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There has been conjecture that the first shot contained a toxin that immobilized KENNEDY.

This conjecture is interesting and worth consideration when analyzing KENNEDYS lack of reaction in that he did not move after raising his hands to his throat.

Also worth consideration is the placement of the first shot, with the assumption that the sniper hit the target area desired.

Why not a head shot?

If the first shot was to deliver a dose of chemical to immobilize KENNEDY a head shot may have been alarming but also not produce an effect of immobilization.

The best spot IMO is the neck, uncovered by clothing and a soft target.

With a scenario where the first shot comes 8 or 9 seconds before the remainder of the shots, the first shot had a purpose including not alarming the SSA of an assassination attempt that was ongoing.

It may have even been that the initial shot contained a poison that would have eventually killed JFK regardless of additional injuries.

All this is possible but is still only conjecture.

Edited by Robert Mady
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PO CHANEY in same TV interview on 11/22/1963 goes on

"When the second shot came I looked back just in time to see the President killed in the face with a bullet. He fell forward into Mrs. KENNEDY's lap."

We also know KENNEDY fell sideways not forward, the statement is untrue and likely with purpose to foster the notion that The President was shot from behind.

What has been neglected is evidence that CHANNEY claimed the second shot hit President KENNEDY in the head causing the fatal head wound.

As a researcher you must come to understand that this statement means something very important and crucial to understanding and unlocking the true nature of the assassination.

Thank You for your valuable research.

When I think of SS in Dallas, I think of the following

  • EVERYTHING IS PUSHED BACK IN THE "POTUS PARADE" thus opening up shooting lanes in DP.
  1. Atomic Suitcase
  2. News/Photographic people
  3. motorcycles
  4. agents to the sides of the Limo


Very ODD to me is that the man in the Z film with the hat surronded by women later gave approved 'tours' of DP and stated to me ,"...why the limo didnt even slow down." He was very,very very short (under 5' 3") and thus the women around him were very,very short. Thus opening up shooting lanes in DP over them.


Edited by Steven Gaal
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PO CHANEY in same TV interview on 11/22/1963 goes on

"When the second shot came I looked back just in time to see the President killed in the face with a bullet. He fell forward into Mrs. KENNEDY's lap."

We also know KENNEDY fell sideways not forward, the statement is untrue and likely with purpose to foster the notion that The President was shot from behind.

What has been neglected is evidence that CHANNEY claimed the second shot hit President KENNEDY in the head causing the fatal head wound.

As a researcher you must come to understand that this statement means something very important and crucial to understanding and unlocking the true nature of the assassination.

Thank You for your valuable research.

When I think of SS in Dallas, I think of the following

  • EVERYTHING IS PUSHED BACK IN THE "POTUS PARADE" thus opening up shooting lanes in DP.
  1. Atomic Suitcase
  2. News/Photograhic people
  3. motorcycles
  4. agents to the sides of the Limo


Very ODD to me is that the man in the Z film with the hat surrounded by women later gave approved 'tours' of DP and stated to me ,"...why the limo didnt even slow down." He was very,very very short (under 5' 3") and thus the women around him were very,very short. Thus opening up shooting lanes in DP over them.


What kind of hat was this "really really really short guy surrounded by women" in the Z-film wearing, Steven?

A Hard hat?

A Fedora?

A Cowboy hat?

A Mickey Mouse hat? (LOL Just kidding, Steven)

To whom are you referring, Steven?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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PO CHANEY in same TV interview on 11/22/1963 goes on

"When the second shot came I looked back just in time to see the President killed in the face with a bullet. He fell forward into Mrs. KENNEDY's lap."

We also know KENNEDY fell sideways not forward, the statement is untrue and likely with purpose to foster the notion that The President was shot from behind.

What has been neglected is evidence that CHANNEY claimed the second shot hit President KENNEDY in the head causing the fatal head wound.

As a researcher you must come to understand that this statement means something very important and crucial to understanding and unlocking the true nature of the assassination.

Thank You for your valuable research.

When I think of SS in Dallas, I think of the following

  • EVERYTHING IS PUSHED BACK IN THE "POTUS PARADE" thus opening up shooting lanes in DP.
  1. Atomic Suitcase
  2. News/Photograhic people
  3. motorcycles
  4. agents to the sides of the Limo


Very ODD to me is that the man in the Z film with the hat surrounded by women later gave approved 'tours' of DP and stated to me ,"...why the limo didnt even slow down." He was very,very very short (under 5' 3") and thus the women around him were very,very short. Thus opening up shooting lanes in DP over them.


