formation.

Then depending on behavior of Washington, Germany and the population occupied by Banderovites of territories different options are possible.

P.S. It, certainly, only one of possible scenarios. But it is more increasing looks real taking into account the latest events.

Eduard Birov

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The Ukrainian army strikes new blows. In settlements people perish, buildings fall. Morning of Sunday, January 25, in Donetsk began with artillery volleys. According to DNR, shells fall in Kuibyshev and Kirovsk districts of the city. One of them got to the Sacred and Blagoveshchensk temple. In the building of Sunday school and the next structures glasses are broken.

Similar situation in the satellite town of Donetsk — Makeyevka. In the settlement Guards houses are destroyed, there are wounded. About exact number of the victims of information isn't present so far. In Gorlovka five civilians the day before were lost, not less than seven got wounds. The essential damage is caused to the city. High-voltage lines are damaged, filtering stations are disconnected, gas supply is broken, there is no light and water.

In a few minutes after it became known of an artillery attack across Mariupol, to the place of events there arrived the film crew of news service. The correspondent, without expecting that, I received the video certificate of that in the ranks of the Ukrainian armed forces foreign mercenaries are at war. One of them obviously didn't want that in a shot there was his face.

On Saturday, January 24, under fire of artillery in Mariupol, at least, 30 people were lost. More than hundred got wounds of varying severity. According to OSCE, about 19 rocket attacks were around the city made. Character of the funnels left shells says that around the city beat from jet systems of volley fire "Hail" and "Hurricane". Kiev accuses of attack of rebels. Prestaviteli DNR call it provocation and declare that in that area they have no artillery systems, transfers the Russia 24 channel.


The message from a militia.

"The militia began Sanzharovki's storm. At 16:50 the of Donetsk, the Petrovsky district, as a result of attack by ukrofashist is the dead and wounded. / Mortar attack in the district of the old terminal. The Petrovka direction - Maryinka (is closer to Maryinka) gains intensity fight. Gorlovka, now very powerful arrivals around the city, VSU continues to iron the city, hits of shells of VSU to the sports ground of school No. 4 and and to the prosecutor's office yard are recorded. At 15:45 fascists struck blow from RSZO the Hurricane to the center of Gorlovka, there are destructions and the victims. After attacks of VSU in Gorlovka kommunitsktion were disconnected, there is no heating, on the Komsomol member temperature in apartments and houses +3 degrees. Old men and children freeze! around Popasny around 15:30 (on Moscow time) there was an artillery duel between artillery of VSU and VSN. The militia conducts successful approach in the Debaltsevsky direction Oleg Skobtsev reports about a capture Popasna."

18:23. The message from a militia.

"At Volnovakhi now nazis conduct massive shelling of Dokuchayevsk with positions. At the same time some volleys of barreled batteries and RSZO. Near Elenovka fight around 18:13 was started. Petrovka also under cruel attack. Our divisions reflect counterattacks on Noise and Artemovo. VSU hit on our divisions into Kayutino from SAU. Now fights near Debaltsevo and Uglegorsk proceed. In the Red Plowman cleaning, collisions in Mironovskom, Mironovke and New Lugansk. We try to suppress artillery of VSU in Nizhnelozovom. There is a cleaning to Lozovom and Sanzharovke! Also there is very good news. We conduct attack by Popasna. That that it ours is hurried to declare, but that that it will be exact soon. From positions at Volnovakhi VSU struck a massive artillery attack to N of the item Dokuchayevsk. Some volleys of barreled batteries of artillery and RSZO were made at the same time. the increase in concentration of VSU group around N of the item of Elenovk is observed. In N of the item. Sand proceed clashes. Maryinka since evening has a serious fight. Across Gorlovka ukra do volleys of RSZO of large caliber."

18:55. The message from a militia.

"Bakhmutka — is smoothed out. Crimean — so far under VSU forces. Height — deserts, VSU departed to Crimean. Information from Raygorodki's inhabitants arrived that the militia surrounds their village. VSU began to be dug round. If in Raygorodke, everything passes successfully, and the success will be. Because there are 16-year-old boys, we and to Trekhizbenk will surround. Old Aydar's shellings proceed. From Happiness and the Village of VSU fire across Lugansk. In Happiness the city remained without heat. Because of attacks. Across Bakhmutka forces of a militia go to Debaltsevo's copper. In Debaltsevo a difficult situation, VSU got to a good copper. VSN fire with 3kh the directions. Fights for Popasnoye proceed. In Stakhanov VSU fired at hospital.


"In the northwest of Donetsk there is heavy fighting — cleaning from invaders of the settlement began forces of DNR army. Thin. In Donetsk attacks in the Kuibyshev district became more active, also the m-rn Nitric is fired, the man is wounded hard, some houses are damaged.

Attack is made with RSZO "Hail". From 12:40 the artillery of a militia started giving a massive otvetka on chasteners. On a site between N of the item Spartak and Skilled there are explosions, there is a powerful art duel, is reported about ignitions on junta positions. Gorlovka: again attacks proceed. 3 civilians were lost. 8 more are seriously injured. Makeyevka again underwent today a shelling. Shells landed to Krasnogvardeisky district of Makeyevka, to the residential quarter, there are wounded civilians. From outside Sand, VSU covers with artillery Donetsk. In Nova Avdeevke, VSU continue to fight back VS DNR and terrorize Locals. Fights around Dolomitny and Noise are expected. In Gorlovka the Kiev security officers destroyed by bombing a bakery."

"Gorlovka after today's attack. Numerous hits of SRZO the Hurricane on all city, policlinic without glasses. In Gorlovka there is no heating and water, people freeze, temperature in apartments fell to +8 degrees."

The message from the rebel Alexander Zhuchkovsky.

"Concerning" aircraft of LNR" about which bezaktivnost Kassad wrote today. Recently specially I inquired at the person who directly was engaged in this aircraft and it is taken at the staff pilots (the Petersburg volunteer of "Kiba" from GBR "Batman").

Last year the management of LNR had a restoration of the available cars not in a priority, reached before that children independently repaired cars, and "Kiba" asked me to help with delivery of some expensive details (at me then it didn't turn out as all means left on regimentals).

Available now the helicopters Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-24 and the planes An-2, Yak-18, Yak-52, two L-29 and the well-known "wrung-out" Su-25.

Almost all cars are given to a working condition, somewhere there are no details and knots, expect alteration in fighting (installations of NURS blocks and systems of targeting).

As a result of persistent requests of rebels and successful last year's starts of Mi-2, in January in a case staff seemingly seriously attended to a subject, but concrete terms aren't put. I think that at desire command could make this question priority and quickly press through delivery of details from the Russian Federation (and fighting systems in the area of "voyentorg").

Eventually besides the military purposes the same helicopters could be used in the humanitarian purposes (where there is no serious risk a podbitiya the opponent), for the emergency hospitalization of wounded, for example."

The message from a militia.

"VSU subjected to attack of N of the item of Telmanovo. Attack was conducted with the direction Granite. Almost all shells laid down is subcentral the settlement. There was a hit in the gas pipeline. On Gagarin St. in one of sheds there was a direct hit owing to what it is razed to the ground. Also Chkalov St. was damaged, the shell got into the middle of the street. Still the shell fell on the road between Administration and the house of creativity, another near garage of the private house therefore the school No. 1 suffered from a blast wave (from school at most of meters hundred to a funnel). In educational institution povyletat all glasses on the first floor, and on the second and third splinters beat glasses. Still fell near Recreation center near the private house, the house strongly was damaged. Fortunately, did without victims. The settlement was disconnected, but at the moment already there is a heating and light".

The message from the rebel with a call sign "Fomich".

"The militia conducts successful approach in the Debaltsevsky direction. Round Lugansk now there are fights. Yesterday armed forces of Ukraine released the positions at the height of 175,9 m where they long time were based, and receded towards Crimean. On Bakhumatk Route goes successful approach. We help to take the VSU debalsky group in a ring. In general everything passes successfully. The Ukrainian army, in turn, tries to fire at Lugansk from heavy arms from Happiness, the Village Lugansk, doing an otvetka on our approaches. We in reply suppress their artillery. Destructions and the victims in Lugansk aren't present. The militia of Donbass tries to take in an environment large group of the Ukrainian security officers round the city of Debaltsevo in the east of Donetsk and to cut off them communication with other territory under control to security officers, fights go on all perimeter."

The message from intelligence service of DNR.

"Attention, plan "INTERCEPTION"! Donetsk: Mortar gaps around bus station-adminposyolka. Two groups of saboteurs conduct attack allegedly from regions of 1,2 Platforms, Oktyabrskaya Highway. There is a capture, to inhabitants not to take to the streets, terrorists are armed."

The message from a militia.

"Fights proceed in the Red Plowman still, the opponent pulled reserves. In Mironovsky, New Lugansk and Mironovke. Now our fighters well became stronger in Dolomitnom and Travnevom. From there our SAU conducted attack of the opponent, but the opponent conducts attack in reply. Lozovoye-we carry out cleaning, attack was successful. Attack by our forces of Mayorsk very much upset the opponent, he fires at the city, from there we conduct approach to Magdalinovka (there are fights). Were well fixed in Noise and Artemovo, fights in Noise ended, and suppressed artillery. VSU try to counterattack around a copper bottom, but still unsuccessfully! At 14:33 VSN conduct backfire on positions of ukro-terrorists for the item aside. Sand. In Gorlovka serious problems with communications: there is no gas, heating and water."

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Yesterday, when I brought a fighting leaf in a medical medical unit, one of wounded fighters told me such story: "Today during fight near Avdeevkaya our fighters came to VSU post. There, behind concrete blocks, there were two tanks. Our fighters fired at these tanks from RPG, didn't punch, once again – the same result."

