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Maybe They Don't Do This Anymore, But Are There Any Recent Polls Regarding Warren Report Belief or Disbelief?

Joe Bauer

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I don't put much  credence in those polls. I'm also not sure how well those polls are conducted. I think with a lot of younger people the pro conspiracy is probably not that deeply felt and is a means to a statement to say "I wasn't born yesterday" and "I don't accept everything the authorities like the government tells me".

There is a new group of conspiracy prone people, I think that are aided by the internet, who would gravitate toward the JFKA as just one of many conspiracies, in  some cases perhaps the Grandaddy of all conspiracies. The non conspiracy prone people, I think tend to have a more effectual attitude about social change, and that institutions can change and more faith that they can effect change in their personal lives.  JMO

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:42 AM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

The percentage of those who believe in the official story is slowing creeping up as those who lived through the event pass away. students are being taught the official explanation.

Lawrence, I write this post in the spirit of constructive criticism. 

Students have always been taught the official explanation. 

The US gov't and the mainstream media have always preached the official explanation.

Remember the scene in JFK where Garrison debunks the single bullet theory with a diagram showing the back wound at the level of T3?  Keep It Simple Stupid, right?

In an age where simplicity and repetition are the keys to getting people's attention, the JFK Critical Master Class stresses complex proofs of conspiracy which require advance college degrees to verify.



LHO is increasingly not referred to as the "alleged" assassin but as the actual assassin. In the 2017 CAPA mock trial, it was the Millennials on the jury who were the least receptive to a conspiracy.  

It wasn't just the Millennials, Lawrence.  You and Bill only convinced 5 out of 12 people that Oswald was innocent.  And you spent two days to do it.

The acoustics?  The NAA?  The provenance of CE399?  The head wound/s?  Duds.

Why not approach the JFKA like any other cold case murder?  Start with a robust inspection of the first day evidence -- the physical evidence found with the body, the properly prepared and verified/authenticated contemporaneous medical documents, and the contemporaneous notes of witnesses in position of authority.

To wit:

The bullet hole in the shirt is 4" below the bottom of the collar.  The bullet hole in the jacket is 4.125" below the bottom of the collar.

The verified Death Certificate properly prepared by Kennedy's personal physician Admiral George Burkley listed the back wound at T3, consistent with the bullet holes in the clothes.  The properly prepared portion of the autopsy face sheet -- signed off as verified -- shows a back wound location consistent with the holes in the clothes.  The cervical autopsy x-ray -- authenticated by Dr. David Mantik -- shows a hairline fracture of the right T1 transverse process.  

Two doctors at Parkland wrote contemporaneous notes describing the throat wound as an entrance.  Two Secret Service men made contemporaneous notes putting the back wound in a location consistent with the holes in the clothes.  Two FBI men sent a written message to FBI HQ soon after the autopsy which described the back wound as shallow,  A couple of lawmen took notes of an interview with Oswald and made a written record his alibi -- he was outside for the parade.


The shot in the back at T3 was too low to have caused the T1 fracture or the wound in the throat, which was an entrance.  This proves at least 2 shooters and thus -- conspiracy.

Oswald stood accused of firing 6.5mm Full Metal Jacket rounds.  6.5mm FMJ don't leave shallow wounds in soft tissue.  He wasn't one of the shooters unless he knowingly took part in his own frame job.  His alibi holds water in the absence of any evidence he wasn't outside.



The mainstream media now frequently equates conspiracy theorists with fringe groups. So to answer your question, my prediction is that in 2063, a majority of americans will believe the official story. IMHO

If the JFKA Critical Master Class get back to basics -- a la Vincent Salandria and Gaeton Fonzi -- there's a chance that fate can be avoided.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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One time a few years ago I asked my son, now age 39, why he didn't seem to show much interest in the JFK assassination.

He said, "Dad, this is old news. While I might, care, most people my age and younger simply don't care. The JFK assassination was your generation's 9/11. You remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. Most people my age haven't heard a JFK speech, and don't have a good idea what he stood for, and consequently we just don't care. If you do figure out who really killed JFK, will it matter, except as history? At this point, nobody's going to go to jail for it. Basically, they got away with murder. But my generation has enough current stuff to occupy our time and our minds, so we don't care because we can't. It serves no purpose to my generation."

Looking on the JFK assassination as I look upon the Lincoln assassination, I get where he's coming from.

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35 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

One time a few years ago I asked my son, now age 39, why he didn't seem to show much interest in the JFK assassination.

He said, "Dad, this is old news. While I might, care, most people my age and younger simply don't care. The JFK assassination was your generation's 9/11. You remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news. Most people my age haven't heard a JFK speech, and don't have a good idea what he stood for, and consequently we just don't care. If you do figure out who really killed JFK, will it matter, except as history? At this point, nobody's going to go to jail for it. Basically, they got away with murder. But my generation has enough current stuff to occupy our time and our minds, so we don't care because we can't. It serves no purpose to my generation."

Looking on the JFK assassination as I look upon the Lincoln assassination, I get where he's coming from.

Mark, I get that reaction a lot from younger people.  I answer, "It's relevant because the mainstream media continue to lie about it.  They don't continuously lie about the Lincoln or Garfield assassinations, right?  But they continue to lie about the JFK assassination.  Fact-checking what's in the MSM or what's on-line is an honorable pursuit for lots and lots of issues, the JFK assassination being one of them."

Sometimes I get a thoughtful reaction, and sometimes I get the cue to change the subject.

There is one factor in our favor going forward -- JFK, like Marilyn Monroe, is an enduring icon of ultimate celebrity.

Awhile back I was at an eatery here in town when a couple of young guys took the table next to mine.  One guy pulls up a pant leg to show off a sock adorned with colorful pictures of Jack Kennedy's face.  "I had a choice -- either go gay or JFK."

I think people in general like a good mystery.  But when younger people go to on-line forums to look into the mystery of JFK's death they run into a bunch of boomers bickering over bs.

The failure of the JFK Critical Master Class to reach a consensus on JFK's T3 back wound and throat entrance wound dooms our best intentions.


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No JFK "do you believe the Warren Commission finding of Oswald's single gunman guilt or a conspiracy" polls this year.

That part of the JFK event anniversary reporting has gone to the winds of forgotten times.

JFK and MLK and RFK were such huge inspiring parts of our boomer generation childhood and young adult lives. 

They were heroes to tens of millions of young people back in their day.

And JFK and his wife Jackie were personally the most attractive and celebrity glamorous President and first lady in history. They were way bigger than any movie star or other celebrity in their time. Internationally perhaps even more than nationally.

They will be remembered iconically as long as America is intact as a constitutional democracy nation and society.

Even now, when I see pictures of a smiling JFK and the beautiful Jackie I re-feel the dynamic, attractive and inspiring energy they personified.

When I see pictures of LBJ and Nixon. I re-feel their corrupt energy.


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52 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

This was published Oct. 23, 2017

Link to full article - Most People Believe In JFK Conspiracy Theories

jfk_Poll 2019-11-21 102954.jpgcritic of the Rehe

2001 was the high water mark.  The grand old days of rhetorically kicking nutter ass in the newsgroups. 

Not satisfied with making the simple case for conspiracy, the JFKA Critical Master Class at the various conferences began to emphasize inferior, highly complex proofs of conspiracy. 

The last conference I attended was the Cracking the Case event at Bethesda in 2005.  A lot of emphasis on the acoustics and the NAA.  I attended the event initially as a proud member of Research Community but by the time I got back home I was a devoted critic of the JFKA Master Class.

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