What kind of hat was this "really really really short guy surrounded by women" in the Z-film wearing, Steven?

A Hard hat?

A Fedora?

A Cowboy hat?

A Mickey Mouse hat? (LOL Just kidding, Steven)

To whom are you referring, Steven?

--Tommy :sun


He is in 133,134 ect and at least 5 short women to the right of him.

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Steven, thank you for the positive comments and the post.

I have not analyzed who controlled the motorcade, but I am aware of the location of the limo was unusual and questionable as well as the failure to have the MC escorts in a position to protect the flanks of the limo.

For a long time I questioned the failure of the SSA to protect the President because I believed the WC/R storyline concerning the number of shots and timing even though I doubted the WC/R concerning direction of shots and who done it. The failure for SSA to react in the time projected by the WC/R would have been nothing short of gross incompetence to treason.

After I came to understand that the assassination was different than previously imagined with the first shot being 'silent' it changed the outlook I had toward the SSA.

I can now see the concern that KELLERMAN, GREER, ROBERTS and HILL had with the odd activity going on within the limo. For all they knew KENNEDY was having some sort of medical problem which might have involved stopping to get immediate medical attention. Then the three shots from a 'high powered rifle' occurred almost simultaneously, it was too late, GREER accelerated out of danger, but the damage had already been accomplished.

I hold no illusions now that the SSA did not do their jobs the best they could at the time. Where I fault them is in covering up the truth, although I doubt if anyone else would have done differently, these men were honorable and it is not possible to know what kind of pressure was placed on them or what lies were told to them to sooth their conscience to alter their stories.

Concerning the Atomic Suitcase, what you say is true, I have also heard that the code books to launch atomic weapons were missing on 11/22/1963 as reported by B-52 crews. I don't know how to substantiate this claim.

I got this information from JOHN JUDGE, whom I had found evidence he presented to be very dependable.

Edited by Robert Mady
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There were two people I know that wore hard hats during the motorcade on Elm Street.


MILLICAN is standing on the outside of the first curve near WOODWARD.

MILLICAN can be seen in ALTGENS #6 left side, by light post.

Is this who you are talking about Steven?

Do you believe a shot came from over MILLICANS head as the limo traversed down Elm Street?

Which shot would it have been?

He did claim to hear 8 shots from 2 directions...humm

Edited by Robert Mady
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Yes I have heard all of the theories, from silent gas powered air guns firing a toxic pellet to rocket powered flechettes, also tipped with paralyzing toxin and made to dissolve on contact with blood, fired from an umbrella.

Here are some REALLY good questions none of you have been able to answer.

If they could place this dart or pellet so accurately on JFK, why not just shoot him in the head with the first bullet and get it over with? What if Greer had been spooked by the firecracker sound and stomped on the gas before any following shots had been fired?

If this air gun was so silent, what was the "firecracker" noise so many heard?

P.S. Outside of the fact the SS all seem to be looking toward the Grassy Knoll, what other evidence is there they heard a shot from there at z190?

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Robert, I agree with you, a really good question.

All that can be offered is pure conjecture because it is not possible to know the strategy, depth or details of their plans.

Out of the box, I would think that the outcome of any plan can not be guaranteed and with the objective to have KENNEDY killed, they obviously had more than one means to accomplish this.

I don't know for certain what weapon made the 'firecracker' like noise, I believe the best choice was the air gun because it would be the most silent weapon, by most silent does not imply that it did not make a noise, it did, like a 'firecracker' a 'noise' or 'pop', if you have another suggestion I would love to hear what other technology might surpass the air gun as a better candidate. I can only repeat what the testimony was concerning the 'firecracker' like noise.

I have no other evidence of a shot coming at Z-190 other than

KENNEDY stops waving

MRS KENNEDY turns toward her husband after he had been wounded, which she claimed doing.

CLINT HILL testified that he turned towards the President in response to the first shot

LANDIS, READY, HICKEY and HILL all claimed they acted in response to hearing the first shot, these four SSA react simultaneously to something around Z-190, this is the only time that all four do any action simultaneously.

Within a few seconds KENNEDY has his hands to his throat in a reaction.

WILLIAM NEWMAN, GAYLE NEWMAN, JEAN NEWMAN claimed to hear the 'firecracker' like noise and see the President react prior to the limo reaching their location.


