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Did the Dallas Radical Right kill JFK?

Paul Trejo

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FROM WASHINGTON POST:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2017/11/02/tantalizing-mystery-of-missing-jfk-file-solved-23-years-ago/?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories-2_jfk-945am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.d4682c1a3c75

Tantalizing mystery of missing JFK assassination file solved — 23 years ago

By Ian Shapira November 2 at 4:00 AM 
President John F. Kennedy, left, was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald, a former Marine who was killed two days later by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. (AP)

Of the 2,800 files related to John F. Kennedy’s assassination released last week, one document seemed especially juicy.

It was a previously classified 1975 deposition of former CIA director Richard Helms before the President’s Commission on CIA Activities in which Helms was asked about Lee Harvey Oswald, the former Marine who shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas. Oswald himself was killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby at Dallas police headquarters on live television, fueling decades of conspiracy theories.

The 1975 testimony, taken by the commission’s counsel, David Belin, cut off right at the most tantalizing part.

MR. BELIN: Well, now, the final area of my interrogation relates to charges that the CIA was in some way conspiratorially involved with the assassination of President Kennedy. During the time of the Warren Commission, you were Deputy Director of Plans, is that correct?

MR. HELMS: I believe so.

MR. BELIN: Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or an age[nt]…

Several news organizations, including The Washington Post, seized on the truncated file as an example of the government’s continued secrecy about the assassination.

 Play Video 4:14
Three key documents from the newly released JFK assassination records

The Sun newspaper in Britain wrote an article breathlessly headlined: COVER-UP? JFK files CUT OUT CIA director’s reply to whether Lee Harvey Oswald was a secret agent…so will we ever know the truth?” The Huffington Post reported the cut-off document and speculated that if Oswald had been a CIA agent, “it would stoke even more confusion” because of Oswald’s reported meeting with a KGB officer in Mexico City nearly two months before the assassination. The New York Times also found the abruptly finished document fascinating, saying it “may add to the questions” fueling conspiracy theories about the killing.

On Twitter, the suspicious-looking deposition also earned some attention. After the faux account of President Richard M. Nixon tweeted about the Kennedy files, one user replied: “Sir, have you seen the partial deposition of the Richard Helms that mysteriously cuts off?”

Here’s the thing, though. The rest of the deposition was released. Just not in this latest batch. The full testimony was declassified in 1994, according to the Mary Ferrell Foundation, which has been monitoring and writing about the Kennedy assassination records for years. So, what did Helms say?

The rest of Belin’s question asked Helms whether Oswald was an “agent of the FBI or any other Government agency?” Here is how Helms responds:

MR. HELMS: Mr. Belin, this question, and I think you may recall this, was raised at the time and the Agency was never able to find any evidence whatsoever, and we really searched that it had any contact with Lee Harvey Oswald. As far as the FBI was concerned, my recollection is not all that precise. I believe that Mr. Hoover testified that he had not been an agent of theirs either. He was certainly not an agent of the CIA. He was certainly never used by the CIA. Whether any CIA officer ever talked to him any  place or not I don’t know but I certainly felt quite comfortable — I believe Mr. [John] McCone [a previous CIA director] was asked to testify before the Commission on this point. I believe he was asked to testify. It was a hot item anyway at the time. And my recollection is that I informed Mr. McCone that we could find no evidence that Oswald had any connection with the CIA.

Belin didn’t challenge Helms any further on the matter. Instead, he pivoted and asked whether the CIA had withheld any information from the Warren Commission.

On Saturday, Dale K. Myers, writing for his own blog on the Kennedy files, expressed his displeasure with the world’s news outlets and its reporters/aspiring historians.
“If the Huffington Post, or the Sun, or any other news organization really wanted to know whether the Helms testimony transcript was new or available elsewhere, they could have found out with a few mouse clicks,” Myers wrote. “Does anyone know how to use Google over there?”

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Paul Trejo has been predicting for years that this final document release would finally prove the guilt of the ultra right. You'd think that there would be no need for continued withholding of documents if that was the case.  

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14 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Paul Trejo has been predicting for years that this final document release would finally prove the guilt of the ultra right. You'd think that there would be no need for continued withholding of documents if that was the case.  

Paul B.,

I see little connection with regard to the guilt/innocence of the Radical Right in connection with the JFK assassination and the continued withholding of documents.

If the documents still withheld point to the guilt of the Radical Right in the JFK saga, then they will eventually be released for us to see, much sooner than later.

