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Need single bullet theory diagram

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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 8:18 PM, James DiEugenio said:

The shirt he was killed in was made by Charles Dillon in NYC.

At that time, their shirts went for as much as 75.00.  Which would be about 675 bucks today.  

Now, how can anyone pay that much for a poorly tailored shirt that did not form fit?


$675 for a shirt.  I still can't afford  a car payment that large.  I'd hope it would fit well.  Not bunch up 2-3 inches when sitting straight up.

For some reason, after reading it this comes to mind,


and this


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Two questions I would like you to address.

Q1. On page 2 of this thread you comment:
The SBT bullet path is pretty much "explained" right there within CE903. It's right there in the picture. All you have to do is look at it and comprehend what it's telling you.
And even though a little "margin of error" must be granted Arlen Specter and the Warren Commission with respect to what we see in CE903 (because the 17.72-degree downward angle is, indeed, just the AVERAGE angle between Zapruder frames 210 and 225, plus there's the fact that the car being used in CE903 is not the SS-100-X limo), there are two things seen in CE903 that don't require any "margin of error" --- the "tie knot" exit wound location in JFK's throat and the entry hole in John Connally's back (with Specter's metal rod being inserted directly into the bullet hole in Connally's jacket---a jacket which the stand-in is wearing in CE903).

So you make it clear that at Z 210-225 CE903 demonstrates that the trajectory angle of the bullet from Oswald window to JBC’s back entrance was 17.72º.
Accepting that as fact. When the bullet traveled through John Connallly why was its trajectory angle 27º? This angle was measured in May 1964 before the WC on John Connally himself while he was seated and Connally explained he was in the exact position he was in when shot. From the Oswald window to Connally’s entrance the angle never changes. You have stated to everyone that the trajectory angle was 17.72º. Now it changes by 9.28º. Why is the trajectory stable until it reaches John Connally? Why is John Connally’s internal trajectory different by 9.28º from John Kennedy’s internal trajectory?

Q2. You claim that the SBT occurred between Z210 - Z 225. Part of the SBT is that John Connally’s arm is stuck. Some people think it was his wrist that was damaged. It was not his wrist, it was his arm at the Vista 4th at the bottom of the right radius.
Just before the film totally blurs at Z 187 John Connally’s arm is seen folded over his chest and very close to where the bullet will exit and with the palm side towards his chest. From Z 222 - Z 229 we do not see John Connally’s right arm and hand.
Qa. If we cannot see his arm and hand during these frames how are you able to prove it was struck then? I am not asking for assertion. I am asking how can you prove it.

Although we see John Connally’s right arm against his chest at Z 187, John Connally was not stuck in the arm on the palm-side of his arm. He was struck on the other side. The bullet’s internal trajectory traveled from the outside of the arm towards the palm side of the arm.
Qb. Now please demonstrate how anyone can physically twist their arm around so that the outside of the arm is now facing the chest exit wound and in position to be struck by the bullet.


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  • 3 years later...
On 6/28/2018 at 12:23 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Davey, those 3 pictures you have there on display have all been exposed several times before.  This is a repeated pattern by you and people like McAdams. NO matter ho many times you get blown up, you then recycle the discredited rubbish like new and valid.  Not so.    People as skilled as Mili Cranor have blown up the use of that middle photo.That chiropractor who does massage therapy and used that ridiculous middle picture was raked over the coals by her.  And she believes that in the rear autopsy photo, if you allow the foreshortening, and also the way the body is being lifted up, the entry wound is most likely at a point between T2 and T3. Which dispels the SBF. I won't even comment on that ludicrous pointer picture which you insist on displaying from only one direction. Ignoring the fact that under questioning by Fonzi, Specter fell apart.  Meaning he knew it was a Rube Goldberg contraption himself. But you want to forget that.

Let me ask you this:  Do you know where JFK bought his shirts at?  And do you know what he paid for them?

Is there a specific article where Miss Cranor makes this argument, that the official autopsy photos could be compatible with a T3 wound?

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I am not sure, but she did say something like this to me in conversation.  As you can see, it was at least three years ago.

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