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General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald and Dallas Officials

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On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 12:45 AM, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

I want to review some more WC testimony but what you've brought up here is one of the strongest reasons I'm interested in looking at the Radical Right with you - New Orleans.

However, I might look at New Orleans with a somewhat different focus than most people because for me the most telling character in New Orleans is.....>>>Carlos Bringuier<<<

The fact that General Walker is close to Bringuier speaks volumes. 

The fact that General Walker directs John T Martin to produce a film

  1. first of the window Oswald officially shot through in the Walker attack on 10APR63, and
  2. then films Oswald in New Orleans on Canal St with Carlos Bringuier

............speaks to a level of conspiracy to the point that Walker knows in advance what Oswald's actions will be.   

On the morning of 22NOV63 the DPD already know the patsy's identity as we've seen in their conspicuous WC testimony.  Likewise, since Walker knew where Oswald was going to be in the provocative "fight" with Carlos Bringuier in August of 1963, could we wonder if Walker knew in advance Oswald's role on 22NOV63, along with the DPD?

1. General Walker and Carlos Bringuier don't even try to hide their association with each other; they appear at "anti-communist leadership" schools together.  

Oswald gets into a theatrical fight with Carlos Bringuier in New Orleans after earlier that spring shooting at General Walker's house in Dallas....but....Walker + Bringuier are friends....hmmmm....why is Oswald targeting these two friends?

2. Carlos Bringuier joins the "Christian Crusade" in speaking tours across the country, frequently with General Edwin Walker.....and monitored by the FBI:

3. Carlos Bringuier for the rest of his life insists Oswald is Castro's agent, just like the rest of the extreme right:

4. Jim Garrison was on to Bringuier and Walker and believes the Dealey Plaza operatives were General Walker's Minutemen:

5. Dr Jerry Rose made a point still almost never mentioned in the assassination "research" community: General Walker is linked to Carlos Bringuier

6. On 13OCT63 General Walker went to a meeting in support of Carlos Bringuier's DRE

7. Carlos Bringuier and General Walker together on tour:

8. Dr Carlos Bringuier in a recent photo, still a fixture of the John Birch Society:

Hi Jason,

If anything was ever going to change my mind that General Walker and Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) were actually cooperating in the 10April1963 shooting at Walker in Dallas, it would be this connection with Carlos Bringuier.

For years I have insisted on this Forum that LHO truly shot at General Walker, and that General Walker then tracked and secretly manipulated LHO for the rest of 1963, until he could get LHO into a position to take revenge.   In my CT, as I repeatedly said, General Walker took revenge by blaming the JFK Assassination on LHO, and then supporting the DPD to silence LHO in any way they chose.

HOWEVER -- the fact that LHO plotted with Guy Banister in New Orleans in 1963 along with Cuban refugee, Carlos Bringuier, who was a personal friend of General Walker -- PLUS the fact that General Walker knew Carlos Bringuier as early as February, 1963, must make me pause and question my own CT.  

Let's review the implications, consequences and possible outcomes of such a connection.

1.  I am convinced that LHO and Carlos Bringuier worked with Ed Butler, the INCA propaganda expert, to obtain film of LHO on Canal Street, with radio and TV spots.   My opinion echoes that of Jeff Caufield, who reports that Guy Banister and Ed Butler often worked together.

2.   I am convinced that LHO and Carlos Bringuier "staged" the so-called "fight" on Canal Street in New Orleans.   My opinion echoes that of the arresting officer. 

*** Also, LHO wrote to the Communist Party USA the week before, to tell him that he had a fight with a Cuban refugee.   So, it was all staged, IMHO.

3.  I am convinced that General Walker directed a young Minuteman, Jack T. Martin, from his home in Minnesota, to Dallas to film the holes in Walker's house, to New Orleans to film LHO on Canal Street in a fight with Carlos Bringuier.

