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RFK Jr. must watch interview

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I can see it now: a new John Adams Opera from he who brought us Nixon in China.

This one is called  Took A FOX to break JFK.

Someone like Carlson would have a huge impact by speaking the unspoken. Unfortunately, he twice used the word " fascinating"  when a more probing or inquisitive or judgmental word would have better served his claim to be a truth-teller.

Edited by Robert Harper
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Its interesting is it not?

CBS and Fox.

But no MSNBC, right?  The so called liberal cable outlet.

Where is The Nation, our so called liberal journal?

I wrote about this phenomena over 20 years ago.  I would change a few things in it in specifics, because the combination of the Florida heist of the election in 2000 and 9-11 and Iraq did revive some of the liberal bastions, e.g. The Nation tripled its circulation.  But I think most of the essay still maintains. 



Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its interesting is it not?

CBS and Fox.

But no MSNBC, right?  The so called liberal cable outlet.

Where is The Nation, our so called liberal journal?

I wrote about this phenomena over 20 years ago.  I would change a few things in it in specifics, because the combination of the Florida heist of the election in 2000 and 9-11 and Iraq did revive some of the liberal bastions, e.g. The Nation tripled its circulation.  But I think most of the essay still maintains. 



You are so darned right. No CNN either.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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18 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Trump in Singapore.

Paul--much better choice! Better title and good material for operatic treatment.

FWIW, I thought John Adams got thrown under the bus by the former NY Times writer who now heads the MET. A group of people showed up in wheelchairs protesting the empathy shown in Klinghoffer. These guys always give lip service to the  "arts" but first chance to step in, they do it. The MET didn't show the streaming at any theater around the world; the unspeakable sneaks in.

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7 minutes ago, Robert Harper said:

Paul--much better choice! Better title and good material for operatic treatment.

FWIW, I thought John Adams got thrown under the bus by the former NY Times writer who now heads the MET. A group of people showed up in wheelchairs protesting the empathy shown in Klinghoffer. These guys always give lip service to the  "arts" but first chance to step in, they do it. The MET didn't show the streaming at any theater around the world; the unspeakable sneaks in.

I have an idea - wish I had more talent. Variety show emceed by Jack Ruby in the afterlife a la Carousel club. He tells us the story that he never got the chance to tell in jail, while presenting acts - magic, song and dance, strip, acrobatic, comedy, etc. starring the various players in the coup.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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After 55 years, RFK Jr. has decided his fathers death and that of his uncle were not lone gunman events.

The Warren Report hasn't had a majority of believers in all that time.

55 years of study and comparative analysis and the WC just doesn't hold up.

That is a complete failure of trust.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I always felt pity for Jack Ruby in what must have been extreme life long frustration and lack of fulfillment regards what appeared to be one of his deep desire ambitions.

That of a successful emcee/comic at a real class joint where people would really admire, respect and appreciate his true entertainment skills.  A real somebody.

Instead he had to settle for filler duties in between the likes of the more talented Wally Weston, Bill Demar, the occasional ventriloquist and his strippers and pummeling hecklers and tossing them down the backstair case to the street. Although Ruby's brutal tough guy antics were probably something many Carousel Club regulars expected and maybe even came to enjoy watching as part of the entire crazy show.

In the end, Jack Ruby did become a real somebody. A crazy somebody...but a somebody.




Thanks for the post. Can you imagine Ruby in Limbo, telling his real story?

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