It didn't surprise our fighters. Their another surprised. Tanks stood "silently" and didn't shoot back. It was very strange. Rebels bypassed them "on an arch", having left a zone of defeat of their tools, and approached almost end-to-end. After fluent survey it was found out that under podsunuta skating rinks anti-tank mines. And it is made in such a way that the tank should move a little, and mines will detonate. Besides, hatches "are taken" by three welding points".

It is natural that our children didn't begin to finish tankmen. Fascists among us aren't present. Why they were immured so, they couldn't explain though and it is so clear to me. They filled up army of the captured military personnel.

Here that fact is indicative, how exactly the junta concerns to the military personnel, considering as their expendable material.

The farmer working at agricultural enterprise (the farmer, but not the simple owner holding cattle for himself) grows up a calf, then conducts it on slaughter, apart from its similar and doesn't test emotions concerning its killing. And here these soldiers for Banderovites — it is cattle which it is necessary to destroy to prolong the existence. Whether it is fascism in pure form?

And it not the first case when chasteners solder the soldiers, or throw them on slaughter. For example, this video:

On it the Ukrainian tankmen declare that to them was allowed to take out the order of wounded. We will leave that behind brackets, they knew or not that go to attack, but an essence that command of junta sent tanks without cover of infantry to attack to the city, and it is absolute death. Experience of the first Chechen campaign showed that from the tank without infantry in the city to use isn't present.


If then it was possible, though with a tightness, to call a mistake, the miscalculation of command, now everything clearly is was purposely.

The guide of the Ukrainian chasteners against a failure of attack to the airport, needed the picture for mass media that their tanks entered Donetsk. And that, these tankmen of chances to survive practically don't have that, so it excites nobody.

To be fair it is necessary to tell that fascists - all management of VSU isn't universal. There are certain commanders who properly treat simple people. Around one of our posts between ours and division of VSU, on a neutral strip, there is a lodge, with the given roof in which there lives an old woman (such too it happens).

At the level of local command our commander and the commander of VSU agreed about helping the grandmother. And national team: two from us, two from them corrected the given roof. Later these arrangements helped to perform joint operation on catching of marauders.

Such here arrangements don't allow to be undeceived finally in people and give hope for our victory.

Author: chekist_sv


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Politician Novorossiiobshchestvo Novorossiya
In Odessa heroes of so-called ATO are buried as surgical waste
Today, 03:22 | Category: Policy, Society
Viewings: 1512

In the Network there were photos of a military cemetery near Odessa where bury died of wounds in hospitals of the city of the chasteners brought from a zone of so-called ATO.

With remains of the defenders the mode manages as with garbage which is simply obscenely powdered with the earth. As appears from a photo, on fresh anonymous graves there are even no crosses on which the mode doesn't consider it necessary or isn't able to afford to be spent. Graves are designated by the plates which are simply laid on hillocks with number and an inscription "Surgical waste".


"Losses of VSU in Donbass gained catastrophic character, to hide which it becomes more difficult, and cemeteries and field crematoriums don't cope with utilization of remains of the lost Banderovites any more. Not so long ago Ukrainian management already discussed a question of opening of a new military cemetery with a capacity of 250 thousand burials", - it is told in the message which accompanies a photo.

We will remind, it sooshchatsya earlier repeatedly about uses by the Ukrainian party of bodies of the killed and seriously wounded of chasteners, and also victims among civilians of occupied territories in interests of "black transplantology" when the withdrawn bodies are sent for sale to rich clients in the European Union countries.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


It was more sick on May 2, after Odessa. Because it was difficult to believe earlier that such perhaps presently, it is possible in Ukraine.
Yes, then ATO already began, there were already first victims. But to burn 48 people, to remove this process, to rejoice in social networks, and then to accuse of everything the burned down … It changed our understanding about the events in Ukraine. We suspected that there everything is bad, but to Odessa couldn't believe that it was bad quite so.
It was sick and when shot administration of Lugansk. After Odessa already not so struck; but in Odessa the ultras, fighters, morons arranged punishment, and to Lugansk administration the blow was struck by the military pilot. Before it seemed that the Ukrainian military on such aren't capable.
It was sick when fired at Slavyansk. But it was already dull and long ache which gradually became habitual …
Painfully was to look how shoot Donetsk. But after Slavyansk it wasn't something new any more. The same stupid, becoming everything is more habitual, pain. And the hope that it will end soon. That there will be an approach. That there is no place to recede already …
And disappointment from Minsk. As stab in the back. Even not in a back – on a nape. Deafening blow and feeling of helplessness. Understanding that here already to change nothing. If to Minsk it was possible to help, go, rise something in ranks, after Minsk the feeling of the connected hands was added to pain habitual already. That now will beat not simply, and to strike bound hand and foot, without possibility of the answer.
And each statement of the Kremlin – as the next hank of a rope. But gradually and it became habitual. Because the hope to get out was on the first round, on the second, it is a little on the third, and on the tenth became already all the same. Ten or eleven hanks of a rope – what difference?
Also and the account the killed during a truce – at first three hundred, then five hundred... the difference, of course, is, but only for relatives of the dead. And from here, from far away, three hundred or five hundred – what difference? Losses turned into some daily figures, became simple statistics far and as if the inevitable victims of war.
The bus under Volnovakhoy touched already absolutely slightly.
It is a pity? Yes. Painfully? The devil knows … Too habitually began to look at the bent iron and the destroyed houses already. Even corpses – and those became some habitual. Ten more people are much? Yes. But we add them to three former thousands – and it turns out very little …
And here – Mariupol.
Here already there were victims – last year, in May, among the first victims of ATO. Today it is more than them, than then. Twenty. Or even twenty nine. It is a lot of. For once – much. It is a pity for the dead? Certainly. And wounded too. But along with it is already somehow habitually. But what to do? To stop all this? Yes, there is a wish to stop. But there is a wish – to finish even more.
Because the stop – a temporary phenomenon, after it everything again will proceed, again there will be attacks, there will be a dull ache more and more habitual. The feeling of habitualness to what properly it is impossible to get used is disgusting …
Mariupol. Attack. Dead. Painfully. Of course, painfully.
But already not so. And in it the biggest horror.

Alexander Rusin
Central news agency of Novorossiya

"Associated Press" accuses Ukraine, and the hypocritical West is silent

As transfers one of the Ukrainian mass media, the rebels who were taking and smoothing out the Donetsk airport declared that they found in the new terminal strange telephone cards and such communication devices which aren't used in the territory of all Ukraine.

The representative of the leaders of the Donetsk National Republic (ukrosm doesn't report his name) declared: "On positions where there were Ukrainian security officers, in the terminal of the airport (Donetsk) we found not Russified radio stations. Handheld transceivers of this kind aren't applied neither in troops, nor in any other directions in the territory of Ukraine, the similar equipment simply isn't present here".

Besides, sim cards of the unknown country were found. With whom on them "cyborgs" could communicate, it is represented obscure. This circumstance involuntarily suggests an idea that the found devices, most likely, belong not to the Ukrainian guys sent to death by the Kiev junta, and to foreign bandits.

"As well as radio stations, such sim cards in the territory of Ukraine aren't present. It also allowed us to assume that, most likely, foreign mercenaries used them" — the representative of DNR specified.

Earlier it was already reported that in the territory of the new terminal rebels found the weapon (in particular, the American rifles M-16) and a form, admitted on arms to NATO.

Alexey "Monomakh"
Central news agency of Novorossiya

In the northwest of Donetsk there is heavy fighting — cleaning from invaders of the settlement began forces of DNR army. Thin.

Locals tell about atrocities of chasteners before withdrawal — not only that almost the driven tanks and SAU which conduct heavy fire, so Ukrainian military and mercenaries are in each yard, feeling the disgraceful end, arranged general marauding, robbery and arsons of houses of the remained inhabitants Thin and Water.

Doors and windows are beaten out, the heavy machinery takes down gates and residential buildings, from houses everything is taken out without remainder then dwellings and hozpostroyka are set fire with the purpose to hide a robbery.

At locals who now hide in cellars or try to run from a zone of active military operations, chasteners take away the last, by miracle remained, things of prime necessity, the car and even food.

In the settlement. Water — the picture is identical, suburbs of the settlement are taken under control by DNR army.

Difficult situation in old part of the city of Avdeevka — at night and in the morning there were intensive street fights. In so-called Nova Avdeevke chasteners show fierce resistance, hold the positions and terrorize peace citizens.

The armed provocation arranged at night with chasteners and mercenaries on Karlovka was quickly stopped by a militia which returned fire.

On the southwest direction chasteners near Krasnogorovkaya got to an environment after all night long fired at the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. Some parts of invaders depart towards Kurakhovo where earlier equipped spare defensive boundaries.

It is obvious that the front line started moving and at once in several settlements of Donbass the occupational mode of the Ukrainian power fell. Process of its falling happens slowly, gradually and at fierce resistance of the chasteners who are constantly using local defenseless inhabitants as hostages.

Inability of invaders to observe points of a truce and continuous diversions, massacre of peace citizens of Donbass and the armed provocations which were arranged on the line of opposition, led to that all not military arguments were settled.

Sometimes language of force is only clear and in it it is necessary to talk when the Ukrainian power and its mercenaries pretend to be blind, mute and deaf.

War correspondent of "the Russian Spring" Steppe

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The press center of the 1st Cossack regiment of Platov reports about great success at Debaltsevo at the front:

"Forces of the 1st Cossack regiment of Platov and partially by forces of tank battalion LNR took the dominating heights near to Debaltsevo. Assault groups of the Cossack regiment took under control Sanzharovka and a section of the route Mironovsky — Debaltsevo, than blocked transfer of additional forces of "ATO" in Debaltsevo.

There are fights for the dominating heights near the settlement Mironovsky which will allow to take Mr. Debaltsevo in a ring.

On the course of advance of our regiment invaders sustain enormous losses.

At behavior of approach of 30% of staff of forces of "ATO" ran away.

