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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Look, its pretty clear I think that something was up with that new voter app in Iowa.  The guy running the caucuses resigned since he did not want to answer any more questions.  The DNC, with its hack leader Perez, was secretly involved with the application, something that did not come out until later.

Also, the people behind the app are directly related to Mayor Peter.  And that app clearly favored Petey.

That jumbled results in Iowa gave Petey a big boost for New Hampshire.  And that allowed him to finish a close second.

One last point to show how this is designed to blunt Sanders:  after HRC lost, Sanders--who should have been the titular leader of the party--wanted Ellison as DNC chair in order to clean up the mess left by DWS.  Ellison was the clear favorite and would have won election.  On the verge of this happening, what did Obama do?  He gets Perez to run and backs him to the hilt.  

I think we know why now.  If you ever needed to know more about Obama, this should inform you of who he really was and is.

All of this info is out there.  Ignore it at your peril.

        This is spot on.   The main beneficiary of the Iowa caucus debacle was Buttigieg, and the snafu mainly functioned to sabotage Bernie's momentum going into New Hampshire and Super Tuesday.  I don't ever recall an Iowa caucus winner being denied national headlines for the win.

       So, yes, Bernie is up against far more than the corporate MSM this year.  He's also up against the DNC, AIPAC, and Pete Buttigieg's backers at Langley and in the Pentagon.

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36 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Why isn't everyone up in arms about Horowitz's spiking of exculpatory evidence re McCabe? Just curious.

You mean the two year nuisance investigation against an FBI guy who helped Trump win when, right before the election, he piled the Clinton Foundation onto the phony FBI e-mail scandal?

That McCabe?

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25 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

        This is spot on.   The main beneficiary of the Iowa caucus debacle was Buttigieg, and the snafu mainly functioned to sabotage Bernie's momentum going into New Hampshire and Super Tuesday.  I don't ever recall an Iowa caucus winner being denied national headlines for the win.

       So, yes, Bernie is up against far more than the corporate MSM this year.  He's also up against the DNC, AIPAC, and Pete Buttigieg's backers at Langley and in the Pentagon.

The Banksters, Bible-Thumpers and network CEOs won’t let Bernie win. Even if he wins the Dem nomination — they know how to destroy anybody.

Michael Moore was on one of the cable news shows and when asked — “What are you going to say when a billion dollars in ads go out accusing Sanders of being a Communist who’s going to take your health care away?” — Moore said : “We — Bernie — will remind people of FDR.”

No one under 80 actually remembers FDR. The politics of Medicare for All is toxic, if not entirely fatal.

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50 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

The Banksters, Bible-Thumpers and network CEOs won’t let Bernie win. Even if he wins the Dem nomination — they know how to destroy anybody.

Michael Moore was on one of the cable news shows and when asked — “What are you going to say when a billion dollars in ads go out accusing Sanders of being a Communist who’s going to take your health care away?” — Moore said : “We — Bernie — will remind people of FDR.”

No one under 80 actually remembers FDR. The politics of Medicare for All is toxic, if not entirely fatal.


     Speaking of Bible Thumpers, why is the mainstream media acting like Pete Buttigieg's homosexuality is not a big deal for his "elect-ability?"

     It's not an issue for me, personally -- and Colorado just elected an openly gay governor (Jared Polis) by a large plurality-- but I think Buttigieg's sexuality could be a deal breaker for many homophobic voters in red and purple states.

    Yet, the MSM is talking about Buttigieg's candidacy as if his gay marriage is no big deal-- at the same time that they always insist that Bernie Sanders' "socialism" renders him utterly un-electable.

     In Buttigieg's case, I think we're being dukakissed by the media moguls.

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

You mean the two year nuisance investigation against an FBI guy who helped Trump win when, right before the election, he piled the Clinton Foundation onto the phony FBI e-mail scandal?

That McCabe?

Yup. It appears that Horowitz withheld email correspondence from McCabe and Mueller that proved McCabe had informed FBI superiors that he had spoken with the WSJ which is what they said they fired him for. IOW Horowitz was schooling everyone up about the Page FISAs while doing the same act on McCabe. Nice.

