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Lyndon Johnson led a ‘coup d'etat’ against JFK: Scholar

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Poster's note: strongly suggest listening to the commentary on the link.

Lyndon Johnson led a ‘coup d'etat’ against JFK: Scholar
October 13, 2015


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Poster's note: strongly suggest listening to the commentary on the link.

Lyndon Johnson led a ‘coup d'etat’ against JFK: Scholar


October 13, 2015


"Scholar"?? Oh pleez. . .

The title is rather obscure, and misleading.

The "scholar" is Fetzer --who doesn't think we went to the moon, that 9/11 was a US Government Plot, etc.

Fetzer now pushes the line that Israel was behind JFK's assassination.

More total nonsense from Fetzer, has (btw) firmly established himself as a Holocaust denier.

FYI: Fetzer has written the detailed and highly laudatory introduction for the recently published book by Nick Kollerstrom, the London professor (former professor, he was fired) for pushing the thesis that there were no gas chambers at Auchwitz. Fetzer argues the same, and that Zyklon B was used simply to clean up the individuals in the chambers, not to kill them. (On a radio show a year or so ago, he had a guest who said there were swimming pools at Auchwitz).

If you want to waste your limited time on this earth, go spend it debating Fetzer and his buddy Kevin Barrett.

My advice: ignore him completely.


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Fetzer also pushes the notion that there were no killings at Sandy Hook and other mass shootings since then. That all the dead and family are "crises actors". He is either mentally deranged or is a disinformation agent. Either way he is to be ignored. Barrett has done good work on 9/11 I think.


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From the article cited in the title to this topic:

"Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson, with the CIA’s assistance, was involved in a “coup d'etat” to assassinate former President John F. Kennedy, an American scholar in Wisconsin says.

Johnson, along with high level CIA officials, “engineered the murder of Kennedy as a coup d'etat,” said Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance."

From the caption under the photo:

"Former US President Lyndon B. Johnson (left), along with high level CIA officials, “engineered the murder of Kennedy as a coup d'etat,” Dr. Kevin Barrett told Press TV on Tuesday"

I took the title to mean that Dr. Barrett was the scholar. Fetzer is not mentioned anywhere.

The article and accompanying video are the product of PressTV, which is the voice of Iran. While one can justifiably take issue with some of the statements made by Dr. Barrett, it is significant that a foreign power through its media akin to the "Voice of America" is taking the policy position that the assassination of JFK was a "coup d'état." How many other foreign countries have done this?


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Barrett does not know very much at all about the JFK case. To call him a lightweight overstates it.

However, he is closely associated with Fetzer since Fetzer has also polluted the 9-11 movement. And that is what Barrett does mostly.

Therefore it is logical to presume this is where Barrett got these ideas. Especially since Fetzer has promoted hacks like Phil Nelson. Fetzer actually called Nelson's LBJ did it book the equivalent of JFK and the Unspeakable among Johnson studies. Which shows, among other things, that Fetzer did not at all understand the Douglass book. And secondly, he has become a cheap sensationalist huckster.

Fetzer has also pushed for a role in the JFK case for Israel. When, in fact, there is really nothing there to claim. Well, that is what Barrett is now pushing also.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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[...] there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Fetzer argues the same, and that Zyklon B was used simply to clean up the individuals in the chambers, not to kill them. (On a radio show a year or so ago, he had a guest who said there were swimming pools at Auschwitz).

In Internet forums, sometimes folks remind me of Godwin's Rule:

"Ramon, if you mention Hitler or the Nazis you lose!"

To which I reply:

"In some instances, violating Godwin's Rule is proper and fully justified. See below"




Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Ramon - thanks for posting this story.

You are welcome, Paul. These links are related to that one:

http://www.economicrefugee.net/new-az-immigration-law-ties-to-white-supremacists/ (2 videos)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsHi6_l1XzA&bpctr=1445202936 (Great music!)



In order to remain on topic, let's close with this one:

http://www.wbur.org/2009/08/27/kennedy-immigration (audio)


Edited by Ramon F. Herrera
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Fetzer notwithstanding, the fact does remain that there is plenty of responsible and legitimate literature, circumstance and evidence that LBJ was at least a high end player. To me it takes more effort to ignore his motive and opportunity for this thing than to simply consider it.

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LBJ had motive, opportunity, and connections in spades.

yeah, with the thousands of attempts to intricate and complicate and infiltrate this mystery with intricacies and obscurities, it's funny that most murder solutions are provided by experienced detectives why simply follow motive, opportunity, and means.

and when you say xxxxhead had motive, that comes with a capital "M."

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