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Top Ten EF Threads That Explain the 63' Coup

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The moderators cleaned-up this thread. Thanks be to them. Lol

I thought it would be interesting to collect some gem's from Education Forum Members.

My intent is to list some Education Forum threads that pack a lot of information, and fill-out the story of the Coup of 1963.

Top 10 is just a name for the thread. I don't even have 10, and some of them are just place-holders for other threads that I lost track of along the way.

****edit. Interest in the original idea seems limited, so I'll just use this to collect links and resources. My Top ten will stay. Feel free to post your own.




My Top 10:



I am including this one for now because of Tosh Plumlee's comments

I'm just putting this here for the time being because I have one more thread to add to make 10; and it is a good, informative debate.


Edited by Michael Clark
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Although there may be some good stuff on EF, for the most part, it's one vast echo chamber of people getting into the nitty-gritty (a bystander with a white...no...gray...dress...no it's a head) over and over and over again stuck in an infinite loop with no real outcome, as well as a lot of loony, crazy, and silly theories (the cloned Oswald and his mom caper; the Z film being filmed at 48 FPS and then 67% of the frames removed; Ruby didn't shoot Oswald; and many, many more).

So I'm putting this here, not for you because we know where you stand, but for the true newbies out there just getting curious about the case, and to catch these newbies before they fall into the muck.

For newbies, please read these articles and volumes as a starting point to become educated about the JFK assassination. Go to these links first and read every word you can.  Then come back here and see how the things you will find here stand up:

James Douglass

How the media, at the early going, papered over what really happened:

Critique of the doorstop:

Pat Speer site - I do not agree with everything he says, but Speer is a great researcher.  Take the time to read about the ridiculous and fake 3D animation that the ABC television network tried to pass on to an unsuspecting public. Watch the videos there too:

Gil Jesus site - it has not been updated but a lot of good plausible stuff here:

Bill Simpich  - State Secret:

David Josephs - Oswald DID NOT go to Mexico City.  Why is this important?  Because the official story is he was down there meeting with a Russian assassin.  He was NOT there. Josephs writes about it here:

Jeff Carter - for newbies, there's a 26 second film shot of the assassination.  You may have seen it.  Remember - it was NOT doctored nor altered in any way, no matter what you read here on this forum.  Go here:

and here - note - this is unfortunately not a complete report, but it will explain further why the film was NOT altered in any way, no matter what you read on this forum:

Bart Kamp et. al. - the Prayer Man theory.  A very good one.  We will unfortunately never know until the TV station that owns the rights to the news film releases a pristine copy to be analyzed to see if the man in the corner is Oswald or not. They refuse to release it:

Finally, there will be documents released this fall (2017) purporting to be those remaining of the assassination. Knowing how things have gone with this case over the past 55 years, I don't expect anything earth-shattering but you never know.


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John Simkin's Bobby Baker thread is one of the most important in my thinking.

The power, corruption and agendas of the main characters in the LBJ/Bobby Baker history story were monstrously ruthless and effecting and to this day hugely neglected in the true historical record.

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John Simkin

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Here is a list of authors currently discussing their books on the Forum. 

Joe Trento, Prelude to Terror


Alfred McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade


Anthony Summers, The Kennedy Conspiracy


Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK 


Lamar Waldron, Ultimate Sacrifice


Gerald McKnight: Breach of Trust


William Pepper: Act of State


Joan Mellen: Farewell to Justice


G. Robert Blakey: The Plot to Kill the President


Josiah Thompson: Six Seconds in Dallas


Matthew Smith: JFK: The Second Plot


Tom Gabby, The Berlin Conspiracy


Jim Feltzer, The Strange Death of Paul Wellstone


Don Bohning: The Castro Obsession 


William Turner: Deadly Secrets


William Turner: Rearview Mirror


Joseph Trento, The Secret History of the CIA


Jim Marrs, Crossfire


William Reymond: JFK, Le Dernier Témoin


Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much


Nina Burleigh: A Very Private Woman


Larry Hancock: Someone Would Have Talked


Donald Gibson: The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up 


Ian Griggs: No Case to Answer


Edited by Michael Clark
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The "top ten" threads (that I've found and can remember) that explain the 1963 coup.


OK, all joking aside, which is your very favorite one, Michael?  

I mean, I really would like to know "where you're coming from" as regards the assassination of JFK, other than, you know, "The Evil, Evil CIA did it".

