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The KGB and the JFK case

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With all due respect, don't you understand: This is Bob Baer and Tracking Oswald all over.

 Duran was part of the plot.

How could you have missed that?

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3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


With all due respect, don't you understand: This is Bob Baer and Tracking Oswald all over.

 Duran was part of the plot.

How could you have missed that?


With all due respect, that must mean it's all wrong, huh?


--  Tommy  :sun

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In case you did not notice, I have taken David'a advice.

I don't take you seriously anymore.  And I think few people on this board do.

I have explained why on several occasions.  You ignore them.


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38 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

With all due respect (which ain't much), it's obvious to be that Duran dissembled so much about so many things, about the only three things she got right were 1) & 2) "Flesh-and-Blood 'Oswald'" (or, if you prefer, "Invisible Oswald") Nikolai Leonov was "about the same height as her five-three and one-half" (Leonov was 5' 7") and he (or "Invisible He"), like Nikolai Leonov, was blond.

Oh yeah, and 3) -- The Cuban Consulate was closed to the public on Saturdays.

Other than that?  Lies, lies, and more lies, amigo.

WITH HER Oswald BEING ABOUT 5'3" and Leonov at 5'7" I guess your little theory is done... 

With her Oswald at 199 lbs according to your crack interpretations, your LEONOV theory now sounds quite foolish.

Unless you somehow understand that the man described was not 199 lbs... but proportionate to his height, yet on the skinny side, compared to Lopez.

It's also very possible the entire episode was made up.   The visa application is a plant, as are the photos...  she can't say where se sent the man for photos, something she does as part of her job on a weekly basis...

Yes, lies.  more than I think you are even willing to see and accept...

And really tommy, I lost respect for you years ago... I check what you post now, as every once in a while you post something pithy and worth a chuckle... but for the most part, your command of the info and the implications is...



love and kisses... :sun

Edited by David Josephs
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On 2/22/2018 at 3:08 PM, David Josephs said:

WITH HER Oswald BEING ABOUT 5'3" and Leonov at 5'7" I guess your little theory is done... 

With her Oswald at 199 lbs according to your crack interpretations, your LEONOV theory now sounds quite foolish.

Unless you somehow understand that the man described was not 199 lbs... but proportionate to his height, yet on the skinny side, compared to Lopez.

It's also very possible the entire episode was made up.   The visa application is a plant, as are the photos...  she can't say where se sent the man for photos, something she does as part of her job on a weekly basis...

Yes, lies.  more than I think you are even willing to see and accept...

And really tommy, I lost respect for you years ago... I check what you post now, as every once in a while you post something pithy and worth a chuckle... but for the most part, your command of the info and the implications is...



love and kisses... :sun


David "Miles Scull" Josephs,, 

With all due respect (which, I must confess, ain't much), since Duran was five-foot three and three quarters, and Leonov was only five-foot seven (five-seven is pretty short, no?), don't you think it's within the realm of possibility that Duran would describe Leonov as being "about the same height" as her?

Or do you really think that your evil, evil, evil CIA sent a blond-haired, blue-eyed, very thin-faced, 30-something guy who was only 5' 4" or 5' 5" down to Mexico City to impersonate 5' 9.5" Lee Harvey Oswald?

Okay, how about 5' 6"?

5' 6.5?

--  Tommy  :sun

PS  The reason I mentioned the 199 pounds, Josephs, was to show just how far Duran was willing to go in her 1978 prevarications.


PPS  "It's also very possible the entire episode was made up.   The visa application is a plant, as are the photos...  she can't say where she sent the man for photos, something she does as part of her job on a weekly basis..." 

I agree, Josephs.  But I'm willing to see it as a set-up of the KGB and the CIA by Fidel Castro, with the intention of fulfilling two goals:  Kill Kennedy, and make it look as though both the CIA and KGB were involved. 

Whereas you'd rather see it as exclusively an evil, evil, evil CIA deal, no?


Edited by Thomas Graves
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20 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

With all due respect, I haven't even read all of your post.

I almost gagged when I got to the part about "a phone call BETWEEN Oswald and Duran on Saturday (OR WAS IT SUNDAY?)"

Dude.  The phone call was allegedly from the Cuban Consulate to the Soviet Embassy/Consulate on Saturday, September 28, and in the phone call "Duran" and "Oswald" can both be heard talking with a Russian in the Soviet Embassy.  Problem is, the Cuban Consulate was closed on Saturdays, and the Soviet switchboard was allegedly, too.


Which is why I wrote this disclaimer:  "I went on memory writing this paragraph and may have remembered incorrectly."

I haven't studied the telephone calls yet. I have just read some -- maybe all -- at one time or another.

But my mis-recollection of the details of that phone call is irrelevant to point I was trying to make.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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13 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

I'm willing to see it as a Castro set-up, with the intention of fulfilling two goals:  Kill Kennedy, and make it look as though both the CIA and KGB were involved.



I don't understand. If it appeared that the CIA and KGB were behind the assassination, how would that set Castro up? Set Castro up as what?

And who would it be behind this false flag operation?


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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



I don't understand. If it appeared that the CIA and KGB were behind the assassination, how would that set Castro up? Set Castro up as what?

And who would it be behind this false flag operation?



With all due respect, in my ever-evolving "theory" I think it was probably the other way around.  

