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The Redoubtable Milicent Cranor

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Milicent Cranor is one of the best we have on the ballistics and medical evidence. Glad to have her at Kennedys and King.com  

She is one of the most original and interesting writers we have.

Here she is on: What the heck are those white lines in the Zapruder film?


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James DiEugenio said:

What the heck are those white lines in the Zapruder film?

The "white lines" consist of debris being expelled from JFK's head, as the high-contrast picture of frame #313 of the Zapruder Film (second photo below) would tend to confirm....







Also ---- There are no "white lines" in Z312, one-eighteenth of a second earlier....




Edited by David Von Pein
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Our ego's are often the most dangerous weapons we possess. I do not know what the white streaks are but I'm willing to listen with an open mind.

Edited by Evan Marshall
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Thanks Evan, and also be open to new information and a different point of view.

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Love these really curious readers who digest and fully understand the work before commenting.

Just do some geometry and physics and figure out how high in the air those lines extend and then how long they appear on the film.  Then ask yourself, as she does: Can that really be cavitation at work?

Or as Mili wrote and FC ignores:

"If exploding brain creates massive holes—and we know JFK had a massive hole at the top of his head extending into the right rear—then how could exploding brain appear as two long, rather straight, slender lines?"

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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Love these really curious readers who digest and fully understand the work before commenting.

Just do some geometry and physics and figure out how high in the air those lines extend and then how long they appear on the film.  Then ask yourself, as she does: Can that really be cavitation at work?

Or as Mili wrote and FC ignores:

"If exploding brain creates massive holes—and we know JFK had a massive hole at the top of his head extending into the right rear—then how could exploding brain appear as two long, rather straight, slender lines?"

tangential wound from behind?

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He does? Get him over here to link to it.

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What do we make of Doug Horne's interview with Dino Brugioni, who said that the Z-film that he made briefing board stills from showed a blood halo that lasted more than one frame, that rose high in the air and traveled behind JFK, and that was more red in color than what we see in the extant Z-film? 

Horne ought to have asked him about the two jetting white lines.  The Z-film version Brugioni saw is lost, as are his briefing boards.

Doug Caddy first posted this.  Horne's long presentation is well worth listening to (audio in second link, and at bottom of MWN page in first link):




Edited by David Andrews
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When I was assigned to CSI in the early 70's and then twice to Detroit Homicide we had no idea a thing called DNA existed but it does and it did even back then. Let's just relax and listen politely to what she has to say. Kindness and patience never killed anybody.

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On 1/27/2019 at 11:49 AM, James DiEugenio said:

"If exploding brain creates massive holes—and we know JFK had a massive hole at the top of his head extending into the right rear—then how could exploding brain appear as two long, rather straight, slender lines?"
--Milicent Cranor

What? I don't know that JFK had a massive hole at the top of his head. The twenty medical professionals at Parkland Hospital didn't know that.  This is just something the HSCA wanted everybody to believe as part of their cover up.

The HSCA said that three skull fragments from the top of the head were brought into the autopsy late, of which we have an x-ray image. It is my belief that those fragments came from the top of some other dead person's head. I further believe that the x-ray images said to be of Kennedy's head are really those of somebody else's head, and there is good testimonial evidence to back this up.* These two things are part of an HSCA deception created to bring the back-of-head wound to the top. They needed that in order to provide a reasonable exit location for the EOP entrance wound, which they also moved.

I believe that another part of this deception was the Harper fragment being discreetly dropped ahead of where Kennedy was shot, so that it could be found and there would be a witness to its location, one that favored a shot to the head from behind.

Those forward-moving flying objects in the Z-film could have been added to the film in order to support this deception.


*The x-rays show little if any loss of bone on the back of the head, which contradicts the Parkland medical testimony. Further, Sibert and O'Neill reported a 10 x 6.5 cm fragment that arrived late at the autopsy. This would be excess bone for the deception, with no place for it to fit. It was conveniently never mentioned again. This fragment is probably the same one discovered by SS agent Sam Kinney in the limo when aboard the C-130 cargo plane returning to Washington. He said the fragment was very large and reminded him of a clay pot.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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