You got a fav?

Or are you kinda all over the place like me?

Seriously, now, and I mean it.  What's your favorite one, gosh darn it?

--  Toomby :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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The best of Ron Eckert

Ron makes me laugh so often I though I should start collecting some his funniest posts.

"It's fascinating that the name Curtis Berkley is so rich with anagams.

In alphabetical order:

Be Cruelty Risk

Be Truly Sicker

Icky Blusterer

Liberty Sucker

Lusty Bickerer

Rickety Rubles

Risky Tubercle

Trickery Blues

Ye Curst Bilker"




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Toomby - you need to answer the pertinent questions you love to ask here. Come on - don't be a chicken. I'm a professional musician. I have performance anxiety. But I do have to actually perform. I'm a team player, maybe even a very good one. Think of the forum as a team. I know it's not of course. But we all love to know what other posters really think, even if it's just a passing hunch. And sharing is what we do here, not just sharing our perceptions of others views or their peccadillos, but sharing our own thoughts and conclusions, even and especially if they are, as they should be, subject to revision. 

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7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Toomby - you need to answer the pertinent questions you love to ask here. Come on - don't be a chicken. I'm a professional musician. I have performance anxiety. But I do have to actually perform. I'm a team player, maybe even a very good one. Think of the forum as a team. I know it's not of course. But we all love to know what other posters really think, even if it's just a passing hunch. And sharing is what we do here, not just sharing our perceptions of others views or their peccadillos, but sharing our own thoughts and conclusions, even and especially if they are, as they should be, subject to revision. 


Dear Paul,


I'll give you twenty guesses.  LOL.


Although, if-truth-be-told, I guess I'm kinda "all over the place," too, just like young Michael is, I suppose.

In general, though, I think it's fair to say that I'm moving away from "The Evil, Evil CIA did it" CT and towards a rogue-CIA (Phillips?  Harvey? Morales?) / KGB or even rogue-KGB (Leonov?, Nechiporenko?, Kostikov?) combo  theory.

I joined the forum in 2005, iirc, so why don't you go back to 2006 or so to see how all over the place and "Evil, Evil CIA" I was back in the day?


As for my newish, evolving "CT", don't ask me for no gosh-darned details because I ain't got no gosh-darned details for you yet, gosh darn it. Capiche?


It's more of an "intuitive thang" (sic) for me right now if that's okay with you, Maestro.  (You ever play improvazational (sic) jazz, btw?)

But suffice it to say that I am almost 68 years-old, and like Roy Batty in Blade Runner I've seen a lot of xxxx go down, and, gosh darn it, am 1/4 Ukrainian, and therefore I've been following mobbed-up KGB-boy Putin's shenanigans in my Grandmother's country ever since the 2004-2005 Orange Revolution (including the mysterious dioxin poisoning of  Viktor Yukashenko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yushchenko , and, more recently, the polonium poisoning of the ex-KGB guy, Alexander Litvinenko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko , you know, that guy who was investigating the mysterious but conveniently-blamed-on-Chechen-terrorists   "1999 Russian Apartment Bombings"  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings which helped vault mobbed-up KGB-boy (and recently retired from the position of Director of the FSB -- look it up -- ) Vladimir Putin into the Russian presidency without being elected http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/ , ...

... And, wouldn't you know, I've also read on the internet and read in the newspapers and seen on TV some ugly rumors to the effect that Putin's "Cozy Bear" and "Fancy Bear" and "Guccifer 2.0" along with Putin's lackey, Julian Assange (Is he a hero to you?), conspired to saddle us with a "Useful-Idiot-For-Putin" president (how's that working out, btw?), and in conclusion all I can say, dear Maestro, is that all of this xxxx has had an effect on my approach to the JFK assassination.  If that's all right with you?


You don't mind my (omg, here comes a gerund!) calling you "Maestro," do you, Maestro?

Now please quit buggin' me and get to work on your own evidence-based (i.e., avoid Alt-Left and Alt-Right "news sources" and fact-check as much as possible https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/  ) and internally-coherent, "CT", won't you?


--  Toomby :sun


PS  "You need to ... "

How you figure, Brancato?

You mean ... to keep you and the other members from tarring and feathering me?

You've got a lot of gosh-darned gall to say that, Brancato.

I don't need to do anything here, except perhaps address young Michael as ....... well, ..... you know, ..... "MICHAEL"?


Edited by Thomas Graves
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