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A Couple of Real Gems from the "Harvey and Lee" Website

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4 hours ago, David Josephs said:

All I asked for was a chronology.  you are 100% sure nothing nefarious happened to that vault, casket or body...  good for you in your certainty.

You have it backwards here  David. The H&L crown is claiming something is wrong with the exhumation and you have to provide evidence to back up that claim. Not one person ever reported any trouble with the gravesite.

4 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Vaults USUALLY last tens if not hundreds of years - according to funeral home directors. 

And I provided a citation that stated that is not the case. Funeral directors want you to believe that because it is good for their business.


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Tracy, you suggest that nothing nefarious happened to the casket in 18 years... nothing to the contents...

The condition of the casket and vault suggests otherwise.

If you can eliminate any other explanation for YOUR rebuttal, in a timeline that removes that possibility, provide it...

if not, you have your arguments and H&L ours...  A destroyed vault and cracked open casket does not bode well for "undisturbed"...

Readers - once again - can decide for themselves.



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18 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

A destroyed vault and cracked open casket

this is in the book, David? I've only read the first few chapters - and not because I lost interest or discounted it, but because I distract easily.

I'll have to get back to it to read about this...

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On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 2:17 PM, Glenn Nall said:

this is in the book, David? I've only read the first few chapters - and not because I lost interest or discounted it, but because I distract easily.

I'll have to get back to it to read about this...

From the Norton Report:


Edited by David Josephs
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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Tracy, you suggest that nothing nefarious happened to the casket in 18 years... nothing to the contents...

The condition of the casket and vault suggests otherwise.

If you can eliminate any other explanation for YOUR rebuttal, in a timeline that removes that possibility, provide it...

if not, you have your arguments and H&L ours...  A destroyed vault and cracked open casket does not bode well for "undisturbed"...

Readers - once again - can decide for themselves.



The condition of the casket and vault certainly does not indicate nefarious activity. It only indicates a cracked vault and I provided explanations for that. And once the vault is cracked, water will come in and the body will deteriorate. Of course, nobody can completely "rule out" your scenario that says something funny happened to the satisfaction of all. But the lack of any reports of suspicious activity around LHO's plot over the years is strongly suggestive that it did not happen. But yes, readers can decide for themselves.

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"Lack of reports?

You think the FBI will report "Oswald's vault tampered with - all evidence within tainted"


We've got eye-witness reports of Oswald in Ping Tung and in Japan at the same time... backed by marine logs and marine sick bay records...
We've got Lee's CO informing us he left the marines in March 1959 and all his records were sent to DC.

We've got 2 entire sets of marines who knew one man and didn't know the other... and provable so.

We've got an iceberg and all you bring to the party is 3 ice cubes and old fritos...

Don't bother me anymore with your lack of evidence and opinionated doubts...

You've got a mountain to climb and it's obvious you have no rope...

Edited by David Josephs
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To my H&L critic friends....

Sworn WC testimony referring way back to the fall of 1954....

Mr. JENNER. But you do remember that you attempted to help him when he was struck in the mouth on that occasion; is that right?
Mr. VOEBEL. Yes; I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out.

Soon after the fight, Voebel took a famous photograph of LEE Oswald that he eventually sold to LIFE magazine after the assassination.  It appears to show LEE Oswald with a missing tooth.

Here’s a quick guide to “Oswald’s Lost Front Tooth” for vision impaired H&L critics.  This will help you see LEE Oswald’s missing front tooth even if you’re nearly blind.

First, get yourself a copy of the February 21, 1964 edition of LIFE magazine.  You can borrow mine if you can’t find one.  Here’s a picture of the cover I took with my cell phone.


Second, and this may be a difficult part for you, open up LIFE magazine to pages 70 and 71.  Here is what you will see....


Third, get your nose close to pages 70 & 71 and look towards the left side of the big two-page spread.  Despite your obvious disabilities, you should see something like this….