All attempts of forces of "ATO" to direct bronekolonna to the aid of the weren't crowned with success, all those were destroyed. It is revenge of Cossacks for destructions in Stakhanov".

Evening report of the deputy minister of defense of DNR Eudard Basurin.

The deputy minister of defense of DNR told about a fighting situation for the last days. Divisions of a militia of DNR in the last days continued to reflect attacks of invaders and destroyed to 20 soldiers of the opponent on several directions. Six more fighters of VSU gave up in captivity. Among rebels in days seven people are killed in clashes, 24 persons are wounded, Eduard Basurin in Donetsk reported, disclosing the fighting report.

After yesterday's attacks of VSU of residential quarters of Mariupol which led to the numerous victims among civilians, offensive actions of VSU on the Donetsk direction were suspended — Eduard Basurin told. — VSU carry out a regrouping of the forces, tighten reserves and conduct the disturbing attack of positions of a militia of DNR.

On all front line activization of the Ukrainian diversionary and prospecting groups conducting investigation of fighting orders of forces of DNR for the subsequent drawing blows is noted.

In days in DNR 30 attacks of the Ukrainian artillery are recorded. In Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk as a result of attacks three civilians suffered.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR, the most difficult situation developed on January 25 on the debaltsevsky direction where during the day VSU a massive gun-fire tried to break through the line of defense and to force out divisions of DNR from Gorlovka and Novoorlovki. Rebels managed to beat off all attacks".


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


26.01.15. 02:04. The message from Self-defense of Gorlovka.

"Report that to Popasnoy there are street tank actions. Opolchnets entered the city, chasteners shoot artillery at all city. Across Gorlovka ukra beat Hurricanes. Tsgr, 245, Korolenko on fire... all hide from windows far away and embrace the native."

From residents of Mariupol.

"In Mariupol from all bridges suddenly removed all protection... Most likely just about there will be a provocation and ukra again will write off the villainy for DNR."

26.01.15. 01:30. The message from a militia.

"Day passed in Nikishino rather silently. From time to time near the settlement there was an artillery duel".

Comment of the military observer: "The message on a capture Popasny came. The message still finally isn't confirmed, however the probability of it is quite great. Kiev didn't expect offensive actions at all in this area as it was "held" by very poor forces of a militia which was hardly enough for defense.

Therefore the area Popasnaya - Troitsk became a joint between two strengthened areas where the unexpected blow of a militia was struck. The tanks entered into the outlined break in very large number, apparently, became still bigger surprise. Similar breaks strictly on science are stopped by blow to the flank, but exactly here on such blow of forces at Kiev isn't present. Shooters already I told that according to information which is available for it the Kiev command throws for a break zatykaniye operational reserves from other directions, the benefit of distance are small. However, so far the zatykaniye is reduced to front encounter attacks that effect doesn't bring.

In such conditions information on a capture Popasna is quite plausible: to command of VSU now not to it, it has a problem with the outlined break to the road Artemovsk-Debaltsevo. However loss by Popasna, as large defensive knot, too not great though bears the postponed threat: it means that the militia managed to break through, at last, for a week of fights the first line of defense of VSU and to create a gap. Thus to stop up it right now there is nothing - it is necessary to liquidate more pressing problem of a zakhlopyvaniye of the Debaltsevsky copper.

There comes crisis in battle. From both parties the extremely insufficient forces, very small space for maneuver therefore now any successful or on the contrary, the unsuccessful decision for any party becomes decisive."

25.01.15. 23:50. The message from a militia of Gorlovka.

"There is an intensive fight with application of artillery from both parties in the direction of Nikitovk - Mayorsk. The city still shudders from loud sounds, the Staff doesn't ring off. Golma, Bayrak, Rumyantseva - to you to be extremely careful, in your party arrivals. Loudly around a quarter, we sit in cellars. Volleys from the northeast. Falls on TsGR. All to be alert. It is all from the North flies. It is visible flashes. Falls on us. you keep, will stop soon. Ours press them. colleagues report that to Dokuchayevsk just overtook the trophy ukropsky tank, a novya, even a trunk not shot, we will gather trophies and here! Destroyed at nazis camp with equipment to the North from Krasnogorovki and a post near the item of Lastochkino today. At 21:50 firing positions of the opponent near Artemovsk are destroyed."

The message from the local.

"Just I talked to the woman which has relatives in Maryinke. Today it called up to them and they already told how saw three cars of crematoriums in which burned having stolen, some just like that (or perhaps the remains burned) raked up in holes".

25.01.15. The message from Alexander Zakharchenko.

"The Ukrainian military mined about 30 percent of arable fields in the Donetsk National Republic. The main problem that VSU have no full map of minefields even. Mines were placed without any reporting and coordination actions practically by all divisions of the Ukrainian security officers.
There were even cases of blasting the Ukrainian military personnel on own extensions. At the end of December on such extension in Sand the chief of investigation and the commander of a platoon of investigation of one of crews were blown up. It is necessary to work with an old antiquated method - we will be engineer probe each field to clear of mines".

From journalists: "In the south of DNR armed forces of Ukraine mined a site of the coastline of the Sea of Azov. The speaker of "ATO" Leonid Matiukhin told about it: "Sappers of engineering troops of VSU as a part of two mobile groups of an obstacle established tens antilanding mines along a site of the coast." Sappers of the Donetsk National Republic plan to start mine clearing of arable fields as soon as snow descends. Time for it at a militia of DNR hasn't enough, after all it is necessary to be in time to a sowing campaign, and on a nose the last month of winter - February.

25.01.15. Review of the card of military operations.

Reports on Novorossiya's militia on January 26, 2015


25.01.15. 23:01. The message from the press center of 1 Cossack regiment of Platov.

"Forces of the 1st Cossack regiment of Platov and partially by forces of tank battalion LNR took the dominating heights near to Debaltsevo. Assault groups of the Cossack regiment took under control Sanzharovka and a section of the route Mironovsky - Debaltsevo, than blocked transfer of additional forces of ATO in Debaltsevo.
There are fights for the dominating heights near the settlement Mironovsky which will allow to take Mr. Debaltsevo in a ring. On the course of advance of our regiment invaders sustain enormous losses. At behavior of approach of 30% of staff of forces of ATO ran away. All attempts of forces of ATO to direct bronekolonna to the aid of the weren't crowned with success, all those were destroyed. It is the answer of Cossacks for destructions in Stakhanov. The Ukrainian forces to the north of Debaltsevo under heavy fire."

25.01.15. A photo from bloggers.

"In the Red Guerrilla exempted from the Ukrainian invaders, rebels didn't prevent the priest who came to take away invaders who aren't necessary to the state which sent them to death. The Ukrainian state digs in the soldiers in anonymous graves or in general leaves to decay in fields, and rebels collect corpses of the enemies and promote their worthy burial and even burial service."



25.01.15. 22:55. The message from the resident of Dokuchayevsk.

"From one o'clock in the afternoon ukra thrash around the city as damned, from everything that it is only possible, beat with Volnovakhi, Novotroitsk, at least 3 killed, it is a lot of wounded, one woman in a heavy ostoyaniye, is destroyed one 5 storey building (on a photo), many houses burn! Shoot still! Today at 18:00 our city of Dokuchayevsk was especially strongly fired. Chasteners threw 2 packages of the Hail. Got to a house roof. In the market 2 floors developed. There are victims. Eyewitnesses say that under blockages people shout still. Today simply a hell, people pray and wait for release by a militia of Volnovakhi".

25.01.15. The message from the rebel.

"I decided to depict the front that it became clear to people as where occurs. At the moment we entered Artemovo and Mayorsk. Noise too we control completely, but already nearby VSU positions. Under relative control of Dolomitnoye-Travnevoye - there still fights so it is necessary to wait. New Lugansk, Mronovskoye and Mironovka - here go street fights. The red Plowman - passes a dozachitsk. On Troitsk (LNR) thrash VSU with SAU. Popasny - we entered there and we take. There are street fights. And most likely, they will be will proceed all night long, yet we won't clean fascist evil spirits. VSU very much don't want to lose Popasnoye - after all further in a flesh to Arteomovsk there are no serious barriers! Fights go also to Kirovo (near Dzrezhinsk) and near Magdalinovka (here the enemy counterattacks to Mayorsk). On Dzerzhinsk we don't go yet, it is necessary to develop tactics how to take the city rolled by troops (and skilled) and strengthened for street fights. Generally, the Debaltsevsky copper continues to be closed, and the opponent involves in fight more and more reserves - that for it is worse as it sends 4 days reserves to fight, and we only just enter them and that small groups".

25.01.15. The reporting from Lifenews and the evening report on Eudard Basurin.

"In Donbass activity of the VSU diversionary groups increased
The deputy minister of defense of DNR told about a fighting situation for the last days. Divisions of a militia of DNR in the last days continued to reflect attacks of security officers and destroyed to 20 soldiers of the opponent on several directions. Six more fighters of VSU gave up in captivity. Among rebels in days seven people are killed in clashes, 24 persons are wounded, Eduard Basurin in Donetsk reported, disclosing the fighting report. After yesterday's attacks of VSU of residential quarters of Mariupol which led to the numerous victims among civilians, offensive actions of VSU on the Donetsk direction were suspended — Eduard Basurin told. — VSU carry out a regrouping of the forces, tighten reserves and conduct the disturbing attack of positions of a militia of DNR. On all front line activization of the Ukrainian diversionary and prospecting groups conducting investigation of fighting orders of forces of DNR for the subsequent drawing blows is noted.

In days in DNR 30 attacks of the Ukrainian artillery are recorded. In Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk as a result of attacks three civilians suffered.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR, the most difficult situation developed on January 25 on the debaltsevsky direction where during the day VSU a massive gun-fire tried to break through the line of defense and to force out divisions of DNR from Gorlovka and Novoorlovki. Rebels managed to beat off all attacks."

