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Can JFKA Historians Save the World?

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On 1/15/2020 at 3:31 AM, Chris Davidson said:

Thank you Robert,

The PDF version is freely available here:


Thanks, Chris, I received my copy from Scribd.com, but you have to pay to get in there.   I looked on archive.com, and they don’t have it.   Archive is really good, and there’s a lot of good books, and all for free.   Some you can borrow for a couple of weeks.

You seem interested, so I’d like to offer you and the group a great book on real history, “The Strange Death of FDR.”   If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, just read Chapter 23.


This is a screen shot of the first page of Chapt 23 to see if I can pique your interest:


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21 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Then again it might have started here.  I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said it was the deciding battle.  


It gave the Rothschild's a new field to play in.

Now that the Revolutionary War is mentioned, I wanted to write this above when I mentioned “Rulers of Evil”, that there’s one issue I have with Saussy, and that is he doesn’t offer enough backup to his claim that the Black Pope at that time, Lorenzo Ricci, was responsible for the Revolutionary War.   I think what he says is true, but he needs more scholarly references.   In the defense of Saussy, the Jesuit Suppression started a few years before the war, and they went into hiding, so there wouldn’t be much in writing or decrees on the activites of the Jesuits during that time.   That is the only issue I have with the book.

As for the Rothschilds, Mayer Amschel Rothschild was a Knight of Malta, as shown in his regalia



– The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that:

“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”

Rothschilds are the Papal bank account.

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I'm not near that deep on the subject.  Jim Marrs is about the extent of my knowledge.  But regarding the thread topic, JFK Historians have to educate the world on true History for them to understand his assassination and in turn where we are today.  If there is hope of saving the World?

A daunting but worthy goal?  Who else but Historians with tech and marketing help can accomplish the task?

The Truth has to get Out, en masse.  Beyond here.  Concisely to be understood. 

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I promise you, the world is not going to be saved, the world is going to be destroyed as we know it, and it’s coming soon.  There’s no way to fight the Deep State, they’re too powerful.  All you can do is make the best deal for yourself, like I did, because I know Colombia is exempt from what’s about to come.   That’s why I’m here, Colombia is a safe place, and my family and myself will be fine.


Ron, you made a thread called War, and I read all through it.  It really saddened me because it’s nothing but posters repeating what they read/heard in the dupe news.  They pick their opinions through confirmation bias of their preferred sources, and they’re all BS.  It’s as if no one on this site has ever heard of Operation Mockingbird, and subsequent mind control psyops.


I’m going to prove it, right here and now, that whatever most people think is entirely wrong.   I’m going to show that the entire system is nonsense from top to bottom.   Through cognitive dissonance, no one will give this example any thought whatsoever, and you’re going to block it all out.


OK, here goes.   On Oct 31, 2016, Hillary Clinton announced that she was going to have an election night victory party in Manhattan that involved a fireworks display along the Hudson River.  She must have been pretty confident to do this, and was very certain she was going to win the election.


However, there was some trouble coming her way, because in those days, the FBI announced they were going to revive its probe into her private email server scandal.   (I think the Deep State ordered Comey to do this.)


Next, and most importantly, a huge cache of classified emails that top aide Huma Abedin left on a laptop that hubby Anthony Weiner may have used to text an underage girl in North Carolina was discovered.   (BTW, how many cops that handled this laptop “committed suicide” afterwards?)


The Deep State now had a problem as the investigation into this scandal would never stop, and her Presidency would be doomed.   So the order was given to dump Hillary, and program George Soros’ voting machines to make Trump the winner.


Now for the clincher.   Why did Hillary cancel her victory celebration before the votes were counted?  To do anything in Manhattan costs a fortune, police/fire/sanitation overtime would be quite expensive, probably a couple of million.  So why pay this needless expense.


Check out the link showing the timestamp of when she cancelled her victory celebration:  (she cancelled the day before election day.)


