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Deconstructing The Lies

Robert Mady

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Robert P. I agree with you with one exception, not only is CONNALLY leaning forward he is twisting his torso to his left, this motion lowers the trajectory significantly, I believe there is a solution in this motion that will provide proof the shot could have come from the monument area.

Robert let me ask you at exactly what point in the Zapruder film is CONNALLY in alignment to have received all the wounds from a single bullet?

And if this moment is prior to Z-324, how do you explain the impossibly rapid movements made by the CONNALLYS from Z-313 to Z-324?

How do you explain CONNALLY still grasping his hat at Z-325?

How do you explain the action of CONNALLY diving to his left, forcing his body between NELLIE and the front seat, and settling to the floor of the limo after Z-324? What accounts for CONNALLYS action IF it is NOT caused by the impact from a bullet?

Please keep in mind that those closest to the limo claimed the first shot heard caused the fatal head wound, there should be no doubt that two additional rifle shots followed, it follows that one of these later shots was responsible for wounding CONNALLY.

We have been so indoctrinated into believing CONNALLY was wounded sometime around Z-230 that evidence following Z-313 is totally being ignored.

Other than a trajectory that will satisfy CONNALLYS wound, is there one shred of evidence a shot originated from the TSBD or DelTex? Do you not understand that in order to make this scenario work it requires creating possibilities without the support of any actual evidence. Whereas there is overwhelming and significant evidence for all of the shots having originated from the monument area. The solution to the assassination relies on determining how CONNALLY was wounded by a shot from the monument area, this entails identifying how he was situated at the moment of being wounded.

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Robert P. try this exercise, if possible put your left hand under you right armpit, point your index finger at the trajectory of the incoming bullet.

Now lean forward.

Now sway to the left slightly

Now twist your body tucking your right arm into your lap aligning the wounds.

Do you see how the incoming trajectory moves forward and down?

Can this movement be enough to explain how a shot from the monument area could have caused the wounds on CONNALLY?

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I don't think you quite see the problem here, so I will explain it again.

As Chris pointed out, the difference in altitude between the pergola and limo (at z313) is 10.7 feet, making for a downward trajectory of 7°. Here is the human rib cage again:


The 5th rib runs forward, from the back bone, at a downward angle of roughly 25°, a total mismatch for a bullet with a 7° downward trajectory.

IF you lean Connally forward, the angle of the 5th rib gets steeper. This makes the problem worse, not better.

As I said, the only way to make your theory work is to have Connally turned to his left AND leaning backwards. By leaning back, he would bring the angle of the 5th rib closer to 7°.

However, how far can Connally lean back before his right shoulder is resting on the top of the door, and the entrance wound location, in his right armpit, is obscured from view by the top of the door?

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Robert P. by leaning forward, then rotating torso to the left, lowers the trajectory while moving it forward.

The stick I am holding lines up with the leg wound the wrist wound and approximately nipple and side wound.

You can see the end of the stick and it's trajectory. I can assure you that when sitting upright and twisted to the left it points back toward the upper floors of the TSBD or DelTex, when I lean forward and slightly rotate my body to the left it points to the monument area.


Edited by Robert Mady
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Robert P. by leaning forward, then rotating torso to the left, lowers the trajectory while moving it forward.

The stick I am holding lines up with the leg wound the wrist wound and approximately nipple and side wound.

You can see the end of the stick and it's trajectory. I can assure you that when sitting upright and twisted to the left it points back toward the upper floors of the TSBD or DelTex, when I lean forward and slightly rotate my body to the left it points to the monument area.


I see what you are getting at now. Interesting. You solve the 25° downward angle of the 5th rib problem by laying the torso forward, thus placing the 25° angle on the lateral plane, and allowing the transit from right armpit to right nipple to be the 7° angle which, looking at your photo, seems to be workable. And, in this position, the right hand naturally ends up on the left thigh, with the back of the wrist turned up and somewhat in the path of a bullet.

You just might be onto something here. This is the only theory I have ever seen that even comes close to explaining how the wrist was wounded.

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Once realized that CONNALLY is wounded after the fatal head wound to Our President, all of JBC's and NELLIES testimony become suspect as do their actions during the assassination.

Actions that show pre-knowledge

1) The limo proceeded down Elm Street, as it neared the signal man with the umbrella, NELLIE and CONNALLY simultaneously turn to their right, NELLIE leans back against the limo door clearing an unobstructed space for CONNALLY to lay back into, CONNALLY scoots forward and then turns, the scooting causes his arm to jerk as he lifts off the seat to get into position to turn.

2) CONNALLY lays straight back, on top of NELLIE, unassisted, if NELLIE had not repositioned herself against the limo door, CONNALLY could not have layed back, he would have come into contact with NELLIE's shoulder or body as she would have been sitting straight forward in her seat.

