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Thane Eugene Cesar died, per RFK Jr.

Joseph McBride

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Not to go off-track into loony-land, but I've always wondered about that overdetermined name of his:

Thane - Scottish nobility, as in Macbeth (a king killer)

Eugene - "well-born" or "beautifully created"

Cesar - speaks for itself (also a name associated with assassination)

It's enough to turn you into Peter Levenda.

Edited by David Andrews
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What a person to have personally holding, guiding and supposedly guarding RFK at the exact time the shooting starts in that incredibly tight and cramped with bodies location.

After reading Cesar's quoted statement above regards his personal feelings towards JFK and RFK you couldn't have picked a worse person for this job.

In this statement Cesar freely admits his hatred of the Kennedy's and which is on a level one would expect to hear from someone who fits a profile of assassination potential.

Reading Cesar's statement above, I thought it sounded exactly like something violence advocating extreme right wing JFK hating character Joseph Milteer would have said about the Kennedy's.

Lee Harvey Oswald himself never expressed "anything close" to Cesar's deep personal hatred of the Kennedy's and which Cesar shared so brazenly in his recorded statement.

The reasons to consider RFK hating Cesar a top suspect in the Ambassador Hotel shooting are so strongly logical and reasonable it is clearly nonsensical to pretend they are not.

If L. A. Coroner Thomas Noguchi was correct in his conclusions that the wounds in the back of RFK's head indicated infliction from mere inches away and Sirhan's gun was never closer than two, three or more feet away ... why in the world does anyone reject this scientific reality and keep promoting a scientifically proven false one?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

What a person to have personally holding, guiding and supposedly guarding RFK at the exact time the shooting starts in that incredibly tight and cramped with bodies location.

After reading Cesar's quoted statement above regards his personal feelings towards JFK and RFK you couldn't have picked a worse person for this job.

In this statement Cesar freely admits his hatred of the Kennedy's and which is on a level one would expect to hear from someone who fits a profile of assassination potential.

Reading Cesar's statement above, I thought this sounds exactly like something violence advocating extreme right wing character Joseph Milteer would have said about the Kennedy's.

Lee Harvey Oswald never expressed "anything close" to Cesar's deep personal hatred of the Kennedy's and which Cesar shared so brazenly in his recorded statement.

The reasons to consider RFK hating Cesar a top suspect in the Ambassador Hotel shooting are so strongly logical and reasonable it is clearly nonsensical to pretend they are not.

If L. A. Coroner Thomas Noguchi was correct in his conclusions that the wounds in the back of RFK's head indicated infliction from mere inches away and Sirhan's gun was never closer than two, three or more feet away ... why in the world does anyone reject this scientific reality and keep promoting a scientifically proven false one?


Obstinance.  They can't go back now and admit they were wrong.  That would open the whole can of worms.  Leading to ...

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