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What did WFB Jr. want removed about JFK?

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4 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

If only people who look, speak and worship differently would just go the f&$^ away, then all would be well?

Your strawman is easily defeated.   Nowhere in my comment do I suggest that people should 'just go away'.  My comment only states that 'racist' is an overused word that has become meaningless.  It can apply to anybody where there is a conflict as a result of multiculturalism.  The word seems to apply to a baby less than 1 year old.  (btw, I've been a legal immigrant twice in my life.)  I only said that the term 'racist', is only a result of multiculturalism, and  therefore, does not exist as a stand alone description of someone.


Andrew, you would agree that a major publication like Newsweek that's accusing a 1 year old baby, (or maybe less), of being a racist is a little warped in the mind, correct?  However, maybe you do think it's accurate.

I do have a group of people that I wish would 'just go the F... away', and that's hypocrites, and the word hypocrite applies to most people, and here's a good example of hypocrisy in the NYC school system.

I'll let everyone read the links below that show that the Asst Principal of PS 24 blew the whistle on a NYS Assemblyman, and the Principal, that screened Black and Hispanic so as to keep them from attending this primarily Jewish school.  These are older links, the Asst Principal eventually sued and won his case and received a pile of money.



I'd bet dollars to donuts that Dinowitz sees 'racists' in his sleep.  What's even more disturbing is that he's a member of the New York State Assembly/Senate Puerto Rican & Hispanic Task Force.

SOMOS’ mission is to unite the Latino community and raise awareness, advocate and elevate social consciousness on public policy in collaboration with the New York State Assembly/Senate Puerto Rican & Hispanic Task Force; and to ensure the upward mobility of Latino youth through educational empowerment, mentoring programs and scholarships.

So on the one hand, Dinowitz is tasked with empowering Blacks and Hispanics with scholarships, and upward mobility, while on the other hand, his actions are screening out certain people when it comes to registering them in a school that is a part of his Jewish Identity.  I recommend a search on Manny Verdi the AP, as the whole story comes up that way.  Oddly, or not so oddly, very little to nothing comes up on Dinowitz in this case.

This is just one example of one incident, there are many examples of all races, and creeds trying to make 'different people'  just go away.  Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Oriental, everybody, has done incidents just like the one I just mentioned.  It's called, "Identity."  MC doesn't work.  Once in NYC, I was told I couldn't enter a sushi restaurant on the Upper Westside because it was only for Japanese people.

Who should go away, Andrew?  Is Dinowitz a racist?  If Dinowitz had his way, and he got the Blacks and Hispanics to 'just go the Fxxx away', would everything be OK in the school?



Edited by Robert Card
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Robert - I take your point. But I disagree in a fundamental way. There are real racists. And then there are people and places, like parts of the US south, South Africa during Apartheid, and Israel now, where one can make the case that racism is not an accurate enough word to describe the actions of people anxious to hold on to their rulership when they are, or become, the minority. So - fine - you can make a case that when a minority in power protects themselves it’s not necessarily racist. That does not in any way discount racism, which is alive and well and has a long and provable written history. Heck, I remember my then father in law explaining to me why all the waiters in a restaurant in Texas we were dining in were white, and all the busboys black. Hint - It had nothing to do with multicultural fears. 

Yes, not all racists are white. But the history of white racism is real and worldwide. 

I could say so much more, and others reading this will probably find fault with my partial acceptance of your theory. 

The world seems to be divided into two basic types: People who embrace humanity as a whole, and people who fear the OTHER. 

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I think I need to be more clear.   My point is that what we call 'racism', is actually a response to Multiculturalism.  MC doesn't work, and the outcome is what some people call racism.

The people we call 'racists' are actually victims of MC.  People have 'Identity', and that causes them to desire to be with people that are just like them.

African Blacks that are Jewish, are granted residency in Israel, but if they're not Jewish, then they have to leave:


Paul, are the Israelis racists, or are they protecting their identity?  Why do the Israelis 'embrace' the Jewish Black Africans, and not the non-Jewish Black Africans?