If the documents still withheld merely conceal the names of US Government witnesses still living from the 1960's -- then I still expect the 2,800 documents released last week (with their 38,000 pages of material) to fully expose the guilt of the Radical Right in the JFK murder.

The TRUTH will out.

What is clearest today, is that not enough time has yet passed for a full digestion of the 38,000 pages of material released last week.  Anybody who claims to have read them all during the past week is selling soap.

One factor that is marvelous is modern OCR technology which involves computerized scanning of documents for keywords.  On that basis alone, I still like the chances of my Walker-did-it CT.

By the way, Dr. Jeff Caufield uses the term, "Radical Right" and not "Ultra Right."   It's interesting that General Walker himself used the term "Ultra Right."   That's because he knew that the US Government considered the term "Radical" as a fighting word -- hostile to the US Government -- and Walker didn't want to enrage the bull unnecessarily.

That superb book on the JFK saga by Jeff Caufield is entitled, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy:  The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015).

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Another day, another book plug.

you should read Hancock's review of what was released - 50+ new documents, the rest duplications, some with less redactions, some with more. It's the same old story. My point as that there is no reason to withhold documents if they show a radical or ultra right conspiracy of private citizens. Only some government participation can explain that.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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Much is being made about one document released today by NARA which is a lengthy FBI report regarding Martin Luther King Jr.

See, for example, this CNN report:  http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/03/politics/martin-luther-king-document-in-jfk-files/index.html

However, there is nothing new in this newly released FBI document re: MLK Jr. except, perhaps, that the names of some individuals are not redacted.  In previous years, some of their names were redacted because they were still living.  Even then, because of the context of comments made it was possible to correctly surmise their identities.

Most of this information was previously released in the FBI HQ main files captioned:

"Communist Infiltration of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference"
HQ 100-438794  and New York City 100-149194

"Martin Luther King Jr."
HQ 100-106690

"Communist Influence in Racial Matters"
HQ 100-442509

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Looks like all FBI records (HQ and field office files) pertaining to JFK's assassination are now being transferred to NARA:

NEW National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Records - Record Group 65 - Master Location Registry - October 2017 <http://www.governmentattic.org/25docs/NARA-FBIrg65MLR_2017.pdf>  - [PDF 444 KB 06-Nov-2017]

The practical meaning of this is as follows:

(1)  NARA currently charges 80 cents per page for either a paper photocopy of a document or for scanned PDF documents (onto a DVD). 

Which means that virtually nobody will be able to afford to obtain medium-size or large-size FBI files.  Example: a 1000 page file will cost $800 from NARA -- whereas the same file from the FBI would cost $15 or $20 for pdf files scanned onto a CD or DVD OR $90 for paper copies (first 100 pages free).   NARA does not provide any free pages.

(2)  Typically, it takes NARA 1 year to process a small request (under 500 pages) and 2-3 years for larger requests (over 500 to 1000 pages).

EXAMPLE:  When the FBI's HQ file on the JBS (12,000 pages) is sent to NARA, it would cost $9600 to obtain it from NARA.

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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On 11/2/2017 at 11:01 PM, Cory Santos said:

For your enjoyment. 

I post for you to read, I do not endorse the article.



Thanks for the chuckle.  That article is entitled "Why the Narrative that Right-wing Hate Killed JFK is False."

The reason offered is this: The Warren Report was correct -- a Lone-nut Oswald killed JFK.

The background given in that article for that explanation is the following:

(1) Lee Harvey Oswald was "almost certainly a far-left radical."

(2) Lee Harvey Oswald had ties to the American Civil Liberties Union 

(3) Lee Harvey Oswald was "an avowed communist."

(4) Lee Harvey Oswald, while a member of the US Marines, his fellow servicemen called him “Oswaldovich” because he taught himself to read Russian, and he read Russian newspapers at the El Toro base in California.

(5) After his discharge in 1959, Oswald traveled to the USSR and "unsuccessfully tried to defect."   He wrote: “I want citizenship because I am a communist and a worker. I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves.”

That's it.  That's all.  Those are the reasons given.  The mountain of evidence showing that Lee Harvey Oswald was a FAKE Communist, and worked for Guy Banister in New Orleans as a FAKE FPCC officer during the summer of 1963, should at least have been mentioned.

The fact that Oswald never really defected to the USSR should have been mentioned.  He always maintained his US Passport.  He never applied for Soviet citizenship while he lived in the USSR for 2.5 years.  He never joined the Communist Party, although this was offered to him continually.

