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Dorothy Kilgallen - Ruby, Tippitt, and Wiseman Meeting

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I'm just listening to a radio show about Dorothy Kilgallen.

It mentions that Dorothy got information from someone else that she published in an article.

This information was about a meeting, 8 days before the assassination, between Jack Ruby, Officer Tippitt and Bernard Wiseman at Rubys club.

Supposedly the Warren Commission knew about this meeting and choose to ignore it as they had been told a fourth man was at it (a Texan oilman).

Does anyone have anymore information about this meeting? Has this been written about before? Who was Bernard Wiseman?

Thanks in advance.

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That Kilgallen thread by Simkin was something.

It covered a lot of ground about the intertwining of high profile sex scandals and political power and subterfuge involving JFK and others in high level political positions.

The current Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking affair is just as intriguing and clearly looks like it goes as deep and as high as any of the JFK era.

Two of our presidents, a foreign head of state, a royal family member, super wealthy individuals, foreign intelligence, fake passports, corrupt officials and highest position politician entrapment, huge payoffs to cohorts and witnesses, hidden assets and unexplained wealth acquisition...etc., etc.

Famous high profile lawyer Allan Dershowitz is absolutely freaking out regards his involvement with Epstein as reported in the press.

He has initiated a mass media blitz campaign of damage control and narrative re-direction so desperately aggressive and manic energy frantic ( unprecedented in his personal history ) it clearly seems too over-the-top relative to his hundred times repeated claims of total innocence in anything illegal in this affair.

I have a feeling that Dershowitz is worried about much more than just these reported inappropriate sexual interactions with Epstein's girls.

If only Dershowitz hadn't mentioned getting a hand rub and squeeze massage job in Jeffrey Epstein's sex pad, even if he left his underpants on and his masseuse was an old Russian woman who looked like Rosa Klebb.

The same probably goes for the rest of the growing number of highly placed others implicated in this Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

Obviously, sex scandal corruption is as highest level deep and permeating today as it was in JFK's days.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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My opinion is that sexual perversion goes with the territory. We see the tip of the iceberg occasionally, but the iceberg is there all the time. 

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18 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

My opinion is that sexual perversion goes with the territory. We see the tip of the iceberg occasionally, but the iceberg is there all the time. 

Stanley Kubrick's film "Eyes Wide Shut" seems much more close to reality when deep involvement scandals like Epstein's get exposed.

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The idea that Dorothy Kilgallen's seriously committed investigative effort into the JFK assassination had nothing to do with her untimely and obviously set up death and suspiciously incongruous cause of death report is so weak now it's not even worthy of debate.

Let's quit living in a brain numbed, false reality fantasy world.

We know Kilgallen was murdered.

We know her murder was carried out because of her tenacious investigation into the JFK assassination.

What's truly alarming is how the perps behind the JFK assassination were so powerful, they could take out a national figure of long time highest celebrity world fame and status who they considered a threat to their exposure, with impunity.

And how these same forces could take out highest level Mafia figures like Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli and who knows who else with impunity as well.

Highest level murderous people who were never identified or caught. Which means they retained their power and position in perpetuity. 

In Oliver Stone's film "JFK" there is a dialogue line stated by a young female Carousel Club visitor friend of Jack Ruby ( supposedly Beverly Oliver ) in response to Jim Garrison's request that she testify in his Clay Shaw trial regards her being introduced to Lee Oswald by Jack Ruby while sitting in the Carousel Club with "Jada" Ruby's feature stripper at the time.

The highly stressed young blond woman Beverly Oliver character ( actress Carolina McCullough ) hesitated and then expressed her deep fear of doing so by saying ( not an exact quote ) something like... "if they can kill the President of the United States, do you think they couldn't get to little ole me?"

Garrison then sympathizes with her and leaves her be.

I mention this JFK film dialogue line because it probably reflects a true reality about many others who may have had important information about the JFK assassination and characters involved that could threatened those behind the conspiracy.

And that in their minds, like the Beverly Oliver character in "JFK",  these people saw how these powerful forces could kill highest level leaders, celebrities and other high level figures and get away with it.

This terrifying deepest fear reality is for sure a main reason many people never came forward to reveal what they knew about the JFK assassination or the characters involved which may have been incredibly important in exposing the conspiracy.

