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Is that ... (Gasp) ... Billy Lovelady Talking With Gloria Calvery on the Steps?

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35 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

The figure's bald forehead (with hair on the side), a glimpse of his white t-shirt and a white horizontal stripe on his sleeve, and his placement on that side of the steps clinched it for me.

Parrots continually repeat things, but are unable to know what it is they are saying. How about you pointing out the horizontal stripe on the sleeve and the white T-shirt on washed-out man so we can all be on  the same page..

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12 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

Parrots continually repeat things, but are unable to know what it is they are saying. How about you pointing out the horizontal stripe on the sleeve and the white T-shirt on washed-out man so we can all be on  the same page..

What kind of bird are you, William?

An eagle-eyed cockatiel?  Or something more fowl?

--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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21 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Have you ever tried walking up a step backwards?  I'm not talking about when you brought that new sofa into your second-floor apartment (lol), but when you did it more-or-less kinda normally.  

It's an awkward thing to do, probably because our knees bend only in one direction.

Therefore, anyone doing so looks very awkward, indeed.


Does "Lovelady" look like he's moving awkwardly?

--  Tommy :sun

I just tried stepping up one step backward. It hurt my knees because they are bad, but I was able to do it without much trouble. Admittedly it was a little awkward.

Sometimes I stand on steps with one foot on a higher step. I just did that and then lifted my lower foot to the upper step. That was a cinch... not awkward at all.

Generally speaking, if a person has both feet on one step, I thinks it's pretty unlikely he would take a step back unless motivated to do so. For example, to avoid a collision. But if his feet are on different steps, I can see him going up or down. Going up is simply a matter of straightening a leg.

My 2 cents FWIW.

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Just now, Sandy Larsen said:

I just tried stepping up one step backward. It hurt my knees because they are bad, but I was able to do it without much trouble. Admittedly it was a little awkward.

Sometimes I stand on steps with one foot on a higher step. I just did that and then lifted my lower foot to the upper step. That was a cinch... not awkward at all.

Generally speaking, if a person has both feet on one step, I thinks it's pretty unlikely he would take a step back unless motivated to do so. For example, to avoid a collision. But if his feet are on different steps, I can see him going up or down. Going up is simply a matter of straightening a leg.

My 2 cents FWIW.


Did your head "bob" more than usual in any direction while you were doing it?

(Maybe you'll have to do it again and have someone observe you in order to answer that question.)

--  Tommy :sun

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6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I am asking everyone here not to believe Bill Miller's accusations against me. I do NOT intentionally choose lesser evidence over better to make my points. And I am not generally inept with images.


Still waiting for you to explain where you got the information that  " Lovelady is known to button up his shirt for no apparent reason. Even when hanging around on the TSBD steps " ???  I have read about everything there is on the assassination and I have not found any data that says Lovelady on 11/22/63 was going around buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt. I went on to say, "I am hoping that you didn't just make that up out of thin air so to try and seem correct. They call that Fake News these days. That is where someone invents a fact and then attempts to use it to support their position".

So do you have a source other than you just saying it ... that Lovelady was known to button and unbutton his shirt on the day of the assassination? It's a fair question concerning a can of worms that you opened, so just stop the whining and cite the source for your statement pertaining to Lovelady being known to button up his shirt for no apparent reason.

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3 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:


Still waiting for you to explain where you got the information that  " Lovelady is known to button up his shirt for no apparent reason. Even when hanging around on the TSBD steps " ???  I have read about everything there is on the assassination and I have not found any data that says Lovelady on 11/22/63 was going around buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt. I went on to say, "I am hoping that you didn't just make that up out of thin air so to try and seem correct. They call that Fake News these days. That is where someone invents a fact and then attempts to use it to support their position".

So do you have a source other than you just saying it ... that Lovelady was known to button and unbutton his shirt on the day of the assassination? It's a fair question concerning a can of worms that you opened, so just stop the whining and cite the source for your statement pertaining to Lovelady being known to button up his shirt for no apparent reason.

relax, william

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3 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

A bird with an eye for detail and who isn't afraid to lay it out there.

good one, actually


Question:  Can you see the hair on the side of his bald forehead in this GIF?



--  Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Did your head "bob" more than usual in any direction while you were doing it?

(Maybe you'll have to do it again and have someone observe you in order to answer that question.)

--  Tommy :sun

I'll try to remember to ask my wife to watch me. And for her to try it herself.

But I've already agreed that taking a step back isn't a likely thing if a person starts with both feet on the same step.

I just tried again the backward step where my feet begin on different steps. I found that standing like that feels natural when my feet aren't pointed straight forward, but rather are at a 45 degree angle. It feels natural and comfortable even with my body facing forward (not at 45 degrees). And I'm quite sure that I didn't bob when stepping up. But I'll ask my wife just to be sure.

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15 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

relax, william

Were you his source, Thomas?  Help him out and tell me that it was you that told him that it was known that Lovelady went around buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt for no apparent reason at all -  because someone made that story up - so do you want to own it for him?

Edited by Bill Miller
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