Anybody who knows anything about the Communists during the Cold War knows that the ACLU has nothing to do with Communism.  Also, they know that Communists never operated as "lone wolves" but always joined one of the various Parties, obeyed orders, and associated with other members.

Lee Harvey Oswald did none of that.  The associates of Lee Harvey Oswald in his adult life were: (1) Marines; (2) Russian citizens who hated the USSR, like Marina Oswald; and (3) Radical Right-wingers like Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Fred Crisman, Jack S. Martin, Tom Beckham, Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall, Larry Howard and Roscoe White.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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25 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:



"The fact that Oswald never really defected to the USSR should have been mentioned.  He always maintained his US Passport.  He never applied for Soviet citizenship while he lived in the USSR for 2.5 years.  He never joined the Communist Party, although this was offered to him continually."


--Paul Trejo

One of many falsehoods that Paul Trejo repeats over and over even though he is repeatedly shown that his claim is false.

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17 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


Thanks for the chuckle.  That article is entitled "Why the Narrative that Right-wing Hate Killed JFK is False."

The reason offered is this: The Warren Report was correct -- a Lone-nut Oswald killed JFK.

The background given in that article for that explanation is the following:

(1) Lee Harvey Oswald was "almost certainly a far-left radical."

(2) Lee Harvey Oswald had ties to the American Civil Liberties Union 

(3) Lee Harvey Oswald was "an avowed communist."

(4) Lee Harvey Oswald, while a member of the US Marines, his fellow servicemen called him “Oswaldovich” because he taught himself to read Russian, and he read Russian newspapers at the El Toro base in California.

(5) After his discharge in 1959, Oswald traveled to the USSR and "unsuccessfully tried to defect."   He wrote: “I want citizenship because I am a communist and a worker. I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves.”

That's it.  That's all.  Those are the reasons given.  The mountain of evidence showing that Lee Harvey Oswald was a FAKE Communist, and worked for Guy Banister in New Orleans as a FAKE FPCC officer during the summer of 1963, should at least have been mentioned.

The fact that Oswald never really defected to the USSR should have been mentioned.  He always maintained his US Passport.  He never applied for Soviet citizenship while he lived in the USSR for 2.5 years.  He never joined the Communist Party, although this was offered to him continually.

Anybody who knows anything about the Communists during the Cold War knows that the ACLU has nothing to do with Communism.  Also, they know that Communists never operated as "lone wolves" but always joined one of the various Parties, obeyed orders, and associated with other members.

Lee Harvey Oswald did none of that.  The associates of Lee Harvey Oswald in his adult life were: (1) Marines; (2) Russian citizens who hated the USSR, like Marina Oswald; and (3) Radical Right-wingers like Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Fred Crisman, Jack S. Martin, Tom Beckham, Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall, Larry Howard and Roscoe White.

--Paul Trejo


For fun, give me any evidence you have that actually proves Oswald and White were associates.

Proof, not third hand accounts from friends of friends.

Something like the Ferrie Oswald photo from Frontline would suffice.

Also, do I understand you correctly?  You believe Oswald did not apply for Russian citizenship?

What proof do you have that Ferrie, Shaw, Crisman, Martin, etc. all those you mention were "far right".

Do you believe Oswald was an associate of Ruby?  If so what party did Ruby belong to?

Was Oswald connected to Hunt?  Perhaps his tour guide in Dealey weeks prior to (this is a serious question).  If so what proof do you have?


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On 11/6/2017 at 12:39 PM, Cory Santos said:


For fun, give me any evidence you have that actually proves Oswald and White were associates.

Proof, not third hand accounts from friends of friends.

Something like the Ferrie Oswald photo from Frontline would suffice.

Also, do I understand you correctly?  You believe Oswald did not apply for Russian citizenship?

What proof do you have that Ferrie, Shaw, Crisman, Martin, etc. all those you mention were "far right".

Do you believe Oswald was an associate of Ruby?  If so what party did Ruby belong to?

Was Oswald connected to Hunt?  Perhaps his tour guide in Dealey weeks prior to (this is a serious question).  If so what proof do you have?



The following is my opinion -- by the numbers:

1.0. Proof (not 3rd hand accounts) that Oswald and White were associates.

1.1.  Proof here means material evidence -- something one can examine under a microscope.

1.2.  My proof is that Roscoe White's wife, Geneva, was in possession of a fourth pose of the Lee Harvey Oswald Backyard Photographs (CE 133-C) -- something that nobody else had ever seen before she displayed it in 1979.