4.  I AGREE WITH YOUR ASSESSMENT, JASON, that General Walker clearly knew in advance exactly where LHO would be in New Orleans, on what day, at what time. with which associates, and doing what activity.

5.  One implication is that General Walker, Carlos Bringuier and LHO were working together before April, 1963 -- that is a distinct possibility.

6.  This would tend to validate Jeff Caufield's theory (2015) that LHO shooting at General Walker on April 10, 1963 was a "staged" or "false flag" publicity stunt. 

7.  Let us now stipulate this, for the sake of argument.

8.  This suggests that LHO and General Walker were working together as early as February, 1963, at the same time that George De Mohrenschildt was telling LHO that General Walker was a terrible person, calling him, "General Fokker."   

*** This was also the same time that Volkmar Schmidt was telling LHO that General Walker was "as bad as Hitler."

9.  So -- if LHO was working with General Walker in February, 1963 -- then he would have been toying with George DM and Volkmar Schmidt, pretending to be their friend, when actually he was their political enemy.

10.  Although that is a distinct possibility -- it doesn't have the ring of truth, IMHO.  

11.  The necessary evidence would be as follows: Do we have evidence of LHO and Bringuier at any time BEFORE the Walker shooting?   

12.  If we do, then Jeff Caufield's theory would have some serious weight behind it.

13.  In this new theory, General Walker was even more crafty than I expected -- he hated LHO simply because LHO had allegedly "defected" to Russia, and had brought back to Dallas a Russian bride. 

***  It was for this reason alone (and not because of any Walker shooting) that General Walker targeted LHO for a death sentence.

*** It was for this reason alone that General Walker worked on LHO for a solid year (from March 1963 or even earlier, perhaps going back to 1962) to sheep-dip LHO as a Communist, and an FPCC officer.

14.  However, lacking any evidence that LHO knew Carlos Bringuier BEFORE the Walker shooting (April 10, 1963), this would be a serious argument AGAINST Caufield in my reading.

15.  Unless we can find some evidence linking LHO with Carlos Bringuier BEFORE the Walker shooting, then I find myself back to my original CT.  

*** In my original CT, the first that General Walker gave a hoot about LHO was AFTER the Walker shooting -- precisely because of the shooting.  The shooting changed everything for both men.

*** On Easter Sunday, 1963, when the FBI called Walker to tell him what Natasha Voshinin said that morning, Walker immediately told Guy Banister his political associate in New Orleans.

*** By a lucky coincidence, Guy Banister's close associate in New Orleans, namely, David Ferrie, knew LHO since childhood.   Manipulating LHO would now be a snap.

16.  CONCLUSION:  To make an earlier connection between General Walker and LHO than the Walker shooting -- MATERIAL EVIDENCE IS STILL REQUIRED.

All best,

P.S.   Jason, you show a poster of an Anti-Communist School featuring many speakers, including segregationist Reverend Billy James Hargis, along with Carlos Bringuier and General Walker.    The poster said this seminar was scheduled for "February" but I can't see a YEAR in that poster.  Do you see a year mentioned?   Is it 1963?   Or is it 1964.   That would also make a difference to my theory.

Edited by Paul Trejo
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7 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

If anything was ever going to change my mind that General Walker and Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) were actually cooperating in the 10April1963 shooting at Walker in Dallas, it would be this connection with Carlos Bringuier


7 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

By a lucky coincidence, Guy Banister's close associate in New Orleans, namely, David Ferrie, knew LHO since childhood.   Manipulating LHO would now be a snap


Hi Paul,

The fact that there are two officially mandated outbursts of violence from Lee Harvey Oswald prior to 22NOV63 is, IMO, important to the Oswald-as-Commie mask the assassination plotters hoped to broadcast to the public, don't you agree?    