25.01.15. The message from the war correspondent with a call sign "Steppe".

"Shellings and a cannonade in Donetsk by the evening on January 25 merged in one continuous rumble, fights amplified, in the city some enemy diversionary groups at the same time work. After evening attack by the Ukrainian chasteners of the Petrovsky area of crew of "ambulance" take out to hospitals of wounded peace citizens. In the residential district Trudovsky reserves after shelling — three dead peace дончан.

From positions at Staromikhaylovka the Ukrainian military made shelling of the settlement of Abakumov, near Biryuzovaya St. there was a fight with the Ukrainian saboteurs mortars who were liquidated.

Before neutralization they managed to damage seriously some houses of the private sector in the settlement. Also were engaged in capture of saboteurs on Putilovka, around Adminposelk in the Kiev district of the city. In the same place all night long there was an unstable situation because of intensive fight on Sand and near Avdeevkaya.

From the South Donetsk was fired from the village Lugansk where art installations of the Ukrainian military are located. Right after blow DNR army opened counterbattery fire, having suppressed the opponent's positions.

Several packages of RSZO "Hail" are fired by the Ukrainian army from Volnovakhi at Dokuchayevsk, around the old market and the downtown, and Elenovk. From the direction Granite the district of Telmanovo and part of the Starobeshevsky area, under control DNR underwent attack.

In Sand chasteners complain of continuous attacks and shortage of ammunition. Here that they write:

"Here continuous attacks. The airport, Sand, Thin, Water — under fire of barreled and jet artillery of a militia. There are losses. Intensively artillery investigation works.

Very big fears are caused by a resource of ammunition on ours warehouses of Russian joint stock company and bases of a strategic reserve. For the present "snaryadny hunger" isn't felt. But it is necessary to understand that this resource at us — конечен. At the opponent it is inexhaustible as the enemy, unlike us, MAKES this ammunition.

It is impossible to wage dragged-out war without production of ammunition, on one reserves. And we have all — from shells to BM-21 "Hail" and to grenades to podstvolnik — warehouse. And even the only cartridge plant in the country — under separam, in Lugansk".

25.01.15. 21:55. The message from a militia.

"On a site of N of the item Pervomaisk - Gold clashes began. The staff of a militia of DNR reported about new attacks of Donetsk and Makeyevka. To Petrovka there were some hits of shells of heavy artillery or a mortar. Around the airport there was a shooting fight with the parts of VSU trying to break. In Kirovsky district about 80 houses remain without heat supply and hot water With the direction of N of the item of Krasnogorovk of VSU conducted attack across Petrovka. The staff of ATO confirmed the fact of offensive actions against ATO forces near the settlement Popasnaya. Around 21:15 (on Moscow time) there was an intensive fight with application of artillery from both parties on a site of N of the item of Nikitovk - Mayorsk. Also it is reported that attempt of break of parts of VSU around Elenovki was stopped by a militia. According to preliminary data VSU lost the 2nd tanks and 2 BMP. The most difficult still remains a situation on the Debaltsevsky direction. During the day the opponent made attempts art fire and attacks of armored groups to break through our line of defense and to force out militia forces from settlements Gorlovka and Novoorlovk".

25.01.15. Evening message of Information bureau of a militia of Novorossiya.

"Today in the direction of Kramatorsk movement of five tractors with rockets for the Tochka-U complex is noted. The situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk National Republics remains intense. Chasteners, using RSZO, artillery and mortars, continued attack of positions of a national militia, and also residential quarters and objects of infrastructure of Novorossiya. The opponent concentrated the main efforts on Donetsk and Debaltsevsk the directions. For the present day the set of cases of a use of weapons is recorded:

- three times (in 9.20, 16.10 and 16.15) from the firing positions located in areas of settlements of Avdeevk and Krasnogorovk from artillery and mortars fascists fired residential quarters of the Kiev and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, and also the railway station;

- at 13.20 to tank attack, and at 15.00 from outside Novotroitsk VS DNR positions around Olenovki underwent mortar attack;

- at 14.30 from Granite from artillery pieces rebels of DNR around Nova Maryevki are fired;

- at 14.35 from Dzerzhinsk, and at 15.20 from the village of Kodem with use of barreled artillery the opponent made fire raids on residential quarters of Gorlovka;

- at 15.00 from mortars from the settlement of Taramchuk the military personnel of DNR around Olenovki is fired;

- at 16.20 from firing positions around Bogdanovki from artillery pieces the village is fired Ran cold.

The victims among civilians and the amount of destructions are specified.

From fascists positions of DNR Army around the airport of Donetsk underwent numerous attacks. From 8.50 till 13.00 eight times with use of jet systems of volley fire, artillery and mortars were struck fire blows from settlements of Avdeevk to them and Skilled.

Banderovites carried out a regrouping for strengthening of groups on the direction of actions of divisions of the Ministry of Defence of DNR. Thus active movement of combat units of the Ukrainian chasteners from the New resident of Ivanovo was noted and Krasnoarmeysk in the direction of Donetsk.

According to the intelligence data, to Avdeevki's region Banderovites threw to 30 tanks, and also movement to four mechanized companies and two tank companies is noted."

25.01.15. The shocking video from Egor Zemtsov.

"The Ukrainian chasteners again tried to go for storm of the airport. Attack was reflected, and bodies of invaders were collected in heaps. It is contraindicated to persons to look through video with unstable mentality. Person of war: if you the minor or the woman, is better not to open for you these videos at all."

25.01.15. Video from bloggers.

"Bryanka a column of tanks and equipment of a militia of the Lugansk Republic (LNR) goes for strengthening to Stakhanov."

On the second video accident of equipment of a militia: BMP failed on the bridge and complicated the movement of a column.

25.01.15. 21:02. The message from the rebel with a call sign "Happy".

"Popasny we pressurized almost, we will take by 26.01. Reserves of RZSO arrived. Debaltsevo in blockade. On Bakhmutka fennel fields burn."

The message from journalists.

"Storm by Popasna proceeds, in a staff of "ATO" accused the Russian general of command of operation.
Today since morning and during the day many bloggers and patriotic mass media hurried to please the readers with a capture Popasna and the birth of a full-fledged Debaltsevsky copper. But according to sources fights for Popasnuyu proceed. Novorossiya's army approached rather close the city, the artillery works from both parties, operation of the automatic weapon is also often audible. In too time the press service of a staff of so-called ATO declared that approach of army of Novorossiya to Popasnuyu (the occupied part of LNR) the Russian major general Sergey Kuzovlev allegedly directs.
Where here confirmation, not really clearly. Propagandists called a surname and a position which can easily be found in the Internet, were covered abstract "according to the available information", and all – is available proofs".

25.01.15. 20:44. The message from a militia.

"In Donetsk the situation is heated. To Petrovka some arrivals of shells of heavy artillery or a mortar. The airport - shooting fight with the ukra trying to break. Nazis from Avdeevki conduct attack to the district of the Subway. At Krasnogorovka the Ukrainian terrorists conduct with positions art.obstret on Abakumov.

From Turquoise the prison district - RDG of the opponent (mortar). The bad beam, is noticed by DRG of ukrofashist, near a psychiatric clinic. From the 1st platform conducts attack of DRG Donbasskabel aside. The Petrovsky district, as a result of attack by ukrofashist is the dead and wounded. From outside Sand - mortar attack of the item. October.

In Enakiyeveo from 18:20 the Area of artillery of ukrofashist, Filtering under attack, from three directions. At Volnovakhi nazis conduct massive shelling of Dokuchayevsk with positions. At the same time some volleys of barreled batteries and RSZO. G. Kirovskoye arrived to the city, damaged the line of heating, the city without heating ".

Putin seems to the Ukrainian bloggers everywhere

youtube.com — the Ukrainian bloga continue to write about the Russian troops, without noticing army of the USA in Ukraine!

Here Lyashko documented one more of episodes of the criminal activity...

And here the report on one of ATO "talking heads" - Tymchuka. Again without loss... One victorious reports... Also only VS of Russia and Donetsk "terrorists" are again destroyed. So... For comparison... (It is provided in the original)

Russian-terrorist troops continue active actions in a conflict zone on Donbass. After a number of unsuccessful attempts of approach, the large-scale regrouping of the Russian troops and illegal paramilitary groups is carried out. Maneuvers of forces and means of fighters are recorded on all sites of zone ATO.

On January 23-24 divisions of Russian-terrorist troops tried to force out the Ukrainian troops around N of the item. Sand. By forces in some groups of infantry, with a total number of 350-400 fighters, to 25 units of armored machinery, and with assistance of barreled and jet artillery, the opponent consistently attacked positions of the Ukrainian troops at once on several sites. Having received worthy repulse and having suffered notable losses, Russian troops were compelled to recede for an initial boundary.

For the purpose of failure of offensive actions of the opponent on a site around N of the item. The village the VS Lugansk artillery group of Ukraine struck pre-emptive fire strike to the area of concentration of company tactical group of the Russian troops, and also to strengthenings of terrorists around N of the item Nikolaevka.

Around N of the item of Debaltsevo the Ukrainian troops conduct counterbattery fight against artillery of NVF, within the last 3 days of the firing position of forces ATO and the city. In total on the Debaltsevsky base about 40 art tools and RSZO on a site from Pervomaisk to Chernukhino and about 15-20 units of barreled and jet artillery from the district of Makeyevka and to the east of Enakiyevo fire.

The situation to the north of Avdeevki is heated. Russian-terrorist troops concentrated around Yasinovata – to Panteleymonovki battallion and tactical group incorporating 15 tanks and 25 armored combat vehicles. Also to this area the opponent threw summary division of artillery as a part of 25 howitzers of D-30 and anti-tank MT-12 tools.

In fights between N of the item of Avdeevk and Skilled the Ukrainian troops captured the T-64BV and BMP-2 tank. Under art blow of the Ukrainian troops the armored group of terrorists consisting of 3 tanks, 6 armored combat vehicles and 5 trucks got, - the tank and "Ural" are destroyed. The escaped terrorists receded to Gorlovka.