Here’s a closer look at that missing upper front tooth:


I'll post a brightened version of the same LIFE halftone from the late, great Jack White in a couple of days....

In the meantime, H&L critics, can you find the missing tooth in “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” original exhumation dental photos, currently in the possession of John Armstrong?

I didn’t think so. Here’s an LHO exhumation dental photo….



I’ll be back in a couple of days to check on the progress of the H&L critics to find LEE Oswald’s missing front tooth.  But, after following the H&L critics’ progress for more than 20 years now, I can assure you that there will be no progress whatsoever for the next three days.

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

You think the FBI will report "Oswald's vault tampered with - all evidence within tainted"

People visit cemeteries especially famous graves. Someone would notice. And don't start with the personal attacks again, you were doing good for a minute or two and they are really unnecessary.

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15 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

For Sandy (or anyone else) to make a credible case that the exhumation evidence was faked, he needs to provide some sort of detailed account of how it might plausibly have been faked, and by whom.

That's like saying, to show that Oswald didn't shoot President Kennedy, one must provide some detailed account of how somebody else might plausibly have shot Kennedy.

I disagree with that. The circumstantial evidence is so strong that the CIA was behind the shooting and that Oswald was the designated patsy, I'm satisfied that it was others who pulled the triggers. It is quite evident that there are many possibilities regarding who and how they shot Kennedy. That is sufficient for me to accept that Oswald wasn't the assassin.

Likewise, The circumstantial evidence is so strong that there were two Oswalds from a young age, I am satisfied of that being the case. Also likewise, it is quite evident that there are many possibilities regarding how the exhumation evidence could have been faked. That is sufficient for me to accept there were two Oswalds beginning from a young age.

It wold be interesting to know specifically who shot Kennedy, and it would be interesting to know specifically how the exhumation evidence was faked. But neither are necessary knowledge.


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12 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
15 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

More endless philosophizing and straw dog mocking from Mr. B!  Perhaps he'll be willing to show us the missing front tooth on the exhumation photo of Lee Harvey Oswald's teeth.

As has been explained to you countless times, you have no evidence of a missing tooth. You have a photo in which you "see" a missing tooth because you want to. So, until you have proof of a missing tooth (not witness reports with your interpretation) you have nothing.


Eyewitness testimony is evidence.


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12 hours ago, Bernie Laverick said:
15 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

More endless philosophizing and straw dog mocking from Mr. B!  Perhaps he'll be willing to show us the missing front tooth on the exhumation photo of Lee Harvey Oswald's teeth.

Ha ha ha!!! They went to all that trouble of faking a mastoid operation... but forgot to simply chip the tooth?

They knew 'Lee' had a chipped tooth right? You keep saying that, so it must have been true. So why didn't they just simply chip 'Harvey's' tooth along with doing the mastoidectomy?

Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Why on earth would the CIA want to chip the corpse's tooth? Everybody knew that the Oswald shot by Ruby had no chipped tooth!

You and Michael Walton need to do a little more thinking before posting.


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From the affidavit of Erwin Lewis:

“It was a matter of common knowledge among squadron members that [Oswald] could read, write, and speak Russian.”

7 hours ago, Glenn Nall said:

Mere rumor.

That statement would likely have no value in a courtroom. It's pretty much what they call hearsay, isn't it. "Well, yes, I know this because everybody knows it. Bill told me himself, and Bill's hardly ever wrong."

I disagree with you Glen. That statement would show in a courtroom that 1) Erwin Lewis himself had knowledge that Oswald "could read, write, and speak Russian;” and 2) his impression was that others around him had the same knowledge.

If an opposing lawyer objected to Lewis's characterization as hearsay, the other lawyer would simply rephrase his question and get the two results that I just claimed.

Regardless, we are not in a court of law. If you want to wish away Lewis's claim for whatever reason, that's your business. But I think most fair minded people would accept it as probable fact if not challenged by the statements of the other squadron members.





Edited by Sandy Larsen
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