JOHN CONNALLY claimed KENNEDY was wounded by the first shot and made claims that he turned and saw KENNEDY injured prior to being wounded himself.

NELLIE CONNALLY claimed KENNEDY was wounded by the first shot and prior to CONNALLY being wounded

MRS KENNEDY claimed she turned to the right because CONNALLY had started 'yelling' - Is it possible that CONNALLY could start 'yelling' immediately after the air had been expelled out of his lungs by a bullet?

MCINTYRE - watch his actions, he apparently does not become aware of a shot having been fired as evidenced in the ZAPRUDER film and then ALTEGNS #6 How can this be? He obviously did not hear the 'firecracker' sound and the next shot has to then be the shot at Z-313 that caused the fatal head wound because MCINTYRE has NO reaction that can be observed until at least Z-255.


IF LANDIS, READY and HICKEY turned to the rear in reaction to hearing the 'first' shot, then the first shot could not have occurred until after Z-210, but this solution leaves out the FACT that HILL made the same claim and had looked to the GK or President immediately after Z-190.

Edited by Robert Mady
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PO CHANEY in same TV interview on 11/22/1963 goes on

"When the second shot came I looked back just in time to see the President killed in the face with a bullet. He fell forward into Mrs. KENNEDY's lap."

We also know KENNEDY fell sideways not forward, the statement is untrue and likely with purpose to foster the notion that The President was shot from behind.

What has been neglected is evidence that CHANNEY claimed the second shot hit President KENNEDY in the head causing the fatal head wound.

As a researcher you must come to understand that this statement means something very important and crucial to understanding and unlocking the true nature of the assassination.

Thank You for your valuable research.

When I think of SS in Dallas, I think of the following

  • EVERYTHING IS PUSHED BACK IN THE "POTUS PARADE" thus opening up shooting lanes in DP.
  1. Atomic Suitcase
  2. News/Photograhic people
  3. motorcycles
  4. agents to the sides of the Limo


Very ODD to me is that the man in the Z film with the hat surrounded by women later gave approved 'tours' of DP and stated to me ,"...why the limo didnt even slow down." He was very,very very short (under 5' 3") and thus the women around him were very,very short. Thus opening up shooting lanes in DP over them.


What kind of hat was this "really really really short guy surrounded by women" in the Z-film wearing, Steven?

A Hard hat?

A Fedora?

A Cowboy hat?

A Mickey Mouse hat? (LOL Just kidding, Steven)

To whom are you referring, Steven?

--Tommy :sun


He is in 133,134 ect and at least 6 short women to the right of him.

Short brimmed business hat 1960s style, dark beige color. Not deep black but close to it. When I met him he pointed to his tattered hat and said it was the same one he wore 11/22. I was just coming down from going around the GK and he introduced himslf to me. He said he had been a trucker. TEAMSTER/MOB/Lansky was my speculation. THANKS SG (AT LEAST 6 women to his right,corrected above)
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SSA READY - Report 11/22/1963

At about 12:30 p.m. we began the approach to the Thornton Freeway traveling about 20-25 MPH in a slight incline. I was about 25-30 feet from President Kennedy who was located in the right rear seat. I heard what appeared to be fire crackers going off from my position. I immediately turned to my right rear trying to locate the source but was not able to determine the exact location.

At this time the U.S. Secret Service follow-up car seemed to slow and I heard someone from inside this car say: ''he's shot". I left the follow-up car in the direction of the President's car but was recalled by ATSAIC Emory Roberts (Secret Service) as the cars increased their speeds. I got back on the car and seated myself beside Mr. Roberts in the right front seat. The cars proceeded to the hospital several miles distance.

If this statement is examined it implies that READY reacted to the 'firecracker' sound by turning to the rear. READY does not declare the number of shots he hears other than using the plural 'firecrackers' so it must be more than 1 shot. It also implies that all of the shots were the same because READY does not differentiate, so we might say READY misinterpreted the sound of 3 high powered rifle shots to be merely 'firecrackers'. READY does not discern where the noises are coming from. If READYS actions must conform to the WC/R storyline that means READY within 9 seconds hears 3 shots and only turned to protect the President after someone in the follow-up car informed READY that the President had been hit by the third shot.

This is an impossible scenario, it would imply that READY was utterly incompetent to the point of criminal in not only not recognizing the sound of a high powered rifle but also failing to take action.

ROBERTS was situated a few feet from READY, he also would be guilty of not recognizing the threat of 2 high powered rifle shots by not demanding READY move to the limo or that the motorcade accelerate out of DP after frame Z-220 or Z-230 or whenever the second shot was supposedly fired.