3) CONNALLY initially claimed NELLIE conversed with the President just a moment prior to the sound of gunfire, this conversation was intended to squelch inquiry into why NELLIE had turned in her seat, since no inquiry arose, the timing of the conversation began to move from Elm to Houston to Main, distancing it from the necessity to explain NELLIES actions.

4) NELLIE claimed to know CONNALLY was struck by the second bullet, yet she pays very little attention to him, see looks toward the umbrella man @z-239-254 then the President @z-255-271 and then toward KELLERMAN @z-271-278 then back to the President @z-279-290, she does not take notice of CONNALLY until he is almost on her lap.

Testimony that illustrated complicity in the cover-up

1) NELLIE and CONNALLY claimed to hear the first rifle shot, NELLIE the second, yet no one in Z-film or Altgens #6 react to sound of any gunfire until after Z-313

2) CONNALLY claimed to the world he turned and could see the President was wounded, afterwards he ignored this claim and proclaimed thereafter he did not see the President wounded. Although we can clearly see in the Z-film @Z-264-289, CONNALLY turns and for some time is seen to look directly toward the President and or JACKIE. Of note: CONNALLY claimed to turn and see the President was wounded prior to himself being wounded.

3) NELLIE and CONNALLY claim CONNALLY was stunned by the shot and had to be assisted to lay down, this is not evident in the Z-film, it is clear CONNALLY is fully conscious and lays back of his own volition.

4) NELLIE claimed CONNALLY laid as if dead on her lap, she claimed to look for some perceptible sign of life, yet we see them both spring from the prone position to face forward in a blink of an eye.

5) NELLIE claimed CONNALLY fell to the floor during the trip to the hospital when the limo took a sharp corner, yet we see CONNALLY be driven to the floor while still on Elm street.

6) NELLIE and CONNALLY appear to be the only two witnesses captured in film or photograph that were aware of supposedly the first two gunshots and reacted to them...does this really seem possible?

7) NELLIE sat silent while supposedly two rifle shots had occurred and the President wounded and her husband supposedly severely wounded as well.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Once realized that CONNALLY is wounded after the fatal head wound to Our President, all of JBC's and NELLIES testimony become suspect as do their actions during the assassination.

Actions that show pre-knowledge

1) The limo proceeded down Elm Street, as it neared the signal man with the umbrella, NELLIE and CONNALLY simultaneously turn to their right, NELLIE leans back against the limo door clearing an unobstructed space for CONNALLY to lay back into, CONNALLY scoots forward and then turns, the scooting causes his arm to jerk as he lifts off the seat to get into position to turn.

2) CONNALLY lays straight back, on top of NELLIE, unassisted, if NELLIE had not repositioned herself against the limo door, CONNALLY could not have layed back, he would have come into contact with NELLIE's shoulder or body as she would have been sitting straight forward in her seat.

3) CONNALLY initially claimed NELLIE conversed with the President just a moment prior to the sound of gunfire, this conversation was intended to squelch inquiry into why NELLIE had turned in her seat, since no inquiry arose, the timing of the conversation began to move from Elm to Houston to Main, distancing it from the necessity to explain NELLIES actions.

4) NELLIE claimed to know CONNALLY was struck by the second bullet, yet she pays very little attention to him, see looks toward the umbrella man @z-239-254 then the President @z-255-271 and then toward KELLERMAN @z-271-278 then back to the President @z-279-290, she does not take notice of CONNALLY until he is almost on her lap.

Testimony that illustrated complicity in the cover-up

1) NELLIE and CONNALLY claimed to hear the first rifle shot, NELLIE the second, yet no one in Z-film or Altgens #6 react to sound of any gunfire until after Z-313

2) CONNALLY claimed to the world he turned and could see the President was wounded, afterwards he ignored this claim and proclaimed thereafter he did not see the President wounded. Although we can clearly see in the Z-film @Z-264-289, CONNALLY turns and for some time is seen to look directly toward the President and or JACKIE. Of note: CONNALLY claimed to turn and see the President was wounded prior to himself being wounded.

3) NELLIE and CONNALLY claim CONNALLY was stunned by the shot and had to be assisted to lay down, this is not evident in the Z-film, it is clear CONNALLY is fully conscious and lays back of his own volition.

4) NELLIE claimed CONNALLY laid as if dead on her lap, she claimed to look for some perceptible sign of life, yet we see them both spring from the prone position to face forward in a blink of an eye.

5) NELLIE claimed CONNALLY fell to the floor during the trip to the hospital when the limo took a sharp corner, yet we see CONNALLY be driven to the floor while still on Elm street.

6) NELLIE and CONNALLY appear to be the only two witnesses captured in film or photograph that were aware of supposedly the first two gunshots and reacted to them...does this really seem possible?

7) NELLIE sat silent while supposedly two rifle shots had occurred and the President wounded and her husband supposedly severely wounded as well.

Not to mention the famous words from Connally, "My God, they're going to kill us all!"