One of the two key plot points in the patsification of Lee Harvey Oswald are the 1963 outbursts of violence against:

  • General Edwin Walker, one time leader of the John Birch Society
  • Carlos Bringuier, currently -14MAY2018- a John Birch Society member

Apart from their JBS connection, General Walker and Carlos Bringuier are colleagues on the Radical Right speaking tours of the 1960s.   Why does Oswald target these two?


1. Are Bringuier and Walker connected through Guy Banister?


2. Bringuier denies knowing Guy Banister....is he telling the truth?

3. According to Carlos Bringuier, Jim Garrison thinks Oswald is lured to New Orleans by William Riley

4. According to Harold Weisberg, Bringuier and Walker meet in Dallas

5.  Walker, Surrey, Bringuier Oswald....are they all linked?


6. Is Oswald at an October 1963 meeting of the DRE in Dallas, the same meeting attended by General Walker?




1 Francesca Akhtar, Dealey Plaza Echo Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2006

2 NARA 104-10304-10002

3 FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section 135

4 Orleans Parish Grand Jury Testimony of Harold Weisberg, 28 Apr 1967, p. 29

5 NARA 104-10414-10045

6 Warren Commission Document 205


Edited by Jason Ward
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10 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

The fact that there are two officially mandated outbursts of violence from Lee Harvey Oswald prior to 22NOV63 is, IMO, important to the Oswald-as-Commie mask the assassination plotters hoped to broadcast to the public, don't you agree?    

One of the two key plot points in the patsification of Lee Harvey Oswald are the 1963 outbursts of violence against:

  • General Edwin Walker, one time leader of the John Birch Society
  • Carlos Bringuier, currently -14MAY2018- a John Birch Society member

Apart from their JBS connection, General Walker and Carlos Bringuier are colleagues on the Radical Right speaking tours of the 1960s.   Why does Oswald target these two?

1. Are Bringuier and Walker connected through Guy Banister?

2. Bringuier denies knowing Guy Banister....is he telling the truth?
3. According to Carlos Bringuier, Jim Garrison thinks Oswald is lured to New Orleans by William Riley
4. According to Harold Weisberg, Bringuier and Walker meet in Dallas
5.  Walker, Surrey, Bringuier Oswald....are they all linked?
6. Is Oswald at an October 1963 meeting of the DRE in Dallas, the same meeting attended by General Walker?


Hi Jason,

These are are all great questions, and I'm pleased for the opportunity to offer my opinion about them.

A.  I tentatively disagree with any direct relationship between the Walker shooting in Dallas, and LHO's Bringuier scuffle in New Orleans.

***  They are unrelated in degree of violence.  That's the first clue.  A fair fight is one thing -- sniper fire is something else entirely.

*** Yet they are not even related in terms of Communist orientation.  The shooters at General Walker were never arrested.

B.  IMHO, the Walker shooting was motivated by George De Mohrenschildt (DM).   I have been saying this for years, following my study of the biography of George DM by Bruce Campbell Adamson (1999).  
*** As a Russian refugee, George DM hated both Communists and Fascists -- a consequence of WW2.

*** George DM had the ear of Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) from 6/1962 to 3/1963.  At that time, LHO called General Walker, "General Fokker" (c.f. George DM's 1977 manuscript).

C.  HOWEVER -- I must now explain the bizare circumstance that General Walker and Carlos Bringuier knew each other very well, through the John Birch Society, and that LHO interacted with both -- Walker as a target, and Bringuier as a confederate.

D.  The key to my interpretation is that LHO *actually* clashed with Walker, but cooperated with Bringuier by *pretending* to clash with him.

E.  The question becomes this:  How do we understand this triplet: Walker-LHO-Bringuier?

I will now address your numbered questions in blue:

1.  My first belief is that Bringuier and Walker are connected through Guy Banister.

*** My opinion may change depending on the date of that JBS Speakers' Poster that you posted, Jason.  It says "February," but not the YEAR.   Yet the YEAR is crucial. 

