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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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3 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

     I agree that Bernie is up against some very powerful forces, including electronic sabotage, Robber Baron "news" corporations, and the massive amounts of dark money for advertising in the post- Citizens United era.

   I also doubt that Netanyahu, Likud Party hardliners, and the Mossad would ever allow Bernie Sanders to move into  the White House.  They would view Bernie as an existential threat.

   Didn't Sidney Gottlieb and the MK-Ultra guys invent a "heart attack" gun back in the day?

MKNAOMI.  It was a Gottlieb operation run out of the US Army Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick.  Blood soluble paralytics and toxins.  Although it was developed here in the States the FBI had been told to be on the look-out for such weaponry brought in from outside the country.

Theoretically, a slow moving well armed caravan could be ambushed by hitting the target first with a paralytic to keep him from ducking  down.  Then hit him with a toxin.  The rounds dissolve and cannot be detected in an autopsy.  After paralyzing and poisoning the target, train three rifles at his head and leave nothing to chance.

Because there is possible evidence of foreign involvement in the hit, a false flag attack is well framed.


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I think there is one other scenario.  Its Trump's biggest nightmare and its also mine.

Biden flames out early.  LIke before Super Tuesday.

Mike Bloomberg becomes the  centrist candidate, swamping the mayor on that day.

He spends a half billion and wins the nomination.

I will say this about the scenario.  I think little Mike would beat Trump.  But that is about the only good thing I can see in it.

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9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think there is one other scenario.  Its Trump's biggest nightmare and its also mine.

Biden flames out early.  LIke before Super Tuesday.

Mike Bloomberg becomes the  centrist candidate, swamping the mayor on that day.

He spends a half billion and wins the nomination.

I will say this about the scenario.  I think little Mike would beat Trump.  But that is about the only good thing I can see in it.

Bloomberg ran an anti-NRA ad during the Super Bowl. He doesn’t lack for guts.

He stopped and frisked while mayor of New York and there’s plagiarism in his policy papers.

He doesn’t lack for things that need some splainin’.

I think he’s the best shot to beat Trump.

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18 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Biden flamed out when the "whistleblower" said Trump was saying bad things about Biden. 

The whole idea that he was ever viable as a candidate was a construct of the MSM in order to craft a narrative that Trump feared Biden the most, and jawboned Zelinksy to take him out for purely political reasons. 

As probably the least viable candidate (there are only a few thousand memes of him touching 14 year old girls) and easily the most corrupt, he was the logical choice to push in front of the impeachment bus. The scrutiny is now on Hunter and Burisma and Rosemont Seneca and in some circles, the Bulger brothers connections. If Biden had any viability as a candidate, he would have had at least some leverage to keep Hunter from being used as Schiff's impeachment bait.

The whole thing was a Trump op.

Look what just happened.

  • Someone on Team Trump (probably Bolton) tells Ciarmella that Trump threatened and bribed Zelinsky; that the call was very disturbing, that Trump said A,B,C,D,E,F and G.
  • Schiff goes in front of Congress and repeats A,B,C,D,E,F, and G, and adds a few more details, H,I,J, and maybe throws in some dramatic pauses. After a half hour of speaking, he is called out by a Republican member and Schiff says it was a "parody", but still believes A through G are factually accurate.
  • Schiff digs in deeper. Pelosi smells a rat. Trump tells Pelosi that her son Paul will walk away clean if she allows Schiff to keep digging. 
  • Now Schiff is in so deep he can't get out.
  • Trump releases the Transcript. Nothing in the Transcript matches what Schiff said in front of Congress. There is no A,B,C,D,E,F or G. 
    • To be clear, Schiff thought what the Whistleblower relayed was so bad that Trump would never release the transcript.
    • In other words, Schiff thinks there is an audio Tape of Trump saying "Bribe" this and "Give me dirt on Biden" and "No Javellin Missiles until Biden is arrested...etc. etc."
  • How many times did Trump tweet out "Read the transcript."? Since August 24th, 45 times.  
  • Stuck Deep in his hole Schiff is left holding Impeachment Papers without a case, or evidence, or anything but the Support of a lone Republican Senator from Utah who is also tied up in the Burisma money laundering mess.
  • Schiff gets his impeachment, but he has no case. He thinks Bolton (or someone in the Trump White House he thought he could trust) is going to save this embarrassment and Pelosi agrees to hold off giving the articles to the Senate.
  • A week of Senate Testimony.
  • No more witnesses, and the impeachment is effectively dead.
  • SOTU, Acquittal. Timed perfectly, almost like all the players were following a script.

