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Did Ruby talk about Oswald at Ray McKeown's before the assassination?

Chris Newton

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Wow. I think we'll call this "Absurdist Theory".

You have a press photo taken at an event in Washington, DC that you can't link to Ruby for any logical reason in 1953. You can't even put Ruby in D.C. but because he (Ruby) resembles someone in the photo then that is "proof" that he was not a mobster but a CIA asset?

144.1 Million people in the US in 1953

This whole massive cover-up is unraveling rather quickly now.

- Reminds me of "The Weekly World News"

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Some people apparently STILL want to blame Organized Crime for the assassination of JFK. When we point out the connections Ruby had to the U.S. government, they squeal and hurl insults our way. Welcome to the club

You guys keep coming back with this lame argument that everything must be black and white. I'm assuming in your world Ruby can't be a mobster because that somehow threatens your "Harvey/Lee" theory. I see no other reason to disrupt this thread with these lame attacks concerning this photo.

I suggest starting your own thread on this photo where you can have your Ruby/Roger Stone/Nixon love fest.

It doesn't belong here.

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Wow. I think we'll call this "Absurdist Theory".

You have a press photo taken at an event in Washington, DC that you can't link to Ruby for any logical reason in 1953. You can't even put Ruby in D.C. but because he (Ruby) resembles someone in the photo then that is "proof" that he was not a mobster but a CIA asset?

144.1 Million people in the US in 1953

This whole massive cover-up is unraveling rather quickly now.

- Reminds me of "The Weekly World News"

More insults from your side, but let's talk EVIDENCE. We can link Ruby to Nixon because, in fact, there is EVIDENCE that Nixon hired him in 1947. Do we just have a photo to prove that? Hardly.

How about a House of Representatives document?:


We also have the fact that Nixon aide Roger Stone said Nixon hired Ruby in 1947, as I wrote in Post #120:

Republican strategist and Nixon aide Roger Stone told Jefferson Morley: "Nixon recognized Jack Ruby and knew him since 1947 as a 'Johnson man.'"

See: http://jfkfacts.org/...know-jack-ruby/

In the same article, Morley also wrote:

Stone also said he has “a direct quote from Nixon who acknowledged in 1989 that his aide Murray Chotiner brought Ruby to him in 1947 and told him LBJ wanted Ruby hired as an informant for the House UnAmerican Activities Committee,” otherwise known as HUAC.

The U.K. Daily Mail published an article in part about Ruby's 1947 hiring by Nixon: Read it HERE.

Some people apparently STILL want to blame Organized Crime for the assassination of JFK. When we point out the connections Ruby had to the U.S. government, they squeal and hurl insults our way. Welcome to the club!

This whole massive cover-up is unraveling rather quickly now.

We also have the fact that Ruby’s Cuban gunrunning operations in the 1950s somehow managed to escape CIA scrutiny, though no one did. As I wrote in Post 82:

In 1952, when Ruby was allegedly “mentally depressed” and had “hibernated in the Cotton Bowl Hotel for three or four months” he was in reality in Florida.

In Florida Ruby soon became acquainted with former Cuban President Carlos Prio, who was supplying arms and munitions to Castro. It was during this time that Ruby met gun smuggler and CIA operative Donald Edward Browder. The two men contracted with Joe Marrs (Marrs Aircraft, Miami) to transport weapons and munitions to Cuba. Ruby soon purchased an interest in two aircraft that he used to illegally transport the arms, and also acquired partial ownership in a Havana gaming house in which Carlos Prio held majority ownership. Donald Browder knew Jack Ruby well and said, “During the pre-Castro years (pre-1959), the CIA and Customs would not oppose gun shipments to Castro.”