*** If the year of that poster is 1963, then Walker knew Bringuier BEFORE the Walker shooting.

*** If the year of that poster is 1964, then Walker knew Bringuier AFTER the Walker shooting, from NOLA, and so from Guy Banister.

2. Bringuier denies knowing Guy Banister, and yet DRE shared the same address as Guy Banister, and they were on the same side in politics -- so Bruingieur isn't telling the Truth. 

*** The Truth would have exposed the JFK Assassination plotters among the Radical Right confederates of General Walker in New Orleans.

3. According to Carlos Bringuier -- who wishes to hide the fact that Guy Banister managed LHO in New Orleans -- the reference to William Reiley is to Reiley Coffee Company in New Orleans, for whom LHO worked for 10 weeks.
4. According to Harold Weisberg, Bringuier and Walker meet in Dallas, but that was AFTER the Walker shooting.

5.  Walker, Surrey and Bringuier are clearly linked after the Walker shooting -- because Walker and Surrey were inseparable. 

*** The Big Question I have is whether they were ever linked BEFORE the Walker shooting.   

6.  I always doubt "Oswald sighting" reports because they are so common, and every famous homicide case has its share of "mistaken identity" cases.  Unless something material or tangible is identified aside from "I think I saw his face," then I discount it 100%.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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10 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

According to Carlos Bringuier -- who wishes to hide the fact that Guy Banister managed LHO in New Orleans -

Hi Paul,

I'm just exploring possibilities here.   

I'm aware that many see the 10APR63 attack on Walker as a staged event which may or not have actually involved LHO.  OTOH, you say George de Mohrenschildt incited Oswald's naturally leftist views so much that Marina's testimony about Oswald saying he shot at Walker is 100% true.  In any case, the Oswalds bolt for New Orleans days after Walker is attacked.  New Orleans in the summer of 1963 seems essential to both the assassination authors and the coverup.

Events are apparently accelerating which will spiral in to Oswald's November roll.   Enter Carlos Bringuier & his pal Arnesto Rodriguez.

Below is a snippet from General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy by Jeffrey Caufield.   I've looked at the source he cites and this summary seems accurate from the available evidence.  In particular, Bringuier associate Arnesto Rodriguez has something of a close relationship with Oswald it seems, although his name is absent from any CT I've seen. 

Furthermore, I'm wondering if Bringuier's contacts with Oswald are perhaps more intricate than the simplistic version Bringuier wants us to believe.


1. Is Oswald more deeply immersed in anti-Castro activities in New Orleans than Bringuier and the WC want us to believe?




2. How deeply involved is Oswald with the New Orleans anti-Castro activists?




1 Jeffrey Caufield, MD.   General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy.  Moreland Press (2015).  pp 25-26

2 CIA 201 file on Lee H Oswald, Vol 1, Folder 5


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17 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

I'm just exploring possibilities here.   

I'm aware that many see the 10APR63 attack on Walker as a staged event which may or not have actually involved LHO.  OTOH, you say George de Mohrenschildt incited Oswald's naturally leftist views so much that Marina's testimony about Oswald saying he shot at Walker is 100% true.  In any case, the Oswalds bolt for New Orleans days after Walker is attacked.  New Orleans in the summer of 1963 seems essential to both the assassination authors and the coverup.

Events are apparently accelerating which will spiral in to Oswald's November roll.   Enter Carlos Bringuier & his pal Arnesto Rodriguez.

Below is a snippet from General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy by Jeffrey Caufield.   I've looked at the source he cites and this summary seems accurate from the available evidence.  In particular, Bringuier associate Arnesto Rodriguez has something of a close relationship with Oswald it seems, although his name is absent from any CT I've seen. 

Furthermore, I'm wondering if Bringuier's contacts with Oswald are perhaps more intricate than the simplistic version Bringuier wants us to believe.

