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What is Going on Here?

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Dear Moderators,

Why was a thread about a JFK Assassination Podcast that is LITERALLY wall-to-wall JFK assassination discussion and debate, moved from the JFK Assassination Debate forum to the Deep Politics dead forum? The thread could have been used to share documents discussed during the show and allow for discord of topics discussed, but I'm not going to waste the effort if no one is ever going to see it.

It's relevance to the subject at hand is "assuredly" more profound than the topics listed below.

From the first five pages of topics on this forum....

  • Chris Matthews
  • Joe Biden
  • Saigon
  • Roger Stone
  • Baseball
  • Robert Caro
  • Mary McGrory
  • George Ignatieff
  • Mossad Assassinations
  • John Hull
  • Malcom X
  • White House Reality Show (Trump)
  • A GIF of a dog going "Blah Blah Blah"?

I'd be grateful for an explanation from a moderator.



Edited by Rob Clark
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I thought moving the thread was inexplicable also.

It would be good to have a dedicated podcast thread (all subject-related podcasts) to see if that could be maintained.  Podcast topics come under topic areas, which means infrequent discussion of podcast material and podcasts.

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

It would be good to have a dedicated podcast thread (all subject-related podcasts) to see if that could be maintained. 

That's a great idea David, but might get a bit chaotic. Each episode is of course topically different...ideally each show should have it's own discussion thread. I'm just baffled by what is allowed to stay and what is moved with no explanation...

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I appreciate greatly this site and the way it's run overall.  In particular I was glad to see over the last 3-4 years 3 posters in particular who shall go nameless loose their privileges.  They were t-r-o-l-l-s.   I've thought I understood why topics have been moved in the past and generally agreed, even appreciated such.  One a couple of months ago I thought could have been developed along lines relating to the JFK assassination but I understood the reasoning.  But Rob I wondered why your thread was moved myself.  When it happened I figured I must have missed something in it or not understood something the same way the moderators did.  I didn't take the time to go back and re read it.

That said I'd also like to say, I like to think of myself as pretty well open minded on most things.  I realize we don't live in a vacuum.  History from the JFKA and before carry forward to today.  The Assassination(s), the passage of laws, words of the Main Stream Media, and elections all have consequences which are affecting us now.  It's great to be able to comment on diverse issues related in what may seem a convoluted way to some to the Assassinations.  Many thanks to our benefactors in the UK that some of us in the USA can express our freedom of speech in a way not possible here that I know of (yes there are plenty of places to full of troles and ignorance).

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6 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Agreed. The Trump thread is the fourth most commented thread. It is in no way relative to the JFKA and should be able to stand on its own merit in the dedicated Trump Presidency section of the forum.


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29 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:


So it should be shut down and obscured.  In the name of freedom of speech?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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7 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Agreed. The Trump thread is the fourth most commented thread. It is in no way relative to the JFKA and should be able to stand on its own merit in the dedicated Trump Presidency section of the forum.

Is it the orange hair or small hands that attract so much attention?  JFK had great hair.

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