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Deconstructing The Lies

Robert Mady

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Robert Mady,

You write:

"Bottom line, everything on TV is programmed. Programmed to keep us dumb and down in our place. It was not a mistake that the Z-film was broadcast, it was a planned release of information. We can discuss the reason why, but then again what does it matter, it matters more to realize it was another manipulation."

Robert, you are perceptive IMO.

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I can't speak for others, but to me, you & your hard work come across as a realist trying to explain a complex historical crime that has confused people for 51 years. Dishonest spinmasters have created an atmosphere of mistrust. JFK's murder flies in the face of what people hold precious in their beliefs; namely, the good guys triumph over the bad ones & those governing, protecting & informing us have hearts of gold. Realizing that those ideals are fairy tales strengthens the desire for the simple truth; what happened & who was responsible for it?

The search for answers that make sense to those basic questions will lead people to realists like yourself, Robert. Your work, perceptions, conclusions & publication of it are all important to someone. Your visitor count tells you that.


Edited by Brad Milch
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I have been going over your theory of Connally receiving his wounds from a shot originating from the pergola area, and how Connally leaning forward and twisting to his left would have allowed the bullet to follow the 25° downward angle of his 5th rib, and I have found some serious problems with this theory. In fact, I believe it now to be completely unworkable. Look carefully at this photo:


If Connally tried to lean straight forward, he would not be able to get very far, as the seat ahead of him would get in his way. However, even if he was able to lean far enough forward, you now have two other problems. One, the entry wound site on his back might now be hidden below the top of the door. Two, the 25° downward angle of the 5th rib is now translated into a 25° lateral angle, pointing roughly at the back seat of the limo. This would require this bullet to originate from a position slightly ahead of Connally and, unfortunately, the small window of the divider bar between Connally and Kellerman happens to be in the way.

Now, Connally could lean forward far enough, if he was twisted to his left toward Nellie, but this presents another problem. The 25° lateral angle now gets shifted even further forward, requiring the origin of the bullet to be somewhere ahead of the car. In this scenario, the windshield of the limo is in the way.

It is remotely possible a bullet came through the windshield and inflicted Connally's wounds. Once again, the front seat of the limo appears to be in the way.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Robert P. I see what you mean.

It seems I have more work ahead of me.

I would point you to Zapruder frame Z-323 in which we see CONNALLY sitting crouched down facing forward along side NELLIE. If CONNALLY had been wounded prior to this moment and had been able to move from the prone position he was in at Z-313 why didn't NELLIE and CONNALLY include this in their testimony, in stead they both claimed CONNALLY laid on NELLIES lap barely alive and eventually unconscious. You must see that they both intentionally lied, it can be obvious that the lie hid the fact that CONNALLY had not been wounded prior to Z-323. The CONNALLYS were hiding the fact that they reacted to the assassinaiton by laying down and hiding long before anyone heard rifle shots.

Also of interest now that you pointed out how close the jump seats were to the front seats, imagine CONNALLY wedging himself between NELLIE and the back of GREERS seat after Z-325, it would have taken some effort to dislodge NELLIE and force himself into such a confined space, yet this is exactly what we see happening. There is a reason this occurs, the most obvious reason is this is when he is wounded.

I know the pieces do not all fit, yet this is still the closest explanation for all of the phenomenon that has been identified.

The task is to uncover exactly when CONNALLY is wounded and how.

Is there any photographic documentation of CONNALLYs wounds?

Robert P. Thanks for significant contributions, much appreciated.

Edited by Robert Mady
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To both Roberts (Mady & Prudhomme):

Mr. Prudhomme's photo with the privacy window visible at Love Field is a significant find for a number of reasons. I expect visual analysts that hadn't noticed it before to begin searching the film record of the motorcade & Dealey Plaza ambush to determine if the window was up the entire trip or lowered before the ambush began. If it was up during the ambush, the question arises did it too take a hit from a bullet or fragments of one?