1. Is Oswald more deeply immersed in anti-Castro activities in New Orleans than Bringuier and the WC want us to believe?

2. How deeply involved is Oswald with the New Orleans anti-Castro activists?

Hi Jason,

I am aware of three different Walker-did-it CT's now, namely:

 A.  Jim Root's (ca. 2005)
 B.  Mine (ca. 2010)
 C.  Jeff Caufield's (ca. 2015)

A.  For Jim Root, the relationship of General Walker with Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was direct, and began immediately before LHO "fake defected" to the USSR in late 1959.  This was exactly the time when President Eisenhower sent General Walker to Germany.

B.  For me, the relationship of General Walker to LHO was never direct, but began after the Walker shooting of April 10, 1963, four days later, when Voshinin told the FBI.   After the FBI told Walker, General Walker began to track LHO like a hawk.

C.  For Jeff Caufield, the relationship of General Walker to LHO was direct, and started soon after LHO returned to Texas from the USSR.  General Walker took LHO under his wing, and used LHO for a "false flag" shooting attempt on April 10, 1963, for publicity.  It was this sneaky success that led LHO and others to believe General Walker when he said that the JFK shooting would also be a "false flag" attempt.

One point upon which all three of us agree -- LHO was never a Communist at any time, nor was he ever a genuine officer of the FPCC.  He was always a "Fake Communist" for personal interests or Rightist intrigue.

You and I agree solidly, Jason, that New Orleans in the summer of 1963 is a crucial element to all CT's.  After Jim Garrison, it is impossible to ignore this period.  Whether Jim Garrison was correct in his conclusions is disputed -- but whether he was correct in his history of New Orleans in the summer of 1963, is indisputable.

It is notable, however, that although the FBI knows a lot about the Guy Banister period at 544 Camp Street in New Orleans, the Warren Commission offers only the slightest hint of the New Orleans period in the WC testimony.

What we obtain from the WC testimony is mainly from the attorney, Dean Andrews, Jr. who was the person who announced "Clay Bertrand" to the world.  Bertrand, a very wealthy homosexual in New Orleans, hired Dean Andrews to assist LHO with LHO's Marine discharge dispute. 

Secondly, we hear from Carlos Bringuier, who had an alleged "fight" with LHO on Canal Street over Fidel Castro, when LHO was arrested.  Bringuier sticks to his story to this very day.

Thirdly, we hear from the arresting officer of that stunt.  Oddly, at New Orleans prison, LHO asked to speak with the FBI.  Imagine that.  The FBI destroyed the notes of that interview, IIRC.

Fourthly, we hear of "mistaken identity" sightings of LHO in New Orleans -- useless information.

Clearly, Jim Garrison collected a hundred times more information about LHO in New Orleans in the summer of 1963.  Nobody ever collected more on this period.  It is interesting that Jeff Caufield used all of Jim Garrison's papers to construct his own CT.
As for Arnesto Rodriguez, his name first appeared to me in the book by Caufield (2015), but from those snippets I don't detect a close relationship.   There is hear-say, but nothing tangible.   A recording of LHO from radio and TV broadcasts was available starting in 1963 and can still be found today -- so that is proof of nothing.   Rodriguez mainly repeats the words of Carlos Bringuier, word-for-word, like a puppet.

Going only by the papers of Jim Garrison, Jeff Caufield says that a Radical Right CT of the JFK Assassination is the most plausible.  Garrison turned to a CIA-did-it CT only near the end of his investigation -- partly because nobody from Dallas dared step forward.

I will respond to your numbered, blue questions from the viewpoint of Jim Garrsion.

1. Oswald is totally immersed in anti-Castro activities in New Orleans.  Bringuier knew this, and lied to the WC.  Bringuier is one of the WC witnesses we will want to analyze as we scrutinize the Radical Right -- though his story seems quite self-consistent.

2. Oswald works with Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Jack S. Martin, Fred Crisman, Tommy Beckham, Ed Butler and Carlos Bringuier to create a Fake FPCC at 544 Camp Street. 