As a result of counter-battery fight of the Ukrainian artillery in areas to the west of and to the northwest of Gorlovka, at least, 3 units of artillery of fighters are destroyed. One more SAU 2S1 was transported on repair to Gorlovka.


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Thank God, and in Ukraine the enlightenment in the heads starts coming. So, the Ukrainian singer and the honored actress "nezalezhny" Nina Matviyenko, having taken the floor and having acted on Popular assembly which gathered on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti, openly I urged to stop "fratricidal war"!



The Minister of Education and Science of LNR Lesya Lapteva addressed on January 26 students of Lugansk university of Taras Shevchenko. She told about issue of diplomas of the Russian Federation to all students of LNR and DNR.

"Certificates of the Lugansk and Donetsk National Republics will be such which will be recognized by the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries, without approbation, that is without additional checks and confirmations. Will issue to the higher school double diplomas of the Russian higher education institutions. It will occur at the end of February" — the Minister of Education and Science of LNR told.


The Donetsk and Lugansk national republics conduct battles with the Ukrainian security officers to connect the forces and to level the line of contact of the parties, the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko declared.

"Fights go in all territory of DNR, we now try to unite to LNR, that we will level a front line and we will release at least crew" — Zakharchenko declared, answering questions of journalists.

The authorities of Ukraine began in April, 2014 in Donbass power operation against inhabitants of the region dissatisfied with a February coup d'etat. According to the UN, more than 5 thousand civilians became the victims of the conflict. On the ninth of December in Donbass the next truce coordinated by rebels and security officers with mediation of OSCE began. Since January 9 intensity of attacks increased in the region. Security officers strengthened on January 18 attack of positions of a militia, in reply in DNR declared need of approach to prevent attacks of civilians. Zakharchenko declared on January 23 that rebels won't conduct negotiations with security officers on ceasefire any more.

Approach of a militia gains steam, the main directions — the North, the West, the South

Long-awaited approach of a militia of Novorossiya already shows the first serious progress. The debaltsevsky copper is formed, under the threat there were groups of chasteners in Mariupol and Lysychansk, the Ukrainian troops recede from Donetsk and Gorlovka.

Near Donetsk rebels actively smooth out northwest to a predpolya. The opponent with fights recedes in the direction of Avdeevki in the north, and the Karlovsky reservoir — in the West.

The situation around distressful Gorlovka improves. Chasteners were beaten out from the Red Guerrilla and Ozeryanovki, rebels entered Verkhnetoretskoye: southern to a predpolya of the city it is smoothed out. Now expansion of the gorlovsky base, the West and the East goes north.

To the North from Gorlovka VSU are expelled from the next suburb — Mayorsk. To the East the settlement of Dolomitnoye is cleared of aggressors and there is Svetlodarsky's storm.

Evacuation of chasteners from Dzerzhinsk and Uglegorsk began: in Kiev understand that not to keep these cities any more.

Debaltsevsky "copper" is formed: there, in a fire environment, is to 8 000 chasteners. So far to speak about elimination of ways of retreat still early, but, invaders can't break through a dense gun-fire any more. So, it will be possible to say in the next few days about repetition of that took place near Dyakovo and Ilovaysk.


The front line moved closer to Mariupol: a capture a militia of the main town of Priazovye — let not the closest, but already tangible prospect. Most likely, will return to this subject after completion of defeat of debaltsevsky group of chasteners.

Rebels are fixed in LNR on the left coast of the Seversky Donets, and also attack Popasnuyu and created threat to the opponent in Lysychansk. On the base at Stakhanov promotion of forces of Novorossiya from the East to the aid of gorlovsky group prepares.

Speaking about prospects, it is necessary to understand that the history develops not rectilinearly, and in progressions. In other words, all mistakes and failures of invaders will only collect that at once quantitative changes developed into the qualitative.

Already now in Kiev speak about need of introduction of the martial law: losses and defeats again assumed a scale which it is already impossible to suppress.

The new wave of mobilization is failed: the authorities can call recruits only by violent coercion, however fighting capacity of such army will be very doubtful.

In Debaltsevo the situation remains to the extremely difficult, divisions of a militia almost completely surrounded the city, but to the Ukrainian invaders there came the reinforcement.

It was declared by fighters of the retaliatory battalion "Kiev-2".

"The situation on ‪‎ Debaltsevo demands urgent reaction ‪‎ the General Staff, the city is almost completely surrounded with equipment, still the equipment is tightened. Ours in Debaltsevo have no losses so far, there are fights. Told that everything is all right, are ready to keep further, rebels try to approach, snip off everything" — Yaroslav Bondarenko reported.

He also reported that for the route "artemovsk-Debaltsevo" which is the only entrance and an exit from the city, fights proceed.

"Rebels try to cut off Debaltsevo near the settlement. Lugansk. From BP (post) on the route near the settlement ‎ Lugansk already saw the Russian tanks.

The artillery of VSU started covering them with fire and tanks stepped aside back the settlement troitsky" — Bondarenko added.

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya



In "the Debaltsevsky copper" (it is already possible to call safely so it) the most interesting things start occurring. The weak-willed army gathered in the violent way by criminal mobilization by terrorists of Kiev starts being given in captivity. Even in captivity they give up... going with fight against retaliatory groups of "patriots".

In the Red Plowman the soldiers of VSU bearing conscription service took perimeter defense and were accepted shot back fanatics of Ukro-army. In time fighters of a militia appeared in time from Troitsk and by joint forces smoothed out fennel. Insurgents from VSU weren't limited to it and at the moment participates in cleaning of the settlement of Mironovsky.

In Lozovom also not without adventures. VSU sent group of suicide bombers towards to Novorossiya's army whom "fanatics" from retaliatory groups had to adjust machine guns in a back. Shots in a back that sounded, but not in backs of the sent soldiers, and in backs of "fanatics". Who shot we find out so far. Perhaps our diversionary group, and perhaps next revolt as a part of VSU.

In New Lugansk captured three armored personnel carrier a trophy and two tanks. In Dolomitnom of trophies it is more.

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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From the Tsenzor.Net Internet resource article under the name "A panic in Kiev is hastily removed: security officers hand over Donbass".

On the Tsenzor.Net resource "svidomy lyudina" placed a small note which, apparently, according to the instruction "from above" quickly removed. However it was managed to be copied.

The text of article "A panic in Kiev: security officers hand over Donbass" was the following:

"The international observers report about the growing panic in Kiev in connection with successful counterattack of separatists near Donetsk.

For a week of military operations guerrillas inflicted over the Ukrainian troops a severe defeat. The group of power structures of Ukraine on Donbass suffered huge losses, soldiers are demoralized, commanders are lost and can't regain control over situation.

Military command seriously is afraid of possibility of a new environment under Debaltsevo, and also in other areas.

Situation is complicated by that reserves of army and national guard are actually settled, patching of holes in defense by small divisions can't stabilize the front. Besides, at security officers ammunition, food and medicines come to an end.

In turn field commanders of a militia declare about 752 lost Ukrainian military personnel, 59 destroyed tanks and a large number of prisoners. Against military progress rebels refuse further negotiations in a format of the Minsk agreements and threaten to continue counterattack.

In this regard, local authorities in front areas report that the Ukrainian soldiers even more often leave a front line with the weapon and are engaged in marauding in the back.

In a critical situation military are afraid to report on the president Poroshenko on a real situation in the southeast of the country and hide from it accident scale.
The head of state is still sure that the situation is under control, and hopes that in case of real threat of military defeat always there is a chance to ask protection for the West".

Alexey Monomakh prepared
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Today already, probably, it is possible to claim safely: The Debaltsevsky copper — the next come true history fact!

The management of junta and command of VSU, obviously, made the worst miscalculation, having decided to intensify military operations in Novorossiya, mistakenly believing that at a militia there are too much internal problems, conflicts and "neustroy", both in military and political, and in economic and humanitarian meanings.

On the other hand, the junta also had no special choice: as commanders of troops of LNR of various level told me, final rearrangement of divisions, in principle, was planned for spring — and then chances at Kiev in general wouldn't remain: ukrobatalyona would be scattered, as kittens.

As experts write: "Practically at once command of VSU faced qualitatively new opponent. In May-September of VSU the ill-matched groups headed by spontaneously chosen field commanders who don't have uniform structure, armed with "solyanka" from the arms taken, bought and received from "sponsors", without clear split on a type of military forces resisted. Then only vigorous military aid of volunteers from the North — "North" — allowed to break the course of fights and to crush VSU. Now the coming parts of VSU are resisted by well prepared and armed regular divisions operated by professional vigorous command. Defense of rebels relies on support to the developed artillery reduced in crews and can be at any time strengthened by tank divisions for development of success. Such miscalculation managed to the Ukrainian command in the airport and fifteen boundary villages lost "шверпункт"".

On the other hand, organizing counterattack, command of a militia faced the defense which is carefully prepared by VSU calculated on opposition to the powerful opponent as which the Ukrainian command understood the Russian troops, whose intervention in the conflict was considered as the inevitable. The majority of boundary settlements is turned into the strengthened company and battallion strong points equipped according to the most modern requirements of engineering art covered with artillery and tanks.

However, ukra after all managed to make something. So, for example, the victorious movement of a militia is constrained today by various ukreprayona prepared by VSU, and the strengthened company and battallion basic positions created in settlements, all this is covered with artillery and tanks.

Actions of Novorossiysk command essentially differ from thinking of the Ukrainian generals which it is very often thoughtless (and it is possible, and purposefully, executing the order "from above" on bringing of the bloody sacral victim in the form of the lost Slavic guys to receive the magic help from a Satan in creation of New Khazaria!) can throw platoons, companies and even battalions into the meat grinder. Novorossiya's commanders carefully protect people and therefore emphasis is placed on preliminary artillery preparation: it plows up meter behind meter all basic positions of the opponent (though what it is "opponent" — it is our stray brothers, however, sometimes and brutal from the misanthropic ideas which are skillfully inspired in them!), interaction and communications are broken, objects of the forthcoming attacks of rebels are blocked.