I have wondered over the years how many of these frightened people there were and what they actually knew or witnessed regards this event...but held back the rest of their lives.

I had my own little encounter once about several years ago with someone who shared a second hand account of a JFK autopsy story tidbit.

I was in a can and plastic recycle station line and talking with a person next to me about the JFK assassination and my feelings of conspiracy regards it.

A fellow right behind me and the person I was speaking to and who was overhearing our discussion eventually piped in.

He claimed that his father was in some medical position at Bethesda Naval Hospital when JFK was brought in that would have usually officially required him to be involved with the autopsy. I "think" this fellow mentioned his father was a medical doctor of pathology.

The son said his father was always disturbed that he was told not to come in for this.

What to make of this second hand story? Not sure, but I imagine there are hundreds of others like it that lead one to believe there will always be so much we will never know about the truth of the entire event.

Maybe it still isn't too late to do the essential Dorothy Kilgallen film including her obvious and ominous murder. Meryl Street isn't too old to play Kilgallen in her later years.



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On 7/19/2019 at 7:56 AM, Lewis Reynolds said:

I'm just listening to a radio show about Dorothy Kilgallen.

It mentions that Dorothy got information from someone else that she published in an article.

This information was about a meeting, 8 days before the assassination, between Jack Ruby, Officer Tippitt and Bernard Wiseman at Rubys club.

Supposedly the Warren Commission knew about this meeting and choose to ignore it as they had been told a fourth man was at it (a Texan oilman).

Does anyone have anymore information about this meeting? Has this been written about before? Who was Bernard Wiseman?

Thanks in advance.

"Supposedly" the he WC chose to ignore the story? You mean you never verified if what you're writing is true? Is this what a real researcher should do? You should stop relying on conspiracy books and websites to find the true facts in the JFK assassination. One piece of advice for you: Go as close as you can to primary sources. Talking about sources, Thayor Waldo is not a source I would count on too much. Waldo used the confidentiality cover to cover his false story.

I also read that Warren or one of his assistants quickly changed subject. That's BS! Read this for yourself.

Mr. RANKIN. The man that was murdered. There was a story that you were seen sitting in your Carousel Club with Mr. Weissman, Officer Tippit, and another who has been called a rich oil man, at one time shortly before the assassination. Can you tell us anything about that? 
Mr. RUBY. Who was the rich oil man? 
Mr. RANKIN. Can you remember? We haven't been told. We are just trying to find out anything that you know about him. 
Mr. RUBY. I am the one that made such a big issue of Bernard Weissman's ad. Maybe you do things to cover up, if you are capable of doing it.
As a matter of fact, Saturday afternoon we went over to the Turf Bar lounge, and it was a whole hullabaloo, and I showed the pictures "Impeach Earl Warren" to Bellocchio, and he saw the pictures and got very emotional.
And Bellocchio said, "Why did the newspaper take this ad of Weissman?"
And Bellocchio said, "I have got to leave Dallas."
And suddenly after making that statement, I realized it is his incapability, and suddenly you do things impulsively, and suddenly you realize if you love the city, you stay here and you make the best of it. And there were witnesses.
I said, "The city was good enough for you all before this. Now you feel that way about it." And that was Bellocchio.
As far as Tippit, it is not Tippitts, it is not Tippitts it is Tippit. 
Mr. RANKIN. This Weissman and the rich oil man, did you ever have a conversation with them? 
Mr. RUBY. There was only a few. Bill Rudman from the YMCA, and I haven't seen him in years.
And there is a Bill Howard, but he is not a rich oil man. He owns the Stork Club now. He used to dabble in oil. 
Chief Justice WARREN. This story was given by a lawyer by the name of Mark Lane, who is representing Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and it was in the paper, so we subpenaed him, and he testified that someone had given him information to the effect that a week or two before President Kennedy was assassinated, that in your Carousel Club you and Weissman and Tippit, Officer Tippit, the one who was killed, and a rich oil man had an interview or conversation for an hour or two.
And we asked him who it was that told him, and he said that it was confidential and he couldn't tell at the moment, but that he would find out for us if whether he could be released or not from his confidential relationship.