1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Because we assume you read it in The NY Times, which means the real story doesn’t fit the narrative your hoping to string others along on?

No I get all my information from reddit/conspiracy where all the other loons hang out.

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Nice one.

I agree that the MSM is not telling us the whole story about Petey.

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When Bernie wins the Dem nomination he’ll need a mass movement in favor of Democratic Socialism which makes the other side THE issue — Trump’s theocratic fascism.

Why do so many people who proudly boast of their support for Bernie and AOC never denounce Trump’s bid for Fascist Autocracy?...Oh! wait! Heard the latest on Seth Rich?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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On 2/16/2020 at 2:45 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

More Democrat bashing after Douglas posted a report on our new Trump dictatorship.

If you ever needed to know more about Trumpenlinks, this should inform you about whose “side” they’re on.

When Bernie wins the Dem nom we’ll welcome the Trumpnlinks with open arms, face it.

We’re going to need everyone to resist the overt fascist power play currently under way.

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The U.S. legal community of federal judges and 1.16 million lawyers are mobilizing to save our democracy from Trump, his organized crime operation, and the hard core  domestic terrorists that comprise much of his base.

Federal judges' association calls emergency meeting after DOJ intervenes in case of Trump ally Roger Stone






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3 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

When Bernie wins the Dem nomination he’ll need a mass movement in favor of Democratic Socialism which makes the other side THE issue — Trump’s theocratic fascism.

Why do so many people who proudly boast of their support for Bernie and AOC never denounce Trump’s bid for Fascist Autocracy?...Oh! wait! Heard the latest on Seth Rich?

        I've been deeply concerned about Trump's fascist tendencies for the past three years, and have posted information (mostly elsewhere) about his history of studying Hitler's speeches, fomenting xenophobia, scapegoating minority groups, etc.  It's creepy as hell-- and real.  I also believe that Trump will do anything to get re-elected, even if he has to start a war.  Paul Krugman nailed it two years ago when he said that "Trump even makes Caligula look good."

       As for Bernie, 11,000 people turned out last night for his rally at the Colorado Convention Center here in Denver, but the corporate media largely blacked out any coverage, as usual.

      Meanwhile, AIPAC is airing anti-Bernie ads in Nevada, just as they did in Iowa before the Caucus.  They can hardly accuse him of being anti-Semitic, but they, obviously, have zero tolerance for Bernie's criticism of Likud Party hardliners (and Sheldon Adelson.)

      Does this constitute foreign interference in U.S. elections?

AIPAC Is Helping Fund Anti-Bernie Sanders Super PAC Ads in Nevada


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That is really disturbing William.

I mean, the AIPAC crew has now so dominated the discussion that you cannot even talk about fairness for the Palestinians, and they cannot even be included in any talks about a solution. Man, Trump folded like a wet rag before them did he not?  Just like Obama.

Man, Bernie got 11 K in Denver?  He got about the same in Venice on the beach.  And he got a big crowd in Dallas also.

BTW, was AOC with him in MIle HIgh?  Or did he do that himself?

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10 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Buttigieg entered the Navy as a Captain from Day One with no training

The formatting on the web-site linked above might be a slight annoyance to some.

The website is the product of a 60 year old guy with marginal CSS and HTML skills who mostly just concentrates on finding interesting information on people who want to be our next President. 

From that great source:

"Entering the military as a Navy Captain. In job class GS-15. Pay Grade Officer-6. As a civilian. without training. Source is Page One of Pete Buttigieg’s military records."

On the first page it clearly states he entered service through a college ROTC program as a Lt. Junior Grade paid as an 03. Unless I'm missing something it looks like your source can't read much less code HTML or css. My bet is the assh0le just wants to slander someone.

FYI it isn't unheard of that the military grants a rank to specialists for the purpose of either intelligence cover or to make sure if they're conducting government business the person is perceived to have proper authority to do same. It's called a brevet and happens in most militaries all over the world.

Edited by Bob Ness
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