The Democrats were always going to Impeach Trump.

He just made them do it before the 2020 campaign got into high gear.


There is no "transcript". What are you talking about?

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9 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

And there is no Whistle Blower, which is why Schiff and Nadler look like idiots, Pelosi drinks all day, and there is a Silver Alert in Iowa for Uncle Joe, who was last seen by the 2 delegates he picked up in the Denny’s outside of Oskaloosa.

Orange man wins again.

Hey, maybe Bolton will save the day

What transcript? If you're talking about the July 25th call record, that's not a transcript. I think you know that. And it doesn't even look slightly like the contemporaneous read out, which doesn't surprise me. Only li@rs like Trump and the bufoons in the MSM are calling it a transcript, obfuscating the fact that the record was edited, and not very well at that.

My bet would be Trump saves the day. He's his own worst enemy.

Edited by Bob Ness
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7 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

What transcript? If you're talking about the July 25th call record, that's not a transcript. I think you know that. And it doesn't even look slightly like the contemporaneous read out, which doesn't surprise me. Only li@rs like Trump and the buttons in the MSM are calling it a transcript, obfuscating the fact that the record was edited, and not very well at that.

My bet would be Trump saves the day. He's his own worst enemy.

    Trump keeps shooting himself in the foot on 5th Avenue, but still hasn't lost a single voter.  I thought he was, surely, finished after the Access Hollywood tape was released in 2016.

     Trumpsters, obviously, know how to use their illusions-- as we see in the case of our perspicacious friend, Robert.

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The latest is disturbing.

And this is what I mean about the Democrats having no discipline or organization.

Now that idiot Lindsey Graham, who never saw anything worse than a woman testifying against Brett Kavanaugh, is getting documents on Hunter Biden. 

Its revenge time, sort of like the Mafia.  

My point is that if Bulloch, Beto and Abrams had run for the senate, the Dems would have had a very good shot at taking it back.  Instead Bulloch and Beto run for the presidency, which was always about a 100-1 shot for either one.  The senate races would have been pretty much fifty fifty. Does Abrams think she is getting the VP offer?  

If you have the House and the Senate, you could have tied the White House in knots even if the guy does win. 


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20 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The latest is disturbing.

And this is what I mean about the Democrats having no discipline or organization.

This is what I mean about DiEugenio’s utter cluelessness in regards to modern American politics.

The Dems demonstrated remarkable discipline in getting Trump impeached and holding ranks in the Senate.

Trumpenlinks never give Democrats credit for anything.


Now that idiot Lindsey Graham, who never saw anything worse than a woman testifying against Brett Kavanaugh, is getting documents on Hunter Biden. 

Its revenge time, sort of like the Mafia.  

Except that there is nothing to investigate and Biden has been a weak candidate.


My point is that if Bulloch, Beto and Abrams had run for the senate, the Dems would have had a very good shot at taking it back.

Beto had zero chance of beating Cornyn.  He lost by 3 points to one of the most unpopular Republicans in Texas, Ted Cruz.


  Instead Bulloch and Beto run for the presidency, which was always about a 100-1 shot for either one.  The senate races would have been pretty much fifty fifty.

Bullock is popular in Montana, but so is Steve Daines.  Bullock stopped his Prez campaign and could still challenge Daines, tho that doesn’t appear likely.


Does Abrams think she is getting the VP offer?  

Of course she does! She’s a rock star!


If you have the House and the Senate, you could have tied the White House in knots even if the guy does win. 


Another fine civics lesson from our resident chief Trump enabler.

Arizona, Colorado, Maine, Iowa and North Carolina are all in play for a Dem takeover of the Senate.