But the history of white racism is real and worldwide.  Whites make up 3% of the world population, so I hardly call that worldwide.  I also gave the example of Fiji to specifically counter this point.  Whites have nothing to do with that, or the Israeli banishment of Blacks.

It can even be white vs white, like in the Eastern U.S. between the North and the South.  I found the hate between these two groups unbelievable in scale, and they're both white.  it's not race, it's not racism, it's multiculturalism.

BTW, I support Dinowitz in the above links in trying to keep the school all Jewish, and i support Israel in deporting Blacks.  This has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with Identity.  I just don't like hypocrites.

I could say so much more, and others reading this will probably find fault with my partial acceptance of your theory.    I covered this too where I said there are a lot of hypocrites out there when it comes to race.  Re-read the part about NYS Assemblyman Dinowitz being a hypocrite.

How's that diversity/multiculturalism working out for you in Sweden?  Sweden is now 2nd in the world in rapes after South Africa, whereas it was almost non-existent prior to the Muslim invasion.  The United Nations says Sweden will be a third world country by 2030.

Police in a homogeneous society:



Police in a multicultural society:


One more time:  I never said there is no hate, I said the hate is because of multiculturalism, and the word 'racist' is so overused as to be meaningless.  I gave the example of NYC, the most hate filled sh*thole on the planet.  I would not spend even a minute in the U.S. because of all the hate as a result of the MC.  The hate in the U.S.is frightening to me.  

I live in a homogeneous society that is almost like Heaven.  Multiculturalism doesn't  work.

The world seems to be divided into two basic types: People who embrace humanity as a whole, and people who fear the OTHER.  REALITY:  The world is divided into thousands of cultures, and many/most of these cultures do not mix well, especially when different religions are involved.  Look up the Religious Wars in France in the 1500's.




Edited by Robert Card
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On ‎1‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 5:44 AM, Robert Harper said:

Mr. Caddy:

I think that the Buckley legacy can easily withstand any dribble of rain sprayed by Mr DiEugenio.

For starters, he was one of the premiere debaters on the American stage easily moving from political to cultural to philosophical and religious thought. He would never – for instance – refer to a book as a “tome of disinfo” without detailing reasons for referencing such; he would never not complete his role as spokesman for the affirmative in a debate about his usage of a term; and, although an author of scores of books and thousands of columns, he wouldn’t answer a debate query by saying “doesn’t anyone read my books?”

He was responsible for finding and publishing two of the finer intellects of the past 50 years—Garry Wills and Renata Adler and two of its best writers in Tom Wolfe and Joan Didion. His range of guests, invited to debate with him, is unapparelled in American history. How many people can you name who could discuss issues – with informed grace for an hour - with Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, Allen Ginsburg, Jack Kerouac, Harold MacMillan, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, George McGovern, Timothy Leary John Kenneth Galbraith, Allard Lowenstein, Rosalyn Tureck, Rebecca West and Muhammad Ali, to name just a few? One could have a good grasp of the major issues of the 20th century by watching - or reading the transcripts of - his Firing Line show. 

He burst on the stage of authors with a book about his undergraduate years at Yale. He ran for Mayor of NYC and wrote a great book about the experience; his running spurred Norman Mailer to do the same and they – at opposite ends of the political spectrum in many ways – always had respectful and mutually engaging conversations. Although a prolific writer of spy novels which became best sellers, his writing on sailing and ocean crossing and his writings on religion are sublime products of a crystal-clear intelligence with a superb writing style.
I doubt he used words like “racist” or “sexist” or “anti-Semitic” to brand someone because of their beliefs. He was much more comfortable asking questions and providing context than in summing up a person – or an idea – with pejorative dismissals. He always provided a Constitutional answer to a question about the Constitution; he accepted another’s views for what they were—good faith articulations of an affiliation. His positions on issues weren’t those of what was termed “liberal,” but his thinking was libertarian in principle, and inclusive of dialectic thought.