She was going to win in a landslide, correct?   Even Trump was surprised that he won.   Trump winning Pennsylvania is another clue.  Penn is a highly Democratic State, and the closer you get to NYC, the more Trump is hated.   There’s no way Trump would win Penn.   This reminds me of Republican Arlen Specter being rewarded for his stupid bullet theory with 30 years in the Senate from Penn, where almost nobody knows anyone that ever voted for him.


OK, is there anyone still with me?  So why did she cancel her victory celebration before the votes were counted, and where she was a landslide victor?


This example proves one thing, that voting is a fraud and a hoax.   The slaves have nothing to do with electing a President.  It’s all a scam.  (Don’t tell anybody, but the President of the U.S. is actually chosen by a Conclave of Cardinals at the Vatican.)  To be more accurate, one slave did in fact impact, and decide the election, and that was Anthony Weiner.


So Ron, this is why we’re doomed.  No one will read or study what happened here, and if they did, they won’t make the connection because of cognitive dissonance, and then they’ll just head back to the TV set.


Edited by Robert Card
changed to show the celebration was cancelled the day before election day.
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Pretty well hopeless?  I may think that way sometimes but I can't yet let my children or grandchildren do so.  They deserve hope even if it proves false.  

Can we just preserve ourselves and some dignity?

I cant afford to move to Columbia nor do I want to leave my home.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 1/16/2020 at 8:27 PM, Ron Bulman said:

I'm not near that deep on the subject.  Jim Marrs is about the extent of my knowledge.  But regarding the thread topic, JFK Historians have to educate the world on true History for them to understand his assassination and in turn where we are today.  If there is hope of saving the World?

A daunting but worthy goal?  Who else but Historians with tech and marketing help can accomplish the task?

The Truth has to get Out, en masse.  Beyond here.  Concisely to be understood. 

Oliver Stone has managed to punch a hole in the veneer of U.S. military-industrial-complex propaganda.  One of the few.

His prologue to the Untold History of the United States series was spell-binding-- where he talked about his concern that the truth about American history was not being taught in our schools.

And, I read somewhere (?) that some American history teachers in the U.S. are starting to use Oliver Stone's work in their classrooms-- along with the work of Howard Zinn, et.al., on the People's History of the United States.  (I just finished reading another fascinating book of this type called, White Trash-- The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, by Professor Nancy Isenberg of Louisiana State University.)

There also seems to be increased public interest in the true, "untold" history of slavery, the Reconstruction era, and Jim Crow-- as described by the work of Columbia University historian Eric Foner, and award winning films like 12 Years a Slave.

I sincerely hope that Stone's Destiny Betrayed series will break through to a large American audience-- but I suspect that propagandists in the mainstream media will either, 1) ignore, or 2) misrepresent the significance of the damning historical evidence in Destiny Betrayed.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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You can say the last one again William.

I just wonder if there will be a preemptive strike like back in 1991.

BTW, Oliver kept all of those on video.  Looking through some of it, that was really something to see.  Completely unprecedented in the history of cinema. 

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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Pretty well hopeless?  I may think that way sometimes but I can't yet let my children or grandchildren do so.  They deserve hope even if it proves false.  

Can we just preserve ourselves and some dignity?

I cant afford to move to Columbia nor do I want to leave my home.

Yes, pretty well hopeless for many, but not totally hopeless, as there's a few that know the plan.   Basically, it first involves just turning off the idiot box.

Moving to another country while approaching retirement or actually in retirement is actually prohibitive.   How can you use your Medicare if that applies to you?  I have to pay out of pocket for most of my medical care.   I first spoke Serbo-Croatian, then English, then studied French, then later studied Japanese in college.   Learning Spanish in old age has been the toughest mental feat I've ever attempted, and I can't understand most people after 15 years.

I know though that Colombia is safe because of the amount of CIA families moving here.  I could understand one or two, but there are tons of CIA families moving here.  My  mind is open, but I can't think of any other reason except they're protecting their wives and kids.

