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Manhattan DA probing death of Dorothy Kilgallen

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Here is my review of the new book about Kilgallen's death.

It should have been a real Jewel in the Crown, but it falls short for the reasons I listed below.



At the end of the essay there is a link to Sara Jordan's excellent article from Midwest Today.


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2 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

Yet, perhaps, we will hear from Marina Nikoayevna Prusakova soon.

A woman who knew Lee Harvey Oswald and George De Mohreschildt, Michael Paine (and wife) well. Wouldn't that be something?

Edited by Michael Clark
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How embarrassing.

I just discovered that Dorothy  Kilgallen never made that trip to New Orleans I cited in my posting here.

How uniformed am I?

My apologies.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Well, maybe that is why he put that spin on it.  

But I do agree that the whole Kilgallen story would make a very intriguing movie.

I would love to see the scene where Sinclaire starts preparing in the third floor room completely unaware that Kilgallen's dead body is behind him.  He then turns around, registers shock and approaches her corpse.  That is what they call in film school, Hitchcockian suspense. 


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I was talking to Cyril Wecht last night about Kilgallen.

He told me that Shaw has an offer from a documentary film producer to do his book.

Will hold any judgment on this until I see the result. 


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The important thing is what she did after the show.

She and producer Bob Bach went to PJ Clarke's, a combination bar, restaurant.

She said to Bach she was going to meet someone at the Regency Hotel after--she also told Mark Sinclaire this.

Three witnesses said they saw her at the Regency with another man.  But it was not Bach and it was no one from the show.  And it was not a regular frequenter of the hotel since the piano man was one of the witnesses and he would have recognized him, if he was.

This is a key point since the evidence seems to indicate that this mysterious gentleman was the last to see her alive.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Serious people taking serious action against Kilgallen.

She had to be stopped "now."

They couldn't let her start reporting what she had found in her investigations with her nationwide audience.

She was probably slipped a "Mickey Finn" before the final deadly deed was done.

Look, taking Kilgallen out would be nothing to those who ordered and carried out blowing the President's head off inches away from his wife's face in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses.

And getting a deadly amount or mix of just the right drugs into someone already unconscious to create the appearance of a suicide was probably already a refined killing technique to sophisticated powers at the time.

Yes, Kilgallen did look pasty and puffy faced and perhaps exhausted (physically and emotionally?) on that last "What's My Line Show."

My intuition tells me that she was truly fearing for her life at that time and this incredible stress was taking a toll on her physically.

 She finally got involved with a criminal case that involved nefarious powers beyond anything she had ever encountered or even contemplated.

This was no Sam Sheppard case.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe, I would not cast it that way as of yet.

What we have is a string of suspicious circumstances.  We don't really know how to fit them together yet.

Hopefully there will be an honest inquiry.


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Jim Di...it's been 52 years since Kilgallen's death.

If we don't know how to fit the "suspicious circumstances" of her death together at this 5 decades later date ( with any widely accepted consensus ) will we ever?

Sadly, Kilgallen's death story will probably remain unsolved in this way just like JFK's and RFK's amd MLK's.

But, a very worthy and dramatically interesting film could still be made about this super ambitious, confident, smart woman and her high energy, high achieving and high society life and circles that all ended so suddenly, suspiciously and ominously when she allowed herself to become too involved in the search for the truth regarding who really killed our beloved president JFK on 11,22,1963.

This film wouldn't have to have definitive answers regarding who really killed Kilgallen and why.  Her death could be shown to be exactly as we know it as highly suspicious and ominous with the facts and testimony at hand. This reality alone would be enough to end the film with true drama and leave viewers who actually care what happened to Kilgallen with something close to the truth...and that is that the official story about Kilgallen's death is just too weak and poorly investigated to be true.


I would write the film in two parts. The first would cover Kilgallen's beginnings and ambitious, successful and fortuitous rise to the top of the high society literary NY scene...with the second half starting with the death of JFK and the profound effect this had on Kilgallen, so much so that she became obsessed with investigating and solving the crime with her own death resulting from this obsession.

Honestly, Meryl Streep has a face that could easily be transformed in Dorothy Kilgallen with dyed black hair and the right make-up. Look at Streep's face in recent photos especially.  Maybe a younger actress could portray Kilgallen in her younger years?


I must apologize for my embarrassing post earlier in this thread where I mention Kilgallen's trip to New Orleans. I now know she never made that trip.



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People, people, people.  Let's not overlook the obvious.  Dorothy had to be silenced because of - yes, that's right - her UFO connection.  We folks in the UFO research community cannot be certain the aliens themselves did it, of course, but that would explain the clumsy crime scene.

That Dorothy Kilgallen was indeed implicated in the UFO controversy is not a matter of any doubt. In the May 23, 1955 edition of the Los Angeles Examiner, Kilgallen wrote: “British scientists and airmen, after examining the remains of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers which originate on another planet.  The source of my information is a British official of Cabinet rank who prefers to remain unidentified.”  [This is believed to have been Lord Mountbatten.]

The “British official” told Kilgallen that: “We believe, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, that the saucers were staffed by small men – probably under four feet tall. It’s frightening, but there is no denying the flying saucers come from another planet.”

Kilgallen was further advised that a report concerning the crash was being withheld by the British Government, since it did not wish to alarm the general public. In other words, this gels very well with the comments attributed to Kilgallen in the CIA document obtained by Milo Speriglio.

If you will simply connect the dots of UFOs/Marilyn Monroe/JFK assassination, all of which have a Kilgallen angle, I believe you will have pretty well solved all three mysteries.

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