Another significant observation from Mr. Prudhomme is the question of was Connally wounded from a shot thru the windshield (if one occurred)? This question hasn't been addressed in any research concerning a shot from the South Knoll & TUP corner thru the windshield that I am aware of; it's always directed at JFK's throat wound or fatal head wound. Connally has never been considered of being victimized from a shooter firing thru the limo windshield before that I know of.

If it turns out that the privacy window was lowed just prior to the ambush, you both know what that fuel will do when added to the fire that those who feel the SS agents were 'in on the kill' have built over the years.

FWIW, hats off for the important find. I wanted to get my two cents in before the stampede begins to align with or discredit you both. I hope Len Osanic is keeping an eye on your posts & has you both on his radio show soon (along with Chris Davidson, of course!).



Edited by Brad Milch
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Robert P.

You asked who was in the limo sitting next to JACKIE.

Some possibilities

1) CONNALLY is driven to his left in front of NELLIE after Z-325, by Z-375 he begins to raise back up and then turns to look back at JFK. The figure might in part be CONNALLY.

2) If you watch when JACKIE attempts to escape from the limo, JFK does not fall into the vacated seat, he is slumped drastically to his left but can be seen remaining in this position after JACKIE has exited the limo. When JACKIE reentered the limo she might have been forced to move KENNEDY's body to the left to get back into her seat, it is possible we are seeing KENNEDY almost upright for a brief time while JACKIE acquires space in the limo.

The later frames are very revealing, in that CONNALLY is continuing to move, in absolute conflict with NELLIE and CONNALLYS testimonies and claims that after NELLIE pulled CONNALLY onto her lap, he remained there motionless until somehow falling onto the limo floor while on the way to the hospital.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Hi Bob

I have looked very closely at the photos, and I think your number 2 scenario is most likely. The person sitting beside Jackie clearly only has trunk lid behind him, and is sitting almost directly above the rear tire so, unless Connally climbed into the back seat, it almost has to be JFK. In the one frame, you can actually see Jackie's pink dress as she is stretched out toward JFK in an effort to prop him up.

What I find most eerie, though, is that JFK's head seems to be held upright in these photos. As I said, if JFK is not dead at this point, he is most certainly unconscious, and his head should be falling to either side, backwards or forwads.

Could Jackie hold JFK's body upright AND hold his head erect at the same time?

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Robert P. I see what you mean.

It seems I have more work ahead of me.

I would point you to Zapruder frame Z-323 in which we see CONNALLY sitting crouched down facing forward along side NELLIE. If CONNALLY had been wounded prior to this moment and had been able to move from the prone position he was in at Z-313 why didn't NELLIE and CONNALLY include this in their testimony, in stead they both claimed CONNALLY laid on NELLIES lap barely alive and eventually unconscious. You must see that they both intentionally lied, it can be obvious that the lie hid the fact that CONNALLY had not been wounded prior to Z-323. The CONNALLYS were hiding the fact that they reacted to the assassinaiton by laying down and hiding long before anyone heard rifle shots.

Also of interest now that you pointed out how close the jump seats were to the front seats, imagine CONNALLY wedging himself between NELLIE and the back of GREERS seat after Z-325, it would have taken some effort to dislodge NELLIE and force himself into such a confined space, yet this is exactly what we see happening. There is a reason this occurs, the most obvious reason is this is when he is wounded.

I know the pieces do not all fit, yet this is still the closest explanation for all of the phenomenon that has been identified.

The task is to uncover exactly when CONNALLY is wounded and how.

Is there any photographic documentation of CONNALLYs wounds?

Robert P. Thanks for significant contributions, much appreciated.

Hi Bob

Sorry about this, old chap. If it makes you feel any better, I am as merciless with my own theories, which I analyze to the point they either pass or get relegated to the waste heap. I believe it is the only way to finally get to the truth, and not get stuck on unworkable pet theories, as so many JFK researchers do.

Unfortunately, there is no photographic documentation of Connally's wounds that I have been able to find. However, the wounds are documented and described in medical reports and testimonies; much better than JFK wounds were.