I've always found that a strange thing to say, considering the circumstances.

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JBC: "I did not see the President at any time either after the first, second, or third shots, but I assumed always that it was he who was hit and no one else.
I immediately, when I was hit, I said, "Oh, no, no, no." And then I said, "My God, they are going to kill us all." Nellie, when she pulled me over into her lap----" ps Just have to add that NELLIE claimed at the time she pulled CONNALLY onto her lap she was looking for any perceptible sign of life, wonder if she meant any sign of a soul or some remnant of sanity or maybe what NELLIE meant to say is she looked for a sign of life not after CONNALLY laid back on top of her but after CONNALLY had been driven to the floor of the limo by the shot. What do you think?

NELLIE: "Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John. As the first shot was hit, and I turned to look at the same time, I recall John saying, "Oh, no, no, no." Then there was a second shot, and it hit John, and as he recoiled to the right, just crumpled like a wounded animal to the right, he said, "My God, they are going to kill us all."
I never again----"

Mrs. KENNEDY. "You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles, besides us, a lot of them backfiring. So I was looking to the left. I guess there was a noise, but it didn't seem like any different noise really because there is so much noise, motorcycles and things. But then suddenly Governor Connally was yelling, "Oh, no, no, no."

CONNALLY claimed he was hit by the second rifle shot, then cried "Oh, no, no, no".

NELLIE claimed CONNALLY cried "Oh, no, no, no" prior to the second shot.

JACKIE claimed CONNALLY cried "Oh, no, no, no" prior to hearing any shots.

And yet, researchers preferentially take CONNALLY and NELLIES version of the assassination as being closer to the truth then JACKIES experience.

Now we know JACKIE was correct, there were no rifle shots prior to the shot that caused the fatal head wound to KENNEDY, but there was a silenced shot around Z-189 that wounded President KENNEDY in the throat that JACKIE did not notice.

You can know that JACKIE is correct in that she requested CLINT HILL to remain her body guard for a period of time following the assassination, can you believe she would have requested CLINT HILL if she had felt that HILL had not reacted immediately at the first sign of trouble to protect her and her husband?

HILL started to the limo at about Z-300, he got to the limo within a few seconds.

Do you suppose HILL and JACKIE talked about the day of the assassination, with the official story of three shots over 6 to 9 seconds, what do you suppose HILL claimed he did for those 6 to 9 seconds before coming to her aid. Or do you suppose HILL said JAKIE I didn't hear the first shot, we didn't know what the noise was or that it indicated danger, I reacted when CONNALLY laid back on top of NELLIE and as I was running to catch the limo President KENNEDY was hit in the head, there is nothing we could have done.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Hi, Robert

Consider this, if you will....According to Clint Hill, JFK was sprawled across the back seat of the limo face up with a portion of the rear of his head lying on the seat. Do you see an avenue open for a monument shooter to fire at JFK in this position, hit him in the throat and the bullet exit out the rear of his head while sprawled across the seat, face up? JFK would not present a target to a TSBD or Dal-Tex shooter sprawled across the back seat but I do believe a monument & adjacent area shooter could see JFK as a target while looking down into the interior of his car from the higher elevation both the pergola & grassy knoll fence are.

I'm asking this because WCD 298 and the 3rd string indicating a hit to JFK at the pergola steps keeps nagging at me. Something told Hoover's FBI & those involved in the initial film re-enactments & surveys that JFK was hit in the head at pergola steps. Guided by the z-film I cannot come up with a justification for this analysis other than Hoover's boys & the SS both saw something in the z-film that guided them to place the 3rd shot location traffic cone where it is seen in the re-enactment films (beginning the week of JFK's burial), WCD 298 and also the same place Life magazine reported the headshot in its Nov 29, 1963 issue (there's a photo taken from the 'sniper's nest' with an arrow pointing to the pergola steps as the spot where JFK was shot in the head & killed). I am fighting the obvious alternative here: Hoover's FBI was lying or incompetent at analyzing the shooting with 3 amateur films to guide them. I don't want to believe that alternative.

Perhaps what initial analysts saw was cut out of the z-film & that's how the jump in JBC & Nellie's positions was created?

WCD 298 suggests to me the z-film was monkeyed with post-Hoover analysis that led to the creation of WCD 298 and during the life span of the WC.

WCD 298 & what Hoover told LBJ about the shooting was swept under the rug much too long by researchers focusing on the WC's SBT instead of the initial Hoover's FBI analysis & conclusions (3 shots, 3 hits, 3rd shot the headshot at the pergola sidewalk steps).

It stands to reason that if a monument shooter could look down into the interior of JFK's parade car, see him as a target of opportunity & take a shot or two at JFK sprawled across the back seat, face up, such a gunman might also see JBC as a similar target and shoot down at him also (like shooting fish in a barrel).

Your thoughts?


Edited by Brad Milch
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