NOTE: Blaney Mack Johnson (FBI informant “T-2”) knew a lot about Ruby's and Browder's gun-running activities in the early 1950s. In 1964 Johnson provided the FBI with detailed information concerning their activities and gave the Bureau the names of three people who he said could corroborate his story: Joe Marrs of Marrs Aircraft, with whom Ruby had contracted to make illegal flights to Cuba; Leslie Lewis, former Chief of Police in Hialeah, Florida, who knew of Ruby's gunrunning and smuggling operations; and pilot Clifton T. Bowes, Jr., formerly a captain with National Airlines in Miami. When questioned by the FBI, following the assassination of JFK and Ruby's nationally televised murder of Oswald, these three individuals denied being involved with the illegal transportation of firearms and, of course, denied knowing Jack Ruby.

[Above from John Armstrong's write-up on Jack Ruby at HarveyandLee.net.]

Ruby’s Florida gun-running activities were repeated in the late 1950s. For more on that, see HERE, starting about a dozen paragraphs beneath the picture of Nixon and Ruby.

Alone among the arms merchants surrounding his Florida activities, Ruby was never accused, to our knowledge questioned, or much less charged about his activities. Does anyone seriously doubt this could have happened without CIA protection?

We even have evidence for a direct chain of command going from CIA’s David Atlee Phillips to Jack Ruby via McClendon. As I wrote way back in Post 25:

American-born LEE Harvey Oswald was famously spotted at the Southland Building in Dallas in September 1963 meeting with CIA’s Phillips (Russian-speaking Lee HARVEY Oswald was living with Marina in New Orleans at the time). That’s probably when the plan to set up the Russian-speaking kid as the patsy in the JFK hit was presented to LEE. But how did LEE get his day to day orders after that?

That’s where Jack Ruby came in. One of Ruby’s best friends was Gordon McLendon, co-founder of KLIF radio in Oak Cliff, and Ruby had many documented interactions between both McLendon and other KLIF staff. For just one example, a delicatessen employee named John Frickstad told the FBI he overheard Ruby on the telephone the night of the assassination saying that he (Ruby) could be reached at KLIF radio.

Gordon McLendon, as luck would have it, was a very good friend of Phillips (in the 1970s, for example, the two worked together to form the Association of Former Intelligence Officers). In fact, McLendon and Phillips had known one another since both men were in their teens.

For anyone who wants to pretend that the Mob killed JFK and controlled Jack Ruby, I ask again:

  • Did the Mob protect Jacob Rubinstein and his Cuban arms shipments from U.S. federal prosecution?
  • Did the Mob put "LHO" in front of Shaw's Trade Mart in New Orleans shilling for Castro?
  • Did the Mob create what CIA accountant James Wilcott called the “Oswald Project”?
  • Did the Mob pretend that "LHO" did all those things in Mexico City?
  • Did the Mob send this "Lee Oswald" fellow to McKeown's house?
  • Did the Mob force medical doctors to mishandle JFK’s autopsy?
  • Did the Mob declare “Case Closed” within 24 hours of the assassination?
  • Did the Mob put the entire U.S. Government to sleep after JFK’s assassination?
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I would love to confirm the McLendon/Phillips/Ruby connection revealed by Geaton Fonzi with some additional evidence. If you can provide any additional research along this thread of inquiry, that would be most welcome.

A document that may or may not refer to OUR Jack Rubinstein in 1947 does not confirm that the individual in that photo taken in 1953 IS Jack Ruby.

Open your own thread about the photo - have at it - I'm not spending any more time on it here.

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Guest Brian Doyle

Yes. The cleft that was said not to be there, but actually was, got more pronounced and visible with time. The Nixon photo also shows a much younger Ruby whose face changed so much with time that he is hard to recognize - except, of course, his cleft and upper lip. Two confirming verifiers that can't be denied.

The man is clearly Ruby for the reasons explained above.

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I'm not really a nuts and bolts guy, but I read it all. What I'd like to ask you Chris is how you would interpret a prior relationship between Ruby and Oswald? What story does that tell about 11/23/63? -- Paul Brancato, post #75

It would kill any "lone killer" scenario.