On a personal level, I “liked” Gore Vidal more, and approved of his take on many issues.  I generally voted opposite to the way Buckley suggested. On the early evening of the Simpson murders on Rockingham Avenue, in Los Angeles, I was hosting an ACLU event a few houses down the street—certainly not WFB’s favorite group. But like Coleridge, Buckley felt that the best way to advance an idea was to face the best that the other side had to offer and that by doing so, one could come to an informed conclusion.

Mr Caddy, my guess is that he was a superb friend. I hope readers of this “education” forum are not put off by any suggestion that he was a “racist” or that he didn’t write well. Either of those propositions are, imho, unsupportable if one is acquainted with him or his works.


Bill Buckley was aerodyte. The multitude of guests of all persuasions that he had on his Firing Line program shows that he was at ease in discussing any number of subjects. I suspect  now that the modern Conservative Movement has been taken over lock stock and barrel by psychopaths, sociopaths, opportunists and traitors that he would aghast and would find nothing in common with these deplorables.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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7 hours ago, Robert Card said:

I think I need to be more clear.   My point is that what we call 'racism', is actually a response to Multiculturalism.  MC doesn't work, and the outcome is what some people call racism.

The people we call 'racists' are actually victims of MC.  People have 'Identity', and that causes them to desire to be with people that are just like them.

African Blacks that are Jewish, are granted residency in Israel, but if they're not Jewish, then they have to leave:


Paul, are the Israelis racists, or are they protecting their identity?  Why do the Israelis 'embrace' the Jewish Black Africans, and not the non-Jewish Black Africans?

But the history of white racism is real and worldwide.  Whites make up 3% of the world population, so I hardly call that worldwide.  I also gave the example of Fiji to specifically counter this point.  Whites have nothing to do with that, or the Israeli banishment of Blacks.

It can even be white vs white, like in the Eastern U.S. between the North and the South.  I found the hate between these two groups unbelievable in scale, and they're both white.  it's not race, it's not racism, it's multiculturalism.

BTW, I support Dinowitz in the above links in trying to keep the school all Jewish, and i support Israel in deporting Blacks.  This has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with Identity.  I just don't like hypocrites.

I could say so much more, and others reading this will probably find fault with my partial acceptance of your theory.    I covered this too where I said there are a lot of hypocrites out there when it comes to race.  Re-read the part about NYS Assemblyman Dinowitz being a hypocrite.

How's that diversity/multiculturalism working out for you in Sweden?  Sweden is now 2nd in the world in rapes after South Africa, whereas it was almost non-existent prior to the Muslim invasion.  The United Nations says Sweden will be a third world country by 2030.

Police in a homogeneous society:



Police in a multicultural society:


One more time:  I never said there is no hate, I said the hate is because of multiculturalism, and the word 'racist' is so overused as to be meaningless.  I gave the example of NYC, the most hate filled sh*thole on the planet.  I would not spend even a minute in the U.S. because of all the hate as a result of the MC.  The hate in the U.S.is frightening to me.  

I live in a homogeneous society that is almost like Heaven.  Multiculturalism doesn't  work.

The world seems to be divided into two basic types: People who embrace humanity as a whole, and people who fear the OTHER.  REALITY:  The world is divided into thousands of cultures, and many/most of these cultures do not mix well, especially when different religions are involved.  Look up the Religious Wars in France in the 1500's.




Multiculturalism doesn’t work? Will never work? You think it impossible to not fear ‘otherness’? 

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Multiculturalism is having a hard time working, thanks to a number of pre-existing influences and prejudices, plus some new influences arising within the multicultural experience.

However, supporting homogenist alternatives in America is unthinkable, as the evils of the Jim Crow and Civil Rights periods show.  We have to keep fostering progress, and not hand the future over to the MAGA teens.