I believe Connally's wrist wound to be the true conundrum in all of this, and the weak link in the entire SBT chain. It is also the wound that receives the least attention, outside of Connally's thigh wound, and is the least understood. The proof of this is this still from one of the SBT cartoons.


How many people do you know that would see this cartoon and know the entrance wound was on the back of the wrist, not on the under side as depicted here?

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Robert P. I appreciate and respect the fact that you have helped to find flaws in what was proposed as a solution to how CONNALLY obtained wounds.

The fact is, that any theory must stand up to the most rigorous analysis. Also that a theory should become self-evident as being truth.

I am undaunted and still firmly believe that CONNALLY was wounded after the President received the fatal head wound.

The problem remains to understand when CONNALLYS wounds occurred and how, the other part of this equation is in determining what wounds actually were created.

I understand there is significant medical testimony and evidence, but I will refer to the FBI photograph of CONNALLYS shirt, apparently arranged haphazardly to be documented in a photograph, I do not believe the FBI could have been so utterly careless, the FBI hid something by arranging the shirt in that manner and that could only be the true location of the back wound. If they hid this they could have altered other bits of evidence that makes putting this together that much harder. Try arranging a shirt in that manner, I have and so far I have not been able to duplicate what can be seen in the photograph.

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Robert P. let me show you another piece of evidnece


If you look at the bullet hole in the shirt you know it is near CONNALLYS nipple.

The bullet hole in the suit coat is much lower and more to the right in the image. The only two ways this can be accounted for is that the suit coat was pulled up or that CONNALLY was bending forward and the suit coat hung away from his body or a combination of both. Both of which occur after Z-324 and not before. PS One other thought, raising the right arm up will pull the coat up as well as move it to the right, again all supported after Z-324 and not before.

The location of the hole in the shirt verses the location of the hole in the suit is evident that CONNALLY had to have been leaning forward when wounded, which again points to being wounded sometime after Z-324.

There is significant amounts of evidence pointing to this time period as being the most probable. It is there it will be uncovered.

Edited by Robert Mady
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To those of you interested in understanding truth, please take the time to look at the following comparison.

The CONNALLYS move from a static prone position with CONNALLY actually laying over the top of NELLIE in Z-314 to sitting facing forward, hunched down by Z-323. (literally about 1/2 of a second)

Lets compare this to actual movement found in the Z-film, lets look at SUMMERS

When SUMMERS comes into frame, he is already in the process of diving to the ground, we can see his shadow starting in Z-341 or Z-342, he is in the process of falling, he is on the ground by Z-351.

Both the CONNALLYS and SUMMERS taking about 9 frames for the movements that can be seen.

For those of you who are still willing to argue that the Zapruder film was not altered could you explain how two people in the prone position, one supposedly severely wounded would be capable of drastically changing their positrons starting from a static position faster than someone who was in the process of falling to the ground.

Still doubt this analysis, lay down on a couch and have someone drop an object from several feet, see if you can be in a sitting position by the time the object hits the ground, now put someone underneath you and both do it. It is foolish because no one could duplicate this feat of alteration magic.

Q: Was the Z-film altered?

A: With absolute certainty, the Z-film was altered!

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Jon, I don't believe most of what the CONNALYS claimed.

I firmly believe they had forewarning of the assassination and at first sign of the Umbrella Man attempted to move out of harms way in choreographed movements.

If CONNALLY had not been forced to make his hospital bed speech their stories would have likely conformed exactly to the WC/R version. As it was they were forced to maintain most of their lies.

When CONNALLY saw the Umbrella Man, he understood the assassination attempt was happening and started shouting "No, no, no, no", he was freaking out.

KENNEDY had already been wounded, but CONNALYS outcry is what caused JACKIE to turn her attention to her right, towards CONNALLY, she maintains this attention until Z-291 when she finally turns her attention to JFK to see what might be happening.

The film has been altered, but there is still truths in what remains.

It is ironic that I posted #149 which addresses the Z-film, prior to knowing you posted a question.

Jon, in the end, only truth matters.

Edited by Robert Mady
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