He has never done it, and we have written him several letters asking him to disclose the name of that person, and he has never complied. 
Mr. RUBY. Isn't that foolish? If a man is patriotic enough in the first place, who am I to be concerned if he wasn't an informer.
I am incarcerated, nothing to be worried about anyone hurting me. 
Chief Justice WARREN. Mr. Ruby, I am not questioning your story at all. I wanted you to know the background of this thing, and to know that it was with us only hearsay. But I did feel that our record should show that we would ask you the question and that you would answer it, and you have answered it. 
Mr. RUBY. How many days prior to the assassination was that? 
Chief Justice WARREN. My recollection is that it was a week or two. Is that correct? 
Mr. RUBY. Did anyone have any knowledge that their beloved President was going to visit here prior to that time, or what is the definite time that they knew he was coming to Dallas? 
Chief Justice WARREN. Well, I don't know just what those dates are. 
Mr. RUBY. I see. 
Chief Justice WARREN. I just don't know. Well, we wanted to ask you that question, because this man had so testified, and we have been trying ever since to get him to give the source of his information, but he will not do it, so we will leave that matter as it is. 
Mr. RUBY. No; I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room


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1 hour ago, Denis Morissette said:

"Supposedly" the he WC chose to ignore the story? You mean you never verified if what you're writing is true? Is this what a real researcher should do? You should stop relying on conspiracy books and websites to find the true facts in the JFK assassination.



I didnt say I'm a researcher. I came here to see what information real researchers had to say on the matter. I got all of what I wrote from the radio show. I came here for information on the topic.

I'm not a researcher.

Thank you for the information you posted though.

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3 hours ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

I didnt say I'm a researcher. I came here to see what information real researchers had to say on the matter. I got all of what I wrote from the radio show. I came here for information on the topic.

I'm not a researcher.

Thank you for the information you posted though.

Got it. I apologize.

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On 7/19/2019 at 11:17 AM, Joe Bauer said:

That Kilgallen thread by Simkin was something.

It covered a lot of ground about the intertwining of high profile sex scandals and political power and subterfuge involving JFK and others in high level political positions.

The current Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking affair is just as intriguing and clearly looks like it goes as deep and as high as any of the JFK era.

Two of our presidents, a foreign head of state, a royal family member, super wealthy individuals, foreign intelligence, fake passports, corrupt officials and highest position politician entrapment, huge payoffs to cohorts and witnesses, hidden assets and unexplained wealth acquisition...etc., etc.

Famous high profile lawyer Allan Dershowitz is absolutely freaking out regards his involvement with Epstein as reported in the press.

He has initiated a mass media blitz campaign of damage control and narrative re-direction so desperately aggressive and manic energy frantic ( unprecedented in his personal history ) it clearly seems too over-the-top relative to his hundred times repeated claims of total innocence in anything illegal in this affair.

I have a feeling that Dershowitz is worried about much more than just these reported inappropriate sexual interactions with Epstein's girls.

If only Dershowitz hadn't mentioned getting a hand rub and squeeze massage job in Jeffrey Epstein's sex pad, even if he left his underpants on and his masseuse was an old Russian woman who looked like Rosa Klebb.

The same probably goes for the rest of the growing number of highly placed others implicated in this Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

Obviously, sex scandal corruption is as highest level deep and permeating today as it was in JFK's days.




Interesting. I wasn't aware of it going back that far. I reveal my naivete when I say that I never considered this sort of thing going back before the Franklin Scandal and its cover up.

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On 7/20/2019 at 11:43 AM, Denis Morissette said:

"Supposedly" the he WC chose to ignore the story? You mean you never verified if what you're writing is true? Is this what a real researcher should do? You should stop relying on conspiracy books and websites to find the true facts in the JFK assassination. One piece of advice for you: Go as close as you can to primary sources. Talking about sources, Thayor Waldo is not a source I would count on too much. Waldo used the confidentiality cover to cover his false story.

I also read that Warren or one of his assistants quickly changed subject. That's BS! Read this for yourself.

