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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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15 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

I feel sorry for the Russians.

Russians don't have very good balance.

They're always falling out of upper story windows.

Steve Thomas


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Pretty spectacular!




I've heard Glenn is leaving his journalistic career to be head of the RNC!

But that's not the kind of thing Conservatives congratulate each other for!





What do you think of Lauren Boebert saying that it is "completely unfair" that she has a reputation for being "unintelligent"?





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Why the U.S. isn’t ready for a fight in the Indo-Pacific---Politico

Pentagon’s promise to shore up its forces in the Pacific in 2023 is meeting skepticism.


12/27/2022 04:30 AM EST

The U.S. has pledged to deploy so much firepower to the Indo-Pacific in 2023 that China won’t even consider invading Taiwan. Lawmakers and allies say it’s already too late.

The promise is a big one: “2023 is likely to stand as the most transformative year in U.S. force posture in the region in a generation,” Ely Ratner, assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs, said in early December.

But GOP lawmakers say the Pentagon faces a stiff challenge in delivering on that pledge. That’s because Beijing now wields a navy large enough — backed by air power and “carrier killer” ballistic missiles — to challenge longtime U.S. naval dominance in the Indo-Pacific. And deliveries to Taiwan of billions of dollars in U.S. arms are backlogged, due to supply chain issues related to the pandemic and exacerbated by the Ukraine conflict.


Every year it is the same. Crisis! Threats! More money! 

Politico shows little detachment.  



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We may wonder why so many global leaders and prominent members of governments often all sing from the same hymn sheet, as if they are part of one organisation. This article explains a history which takes us from the CIA funding a Henry Kissinger Harvard project to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). 


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Trump's presidential candidacy run is so obviously a phony agenda endeavor meant only to keep his name and bombastic self-serving  spoutings in the national daily news to keep feeding his attention craving and never ceasing and never enough grift addiction going with this highly profitable easy money 10's of millions of dollars donation income scam.

Trump knows he would be blasted into humiliation kingdom come if he actually entered into the nationally televised primary debates.

Trump's bad personal and business baggage factor ( yet with no political background baggage ) going into the 2016 election primary debates was not enough to knock him out of the race combined with the other candidates having enough of their own that Trump's stink was simply less odiferous than theirs.

And Trump was riding his national TV character fame and name recognition exposure familiarity as well.

One can imagine however rival 2024 primary opponents going after Trump in those debates like sharks tearing into a hugely wounded and weakened whale.

Trump has the most negative political baggage of any serious Presidential run candidacy ever.

Scores of the worst and most serious kind.

Two past elections lost in the popular vote count. Two impeachments. 100 other crazy nation stressing and dividing antics including actual constitution violating and deadly violence inciting crimes.

Trump's White House legacy is already considered the most dangerously dividing, damaging and losing ones in modern times if not ever.

Even now, most of Trump's chosen and promoted candidates for political office keep losing election after election.

Trump is known now in his own worst nightmare self-image way he has pathologically feared and run from his whole life... that of "loser."  

One of the biggest ever!

In presidential primary debates Trump would be so ravaged by his opponents it would be cringing to watch.

Just my thoughts regarding my belief that Trump knows this probable primary debate scenario would play out and he has never intended to go through it. Yet, there is a massive breast/sea of capital and fame gain in playing his pretend game of running until then. And he will milk it as much as he can.  IMO anyway.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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    Your post reminded me of Michael Cohen's claim that Trump initially viewed his 2016 Presidential campaign as an "infomercial for the Trump Organization."

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Your post reminded me of Michael Cohen's claim that Trump initially viewed his 2016 Presidential campaign as an "infomercial for the Trump Organization."


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