Jim Garrison was the first person in US History to figure that out.  Well, after all, he was the District Attorney of New Orleans in 1962-1973, so this was his professional purview.

This was total immersion for LHO.  Anybody who knows the history of the FPCC -- for example, Harry Dean, a former Secretary of the FPCC in Chicago -- knows that the FPCC was secretly a Communist organization collecting funds for Fidel Castro.

To infiltrate the FPCC was a dangerous task -- as Harry Dean had warned General Walker, Loran Hall, Gabby Gabaldon, John Rousselot, Larry Howard and various JBS members in Southern California in mid-September 1963.

It was well known in underground political circles, moreover, that any genuine Officer of the FPCC would get an expedited visa to Cuba.

In a Radical Right CT, the purpose of LHO in Mexico City was to display his Fake FPCC credentials (published in the Hardway-Lopez Report, 2003) to get an expedited visa to Cuba.  Given this, LHO was proposed to join an assassination plot in Havana to kill Fidel Casto.  (This was part of "The AMLASH Legacy," according to David Altee Phillips, 1988).

So, this is how deeply LHO was involved in anti-Castro activities, period.   This is how we know Bringuier is lying -- Bringuier was also immersed in anti-Castro activities -- and also working with Guy Banister and Ed Butler at 544 Camp Street. 

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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9 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

To infiltrate the FPCC was a dangerous task -

Just to be clear, Oswald is purposed towards FPCC infiltration in New Orleans according to your CT?

But there is no FPCC in New Orleans until Oswald shows up, so what are they hoping to do; infiltrate up nationally?  Or identify local Castroites/communists in New Orleans?




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5 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Just to be clear, Oswald is purposed towards FPCC infiltration in New Orleans according to your CT?

But there is no FPCC in New Orleans until Oswald shows up, so what are they hoping to do; infiltrate up nationally?  Or identify local Castroites/communists in New Orleans?





On 7/28/2017 at 5:55 PM, Michael Clark said:

"McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)"



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 Paul Trejo said:

Where does LHO get the idea to create his own FPCC movement, and lie to the FPCC about it? 

   On 4/26/2018 at 11:55 AM,  Jason Ward said: 

Hi Paul,

From my PoV, this is potentially a question that, if answered correctly, solves the assassination.




Michael Clark wrote.....

I agree,.....

James "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)"


Edited by Michael Clark
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22 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Just to be clear, Oswald is purposed towards FPCC infiltration in New Orleans according to your CT?

But there is no FPCC in New Orleans until Oswald shows up, so what are they hoping to do; infiltrate up nationally?  Or identify local Castroites/communists in New Orleans?


Hi Jason,

In my reading, the Mexico City trip by Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) at the end of the summer of 1963 was the payoff for this FPCC scam.

We have documents from The Hardway-Lopez Report (2003) that reveal exactly what LHO was doing in Mexico City.  He brought a Fake Resume to prove that he was a Fake Official from the Fake FPCC in New Orleans.

In that Fake Resume he included a Fake Communist Party membership card (while Communists didn't have membership cards).  LHO also included newspaper clippings from New Orleans that reported his arrest for his "street fight" with Carlos Bringuier, and his radio and TV appearances in New Orleans in which he claimed he represented the FPCC.

With this massive amount of Fake ID, it is clear to me that LHO was trying to get an expedited Visa to Cuba as an "official" FPCC Secretary.  This was the strategy.  Evidently LHO was promised a lot of money if he could help a Havana Team kill Fidel Castro.  That's my reading.

The clerks at the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City could barely stifle their laughter.  They most likely had a printed list of official FPCC Secretaries -- and Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't on their list.  Fidel Castro would soon hear of this farce.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:

Hi Jason,

In my reading, the Mexico City trip by Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) at the end of the summer of 1963 is the payoff of this FPCC scam.