Mr. RANKIN. The man that was murdered. There was a story that you were seen sitting in your Carousel Club with Mr. Weissman, Officer Tippit, and another who has been called a rich oil man, at one time shortly before the assassination. Can you tell us anything about that? 
Mr. RUBY. Who was the rich oil man? 
Mr. RANKIN. Can you remember? We haven't been told. We are just trying to find out anything that you know about him. 
Mr. RUBY. I am the one that made such a big issue of Bernard Weissman's ad. Maybe you do things to cover up, if you are capable of doing it.
As a matter of fact, Saturday afternoon we went over to the Turf Bar lounge, and it was a whole hullabaloo, and I showed the pictures "Impeach Earl Warren" to Bellocchio, and he saw the pictures and got very emotional.
And Bellocchio said, "Why did the newspaper take this ad of Weissman?"
And Bellocchio said, "I have got to leave Dallas."
And suddenly after making that statement, I realized it is his incapability, and suddenly you do things impulsively, and suddenly you realize if you love the city, you stay here and you make the best of it. And there were witnesses.
I said, "The city was good enough for you all before this. Now you feel that way about it." And that was Bellocchio.
As far as Tippit, it is not Tippitts, it is not Tippitts it is Tippit. 
Mr. RANKIN. This Weissman and the rich oil man, did you ever have a conversation with them? 
Mr. RUBY. There was only a few. Bill Rudman from the YMCA, and I haven't seen him in years.
And there is a Bill Howard, but he is not a rich oil man. He owns the Stork Club now. He used to dabble in oil. 
Chief Justice WARREN. This story was given by a lawyer by the name of Mark Lane, who is representing Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and it was in the paper, so we subpenaed him, and he testified that someone had given him information to the effect that a week or two before President Kennedy was assassinated, that in your Carousel Club you and Weissman and Tippit, Officer Tippit, the one who was killed, and a rich oil man had an interview or conversation for an hour or two.
And we asked him who it was that told him, and he said that it was confidential and he couldn't tell at the moment, but that he would find out for us if whether he could be released or not from his confidential relationship.

He has never done it, and we have written him several letters asking him to disclose the name of that person, and he has never complied. 
Mr. RUBY. Isn't that foolish? If a man is patriotic enough in the first place, who am I to be concerned if he wasn't an informer.
I am incarcerated, nothing to be worried about anyone hurting me. 
Chief Justice WARREN. Mr. Ruby, I am not questioning your story at all. I wanted you to know the background of this thing, and to know that it was with us only hearsay. But I did feel that our record should show that we would ask you the question and that you would answer it, and you have answered it. 
Mr. RUBY. How many days prior to the assassination was that? 
Chief Justice WARREN. My recollection is that it was a week or two. Is that correct? 
Mr. RUBY. Did anyone have any knowledge that their beloved President was going to visit here prior to that time, or what is the definite time that they knew he was coming to Dallas? 
Chief Justice WARREN. Well, I don't know just what those dates are. 
Mr. RUBY. I see. 
Chief Justice WARREN. I just don't know. Well, we wanted to ask you that question, because this man had so testified, and we have been trying ever since to get him to give the source of his information, but he will not do it, so we will leave that matter as it is. 
Mr. RUBY. No; I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room


It is always cringing to read much of Jack Ruby's Warren Commission testimony.

Which too often comes across as rambling nonsense.

And so nonsensical at times it nudges your common sense to consider Ruby's responses with "play dumb acting" suspicion that they are actually purposeful contrived deflection and misdirection.

Like this above post Carousel meeting exchange between Warren and Rankin with Ruby and this following response answer by Ruby: 

"I am the one that made such a big issue of Bernard Weissman's ad. Maybe you do things to cover up, if you are capable of doing it"

Huh ?! 

What is equally frustrating, even disturbing, is when Ruby's questioners so often let him get away with this dumb deflection act and simply drop the immediate subject line of questioning and move on.

Ruby did the same nonsensical meandering non-answering thing when questioned by the W.C. about his physical presence at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963 as reported by journalist Seth Kantor who was at Parkland at that time and personally knew Jack Ruby. And his WC questioners did their same thing of letting Ruby off the hook by dropping the subject entirely.

Consider the huge conspiracy revealing consequences if Ruby finally admitted his Parkland Hospital presence the early afternoon of 11, 22,1963?

This admission would expose his location and activity alibi that afternoon as a made up lie and open the door to dynamite questions about Ruby's motives for being at Parkland at that time and lying about it.

Same thing with this reported meet up of Tippit, Weissman and the rich oil man with Ruby at his Carousel Club just a week or two before JFK's Dallas visit.

In the least, you would expect the Warren Commission to seriously investigate Tippit's relationship with Ruby and whether it was more involved than one would expect between a Dallas Police officer and a strip joint owner.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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