I think it's possible that Castro (who, in late 1961, had publicly excoriated Khruschev for withdrawing the missiles without consulting with Fidel, and who knew that the brothers Kennedy were trying to invade again and/or kill him) set THEM up, or at least their respective intelligence services, by forcing Duran and Azcue to describe "Oswald" like Leonov, and by having one of his (Castro's) Russian-and-English-speaking agents call the Soviet Embassy on 9/28 (with help from Duran), and on 10/01 (the "Kostikov call"), thereby setting off a mole hunt (or giving invigorated impetus to an ongoing one) by CIA which ended up appearing to implicate CIA in the assassination.

How else to explain Duran's telling DFS and the HSCA after the assassination that Invisible Oswald -- ("invisible" because nobody physically impersonated Oswald on 9/27/63 -- that part of the story was made up out of thin air) -- was quite short, blond, and blue-eyed (just like KGB "diplomat" Nikolai Leonov), and for Cuban Consul Eusebio Azcue's describing the same 9/27/63 invisible troublemaker as being "30 years old, blond or dark-blond, blue-suited, thin (i.e., skinny), and very thin-faced"?

How many people matching THAT description do you think were walking around Mexico City, Sandy?

Do you think Duran and Azcue described "Oswald" as some short-statured, blond-haired, very thin-faced dude to implicate some short, thin-faced albino working in the circus, or that CIA, knowing full well that real-deal Oswald was 23 years old, 5' 9.5", approximately 140 pounds, brown-haired, and not particularly thin-faced, would send to Mexico City somebody matching what was basically Nikolai Leonov's description in order to impersonate Oswald?




--  Tommy  :sun


Edited by Thomas Graves
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46 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

Do you think ....that CIA....would send to Mexico City somebody matching Nikolai Leonov's description to impersonate Oswald?


I believe that the CIA plotters wanted to implicate KGB agent Nikolai Leonov in the assassination. One way to do that would be for a Leonov lookalike to visit the Cuban embassy and create a stir that nobody would forget. He would later be described by Cuban Consulate employees, and those descriptions would match a photo taken of Leonov at the Soviet Consulate by a CIA surveillance camera. That photo would later be sent by Win Scott to J.C. King along with a note reading, "a certain person who is known to you."

So the Cuban Consulate visit created eye-witness evidence that Nikolai Leonov visited the Consulate. The only thing left to do was tie Leonov to Oswald and a wider conspiracy. What better way to do that than have the Leonov lookalike work with Duran in getting Cuban and Russian visas for Oswald? (Duran herself was potentially implicated via the twist party story.)


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On 2/23/2018 at 9:18 AM, Sandy Larsen said:


I believe that the CIA plotters wanted to implicate KGB agent Nikolai Leonov in the assassination. One way to do that would be for a Leonov lookalike to visit the Cuban embassy and create a stir that nobody would forget. He would later be described by Cuban Consulate employees, and those descriptions would match a photo taken of Leonov at the Soviet Consulate by a CIA surveillance camera. That photo would later be sent by Win Scott to J.C. King along with a note reading, "a certain person who is known to you."

So the Cuban Consulate visit created eye-witness evidence that Nikolai Leonov visited the Consulate. The only thing left to do was tie Leonov to Oswald and a wider conspiracy. What better way to do that than have the Leonov lookalike work with Duran in getting Cuban and Russian visas for Oswald? (Duran herself was potentially implicated via the twist party story.)


Dear Sandy "Brainwashed by 90-plus Years of Soviet/Russian Active Measures, Interwoven With 58 Years of Operational Deception Ops" Larsen,


What purpose would it have served CIA to have someone who looked so unlike Oswald impersonate Oswald?


Why would CIA have wanted to implicate KGB "diplomat" Leonov in particular?


--  Tommy  :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

What purpose would it have served CIA to have someone who looked so unlike Oswald impersonate Oswald?


An Oswald lookalike wasn't needed to accomplish the CIA plotters' goals. A KGB agent lookalike was needed.

I'll bet that the Cuban Consulate surveillance photos that disappeared have no photos of Oswald or anybody looking like him. But  that they do include photos of the Leonov lookalike.


1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:

Why would CIA have wanted to implicate KGB "diplomat" Leonov in particular?


Beats me. But we know he was a TARBRUSH target at least three times. If that means anything.


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46 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


An Oswald lookalike wasn't needed to accomplish the CIA plotters' goals. A KGB agent lookalike was needed.

I'll bet that the Cuban Consulate surveillance photos that disappeared have no photos of Oswald or anybody looking like him. But  that they do include photos of the Leonov lookalike.



Beats me. But we know he was a TARBRUSH target at least three times. If that means anything.



Sandy "Brainwashed by 90-plus Years of Soviet/Russian Active Measures, Interwoven With 58 Years of Operational Deception Ops" Larsen,


Hey, maybe those two 10/02/63 Mexico City CIA photos of "Leon" were of CIA's Leonov look-alike! 




--  Tommy  :sun


PS  Please explain to me again how CIA's implicating KGB "diplomat" Nikolai Leonov as the 9/27/63 impersonator of Lee Harvey Oswald would have helped CIA achieve its goal of killing JFK and/or covering up in role in that ugly business?  I thought evil, evil CIA wanted to blame the shooting on Oswald.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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