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50 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The latest is disturbing.

And this is what I mean about the Democrats having no discipline or organization.

Now that idiot Lindsey Graham, who never saw anything worse than a woman testifying against Brett Kavanaugh, is getting documents on Hunter Biden. 

Its revenge time, sort of like the Mafia.  

My point is that if Bulloch, Beto and Abrams had run for the senate, the Dems would have had a very good shot at taking it back.  Instead Bulloch and Beto run for the presidency, which was always about a 100-1 shot for either one.  The senate races would have been pretty much fifty fifty. Does Abrams think she is getting the VP offer?  

If you have the House and the Senate, you could have tied the White House in knots even if the guy does win. 


Yes, and Moochin' Steve Mnuchin, the foreclosure mogul, apparently, has no compunction about turning Hunter Biden's tax returns over to the GOP Senate Goon Squad-- after fighting tooth-and-claw for the past three years to block the release of Trump's tax returns to Congress!

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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

"Call Record", "Transcript" (that is what Orange man called it by tweet 45 times). The official title on the PDF is "Memorandum of Telephone Conversation." Linked

Call it what you want.

You are missing the relevant point, which is;

Schiff said something completely different than what was on the "Memorandum of Telephone Conversation" (I'm sure you can find Schiff's "reading" on Youtube.)

If your argument is that the memorandum leaves out the part where Trump threatens to nuke Ukraine back into the stone age if they don't investigate Biden, then you are not comprehending that Schiff was set up.

There was never going to be anything Impeachable from the call because the whole point was to have Schiff initiate an impeachment doomed to fail (in the Senate), yes Trump was impeached if that makes everyone feel better.

This was at best 2D level chess on the part of Team Trump, not even close to 3D level. There is no need to waste resources on a 3D level chess operation when the guy your playing against (Schiff) is in full Panic Mode and does not have the time to vet his "whistle blower."

Now consider this:

  • If you are a Trump Supporter, Who was the least popular Trump appointee of the past two years?
  • What guy has a history threatening to bomb every country in the Middle East except for Israel and maybe Saudi Arabia?
  • Who is the interventionist neo-con that the McCain wing of the Republican Party and the Hillary Wing of the Democratic Party love the most?
  • Who did the Regime Topplers at the CIA consider an ally?
  • Who would Adam Schiff trust in the Trump admin. when the Whistle Blower told Schiff who the information came from? (Schiff would not just trust a Jr. level bag man like Ciarmella. Schiff certainly would not trust a Senior Level Official who is known to be loyal to Trump. It would look like a set-up right away.) 

The answer to all of the above is John Bolton.

Still barely 2D level chess.

The case was made easily. He was impeached.

Considering the realities of the Republican party and the bar for conviction, it's not surprising he was acquitted. Over half the country wanted him removed and yet he's running around spiking the football. The remaining Congressional Republicans are embarrassing, even for politicians.

He'll cheat again and probably refuse election results by saying they were rigged when he loses.


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20 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I will say this about the scenario.  I think little Mike would beat Trump.  But that is about the only good thing I can see in it.

Little Mike? Another Trump trope.

Funny how Trump/DiEugenio never say “little Vlad.”

Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg refuse to accept Big Donor money. Both support public financing of elections.


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     Trump typically fires only the competent, ethical people in his administration-- not that he hired many in the first place.  His staffing decisions have been historically abysmal.

      The ones who survive his incessant winnowing process are the sycophants and sleazeballs-- the Mulvaneys, Pompeos, and DeVoses.  And no decent, competent people WANT to work for him.

      It's a kakistocracy-- not government by preppies wearing khakis, but government by the very worst people.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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5 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Nobody thought the impeachment would go anywhere--we have a lame duck Republican Senate!!!!!  We all knew this!~  He got the eternal asterisk from the House.  That's all we expected.

Better than we expected!

First time in history a Senator voted to convict Prez of his own party. 

Trump missed a chance to celebrate his inevitable acquittal on Super Bowl Sunday, State-of-the-Union, and the afternoon of the acquittal itself.

Now Trump shrieks stuck-pig style.

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