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I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak

Fred Litwin

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10 minutes ago, Fred Litwin said:

They weren't suicide notes. They were notes. They could not have been suicide notes because he did not commit suicide. Just check out what Ferrie told David Chandler - he was tired, having headaches, and could barely walk up the stairs. He had already had an earlier bleed and the aneurism killed him. Garrison's coroner did the autopsy - this is all pretty clear.


Okay. Where can I read what Ferrie told David Chandler?


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Don't you have the source listed in your bibliography? So that readers can check the source out for themselves?



Yes, my book is completely sourced. Why don't you buy it, read it and review it?

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6 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

Do you have any evidence you can cite for your statement that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only warehouseman missing from the TSBD after the assassination? 

Allow me to put in my $0.02 worth regarding this topic (as well as some comments concerning the "Roll Call")....




Edited by David Von Pein
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13 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Allow me to put in my $0.02 worth regarding this topic (as well as some comments concerning the "Roll Call")....






I haven't seen in any of Roy Truly's or William Shelley's testimony to the Warren Commission any mention of a roll call being taken. A source cited in one of your links implies that it was the police taking the roll call. Is there WC testimony of a police officer that says they took a roll call of employees that day?

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The following puts Chandler to rest:


No one knows how Ferrie died. You have two doctors, Palmer and Pitelli, who have problems with what Chetta did.  And so did the following New Orleans coroner, Frank Minyard.

So to assume the notes could not be suicide notes because Ferrie did not take his own life is pure McAdamsism:  you direct the reader to your conclusion by cutting off other important information and professional views of what happened. This, of course, is precisely the fatal flaw in the WC.

As per the so called line up that LHO was missing from at the TSBD: Can the man be real? Did Litwin really polish off that old chestnut?  Then he really is  a Posnerfile.    From page 124 of my book The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today:

Many years ago, Jerry Rose wrote an article which began to expose this canard.  First of all, more than one business was located at the Depository.  Such a roll call, if there had been one, could not account for everyone in that building.  As Mark Bridger pointed out in 2007, there is no evidence that any such roll call, in the normal usage of that phrase, ever too place. At the most, there was an informal head count by Roy Truly of his own book warehouse employees. And the time for it is not definite.  And even there, Oswlad was not the only one missing.  As Bridger points out, so was Givens. As Bridger shows, Bugliosi appears to have borrowed this roll call device from the Warren Commission, Dallas DA Henry Wade and Gerald Posner, among others.  As Bridger notes, it has little substance.

Second, as Rose pointed out, in March 1964, it was discovered that there were several people missing from the TSBD from their lunch hour until 1:30... 

I should add, one of these people was told "the building would be shut down and so she went home."

If this is the kind of book Litwin wrote then its just another diversionary waste of time.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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The two articles by Rose and Bridger are, 

"Important to Hold that Man", The Third Decade, Volume 2, No 4, p. 17

"The Myth of the Depository Roll Call", Dealey Plaza Echo, Volume 11, No. 2, p. 38

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22 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Okay. Where can I read what Ferrie told David Chandler?



22 hours ago, Fred Litwin said:

In my book, of course.

Fred, I am really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but how do you expect anyone to take you seriously on the topic of the JFK assassination when you don't even know the contents of your own book?

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On 9/16/2018 at 5:20 PM, Fred Litwin said:

The autopsy was quite clear that Ferrie was suffered from a berry aneurism which is a congenital defect. He did not commit suicide.  The so-called

suicide notes just aren't suicide notes. In fact, they can't be, since he didn't commit suicide. There is a reason we do autopsies.

I have not examined the letters in question, but it is my understanding that those who did examine them judged them to be suicide notes.

Unless you are arguing that these notes did not exist, or that they could be reasonably judged as not being suicide notes, or not being written by David Ferrie, omitting them from your narrative concerning David Ferrie's death isn't giving your readers the full story.

It tells me, as a reader, that you're omitting facts that don't suit your narrative. That's a red flag for me. I'm just being honest.

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