Continuing thought of one of experts, "such tactics bears fruit — the Ukrainian army already lost a number of key strong points: number posts on the Lisichansk direction on the right coast of the Northern Collum, the strong points on the strategic road Donetsk-Gorlovka which allowed to restore through service between agglomerations and some other".

Along with it the expert establishes the important fact: "… so far it is possible to call these fights "zaigryshy" before the main fights which, apparently, will take place in the next 10-14 days more likely and will define an outcome of winter military campaign … So far the first results don't inspire in the Ukrainian command of optimism. A number of important border check-points is lost, parts of the first echelon suffered serious losses. By the most critical estimates, was lost not less than 350 and not less than 900 "viyskovik" of VSU are wounded, lost to 40 tanks, to 80 armored cars, the armored personnel carrier and BMP, to 100 tools and mortars.

The Ukrainian command is compelled to tighten from operational depth — the district of Slavyansk to the district of Artemovsk — Lysychansk strategic reserves, being afraid of break of the front and an environment of the troops in a debaltsevsky ledge. But so far troops keep the front, and reserves aren't engaged to action that allows the Ukrainian command to keep opportunities for carrying out offensive and counteroffensive operation".

Command of a militia of DNR and militia of LNR in this situation is also compelled to keep reserves on any emergency. Support of approach of the advanced divisions is surely carried out by artillery, and it significantly reduces rates of approach and doesn't promote development of the outlined tactical success.

By recognition of the expert: "In ten days of fights of loss of a militia and militias made to 150 people the killed and to 400 wounded, to 10 tanks and to 30 tools and mortars. But the first progress gave to a militia serious psychological advantage which is shown in high offensive spirit. People literally strain to be in action to free the hometowns and settlements while in the ranks of VSU the "serf" defensive psychology and fear of fights strongly reign in an environment. Besides, VSU are under serious psychological pressure of "North" — fear of input in a zone of the conflict of "holiday-makers" from the North which in September totally crushed VSU and put Ukraine on a side of military accident that also seriously holds down an initiative of the Ukrainian command justifying all the failures with massive participation in fights of the Russian troops which in reality now in the territory of Donbass aren't present".

In addition voyenspets allowed such thought: "There are all bases to assume that the main fights will be developed in the next 7-10 days around "a debaltsevsky ledge" — Lysychansk which deduction is strategically important for VSU. But evidence of this task demands from command of a militia of non-standard decisions, and it is quite possible that we will see absolutely unexpected impromptu which is sharply changing a situation throughout the front...".

Along with it the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko spoke in that spirit that the Donetsk and Lugansk National Republics will create one general front. "Military operations go. We now try to unite to LNR, to unite the front" — Zakharchenko told to journalists on January 26 when visited Gorlovka.

The head of DNR during this performance specified as well such fact: 90% of the railway tracks connecting DNR to the territory of Ukraine are at the moment damaged because of military operations.

Alexey Monomakh
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Card on 27.01.2015
Viewings: 13994

mouth of military operations on a situation for January 27, 2015:



Victor Chursin
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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"The right sector" and other ultranationalist groups in Ukraine collect under the banners of minors for sending to be at war to Donbass. At first 16-year-old teenagers are carried in training camp for passing of combat training. Today reported the English-language edition working at Ukraine about it - "KyivPost".

Official Kiev doesn't finance activity of battalions, but also doesn't interfere with it. Low results of mobilization induce the authorities of Ukraine to make light of observance of the rights of children, laws of the country, and low level of training of the military personnel. Actually the army of Ukraine already turned into the uncontrollable weight, and "a parallel appeal" — new to that confirmation.

Defeat of Cyborgs [the full version] 22/01/15 [18+]

And impressionable a request not to watch attention to children, very heavy video!!!


Central news agency of Novorossiya




Victor Chursin
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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"We can't accept recognize the government of neo-Nazis in Ukraine."
Alexis Tsipras - the prime minister of Greece

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Donetsk, 28 January – It is GIVEN. A militia of DNR "established complete control over the highway Artemovsk-Debaltsevo", the second-in-command of the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin declared today.

According to him, now fighters of DNR were fixed on the northeast suburb of Debaltsevo and during the day conducted military operations on replacement of VSU from the city.

In turn the opponent made attempts to seize settlements of Lozovoye and Gorlovka Small, and also the dominating heights on all perimeter of the line of contact of the parties.

"The divisions of a militia of DNR and National militia of LNR conducting defense on this site, all attacks were beaten successfully off" — Basurin emphasized.

Due to the latest events the staff of the Ukrainian forces which was near Debaltsevo quickly moved to Soledar of the Artemovsky area.

Near the capital of DNR VSU tried to come with assistance of armored machinery and artillery in areas of settlements Water and Skilled. "These attempts were broken by militia backfire, and the opponent was rejected on initial positions" — marked out the second-in-command of the case.

Fighters of DNR were fixed at the separate dominating heights near Nikolaevka (40 km to the south of Donetsk – primas it is GIVEN).

On the Mariupol direction of active military operations wasn't.

Donetsk, 28 January – It is GIVEN. Intelligence services of Ukraine prepare actions of terror and sabotage in DNR. It was declared by the second-in-command of the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin today.

"At interrogation of the Ukrainian military personnel who gave up in captivity, from structure in the neutralized last night security service of DNR of diversionary and prospecting group around Debaltsevo, two servicemen gave evidences about preparation by the Ukrainian intelligence services of actions of terror and sabotage in settlements of the Donetsk Republic — he noted.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR, the infiltration of several diversionary groups under the guise of locals in a field form with emblems of DNR army and Novorossiya who will have to make arsons of houses in the private sector of suburbs of Donetsk is for this purpose planned in the next few days, to destroy representatives of local authorities and locals supporting them.

"Groups are created from had special training under the leadership of foreign instructors of representatives of "The right sector", the battalion "Azov" and other nazis" — Basurin added.

"To us these plans and regions of an entrance of such groups are known. All terrorists at identification will be destroyed on a place" — emphasized zamkomkorpusy DNR.


Donetsk, 28 January — is GIVEN. Official Kiev builds the police state exercising total control over citizens, the chairman of National Council Andrey Purgin declared, commenting on prosecutions of supporters of the National Republics on under control to the Ukrainian power of the territory.

"A tendency of the Ukrainian power — this creation of a police state which watches political convictions of the citizens — Purgin told, answering a question of the correspondent. It is given. — Kiev took a position of total intimidation of the population when each person understands that it can pursue for active political convictions if they aren't supported at present by the power".

The speaker of National Council reminded that thousands of people for political reasons are exposed to arrests and other forms of prosecution both on under control Kiev territories of Donbass, and in Odessa, Kharkov and other parts of the country. Purgin also gave an assessment of the head of investigative management of SBU Vasily Vovka according to which proceeding from the current legislation the Ukrainian authorities have the formal bases for arrest more than 3 million people participating in referenda about self-determination of the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics.

"You know our infinite problem with exchanges of prisoners — the chairman of the parliament of DNR gave an example. — During the last exchange we gave them more than 150 people, and all these people were taken prisoner up in arms, were at war on our earth and killed people. They gave more than 200 people, but it appeared that from them only 34 persons — the rebels who were taken prisoner up in arms, and the others — politically concluded from Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, the being Donetsk and Lugansk areas".

Earlier today the Commissioner for Human Rights in DNR Darya Morozova declared it is GIVEN that from total number of the "prisoners" transferred by Kiev in a year, civilians made 70 percent.

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Rebels took classified documents of DNR LNR 28.01.2015 Ukraine of news Donetsk Lugansk today


Central news agency of Novorossiya


The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov declared that Russia intends to recognize diplomas and certificates of graduates of educational institutions in the territory of the rebellious republics on Donbass.

According to Livanov, in the southeast of Ukraine people who are connected with Russia cultural bonds and for Russia very important that the population of Donbass had full-fledged rights and opportunities in the field of education live.

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The chairman of the Progressive socialist party of Ukraine Natalia Vitrenko gave the estimates to the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine made on January 27 at an emergency meeting on recognition of the Russian Federation by the state aggressor.
Natalia Vitrenko considers that motive of the made decision is implementation of the political order of Washington and London under which full management there is the Ukrainian power. The purpose of the made decision of the bankrupt Ukrainian power - to involve the West in war against Russia. - I set fire to consequences of such decision the Third world war.
Vitrenko proved that the parliament of Ukraine this decision violated the Constitution of Ukraine, exceeded the authority, appropriated functions of UN Security Council and the International criminal court.
Vitrenko considers that the conflict of Ukraine has internal political character and urges the world community not to give in on provocation.
Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Edited by John Dolva
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Donetsk, 29 January — is GIVEN. Under pressure from the USA state structures of the Donetsk National Republic are compelled to transfer the official Internet resources to new domains, declared in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR today.

"The systematic campaign directed on systematic destruction of all main electronic resources of government institutions of DNR" is available — is said in the statement of foreign policy department.

There reminded that the American providers blocked on January 20 the site the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR, and on January 27 — the site of Council of ministers and National Council of DNR. "Similar actions can be qualified as barefaced pressure upon key departments of DNR that doesn't conform to the standard standards of a freedom of speech and pluralism of opinions at all" — emphasized in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Now the site of Council of ministers and National Council of DNR is available to the address: http://dnr-online.ru. The site the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR is available to addresses: http://mid-dnr.su, http://mid-dnr.com, http://mid-dnr.ru.

n total since the beginning of renewal of active military operations (within 12 days) the opponent lost 106 tanks, 81 BMP (the armored personnel carrier and MTLB), 47 tools and mortars, 36 cars and 1194 people the killed, were added by the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR.

n Donetsk three persons, in Gorlovka three persons are wounded in a day, two civilians in Donetsk, four in Gorlovka were lost"

Night passed in Donetsk tensely, under massive shelling there were Kuibyshev and Petrovsky districts of the city — specified in the city hall. — As of 9:30 work of heavy artillery is periodically audible on January 29".

