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Did the Warren Commission watch the Zapruder film?

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They watched it dozens of times.

And they usually had an FBI man spooling it up for them. If I recall correctly, it was either Frazier or Shaneyfelt.

But incredibly, there is no description of the shocking, incredibly fast, rearward action and rebound of Kennedy's body off the back seat in the Warren Report.

So to normal thinking people, that is outside of Bugliosi, McAdams etc, the question is quite logical.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Jan 27, 1964

Warren Commission members studied copies of the Zapruder film for a week with members of the FBI and the Secret Service.

This is according to the 6th floor timeline.

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Jan 27, 1964

Warren Commission members studied copies of the Zapruder film for a week with members of the FBI and the Secret Service.

This is according to the 6th floor timeline.

somewhere towards the end of February 1964 the WC sat and viewed the alleged (currently stored at NARA) in-camera original Z-film. The original was laced up, and projected. Questions were answered (for the record) by SA Shaneyfelt... I'm sure staff of the WC saw stills and copies of the film and excerpts from the alleged Z-film many, many times in the course of their investigation/whitewash (to coin another researcher)...

I believe the alleged Z-film did not see the light of day again until Jim Garrison had it shown in New Orleans during the Clay Shaw trial.

I believe the Shaw trial was the last time the alleged Zapruder film was ever projected onto a screen. EVER

edit: spelling and correction

Edited by David G. Healy
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That is correct, as far as I know.

But its interesting I think to take notice that the WR does not mention Kennedy's terrific rearward motion.

Secondly, try and find mention of that in any of the reportes of the Clay Shaw trial e.g. in the LA Times etc. Or even in James Kirkwood's terrible book on the Shaw trial.

So whenever someone says to me, "What do you think, the media in this country is completely controlled?" I always answer that, as far as the MSM goes, yes it is. Because when the public finally saw the Time Life Zapruder film, it shocked the hell out of them.

This is why James Phelan was sent to New Orleans to coordinate coverage of the Shaw trial for the MSM. As I learned from the illustrious Art Kunkin, although Phelan was not covering the trial, he had a more sinister assignment and a more comprehensive one. He was there to coordinate the MSM message out of New Orleans. Because contrary to popular belief--including the likes of Paul Hoch, Tony Summers etc--Garrison did have some compelling evidence to put on.

Phelan rented a house--most likely on the FBI's dime--and invited all the MSM "journalists" there each day. He would then spin the coverage for them. On the day the Z film was shown, everyone was shocked. The jury demanded it be shown about nine times, they couldn't believe it. Art thought, OMG, what is cover up artist Phelan going to do about this?

Art could barely believe his eyes when he got to the house. Phelan wheeled out a mobile chalkboard. He then proceeded to draw on it something entirely new to Art: the jet effect.


Phelan must have made an emergency call to Hoover that day. But since Hoover knew what was on the film, he was prepared.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Between watching the Z film, which clearly indicated a shot from the front, and looking at that ridiculous CE 399, I mean those guys must have been absolutely flummoxed. "We're supposed to think Oswald did this?"

According to Pat Speer, the SBT actually was mentioned earlier than anyone thought. If I recall correctly, it was by Joe Ball and Belin in late January.

So, very early in the game, these guys knew they needed to start embroidering things not to fit the facts, but to avoid the evidence.

I mean the vignette that Don Adams tells about in his book is priceless. He was transferred to Dallas in 1964 to work on the JFK case. He went to a screening room to watch the Z film with a couple of other agents. When they came out, he said words to the effect: Its obvious he was hit from two directions.

The agents said something like: We know that. But that's not what Hoover wants us to say.

That is how power works in America.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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The Warren Commission had very little interest overall in the film record of the assassination. Harold Weisberg's least known work, Photographic Whitewash, detailed the numerous missing film and photos taken by witnesses, and the lack of effort on the part of those "investigating" this crime to obtain them, or even identify those who took them.

Weisberg published documents that revealed a local Dallas television station literally begging the Commission to take their footage, because otherwise it was going to be recorded over in the standard procedure of the day. In spite of this, Arlen Spector (who was in charge of this area of the "investigation") told the Commission members that he'd been unable to find any additional film.

And, of course, they really never even attempted to track down the Babusha Woman, whose film would almost certainly have been even more important than Zapruder's.

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Art could barely believe his eyes when he got to the house. Phelan wheeled out a mobile chalkboard. He then proceeded to draw on it something entirely new to Art: the jet effect.

That would be the effect that works only with melons (after many trials, under very specific conditions), but fails with cononuts.


They added insult to injury: not only did they murder our president but until today they claim that he was a melon head.

Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Good one Ramon.

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Art could barely believe his eyes when he got to the house. Phelan wheeled out a mobile chalkboard. He then proceeded to draw on it something entirely new to Art: the jet effect.

That would be the effect that works only with melons (after many trials, under very specific conditions), but fails with cononuts.


They added insult to injury: not only did they murder our president but until today they claim that he was a melon head.

"It is also known as the “Edison Method”, how the incandescent bulb was invented. Ole’ Thomas tried every material (horse hair, woods, etc., etc.), until he eventually found one which did burn, but not too fast: tungsten."

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Thomas A. Edison

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