The work of the late Professor Rudolph Rummel, the greatest political scientist in history, is something that cannot be ignored.  In this link, he proves that govt's are the biggest genocidists, and he calls this Democide, and doesn't count war deaths as part of the statistics.  People should spend a lot of time at this website, there's a couple of books there in the links, and everything is backed up statistically.   He doesn't even mention the Spanish Flu pandemic.  Ron, who created the Spanish Flu virus, and where was it developed?  50 million killed?  You may trust the nutwork, but I certainly don't.  Really, this link is enlightening.


I hesitate putting this next link because you need a lot background information first.   I'm just the messenger here, and this is compiled from all kinds of models from the CIA, United Nations, IMF, Universities, and especially Henry Kissinger, who revealed this info many years ago.  (Kissingers' blurt-outs have been removed from the web.)  According to this model, the population of the U.S will be two thirds less in 2025.  Looks like the BRIC's will defeat the West in World War 3.  Deagel is a site like Jane's, and is supposedly run by Colonel/Doctor Edwin Deagle, former Director of Raytheon Microelectronics, and was assistant to the Secy of Defense.  If this is true, then the future for the U.S. is grave.  Don't kill the messenger here, which is me,  look up the pros and cons to decide on the validity for yourself.


You don't think a NYC real estate developer will find his way into the Presidency, and start lobbing missiles around, do you?  Trump is a nuthin, I mean c'mon.



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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

You can say the last one again William.

I just wonder if there will be a preemptive strike like back in 1991.

BTW, Oliver kept all of those on video.  Looking through some of it, that was really something to see.  Completely unprecedented in the history of cinema. 

I wonder if instead of a preemptive strike this time they might try to just ignore it.  There's no buzz about this one in the msm, yet at least.  Oliver's name should still command some recognition in conjunction with the subject I'd think.  

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I guess this is off topic, but I don't see how the world can possibly be saved, and knowing or not knowing truth has nothing to do with it. With evil regimes like North Korea, Iran (soon), and who knows who's next having nuclear weapons, how in the world is the world going to be saved? Oh, and don't forget us too (especially with Trump), the only country that has actually dropped nuclear bombs on people.



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1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

I guess this is off topic, but I don't see how the world can possibly be saved, and knowing or not knowing truth has nothing to do with it. With evil regimes like North Korea, Iran (soon), and who knows who's next having nuclear weapons, how in the world is the world going to be saved? Oh, and don't forget us too (especially with Trump), the only country that has actually dropped nuclear bombs on people.




       The point I was getting at has to do with raising consciousness about the true history of the U.S. military-industrial complex, (including, for example, the CIA's murder of Iran's democratically-elected leader, Mossadeq, in 1953, and our role in training and maintaining the Shah's SAVAK/police torture state in Iran from 1954-79.)

       If the American people could learn the dark truth about JFK's murder, Vietnam, 9/11, and the bogus "War on Terror," it could, possibly, lead to the election of more enlightened U.S. leaders who are committed to diplomacy, justice, and peaceful resolutions of world conflicts-- rather than more genocidal bombing campaigns for Wall Street corporations.


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40 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


       The point I was getting at has to do with raising consciousness about the true history of the U.S. military-industrial complex, (including, for example, the CIA's murder of Iran's democratically-elected leader, Mossadeq, in 1953, and our role in training and maintaining the Shah's SAVAK/police torture state in Iran from 1954-79.)

       If the American people could learn the dark truth about JFK's murder, Vietnam, 9/11, and the bogus "War on Terror," it could, possibly, lead to the election of more enlightened U.S. leaders who are committed to diplomacy, justice, and peaceful resolutions of world conflicts-- rather than more genocidal bombing campaigns for Wall Street corporations.


I understand. My only point is that more enlightened U.S. leaders will have no control over less enlightened world leaders/dictators all packing nuclear weapons. It's like smoking a cigarette while pumping gas and hoping nothing happens.The truth about JFK, 9/11, etc. won't matter if there's no one around to know it.



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41 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

If there is someone around left to understand it should they not hopefully be somewhat enlightened about the true sense of matters?

Yes, although by then truthers will likely be more concerned with the question of who blew up the world. Old apocalyptic movies like "On the Beach" (the best theory expressed there was "Someone pushed a button") won't do much good.



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