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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Anyway, Pelosi is saying it out out: We need to illegal immigrant labor, due to her definition of "labor shortages."

Ask anyone in the bottom half of the labor pool if there are labor shortages, and if the right way to fix labor shortages:

1. Higher wages

2. Import illegal immigrants by the millions

BTW, the most ardent immigrationists in US history were...the slavers. The plantation owners. 

I am sure the plantation owners just wanted to do good, to teach religion, and to uplift the Africans. They were anti-racists. 

And Ronald Reagan as the New Donk hero? Ooooof. 

Reagan, Bush jr. and Liz Cheney. Pelosi, Biden and HRC. A guy might get them mixed up.

I am sure the Koches want open borders. 



The United Nations said the quiet part out loud: https://press.un.org/en/2000/20000317.dev2234.doc.html


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3 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Because an economics professor is privy to [possibly nonexistent] secret CIA decisions.

Are you suggesting that the Columbia University economist fell for more Russian fake news like the AP is implying?

Russians push baseless theory blaming US for burst pipeline


“It was a deliberate act of sabotage. And now the Russians are pumping out disinformation and lies,” Biden said. “... When things calm down, we’re going to send the divers down to find out exactly what happened. We don’t know that yet exactly. But just don’t listen to what Putin’s saying. What he’s saying we know is not true.”The assertions of U.S. responsibility cite Biden’s threat in February to stop the recently completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. “If Russia invades ... then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said. “We will bring an end to it.”



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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Kirk, Kirk Kirk:

Believe it or not, there is this thing called supply and demand in economics. 

Boost supply, and prices tend to go down. Cut supply, and prices tend to go up. 

Trump even tried to build a wall on the southern border, to cut the flow of cheap desperate labor to the US. In any event, the flow was cut during his years. That was a pro-labor move, especially for those in the bottom half of the labor pool.

Anyway, Pelosi is saying it out out: We need to illegal immigrant labor, due to her definition of "labor shortages."

Ask anyone in the bottom half of the labor pool if there are labor shortages, and if the right way to fix labor shortages:

1. Higher wages

2. Import illegal immigrants by the millions

BTW, the most ardent immigrationists in US history were...the slavers. The plantation owners. 

I am sure the plantation owners just wanted to do good, to teach religion, and to uplift the Africans. They were anti-racists. 

And Ronald Reagan as the New Donk hero? Ooooof. 

Reagan, Bush jr. and Liz Cheney. Pelosi, Biden and HRC. A guy might get them mixed up.

I am sure the Koches want open borders. 



You didn't answer my question.
Ben:Believe it or not, there is this thing called supply and demand in economics.
Boost supply, and prices tend to go down. Cut supply, and prices tend to go up
That would be nice. That's truer in theory than the reality. It's not that fluid. California has one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world, You have a minimum wage of $15.00 but if market conditions drove up the wage 50%, (which it never does anyway )you'd only have a handful  more white people working in the fields. They don't compete for the same jobs. But it's not just "plantation owners", there are people trying to make it in small businesses such as  restaurants and small hotels.who are going belly up.
But what did it really do for people in the bottom half of the labor pool? If some of your friends in LA got a job at Mac Donald's, I'll agree that's something, but those are the jobs that I saw increase, and they still are under Biden. I'm not sure how much more righteous it is to feed the corporate masters than the "plantation owners", particularly if they're small farm business owners, but in many cases, they could be likely the same. You've always seemed sort of lukewarm to Bernie Sanders. Isn't he the candidate who most represents the employee class?.
Ben:Trump even tried to build a wall on the southern border,
He tried but he failed to even get the money Mitt Romney could have gotten because he couldn't negotiate with politicians and they just ended up using him for their purposes .Then Steve Banon gets millions from contributors to buy a wall and steals it from people who had faith in him.
There's so much hipocrisy on this , then we find that Trump himself was using illegal aliens,  and  Trump was just baiting people through fear.
Apart from your love affair with the idea of falling in love with Trump economics. In the macro did you know that unless a President enacts an unusual economic policy such as say Nixon initiating a wage price freeze, the economic policies of any president take at least 2 years to materialize at all? So maybe Trump had some effect in 2019, before the covid pandemic blew that all to hell, which wasn't at first his fault.
Biden then took the ball, the pandemic ended,  and effortlessly delivered levels of employment that exceeded Trump so much that we now have an employment picture where there's 1.8 jobs for every 1 person seeking work but there's  inflation. There use to be a very successful bracero program. You'd think we'd be able to swing some of these people who are already in the nation temporarily to help these shortages, but no. Now they're just a political football being kicked around, and nothing gets done at all.
 It's very cute to take a side that the Democrats want to open all  borders and the Republicans want to close borders and if you have to choose you'll get more support from your peer group to close the borders, but that's just dummying down. That ignorance pervades Washington because the D&R don't want to negotiate with one another and come up with a solution. If you bothered to watch your entire Nancy Pelosi video clip you'd see that the smirky Republican guy, who I've never particularly liked at least acknowledges what point Pelosi was trying to make. This is grown up stuff and nobody wants to act like a grownup.
Right now the  Trump appointee to head the the Fed, Jerome Powell has botched nipping inflation in the bud and now is religiously trying to stop inflation  and what inflation is he specifically targeting?- Wage inflation! So how are Trump's appointees working for the employee class now?
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11 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:



you would rather people vote for the other Domestic Abuser??? (I'm making the Tucker Carlson Interview Face) 



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C'mon, Mathew.   More Tucker Carlson BS?   What about-ism is your Koch/Fox response to Trump sleazeball Herschel Walker's gun-to-the-head/abortion bombshells?   How stupid is that?