We have documents from the Lopez Report (2003) that reveal exactly what LHO was doing in Mexico City.  He brought a Fake Resume to prove that he was a Fake Official from the Fake FPCC in New Orleans.

In that Fake Resume he included a Fake Communist Party membership card (while Communists didn't have membership cards).  LHO also included newspaper clippings from New Orleans that reported his arrest for his "street fight" with Carlos Bringuier, and his radio appearance and his TV appearance.

This was the strategy.  Evidently LHO was promised a lot of money if he could help a Havana Team kill Fidel Castro.  That's my reading.

The clerks at the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City could barely stifle their laughter.

All best,


I know you guys don’t read my posts, but others do, so I think it’s worth repeating my problem with Trejo’s logic. There is no way a real Lee Harvey Oswald would go to Mexico City thinking that his documentation would get him into Cuba. It was all fake. And there is no info, other than in Phillips work of fiction, that supports the idea that Oswald was trained as an assassin, or that he worked for anyone that would have chosen him for the mission to kill Castro. And if the real Oswald was in fact sent to Mexico by agents unknown, these agents certainly knew he would fail to get into Cuba. 

What all of this more likely shows is a frameup of Oswald, whether by using Oswald himself, an imposter, or both. 

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On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:43 PM, Jason Ward said:

...I expediently married two known facts:

  1. General Walker organized the October 1963 assault on Adlai Stevenson (spitting, hit on the head with a sign, etc.)
  2. Adlai Stevenson warned Kennedy to avoid Dallas because of this Walker-sponsored assault

I am aware of no evidence that Stevenson mentioned General Walker by name to JFK as part of this warning.   

The FBI and Secret Service in Dallas were aware that General Walker was behind the assault on Stevenson, as shown by sources printed in this thread, but there is no evidence that Forrest Sorrels and James Hosty reported this detail to Washington.   The ATF was all over the Minutemen and was not so keen to protect them as Sorrells and Hosty, but their duty portfolio did not extend to presidential protection, so they may have likewise remained silent about Walker's role.

Even so, Hoover had multiple tentacles of domestic intelligence and I think he'd be very interested in understanding the Stevenson incident.

Did Hoover know Walker was behind the Stevenson incident before JFK went to Dallas?  I will look into the reports he received right now as it's clear Hoover knew very well of the extreme right's capacity for violence and their hatred of Kennedy.


Hi Jason,

I'm going back a couple of weeks, because there is still so much data to review -- we are covering so much ground that it is sometimes useful to review a past point.

You're right that Adlai Stevenson did not name General Walker in his warning to JFK about Dallas (that was recorded by anybody).   In my view, this is because Adlai Stevenson and his closest advisors were so myopic that they never looked around the USA to fairly estimate their opposition.  They honestly didn't know Dallas politics.   We know more about it today than the UN officials in 1963 knew.

It's different with the FBI.   They had the voice of every policeman in the USA, potentially.  There was no dirt in the USA that they didn't hear.   Your documents show that the FBI and Secret Service in Dallas know about General Walker -- but here are some documents that show that EVERYBODY in Dallas knew it.  




Next: to get an idea about the true excitement of the attack on Adlai Stevenson outside of the Auditorium, after his incomplete speech, here's this local news report:


Further: here is an interview of Larrie Schmidt, the morning after the humiliation of Adlai Stevenson, with Larrie taking satisfaction in a job well done, as he told me in 2012.


Finally, here's an interview of General Walker, about two weeks later, with Walker taking satisfaction in a job well done.


As we can see, this news was widespread in Dallas.   Yet I am convinced that people outside of Dallas didn't really care very much about it.  They had their own, local problems.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

Hi Jason,

In my reading, the Mexico City trip by Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) at the end of the summer of 1963 was the payoff for this FPCC scam.

We have documents from The Hardway-Lopez Report (2003) that reveal exactly what LHO was doing in Mexico City.  He brought a Fake Resume to prove that he was a Fake Official from the Fake FPCC in New Orleans.