Edited by David Andrews
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10 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Multiculturalism is having a hard time working, thanks to a number of pre-existing influences and prejudices, plus some new influences arising within the multicultural experience.

However, supporting homogenist alternatives in America is unthinkable, as the evils of the Jim Crow and Civil Rights periods show.  We have to keep fostering progress, and not hand the future over to the MAGA teens.



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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Multiculturalism doesn’t work? Will never work? You think it impossible to not fear ‘otherness’? 

Do I myself think it's impossible " to not fear 'otherness'".  Well, let me tell you about myself, I'm a white, practicing Mormon, I'm married to a dark-skinned Jew, and I send and pay for my two grandsons to a Roman Catholic Jesuit school.  How's that for 'otherness'?  I'm surprised you haven't called me a racist yet.

I see you use a debating technique called, "The DVP/FC Tactic", and that's where you run away from facts that destroy your argument.

I don't know what the answer is to these problems, there are many factors like IQ, disinformation, and different cultures with different agendas from top to bottom.

I mentioned that Greece, at the time of Aristotle, was dealing with these multiculture problems, just as we do today.

You know that much of the black leadership hates Liberals, correct?


Is Muhammad Ali a racist?



Now let's look at the past weekend in Washington DC.  Is this your idea of an example of Multiculturalism working?  I actually don't see anything good happening in the near future, do you?  Don't do a DVP/FC on me.


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23 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

Do I myself think it's impossible " to not fear 'otherness'".  Well, let me tell you about myself, I'm a white, practicing Mormon, I'm married to a dark-skinned Jew, and I send and pay for my two grandsons to a Roman Catholic Jesuit school.  How's that for 'otherness'?  I'm surprised you haven't called me a racist yet.

I see you use a debating technique called, "The DVP/FC Tactic", and that's where you run away from facts that destroy your argument.

I don't know what the answer is to these problems, there are many factors like IQ, disinformation, and different cultures with different agendas from top to bottom.

I mentioned that Greece, at the time of Aristotle, was dealing with these multiculture problems, just as we do today.

You know that much of the black leadership hates Liberals, correct?


Is Muhammad Ali a racist?



Now let's look at the past weekend in Washington DC.  Is this your idea of an example of Multiculturalism working?  I actually don't see anything good happening in the near future, do you?  Don't do a DVP/FC on me.


I agree with you, Robert, that racism has been with us for centuries.  I agree that it exists in more races than the dominant one in a culture.  I agree that racism may always be with us.  The point is, we can't legislate in favor of racism, because not only is that a legal and cultural step backward, but the slightest movement in that direction opens the door to all sorts of extralegal actions, up to and including violence.  This is QED under the present administration, and will be repeated in a more nationalistic Europe.

If we had worked, since the end of colonialism, on making what Mr. Trump calls the "xxxxhole countries" more liveable, several continents and multiple peoples would not be suffering today.

Robert, what is a society without multiculturalism like?  I don't want to put words in your mouth, so I'm asking.

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7 minutes ago, David Andrews said:


If we had worked, since the end of colonialism, on making what Mr. Trump calls the "xxxxhole countries" more liveable, several continents and multiple peoples would not be suffering today.


Of course what you're saying here is totally true, but my problem is with "if we had worked'.   "WE" don't have any sayso in anything.  South America  has more natural resources than North America, and yet, you see poverty here that's unbelievable.  I mentioned many times that I left the JFK study about 15 years ago on Lancer because i could no longer waste my time with DVP.  I went further down the rabbit hole, and came up with a totally different take on the world.

There is nothing "we" is going to do about anything.  We're just slaves on a tax plantation.

What I call the 'Nutwork' actually wants us to be fighting each other.  It makes us more dysfunctional, and therefore, easier to control.  Who do you think is bringing the drugs into the country?

Anybody with character that tries to change this system, like JFK or Hammarsjkold, gets taken out.

