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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:


One of the revelations of Trumpgate is that the FBI made mistakes in its applications for warrants to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) in the case of Carter Page. This document is the recent FISA court’s order in regard to the wrongful applications. It is important because for too long the FBI has been reckless in its filings and has finally got caught. This is one of the constructive things that has come out of Trumpgate.

From Wikipedia: In 2019 the Justice Department determined Page was illegally subject to surveillance by the United States government.[6



Thanks Doug.

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5 Takeaways on Trump and Ukraine From John Bolton’s Book

New revelations from the former White House national security adviser could complicate President Trump’s impeachment trial.



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The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin

Where Trump's real estate world meets a top religious ally of the Kremlin.





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It also looks like Trump's attorneys, Cipollone and Sekulow, could be in hot water, if they knew about Bolton's unpublished manuscript.

At least some members of Trump's legal team also likely knew of Bolton's knowledge which, if so, potentially subjects them to criminal perjury charges or legal disciplinary actions for their statements before the Senate. https://t.co/Ur4ST3vmSS

— Mark S. Zaid (@MarkSZaidEsq) January 27, 2020




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Zaid has about as much room to advise an attorney about ethics as Jim Comey does on FISA applications.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Zaid has about as much room to advise an attorney about ethics as Jim Comey does on FISA applications.

Or Kenneth Starr complaining that we live in an "age of impeachment."  🙄

As for the so-called Bolton "bombshell" today-- there's nothing explosive or shocking about it-- except, perhaps, for people who completely ignored the public testimony in the House impeachment hearings.

From what I have read, Bolton has merely corroborated the detailed, sworn testimony of Trump's own staffers about his Ukraine-gate extortion scam last summer -- viz., Ambassadors Taylor and Sondland, and NSC advisor Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

I noticed over the weekend that the "House Intelligence Committee" was live tweeting detailed, point-by-point rebuttals of Trump's "defense."


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Jeff Morley did point out something that may be legally important that I did not know.

We do not have a treaty with Ukraine.  Is that true?

If it is, then I think that has some impact on the charges.  Don't you?

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And I have to add:

Whatever one thinks of Trump, what kind of president announces an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan with that nutcase fascist Benjamin N smiling at him?

With no Palestinian presence there.

And then the fascist talks about annexing the West Bank.


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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Jeff Morley did point out something that may be legally important that I did not know.

We do not have a treaty with Ukraine.  Is that true?

If it is, then I think that has some impact on the charges.  Don't you?

I believe we don't have an extradition treaty but do have a prisoner exchange treaty. There is also this:

Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.

It was ratified in 2001. The annex is essentially an addendum that stipulates certain methods of qualifications I believe.

The Trumpers are probably jumping on this as proof he had justification for pursuing investigations but I don't know why. Nobody is arguing he or DOJ, the Senate or Hourse could investigate Burisma.

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I clicked on the link you provided above and it led to an article in the Washington Examiner whose lead paragraph reads, "The White House Thursday ripped the “breathless” media coverage of the Russia collusion “hoax” and said now that it’s over, journalists should turn their attention on Obama-era scandals."

You and the other Trumpsters are still fixated on Obama after all these years. Nothing like living the past, right? It beats having to face today's reality which is not a pretty picture.



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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

And I have to add:

Whatever one think of Trump, what kind of president announces an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan with that nutcase fascist Benjamin N smiling at him?

With no Palestinian presence there.

And then the fascist talks about annexing the West Bank.


Here's the latest from University of Michigan Professor Juan Cole on the Kushner/Netanyahu Apartheid Plan.

(As an aside, Juan Cole's Informed Comment website seems like a reliable source of info about Middle East affairs, but the only time I posted a comment at Informed Comment about evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11, Cole promptly deleted it.)


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Thanks for that William.  Who will stand up to AIPAC?  No matter what they say early, they always end up knuckling under.

Meanwhile, this is interesting is it not?


Is Bolton for real?  Will he reverse himself under oath?  

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15 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that William.  Who will stand up to AIPAC?  No matter what they say early, they always end up knuckling under.

Meanwhile, this is interesting is it not?


Is Bolton for real?  Will he reverse himself under oath?  

Speaking of AIPAC, a Super PAC affiliated with AIPAC is now airing attack ads against Bernie Sanders in Iowa.

Bernie is one of the only politicians in the U.S. who has dared to criticize Netanyahu and his Likud Party hardliners.


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On 1/29/2020 at 3:16 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Is Bolton for real?  Will he reverse himself under oath? 

Jim, I had been wondering about the same thing myself: Would he somehow turn against the Democrats; and is this why some of them didn't appear eager to pressure him to testify? But now that his manuscript is circulating, how do you think that would play out? Would he want to contradict himself?

Edited by Rob Couteau
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