1.3.  My supporting evidence is that Jack White (photography analyst) reported that the neck, the shoulders, the lumpy right wrist and the backward stance of the body in the Backyard Photographs always belonged to Roscoe White.  They were from his body, and a separate photo of Oswald's head was pasted onto that.

1.4.  My supporting evidence is that Lee Harvey Oswald had the means to make sophisticated photographic fakes at his place of employment in early 1963, namely, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (JCS). 

1.5.  Lee Harvey Oswald made his fake Alek J. Hidell ID and military cards at JCS. 

1.6.  Oswald had the means, the opportunity and the motive to falsify the Backyard Photographs at JCS, and if (and only if) he did so, then he clearly did it with the ASSISTANCE of Roscoe White (given the photographic evidence supplied by Jack White).

2.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald never applied for Russian citizenship.  That is absolutely my opinion.

2.1.  The US State Department testified this to the Warren Commission.  It was one of their motives for getting Oswald out of the USSR as soon as they could.

2.2.  I have never seen any written evidence that Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship.  The keyword is APPLIED.  He might have said anything at all to get into the USSR, but once he was inside, he never formally filled out an APPLICATION for citizenship.

2.3.  If anybody had that APPLICATION, I have never seen it.  I maintain that none exists.

3.0.  Proof that Ferrie, Shaw, Crisman, Martin, Beckham, Hemming, Hall, Howard were "far right".

3.1.  My first evidence is all the data in the writings of Joan Mellen (Farewell to Justice, 2005).

3.2.  My second evidence is the writings and interviews of Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall and Harry Dean.

3.3.  My third evidence is the history of Guy Banister, as given by Dr. Jeff Caufield (2015).

4.0.  Oswald was never any associate of Jack Ruby.

4.1.  My evidence is the book by Seth Kantor (Who Was Jack Ruby? 1978), who knew Jack Ruby for years.

4.2.  According to Kantor, Jack Ruby knew nothing about the JFK plot.

4.3.  Instead, Ruby was hired at the last minute by the Dallas Police to rub out Lee Harvey Oswald at Dallas City Jail, because the police had failed to shoot Oswald in the street.  I accept that CT.

5.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald might have been connected to E. Howard Hunt.

5.1.  E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed to a role in the JFK assassination.

5.2.  Marita Lorenz testified under oath that she saw Hunt and Oswald in the same room.

5.3.  Since I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a part of the JFK plot (though of course he had no clue that he was the Patsy), then it makes sense to me that Oswald and Hunt might have crossed paths somewhere.

5.4.  I don't think that Lee Harvey Oswald knew Dallas well enough to be tour guide for E. Howard Hunt -- because Oswald needed a street map to find a job in Dallas.

Thanks for the polite conversation, Cory.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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There is a lot to go over to respond to.

Thank you for giving me the basis of your opinions.

Well I know people very very close to Ruby, they would laugh at the idea he would be selected for such a task.  In fact, while eating dinner in the Egyption Lounge, otherwise known as Campisi's , as a guest of someone who had invited my father to dinner as he was in town judging a fight on national television, I brought up several issues with him.  His opinion, which I respect, surprised me as Ruby- while having many quirks and having a mob attitude, was not as . . . lets say. . . appropriate for such a task as killing the accused patsy in a huge plot to kill the president.  So, I was taken aback and have struggled with the information I received because it was difficult to throw away a first hand account from a prominent person with knowledge while enjoying great Italian food.

One thing I am greatly concerned with.  If Oswald was not an intelligence operative, then he most certainly would have been under close surveillance in Russia.  Now, that is not proof or a fact, it is my opinion.  But, where is all the information on it?  I did not see it in the release-though I am certainly not even halfway through them yet.

But lets think this through.

If the radical right, as it is called, was responsible for the assassination, logically, LBJ or Earl Warren, or several other Dems. or note, would have loved to pin this on the radical right, especially before the 1964 election.  Assuming so many people knew about the assassination, as on another post notes so many involved it is amazing, then several Dems did know about the assassination beforehand.

That would make them complicit, some perhaps afterwards if they conspired to cover things up.  Ergo, it was not the radical right, but power brokers in both parties. 

As for the White allegations, I am concerned with the whole story.  However, I am greatly interested in research in the matter.  The document release had a memo which was a report from an informant stating Tippit was part of it.  I have not yet seen a report with White's name.  Of course if I am wrong, correct me.