"Owing to conducting combat operations three civilians were lost, ten are wounded" — added to municipal administrations.

As a result of hit of shells damages and destructions of houses, economic constructions and objects of infrastructure in Kuibyshev, Petrovsky, Kiev and Kirovsk the districts of Donetsk are recorded.

In days 11 civilians were lost, 27 are wounded — Basurin — including in Donetsk — seven dead both 20 wounded, and Gorlovka — four dead, seven wounded told".

By words zamkomkorpusy, all in days 59 attacks of settlements of the Republic are recorded. "By us it was recorded for days of 59 violations, 20 it fell on night" — Basurin specified. In particular, the Kuibyshev, Kiev, Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, Makeyevka, Elenovka and Dokuchayevsk were fired.

Donetsk, 29 January — is GIVEN. The Ukrainian security officers about ten times for last days tried to attack positions of a militia of the Donetsk National Republic, rebels hold the fort, declared at a briefing in the press center today the deputy commander by the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin is GIVEN.

"There were about ten attempts of break, generally on the western direction — in areas of the Donetsk airport, Gorlovka and Debaltsevo. On the southern direction of attempts of break wasn't" — I told the zamkomkorpusy.

"Losses of staff of a militia in days made killed seven people, wounded 41 — also Basurin reported. — Losses of the opponent in a night — killed 11 people, wounded 37. One tank, one self-propelled gun "Hyacinth", one artillery piece of D-30 and two cars with a unit of fire is destroyed".

Forces of a militia continue operation on a pushing off of the Ukrainian security officers, in particular in Avdeevki, Maryinki, Debaltsevo's areas. "According to intelligence information, the opponent tries to strengthen the group around Debaltsevo" — Basurin noted. In general, according to him, alignment of forces on the line of defense in a night didn't change.

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Антон Карамазов
Центральное информационное агентство Новороссии

War — it, first of all, tactics

Coppers become the real nightmare of the Ukrainian army. Attempt to cut off the Lugansk national republic from border with Russia led to the present tragedy for VSU – to an environment near Ilovaysk which costed the Ukrainian army from one and a half to two and a half thousand losses only by the killed. The desire of Kiev to come at once on several directions became one of the reasons of such failures.

The Ilovaysky copper became the real nightmare for "the Ukrainian patriots".


Including, very ambitious task was set: in blow from Artemovsk on Debaltsevo One Amvrosiyevka further, and also counter blow from Mariupol on the same Amvrosiyevka to cut DNR and LNR. In August the militia a number of vigorous counterstrokes managed to bury these plans.
And here plans were buried. And "the debaltsevsky ledge" remained. Whether as memory of former progress, whether as hope for the future.

History of "a debaltsevsky copper"

The ledge which is heritage of summer unsuccessful approach of the Ukrainian troops, received the name of "debaltsevsky" was for the Ukrainian army, as "a suitcase without handle". The high command of the Ukrainian army considered it as future base of resolute strike against Donetsk, with its round on the left flank. But how exactly they were going to carry out it, is unclear not only to the detached onlooker, but also military.

At the same time defense of a ledge demanded considerable forces. And therefore significant forces of the Ukrainian reserves which managed to save up VSU during a conditional truce, were concentrated in a debaltsevsky ledge. It, by different estimates, from six to ten thousand soldiers and about 200 tanks, and also a significant amount of artillery. More real assessment: from three to four thousand in the first line.

Such uneven distribution of forces became VSU cause of accident at the Donetsk airport and on the Mariupol direction. The militia simply anticipated the Ukrainian army which was fond of multi-day artillery preparation, nearly in style of World War I. And still Ukrainian gunners "sandalit" blindly "where попадя", DNR army carried out successful storm and cleaning of the airport and there were to the settlement Sand.
Sometime аэрпопорт will restore. But in memory дончан. for decades. it remains such.

Sometime the airport will be restored. But in memory дончан for decades it remains such.


In the Ukrainian staffs the panic began. Instead of striking from Debaltsev, military leaders of Kiev, submitting to an infinite skulezh of People's Deputies and panic "squeals" of numerous volunteers, began to find feverishly reserves and to try senselessly to counterattack the airport and got bogged down in fights.

And the militia didn't linger.

"We knew that at the opponent many reserves at Debaltsev are saved up. But sometimes actions of Ukrainians don't submit to logic. Having overtaken for a huge number of forces on a ledge edge, they didn't attend to strengthening of faces of a ledge, its flanks at all. We also used it" — the employee of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Sergey told the journalist TO "Kharkov".
And it is valid, the ledge basis everything is more closely clamped in a vice of joint approach of divisions of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. As sources in armies of both republics, final isolation of the base from which the Ukrainian army expected to strike decisive blow to Donetsk report — it is a question of few days. But most important: the safe exit of large columns is already blocked. Now VSU if is able to slip out a copper, only small divisions and with fights.

Trap for VSU

Strictly speaking, the copper already took place. Troops of DNR on the western face and troops of LNR — on east created powerful artillery groups. Vigorous battles are conducted around Debaltsev which part is strongly controlled by a militia. The narrow throat of a ledge is controlled almost completely by rebels.

As such number of troops got into "trap"? Why command of VSU didn't consider experience of summer fights? "Nonsense" — the idle time, but not necessarily the most right answer.

Calculation was let and primitive, but quite real. If VSU instantly took an initiative and instead of the multi-day exhausting attacks directed forward. However, the troops made to approach around Debaltsev, having found a militia in itself in the back, appeared in a stalemate. To go forward, having for itself the communications which are under blow they couldn't, but also didn't dare to turn to a militia on the front too.

"Even since Napoleonic wars each soldier knew: as if terribly cavalry attack looked, anything is possible, only not to run. You won't overtake a horse, and from a back will cut. Now the Ukrainian troops in a debaltsevsky ledge in a hopeless situation. They can't simply organize competent and systematic withdrawal. In the war, especially modern, "the more" — it not always "the better". If data on the number of VSU are right, at least half, considering the sizes of "copper", to organize branch of such number of troops and equipment moreover in the conditions of continuous attacks it is simply impossible. To recede it is necessary to be able, and the Ukrainian officers do it even worse, than come. If they now move though on millimeter, it will instantly turn into uniform flight. Here they also stand as driven, and chose the worst strategy from all: stuck in fights and try to throw in "a debaltsevsky copper" additional forces" — Sergey tells.

I will remind, such tactics ruined the sixth field army of Friedrich Pauls near Stalingrad. The tragedy repeats. Here only VSU not Wehrmacht, and Turchynov obviously not Halder, not Gudorian and even not Keitel. Everything is much worse.

Copper without copper

Actually, and whether rebels needed such huge copper, much bigger, than all summer coppers together taken? Nevertheless "to digest" group from two armored groups and not less than eight separate battalions — not so simple thing. Whether it is necessary for a militia, at that time when the direction to Mariupol is represented much more important? So, that wanted by a militia?

Now "the main party" at a militia is "played" by artillery.


First, certainly, the number of divisions of VSU in "copper" is obviously exaggerated. Divisions in it have no full number, and as for such divisions as voluntary a battalion, for example "Kiev-2", and aren't regulated at all. Besides, all of them are presented in a copper only by divisions of the first line, without rear parts. But even if in a copper no more than four thousand soldiers with armored machinery, it is already a lot of.

Therefore the plan of a militia was other: not to destroy division of VSU in a copper, and as much as possible to exhaust them. To deprive of equipment, to break morally and to allow to leave disseminated, thinned and demoralized. It is unlikely parts in such state will be able to be used by the Ukrainian command on other sectors of the front. And here having arrived to the back, these fighters will render considerable service, but already to Novorossiya's armies.

"There is an important aspect which many underestimate. I am not the admirer of the Kiev power in general and chasteners of VSU at all in particular, but has to notice: murder as that isn't an ultimate goal of war. It only one of its tools. Not most important, by the way. When we speak about destruction of a military group of the enemy, we speak, first of all, about organizational aspect, but not physical murder. Moreover, the militia never set as the purpose to fill up, conditionally speaking, Ukraine pokhoronka. What would it bring? Hatred to each house. Together with a pokhoronka. Hatred on generations. War will end sooner or later. And we will remain neighbors: borders — it is geography. But not our desires. And we should get used with peaceful co-existence. And we aren't going to produce hatred. And here arrival of the soldiers who home are covered with wounds, frightened, demoralized who the eyes saw with whom they actually here are at war that isn't present any Russian troops here, on "the skin felt as they were "set up" by the administration, and the main thing, don't want to be at war is can bring round those who now in the back listen to Lysenko and Poroshenko's nonsense and who demands continuation of ATO" more — the rebel of DNR army with a call sign of Crows told the journalist TO "Kharkov".

However, there are also other opinions. The military observer of the Zavtra newspaper Vladislav Shurygin considers that "copper" it will be obligatory.

"The copper will be, and shortly. It is unlikely the militia will "squeeze out" the Ukrainian troops. They need a victory and destruction of this group that VSU didn't use these divisions on other directions. And if they are let out also, only after thorough "processing" — Shurygin explained to the journalist TO "Kharkov".

His last remark is already confirmed. And also proves initial thought: parts of a militia, without trying to close tightly a copper, the second day conduct battles in the ledge, in particular, directly for Debaltsevo. That is so far all argue: there will be "copper" or not, DNR and LNR armies already started liquidation of debaltsevsky group.
The outcome is close. And it will be gloomy news to Kiev.

Oleg Denezhka.

Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The fighter of army of the Lugansk National Republic ("Happy") gave the last information on fights near Debaltsevo.

