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Larry Rivera, The Twin "Lee Oswald" Cuban Consulate Visa Applications

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

That does look like its Goodpasture and Phillips David.

And why would he be doing that if the bottom footer is in his alias letterhead?

Can you understand that one?



Jim, there’s another memo from MX saying to send the pouch to Choaden...

I think to make it appear as if there are 2 diff people? Plausible deniability?  Kinda like Maurice Bishop.. ;)

This doc is Oct 1... Phillips is headed to Cuban desk, Mexico City.  So it is Choaden who Mexico City says will pick up the held pouch at registry...  wonder if there are not the tapes/transcripts  already...  idk...


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Bob Shaw also signed off on this. He was Chief of Cuban Operations 4/63- 4/65.

Al Rodriguez, mentioned in the Newman thread was DCOS 56-58.


The guy that set up the original telephone taps (LIFEAT) was Charles Anderson. Anderson also handled the mail intercepts - crypt LIBIGHT.

In 1963 Anderson was working on the AMROD project.  It is described as - CIA program designed to split the Castro regime, with a special focus on the Soviet-aligned Vice Minister of Defense Joaquin Ordoqui. One operation planted false papers on Cuban Cultural Attache Teresa Proenza to make it look like Ordoqui was a CIA agent who had betrayed the Soviet missile buildup in Cuba to the Americans.

In 1964 Anderson became the Case Officer for Manolo Ray taking over from Al Rodriguez. Both were working for SAS/SO along with Henry Hecksher, Seymour Bolten and Nestor Sanchez. Small world.


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David J:

This is so interesting.

Thinking outside the box--which you have to in these situations because there has never been a real investigation of the JFK case--was Phillips sending the transcripts  to himself so he could alter them? 

If you can believe it, and you better since its true, Richard Sprague actually thought this might be the case back before he was forced out. Which is probably why he was forced out.

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

was Phillips sending the transcripts  to himself so he could alter them?

The summary on Oct 8th does not include the amazing events of sept 27 and 28th.
. By the 8th, you’d think they knew about Oswald, by name..
and the only mention is in Nov summary and with little fanfare.




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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thinking outside the box--which you have to in these situations because there has never been a real investigation of the JFK case-

At least not one that was shared with the citizenry... I will forever believe that Hoover secretly made a complete and thorough investigation and kept it to himself. I just don't see him being willing to accept not knowing what really happened. It is why I will never believe that the FBI released everything they had that was relevant to the assassination, as the ARRB ordered them to do.

Edited by Matt Allison
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13 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Hi David- can you post the one from November as well?


Offers nothing from Oct 1, ... 3,4,5 do not mention an American of interest, or any American...


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Btw, the nov report is not sent until January 1964.... when it should have been Dec 8th or so....

CIA finally mentions Oswald...



Edited by David Josephs
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