Does it go "full on" Waldron and make the Mafia prime movers and shakers? Maybe.

I don't see Ruby as an "intelligence" type despite his enlistment by the FBI as a sometimes informant. Was there an effort to build an "Oswald" myth leading up to November? maybe.

I can see a scenario where Ruby drives Oswald over to McKeown's to buy 4 scoped rifles.

Lets play a game:

You are three time loser McKeown. The sentence above regarding Ruby and Oswald is true. What would be your actions?

Note: McKeown didn't go to the authorities, it was Ruby who confessed to being involved with McKeown that prompted the initial visit by the FBI to McKeown. If Ruby hadn't slipped up it never would have come out.

bumped in an attempt to get this thread back on track

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I would love to confirm the McLendon/Phillips/Ruby connection revealed by Geaton Fonzi with some additional evidence. If you can provide any additional research along this thread of inquiry, that would be most welcome.

A document that may or may not refer to OUR Jack Rubinstein in 1947 does not confirm that the individual in that photo taken in 1953 IS Jack Ruby.

Open your own thread about the photo - have at it - I'm not spending any more time on it here.

Why worry so much about this photograph, Chris? If you don’t think it shows Jack Ruby standing next to Bush and Nixon, fine, don’t believe it! But don’t ignore all the other evidence. There is a lot more coming to light in recent years about Ruby’s U.S. Government connections that I haven’t taken the time to research and present. Here’s one, though, that Bill Kelly has already researched and presented to us.
Jack Ruby Had a Security Clearance, which is pretty strange for a “small time hood” from Chicago and Dallas.
Bill Kelly wrote a short article about this that begins as follows:
A new edition of Mel Barney’s book “Four Wars” includes an Addendum entitled “Jack Ruby Had U.S. Security Clearance,” and details how Jack Ruby had a Security Clearance that permitted him to fly on a special Texas Instruments airplane.
The airplane, a B-26, which was identified as a “Texas Instruments Incorporated – Flying Laboratory,” had special, newly developed equipment – a “Automatic Terrain Following Radar Laboratory.”
Official records indicate that Ruby flew on the plane twice in Washington DC in 1961. Ruby, who killed JFK assassination suspect Lee Harvey Oswald while he was in the custody of the Dallas Police, is known to have had a special association with Richard Nixon and served as an FBI informant, but his special federal security clearance was not previously known.
The remainder of this article can be read at:
Ah, I see we're starting new threads about things. I'll start one about this.
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Ah, but Chris, in your picture above you appear to be wearing a military uniform and posed in front of an American flag. Doesn't surprise me at all that you have a security clearance. Jack Ruby, on the other hand, at least from what we've been told, really shouldn't have that kind of clearance, eh?

Or do you think every petty hood deserves security clearance?

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Jack Ruby was an airman in the AAF in WW2 and he may have had a clearance like many other servicemen do. He was also an FBI Informant and although I've never heard that "role" requiring a "clearance", I suppose it's possible.

As a regular old armor crewman (a tanker), I had a "Secret" clearance like every other 19K in the Army. It was bumped to "Top Secret" when I became COMSEC Custodian for my Battalion in 1985. When I re-enlisted after being completely out of the service for several years my clearance was re-instated at the same high level it was during my previous enlistment despite not having the same responsibilities.

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Joe Merola sounds like the original "Bandit"...

McKeown's drinking buddy, Joe Merola, who told him where to find guns was a mobster and a pilot. He was also an FBI asset and was employed at one point in the late 60's by Gordon Cooper Assoc.

He also raced a '48 Tucker Torpedo in a 1950 NASCAR Grand National race (w/pics):


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I don't understand the Mafia vs. CIA argument that just occurred here. I thought it was well established that the CIA had Mafia types doing work for them. Doesn't everybody agree with that?

(Sorry to keep the OT going. I just want to know if the above isn't true. Does Chris think the Mafia "did it?" Without the CIA's planning?)

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