Don't fall for these Nutwork tricks like 'racism'.

This is why MC does not work, the Religion of Peace beating up a Christian preacher.



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1 hour ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

I guess it's all pink inside, right?

IQ, Identity, and the many thousands of genetic, and cultural differences are not pink on the inside.

Neither is hypocrisy.

Edited by Robert Card
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36 minutes ago, David Andrews said:


Robert, what is a society without multiculturalism like?  I don't want to put words in your mouth, so I'm asking.

A society without multiculturalism is awesome.   I live in one, so I can say exactly what it is.  I'm the only white person within a neighborhood of about 50,000 people.

In my city of Medellin, Colombia, with a population of about 4 million, 98% have the same religion, 99% speak the same language, where most people look alike and talk alike,  have roughly the same income, and lead the same lives.  (There is classicism, and Native Indians feel they've been screwed.)

I've travelled a little in my time,  and  this is the most friendly place I've ever been to.   This is not a tourist destination, so other cultures are 'locked out.'

I can go anywhere, and someone will come up and start talking to me.  We have tough driving conditions because the roads aren't wide enough, but no road rage whatsoever.  People will rally in your favor if some troublemaker comes into your neighborhood.  There is a formal Spanish that you can use, enabling someone to talk with respect to any strange girl on the street.  Big cities, too.

The respect for old people is unbelievable, and does not exist on this level in the U.S.

No American has a clue as to how good a homogeneous society is.  With what feminism has done to the U.S., American men don't even know what a woman is.  Take a look at the UN studies on female happiness in the world, and Colombia comes up 1st in the world, year after year.  The big feminist disaster known as Sweden comes in year after year around 170 out of 193.  Despite the poverty, Colombian women are the greatest, happiest women in the world.  I mean it when I say the 1st world does not know what a woman is.

All those Latinos heading to the U.S..........they don't like you.   Trust me on that, and why?   MC doesn't work.

I have a picture for you:


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Robert Card said:

Do I myself think it's impossible " to not fear 'otherness'".  Well, let me tell you about myself, I'm a white, practicing Mormon, I'm married to a dark-skinned Jew, and I send and pay for my two grandsons to a Roman Catholic Jesuit school.  How's that for 'otherness'?  I'm surprised you haven't called me a racist yet.

Hi Robert, a Mormon? , I see your line of demarcation of villainy as DVP and FC, , is that because as  a devout Christian, maybe there's hope for you and Lance? I  say because I'm  only trying to be a peacemaker, because it didn't say somewhere say "God Bless are the Peacemakers, for they will obtain--- harbor from multi culturalism?"   I'm sorry, I can't remember any of that sh-t. I'm sure you are a card to be dealt with in any society. (i know you've heard that)

It doesn't sound from what you say that you're in a expat enclave like Medellin, or you might as a victim  experience that multi cultural angst. What i always hear from expats is the dismaying frequency at which they're robbed,(but in fairness, I also hear that from expats decrying Florida) but I've always assumed that was to due largely to using poor judgment. Maybe you're experiencing some of that multi cultural angst from those Venezuelan refugees, as people there have told me?. I'm not sure how long since you've been to the States.  I always find that expats after a few years being gone have a very headline induced skew on America, but I'm never really sure where their  sources are from. For example: There are certain issues such as gun violence that lead foreigners to assume that it's not safe to walk any street, and then extrapolate that it's all because of race or multiculturalism almost as much as, t the availability of high powered weapons. I'm hardly trying to minimize it. It's obviously very bad.

We are under the spell of MLK day. Sure racism will probably always be with us. (At least until everybody's kids look like they come from you and your Colombian wife) But the real issues today  in America i think   have much less to do with the race, ethnicity, but it's always offered as a divisive smoke screen for the  real issue, which is  income equality. Whether people and their families can have a viable economic future, and just what and who is impeding them, is the emerging question that people are finally facing.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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