As for your reference to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, he happens to be one of my favorite academicians in modern America.   I tend to trust Jeffrey Sachs, almost implicitly.  He was one of the few people who informed the public about CIA Operation Timber Sycamore back in the day.

But he's a strange bedfellow for the Trump cult.  When did you guys become enamored of radical leftists?

The question I would ask about Sachs' NordStream claim is not whether it is true, but rather, " Would it make strategic sense for NATO and the U.S. to sabotage NordStream, as part of the NATO campaign to protect Europe from Putin's fascist war machine?"

The last time I checked, there was a brutal war happening in Ukraine, where Putin is bombing civilian populations and exfiltrating Ukrainian civilians to his Gulag.

Are we supposed to pretend this isn't happening?

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Are you suggesting that the Columbia University economist fell for more Russian fake news like the AP is implying?

Russians push baseless theory blaming US for burst pipeline


“It was a deliberate act of sabotage. And now the Russians are pumping out disinformation and lies,” Biden said. “... When things calm down, we’re going to send the divers down to find out exactly what happened. We don’t know that yet exactly. But just don’t listen to what Putin’s saying. What he’s saying we know is not true.”The assertions of U.S. responsibility cite Biden’s threat in February to stop the recently completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. “If Russia invades ... then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said. “We will bring an end to it.”



Logical Fallacies: Appeal to Authority (thoughtco.com)

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37 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

C'mon, Mathew.   More Tucker Carlson BS?   What about-ism is your Koch/Fox response to Trump sleazeball Herschel Walker's gun-to-the-head/abortion bombshells?   How stupid is that?

As for your reference to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, he happens to be one of my favorite academicians in modern America.   I tend to trust Jeffrey Sachs, almost implicitly.  He was one of the few people who informed the public about CIA Operation Timber Sycamore back in the day.

But he's a strange bedfellow for the Trump cult.  When did you guys become enamored of radical leftists?

The question I would ask about Sachs' NordStream claim is not whether it is true, but rather, " Would it make strategic sense for NATO and the U.S. to sabotage NordStream, as part of the NATO campaign to protect Europe from Putin's fascist war machine?"

The last time I checked, there was a brutal war happening in Ukraine, where Putin is bombing civilian populations and exfiltrating Ukrainian civilians to his Gulag.

Are we supposed to pretend this isn't happening?


I referenced the Sach's clip because he mentioned something I did on my initial post about the pipeline, that US Helicopters were seen in the area. (This is after the unmarked plane circled the area and then went to refuel in Germany) 
Does it mean anything? Not really past the fact that US Journalists know this and aren't reporting. (He also mentions talking to reporters) 


Interesting you bring up the other side, I'm not as partisan as you (Only care about peoples politics when it comes to voting) Looks like the Anti Trump Republicans are running the ad you support, lol! 

"The Republican Accountability PAC, which is an offshoot of the group Republican Voters Against Trump, made an initial ad buy worth $100,000 for the spot featuring Grossman, according to the Times."

The Funny thing I found in the article that might interest people in the JFKA research community is that apparently Walker claims to have the same disorder that Jack Ruby claimed to have that made him not remember his actions.

"Walker has said he doesn't remember his threats, though, because he suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Walker, now remarried, developed a dozen alter-egos to combat the intense bullying he suffered as a child, according to his 2008 book Breaking Free.

He says he has no memory of actions taken by some of the alters, writing that years of therapy helped to integrate the personalities. 

"I'm troubled by my actions and will always deeply regret any pain I've caused Cindy," Walker said at the time, PEOPLE previously reported."


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On 10/3/2022 at 12:16 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

To be sure. 

Liz Cheney has been touted by Donks for president. 

In truth, establishment Washington loathed, detested and reviled Don Trump from the start.

New Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday that President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community and its assessments on Russia’s cyber activities.

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. 1/3/2017

They were chortling away at the prospect of the CIA aiming long knives at an elected US president. 

Trump had not even yet been inaugurated. 

Aside from JFK, when was the last time any President, Donk or 'Phant, dared to "take on" the intel state? 


Ben said:
Biden/NATO are flatfooted? Seems so. No new plans, no initiatives, no means to deliver some real losses to Russians. 
Biden may not be a Putin-stooge, but the results are the same.
But the US invents reasons to not enforce a No Fly Zone in Ukraine, bowing to Putin threats.
I happen to be hawkish on Ukraine, and would prefer going to No Fly Zones.
I now advocate a No Fly Zone for Ukraine, and possibly even NATO boots on the ground. 
Times change and so yes, I have moved to a more-hawkish position on Ukraine.

It's your sheer repetition  Ben. This is probably the 4th time you've mentioned Shumer's comment over the last year. And then the Biden fist bump 5 times, then the Democrats love Bush probably 3 times, even though  you know we hate him. Then probably a dozen times that Liz Cheney is a Democrat favorite, when you know the only reason is that the Democrats approve of her courage for standing for democracy, when you hated her before she was on any committee for no other reason than she stood up to Trump after 1/6. But the truth is, if you were here, you and her would have identically voted for Trump in 2020. We were  well aware of her Father at least 30 years before you even got here!
Re: Shumer It's really just a general common sense warning a parent may give a child. It's like warning Roger Stone that it isn't wise for him to shred on twitter the judge who was presiding over his trial.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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