"Children, we covered about 100 people under Debaltsevo! The hail perfectly fulfilled. Here 2 km to the city.

Ours took couple of villages. Honor with Chernukhino ours. It is worth being afraid in the direction of Enakiyevo, there will be an otvetka or there, or to Brain. The Chief of Staff will confirm".

By the way about Brain. "Ghost" was fixed on approaches to the city of Debaltsevo, having compelled the taking positions to recede on suburbs of chasteners in depth of debaltsevsky "pocket".

Meanwhile law enforcement agencies recorded the facts of mortar shots from Makeyevka (which is under complete control of DNR) — East in the direction of Mirnyi. That speaks about action in the city of the Ukrainian terrorists with "the wandering mortar".

Intelligence services DNR believe that in Makeyevka, at least, two groups of terrorists work. Possible transport of one diversionary group — "Ford Transit" white color without gos.nomer. On demand I didn't stop, the right sidewall is shot. Goes to the downtown.

There are data that one of groups is dressed in a form with DNR symbolics.

Terrorists with "the wandering mortars" — it is similar, become favourite tactics of the Ukrainian invaders in Novorossiya's territories freed from them. And if earlier all of them masked under workers of housing and communal services more often, establishing mortars in garbage trucks, or repair short meetings, now all of them "mask" under fighters of VS DNR more often.

That, in addition "confirms" crazy fabrications of the Kiev propagandists that rebels "fire at themselves". We will note also that even more often command of chasteners sends mercenaries from karbat with the Russian nationality to such terrorist groups. So, yesterday in Donetsk three terrorists from Krasnodar Krai were detained.

We will note also that no military sense in actions of the terrorists firing houses is present — their purpose to intimidate and spread panic among civilians and if, perhaps, to seed mistrust to the authorities of DNR.

Eduard Basurin: rebels took the settlement of Mikhailovka under control

The deputy commander a militia staff Eduard Basurin on Thursday declared that rebels took under the control the settlement of Mikhailovka in the southwest of Gorlovka, also, according to him, Uglegorsk half is under control of a militia.

"Uglegorsk () half is in Debaltsevo's vicinities under our control, also took under control the settlement of Mikhailovka in the southwest of Gorlovka" — Basurin declared.

Also he reported that rebels continue formation of a copper around Debaltsevo. The day before Basurin declared that about 10 thousand Ukrainian fighters can get to an environment here.

"The copper will be organized. It isn't obligatory to block a copper cover completely. The road is open, but artillery systems of DNR and LNR block it completely cross fire. Uglegorsk is very necessary for development of further prompt actions because from it it is visible to Debaltsevo" — Basurin added.


Mobilization failed: in Ukraine data on losses are secret and blocking detachments are created

Kiev accuses residents of the Western Ukraine of mobilization failure. The Ministry of Defence is forbidden to publish data on losses, at the front form blocking detachments. To calm the fellow citizens disturbed by this situation the president Poroshenko is compelled. He declared that the Ukrainian soldiers provide protection of boundaries.

So everything looks that remained from 31 posts of VSU

There were new photos of the 31st post of Armed forces of Ukraine. Recently the post was smoothed out from the enemy by divisions of army of Novorossiya. The Ternopol paratroopers defended a post.



Central news agency of Novorossiya

The Ukrainian sites don't hide failures of the army any more. So, for example on many of them the clear text says that strengths of rebels rushed into Uglegorsk (the former Hatsapetovka) from Gorlovka, having broken through the post covering the city. Their tanks and infantry are at war with the battalion "Svityaz" already in the center of this settlement.
Confirmed this information and in the press center of ATO: "After attack of Uglegorsk, already at 8.55, with assistance of tanks and infantry fighters attacked our positions near this settlement. Now there is a fight". In the same place specified that as of 14.00 there is intense a situation and around Debaltsevo.

Alexey "Monomakh"
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Fighters of DShRG "Rusich" reported that battalion GBR "Batman" began approach to the enemy:

"There are offensive combats. Three divisions of GBR work. The artillery irons having stolen blackly. From our party, unfortunately, there is the 300th and 200th, but not in such a stake Vakh as was told (earlier fighters of DShRG reported that in division of "Ratibor" about 25 dead). At approach of loss are inevitable. There will be an information developed" in the afternoon.

Also it is reported that rebels of LNR army were fixed on approaches to the city of Debaltsevo, and the Ukrainian military tired out in a so-called debaltsevsky pocket.

On the eve of division of DNR army were fixed on the northeast suburb and now try to force out troops from the city.

There now heavy fighting for the advanced positions proceeds.

The village the lower Vergulevka — border of LNR and DNR. In three kilometers there is the most hot spot of a front line from here — the city of Debaltsevo which now the militia tries to take storm. Advance is a little complicated forward because here big forces of the Ukrainian army are concentrated.

The Ukrainian military even turned Debaltsevo into the base for approach against the national republics in the summer.

During a truce the Ukrainian army round Debaltsev built some lines of defense, threw a huge number of heavy and artillery machinery and about 8000 people of staff. Artillery volleys don't become silent for a minute in the afternoon at night. Both parties apply mortars of various caliber, self-propelled installations and systems of jet volley fire.

Result of attacks — big losses from both parties. In the face of the correspondent under fire the group of a militia got. For day of loss of LNR army on the northeast direction of debaltsevsky approach made at least 13 people".

The artillery of a militia over open sights successfully destroys tanks of occupational forces

The helper of invaders from among so-called Kiev "volunteers" reports about it:

"Right now. Fight in Uglegorsk. In the city. We came around there to take away wounded. On the central street the tank burns, a tower demolished. Anti-tank tools stand on direct aiming. Shells are torn loudly. On already burning tank, in hundred meters from us, fired one more volley".

On a question "Whose tank was lined?", he answers: "Unfortunately, ours". Uglegorsk is located in 7 kilometers to the West from Debaltsevo.

LNR, situation on Bakhmutka: after numerous attempts of break of VSU stopped.

Crimean also is under VSU.

Information on Raygorodka was confirmed, VS LNR struck good blows to a national guard ukreprayon.

There were fighters who aren't capable on anything, except how to fire at Slavyanoserbsk, Kryakovka and Sokolniki from artillery. There is a lot of victims. Shortly there will be detailed information.

Situation in N of the item. Courageous — people in large quantities run! The huge number of refugees arrived to Zimogorye. People were provided at once with a temporary accommodation.

The artillery of the Engineer works on VSU ukreprayona in Happiness, the Village and Old Aydare.

Fights for Popasnoye proceed! Protecting battalions approach VSU. But nevertheless losses big, both at us, and at them. Units of fire come to an end, but nevertheless we pass further.


Around the Debaltsevsky pocket of VSN it wasn't succeeded to cut physically a mouth near Svetlodarsk. Having borrowed the Red Plowman and having started fights for Mironovka, VSN underwent powerful counterattacks of the opponent around the Red Plowman and Troitsk therefore on a number of sites it was necessary to pass to defense to hold the taken positions. These counterattacks at the moment allowed junta to hold a mouth, but didn't relieve of some other problems.

First, attacks to walls of the Debaltsevsky pocket proceeded. If around Nikishino, Malorlovki and Uglegorsk the opponent still in general keeps the front, to the north of Uglegorsk our troops started flowing round Uglegorsk укрепрайон, trying to leave to the route M-103 through Lozovoye and Gorlovka Small from the southwest.

Thus towards there come troops of LNR from the northeast which left to Debaltsevo's suburbs and after Sanzharovki's capture established fire control over the route M-103. There is an entertaining situation until approach for the purpose of formation of a copper to the North from Svetlodarsk started revolving, there was a possibility of an environment to the south of Svetlodarsk as in fact on the way of our troops to the route M-103 there are only quite weak positions located on the open district, and ours conduct approach with heights dominating over the district.

The accruing expeditious crisis compels the opponent to throw reserves to the Debaltsevsky pocket and in passing to bring out of it part of equipment and rear services, as danger of an environment here more than serious. Most likely, in the next few days the opponent will undertake powerful attacks around the Troitsk and Red Plowman, and also to counterattack VSN around Lozova.

If to take in general, battle proceeds, and exactly in the battlefield will be solved, whether will close VSN the Debaltsevsky copper, or junta input in fight of reserves and persistent defense will reserve the positions, though in the reduced format.



Donetsk underwent a massive shelling. Most of all the Kuibyshev and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk were damaged. 3 civilians were lost, are wounded 10. In the morning in the city the cannonade was periodically audible. Last days don't differ in special productivity. Here for night of 7 dead and 20 wounded, from them 5 people became the victims of night attack and 17 got wounds

Sand — are under reliable protection of VS DNR, as well as the airport!

In Avdeevke after a strong impact on our positions it was necessary to leave a trunk under the city.


Miriupol: considerably intensity of fights in the suburb of the city decreased. Our troops here meanwhile skillfully hide command plans, without allowing junta to define, whether real approach prepares here, or it is simply distracting demonstration of force to compel junta to waste reserves.

VSU is afraid of break of North side. For them this break will be fatal. But anybody knows nothing.

Fights for Elenovka and Dokuchayevsk proceed. The junta puts forward infantry in the basic and suppresses the arty. Collects armored machinery, but in fight doesn't let. The previous attempts to occupy Elenovka and to carry out break to the north of Dokuchayevsk so far didn't bring success to junta, and preparation for more thorough approach is now conducted.

Using some release of pressure of the opponent, ours carried out a number of attacks to the south of Dokuchayevsk today and expanded to a predpolya to the South from the city, however, about large-scale approach here the speech doesn't go as to the South from Dokuchayevsk congestions of infantry and armored machinery are also noted.


Again the Junta shoots the city. With RSZO * the Hurricane *, *Смерч *, the Cassette min. Passed to the large-caliber weapon.

3a night in Gorlovka four civil were lost and 7 is wounded.

On materials mass media
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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