I too appreciate polite discussion of the matter.


Edited by Cory Santos
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2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


The following is my opinion -- by the numbers:

1.0. Proof (not 3rd hand accounts) that Oswald and White were associates.

1.1.  Proof here means material evidence -- something one can examine under a microscope.

1.2.  My proof is that Roscoe White's wife, Geneva, was in possession of a fourth pose of the Lee Harvey Oswald Backyard Photographs (CE 133-C) -- something that nobody else had ever seen before she displayed it in 1979.

1.3.  My supporting evidence is that Jack White (photography analyst) reported that the neck, the shoulders, the lumpy right wrist and the backward stance of the body in the Backyard Photographs always belonged to Roscoe White.  They were from his body, and a separate photo of Oswald's head was pasted onto that.

1.4.  My supporting evidence is that Lee Harvey Oswald had the means to make sophisticated photographic fakes at his place of employment in early 1963, namely, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (JCS). 

1.5.  Lee Harvey Oswald made his fake Alek J. Hidell ID and military cards at JCS. 

1.6.  Oswald had the means, the opportunity and the motive to falsify the Backyard Photographs at JCS, and if (and only if) he did so, then he clearly did it with the ASSISTANCE of Roscoe White.

2.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald never applied for Russian citizenship.  That is absolutely my opinion.

2.1.  The US State Department testified this to the Warren Commission.  It was one of their motives for getting Oswald out of the USSR as soon as they could.

2.2.  I have never seen any written evidence that Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship.  The keyword is APPLIED.  He might have said anything at all to get into the USSR, but once he was inside, he never formally filled out an APPLICATION for citizenship.

2.3.  If anybody had that APPLICATION, I have never seen it.  I maintain that none exists.

3.0.  Proof that Ferrie, Shaw, Crisman, Martin, Beckham, Hemming, Hall, Howard were "far right".

3.1.  My first evidence is all the data in the writings of Joan Mellen (Farewell to Justice, 2005).

3.2.  My second evidence is the writings and interviews of Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall and Harry Dean.

3.3.  My third evidence is the history of Guy Banister, as given by Dr. Jeff Caufield (2015).

4.0.  Oswald was never any associate of Jack Ruby.

4.1.  My evidence is the book by Seth Kantor (Who Was Jack Ruby? 1978), who knew Jack Ruby for years.

4.2.  According to Kantor, Jack Ruby knew nothing about the JFK plot.

4.3.  Instead, Ruby was hired at the last minute by the Dallas Police to rub out Lee Harvey Oswald at Dallas City Jail, because the police had failed to shoot Oswald in the street.  I accept that CT.

5.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald might have been connected to E. Howard Hunt.

5.1.  E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed to a role in the JFK assassination.

5.2.  Marita Lorenz testified under oath that she saw Hunt and Oswald in the same room.

5.3.  Since I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a part of the JFK plot (though of course he had no clue that he was the Patsy), then it makes sense to me that Oswald and Hunt might have crossed paths somewhere.

5.4.  I don't think that Lee Harvey Oswald knew Dallas well enough to be tour guide for E. Howard Hunt -- because Oswald needed a street map to find a job in Dallas.

Thanks for the polite conversation, Cory.

--Paul Trejo

Paul, the subtle change from this.......


"Paul Trejo wrote:

"Also, the fact that LHO never surrrendered his US passport  -- smart move.  Also, the fact that LHO enjoyed benefits like the newest apartment complex in Minsk, and additional monthly payments from the Red Cross.  Also, the fact that LHO never applied for Soviet citizenship.  Very smart.  Also, the fact that LHO refused to join the Communist Party there -- though continually invited.   Also smart."

--Paul Trejo" 3-29-17 "Bill Simpich's State Secrets" thread


And from the same thread,


I agree that Oswald was a spy -- in his own mind.

I also agree that Oswald never renounced his US citizenship, nor applied for USSR citizenship, nor joined any Communist Party while in the USSR, or the USA.

--Paul Trejo"



.......To what you wrote above, is just an insertion of weasle words.

You need to show the Warren commission text of which you speak. You need to show some background for your assertion that LHO was continually asked to join the communist party.


The Yeltsin Papers, and the diary of Lee Harvey Oswald show that you fabricate stuff, whole cloth, use weasel words to slightly shift your position and don't back up your claims. There is nothing polite in asserting bold-faced fabrications, with a smile.




Edited by Michael Clark
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