Now look at the alternative and see if it does not make logical sense.

The first shot is heard by a few SSA around Z-190, it is a faint popping sound that appears to have come from the front right, READY reacts and looks in the direction he first believes the noise came from which is toward the grassy knoll as evidenced in Z-190 to Z-207, he scans the area but can not see anything out of the ordinary, he continues to search and eventually turns to the rear to scan the crowd, as he is doing this another noise is heard, this time it is unmistakable it is a high powered rifle, READY turns towards the sound and towards the limo, at the same time someone yells the President is hit, READY immediately springs from the follow-up car but is called back, as two more shots ring out and the limo accelerates.

Ready in his report, can not tell the second story, he must conform to the WC/R story line. He is disgraced by the apparent inaction that now must show him standing down while gunfire or three shots have sounded in DP. READY utterly failed to protect the President and it appears that he had ample time...if we pretend the WC/R fiction is real.


READY reacted at the first 'firecracker' like noise by looking to the gk searching for the source of this noise, eventually he scans the crowd to the rear and then, immediately at the sound of the 'high powered rifle' shot at Z-313 he turns back toward the limo, hears the President is hit and he starts to move toward the limo. He is hindered because the follow-up car has slowed down and is pulling to the right to avoid CLINT HILL who is already moving toward the limo, READY can't jump down because the car would have run into him, he is called back meanwhile two more shots are heard.

Edited by Robert Mady
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YARBOROUGH: as the motorcade went down the slope of Elm Street toward the railroad underpass, a rifle shot was heard by me; a loud blast, close by. I have handled firearms for fifty year, and thought immediately that it was a rifle shot. When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop (though it could have been a near stop). After what I took to be about three seconds, another shot boomed out, and after what I took to be one-half the time between the first and second shots (calculated now, this would have put the third shot about one and one-half seconds after the second shot--by my estimate--to me there seemed to be a long time between the first and second shots, a much shorter time between the second and third shots--these were my impressions that day), a third shot was fired. After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital.

Which story line does YARBOROUGH support with his statement WC/R or 4 shot scenario?

Does YARBOROUGH claim the first shot to be a high powered rifle - close by - this is the shot that caused the fatal head wound.

That the motorcade slowed or halted after the first shot.

That the motorcade did not accelerate until after the third shot

That the second two shots came very rapidly

Does YARBOROUGH report support the WC/R or the 4 bullet scenario where YARBOROUGH did not detect the 'firecracker' like noise, but hears the three high powered rifle shots?

Edited by Robert Mady
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It was not the limo that halted as many are attempting to prove, the limo did slow down to allow CLINT HILL to transfer from the follow-up vehicle to the limo, as HILL was moving to the limo the fatal head shot occurred. GREER accelerated either immediately or hesitated because HILL was attempting to board the limo.

The follow-up vehicle can be seen to slow along with the MC escorts, the follow-up vehicle may have come to a complete stop, momentarily, this action halted or drastically slowed the motorcade that was following, this must be what YARBOROUGH is referring to. The halting of the motorcade occurs after the sound of the first shot from a high powered rifle.

The testimony is available, you just need to read it without prejudice of 50 years of propaganda and misconceptions clouding your awareness.

Edited by Robert Mady
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If you still have doubts see this:


See the VP car just enters into image on far right, it is about to come to a stop because the Presidential follow-up vehicle is about to drastically slow or come to a stop along with the MC escorts.

When does this occur?

After the fatal head wound occurs.

You still believe this is the result of the third shot or is YARBOROUGH telling you the truth, that this takes place after hearing the first shot from a high powered rifle...?

Same claims as made by MOORMAN, JEAN HILL, SUMMERS and HUDSON and believe it or not, many, many more witnesses.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Our automobile had just turned a corner (the names of the streets are unknown to me) when I heard a bang which sounded to me like a possible firecracker--the sound coming from my right rear. Out of the corner of my eye and off slightly to the right rear of our car, I noticed what now seems to me might have been a short piece of streamer flying in the air close to the ground, but due to the confusion of the moment, I thought that it was a firecracker going off.

As a matter of course, I opened the door and prepared to get out of the car. In the instant that my left foot touched the ground, I heard two more bangs and realized that they must be gun shots. Also at that instant, the car paused slightly

When did the motorcade slow or stop where TAYLOR could get out of the VP follow-up car?

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