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Ochus Virgil Campbell, Roy Samson Truly, Jeraldean Bray Reid, etc.

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That is really good Bart.

Roy Truly is looking more and more like a prevaricator.

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Thanks Jim.

The first one was already posted in the BK thread which is Biffle overhearing Truly. The second we found a few weeks back on ebay, I think it was first mentioned by S. Meagher but also in the BK thread but never saw a physical copy of it, and that's a direct quote of Campbell and the third one I found at some newspaper archive.

Truly a deep conservative, racist southerner who realised he had taken on a defector and 'filthy commie' would do anything to please the authorities to throw LHO under a buss,

I find the document below most revealing.


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Doesn't get much cozier than that does it?

Nice two way street.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Then there is that funny bit about Truly walking ahead of Baker.

Truly already making his way up the steps towards the 3rd floor.

From the beginning this never made any sense to me since who would walk ahead of a police officer with a gun drawn and going up the stairs and possibly run into a crossfire as the shooter may be on his way down.

In Leo Sauvage’s The Oswald Affair the author quotes from an interview he has had with Roy Truly: When I asked him whether it had taken a long time for him and the motorcycle policeman to reach the lunchroom, he answered (apparently not realizing what I was driving at): “Oh, no! It was as soon as the last shot was fired when I saw the officer come running. As a matter of fact, it was so soon afterwards that I don’t believe he was riding in the motorcade. He must have been off his motorcycle, standing nearby. Anyhow, it was right away after the shots. I knew they were shots, but had no idea they were fired from the building. I thought the officer wanted to get to the roof for a better look and I immediately offered to show him how. We ran to the freight elevators in the back of the building because the front elevators do not go beyond the fourth floor, but the two freight cars had both been left somewhere up in the top floors and we took the stairs, the officer ahead of me. When I reached the second-floor landing, the officer was already at the open door of the lunchroom, some twenty or twenty-five feet away. No, I couldn’t tell you exactly how much time it took, all this, but it wasn’t long…”

The timing of this interview is not known as far as I know, could be late 63 or early 64 , but how about a second source shall we?

The same is repeated in The Detroit Free Press of Dec 7th 1963. ”The policeman ran up the stairs ahead of me”


Edited by Bart Kamp
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