In that Fake Resume he included a Fake Communist Party membership card (while Communists didn't have membership cards).  LHO also included newspaper clippings from New Orleans that reported his arrest for his "street fight" with Carlos Bringuier, and his radio and TV appearances in New Orleans in which he claimed he represented the FPCC.

With this massive amount of Fake ID, it is clear to me that LHO was trying to get an expedited Visa to Cuba as an "official" FPCC Secretary.  This was the strategy.  Evidently LHO was promised a lot of money if he could help a Havana Team kill Fidel Castro.  That's my reading.

The clerks at the Cuban Consulate in Mexico City could barely stifle their laughter.  They most likely had a printed list of official FPCC Secretaries -- and Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't on their list.  Fidel Castro would soon hear of this farce.

All best,



7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I know you guys don’t read my posts, but others do, so I think it’s worth repeating my problem with Trejo’s logic. There is no way a real Lee Harvey Oswald would go to Mexico City thinking that his documentation would get him into Cuba. It was all fake. And there is no info, other than in Phillips work of fiction, that supports the idea that Oswald was trained as an assassin, or that he worked for anyone that would have chosen him for the mission to kill Castro. And if the real Oswald was in fact sent to Mexico by agents unknown, these agents certainly knew he would fail to get into Cuba. 

What all of this more likely shows is a frameup of Oswald, whether by using Oswald himself, an imposter, or both. 

Yup, Paul writes a great deal of fiction. Most of it you have sort through documents and testimony, laboriously, to show he is not telling the truth. 

This story, however, saves the critical reader or responder from having to go to the sources to illustrate the false claims. This one is just absurd on its face. Paul Trejo, in this rendition, left out his repeated claim that LHO was packing a rifle in his duffel bag, and was planning on shooting Castro in Cuba, by himself.

I believe I recall Paul Trejo claiming that AMLASH was LHO’s code name, in Phillips MS. Mr Brancato, do you recall that claim by Paul Trejo?

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After all we have said on this thread in the past two months -- it seems clear that officials in the Dallas Police and Sheriff's Departments comprised the ground-crew of the JFK Assassination, and silencing of the Patsy.

However -- I have so far been unable to find material evidence linking anybody directly to General Walker except for James Hosty.  Hosty personally admitted (1996) that he tracked General Walker as a professional necessity.   Hosty also told Penn Jones, Jr. that Robert Alan Surrey was his "bridge parther."    Surrey was the President of General Walker's publishing company.

Jeff Caufield found a direct contact point between General Walker and J.D. Tippit -- there at Austin's BBQ in Dallas, on weekends, where the JBS would meet.

Yet that is all the material evidence I have found.   I feel certain that more must exist -- if my CT is correct.   I believe that Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren deliberately "preserved" the JFK Assassination solution for future generations to see.

As for other, incidental material evidence,  we can link Lee Harvey Oswald with DPD officer Roscoe White through the Oswald Backyard Photographs.

Also, we can link General Walker to Lee Harvey Oswald silently through the home movie of young Minuteman Jack T. Martin -- filming the bullet holes in Walker's home as well as Oswald being arrested on Canal Street, in the same roll of film.

But this is a far cry from what I ultimately need -- namely -- a directly linkage between General Walker and these seven people:

1.  Sheriff Bill Decker
2.  Captain Will Fritz
3.  Chief Jesse Curry
4.  SS agent Forrest Sorrels
5.  FBI agent James Bookhout
6.  USPD Inspector Harry Holmes
7.  Deputy Buddy Walthers

In my opinion, all of these men were linked with General Walker through the John Birch Society and the local, "Friends of Walker" committee.   I sincerely believe that material evidence of this linkage will eventually turn up.   

There are many other players in the DPD and Sheriff's office, but these seven must appear in any material evidence -- since they are at the commanding rank, and their WC testimony breaks apart so quickly and so consistently.   There's my opinion.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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