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The state of American populism? Not good...

"the two most powerful factors driving Republicans who continue to believe that Trump actually won the 2020 election are receptivity to conspiracy thinking and racial resentment."




edit: to read this, you might have to hit reload, and then stop, in order to get past the paywall.

Edited by Matt Allison
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4 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

To the best of my knowledge, the Capitol Police were [and are] not the 3500-man SWAT team that Ben seems to think they were [and are].


Granted. Nevertheless, 3,500 officers is large force for the size of the Capitol and its limited entrances. There was the 2,500-officer Metro Police Department a phone call away. 

The Commander of the Capitol Civil Disturbances Unit--a key person for Capitol response---was at home making meatloaf on Jan. 6 (per WaPo). 

Some serious JFKA researchers contend the Secret Service was complicit in the 11/22 event, as there was so much dereliction of duty. 

The Capitol Police were even less competent on 1/6. 


BTW, the Capitol Police do not want to release 14,000 hours of video of the 1/6 event citing sources and methods. 

Government secrecy is not to be admired. 

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I see that Ben has failed to acknowledge that the Capitol Police force is comprised of 2,249 officers, not 3,500.

And they are divided into three different bureaus.

*The Uniformed Services Bureau is divided into 4 units.

*The Protective Services Bureau is divided into 5 units.

*The Operational Services Bureau is divided into 8 units.

That is 17 different units. Only ONE is the Containment Emergency Response [SWAT] unit.

They're spreading 2,249 personnel over 17 different units. Not all of these units are trained to handle the sort of invasion of the Capitol that we saw on January 6, 2021. And we must also consider that some units operate on different shifts. So there are NOT 2.249 Capitol Police officers available 24/7 in case of an attack. That's simply a fact of life.


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11 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- I assume Amazon will deliver to your abode? If you are honestly interested in facts about 1/6, you should read this:


No...my credit cards expired and Amazon along with it. 


The above is free and a summary of the report. 

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Matt, the last I checked, the complete report was still available online. I posted it the night it was released. If Ben's not going to read it for free, you can bet your a** he's not going to pay for it. But here's the link again:

Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection | GovInfo

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8 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

I see that Ben has failed to acknowledge that the Capitol Police force is comprised of 2,249 officers, not 3,500.

And they are divided into three different bureaus.

*The Uniformed Services Bureau is divided into 4 units.

*The Protective Services Bureau is divided into 5 units.

*The Operational Services Bureau is divided into 8 units.

That is 17 different units. Only ONE is the Containment Emergency Response [SWAT] unit.

They're spreading 2,249 personnel over 17 different units. Not all of these units are trained to handle the sort of invasion of the Capitol that we saw on January 6, 2021. And we must also consider that some units operate on different shifts. So there are NOT 2.249 Capitol Police officers available 24/7 in case of an attack. That's simply a fact of life.



I can tell you the Capitol Police web page used to highlight 3,500 officers. 

I think the number you cite refers to uniformed officers. i will investigate further. 

May 7, 2564 BE  The U.S. Capitol Police have close to 2,000 uniformed officers, more than the Atlanta Police Department. The agency's annual budget is ...
Remember, the Capitol Police have additional non-uniformed officers, such as the one who shot Ashli Babbitt dead on 1/6. Between the non-uniformed officer and Babbitt were uniformed officers. 
I did underestimate the size of DC Metro Police department. It has 3,500 officers, not the 2,500 I cited. 

MPD approximately 3,637 sworn

MPD maintains a police force of approximately 3,637 sworn officers, along with a non-sworn support staff of approximately 528 personnel.Jun 13, 2565 BE


The Capitol Police may be poorly organized. Bureaucracies tend to become self-serving.

For years I lived in Los Angeles, and I can tell you the LAPD takes care of itself first.

But then, that is the nature of organizations. 

My take is the Capitol Police, given large resources for a small amount of space, failed in their duties on 1/6. 

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12 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

Matt, the last I checked, the complete report was still available online. I posted it the night it was released. If Ben's not going to read it for free, you can bet your a** he's not going to pay for it. But here's the link again:

Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection | GovInfo

Is there is reason for your pejorative tone? 

We have different perspectives. So what? 

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Anyone who has studied the film of the January 6th Trump mob attack on the Capitol knows that the Capitol Police were outnumbered, overwhelmed, and seriously injured in the violent attack.

The real question is how this could have happened.

How did the Trump administration's FBI, DHS, Pentagon, and Secret Service intelligence about the impending attack on Congress fail to lead to adequate security for the U.S. Congress?

From the Congressional J6 investigation we know that Donald Trump and the Secret Service even knew that Trump's J6 mob was dangerously armed-- yet failed to alert the Capitol Police until after 4 PM on January 6th!

And Trump failed to call in the National Guard for three hours-- while watching the attack on television!

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33 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Anyone who has studied the film of the January 6th Trump mob attack on the Capitol knows that the Capitol Police were outnumbered, overwhelmed, and seriously injured in the violent attack.

The real question is how this could have happened.

How did the Trump administration's FBI, DHS, Pentagon, and Secret Service intelligence about the impending attack on Congress fail to lead to adequate security for the U.S. Congress?

From the Congressional J6 investigation we know that Donald Trump and the Secret Service even knew that Trump's J6 mob was dangerously armed-- yet failed to alert the Capitol Police until after 4 PM on January 6th!

And Trump failed to call in the National Guard for three hours-- while watching the attack on television!

Pretty funny William would say that considering that 6K hours of video hasn't been released by the Jan 6 Fedsurrection  committee and the FBI is even holding back videos of the bomber. 

Funny how our prevayor of misinformation who claims to have read the 800 pg report doesn't cite anything from it. But berates others for not reading the very detailed and scholarly report that is in no way like the Warren Commission. 

J6 Mob was "dAnGeRoUsLy aRmEd" um please cite how many weapons the well armed mob had.. after all you read the scholarly and detailed report as you said.. 

Trump failed to call the national guard isn't that DC mayors responsibility? 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Pretty funny William would say that considering that 6K hours of video hasn't been released by the Jan 6 Fedsurrection  committee and the FBI is even holding back videos of the bomber. 

Funny how our prevayor of misinformation who claims to have read the 800 pg report doesn't cite anything from it. But berates others for not reading the very detailed and scholarly report that is in no way like the Warren Commission. 

J6 Mob was "dAnGeRoUsLy aRmEd" um please cite how many weapons the well armed mob had.. after all you read the scholarly and detailed report as you said.. 

Trump failed to call the national guard isn't that DC mayors responsibility? 



14,000 hours of video not released from 1/6.

This is from the leftist Buzzfeed. 

Eight Months After The Capitol Riots, Thousands Of Hours Of Surveillance Footage Remain Secret

There are 14,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Capitol riots. Most of it isn’t public, and the government is fighting to keep it that way.

You know, there was a certain film that was suppressed after 11/22. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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7 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


14,000 hours of video not released from 1/6.

This is from the leftist Buzzfeed. 

Eight Months After The Capitol Riots, Thousands Of Hours Of Surveillance Footage Remain Secret

There are 14,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Capitol riots. Most of it isn’t public, and the government is fighting to keep it that way.

You know, there was a certain film that was suppressed after 11/22. 


Thanks for the correction, how many cameras has that got to be??? 

Did you watch the Stone DiEugenio interview? Stone says Russia gate was as big a scam was the Warren Commission, lol. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You know, there was a certain film that was suppressed after 11/22. 


So, suppression of the Zapruder film on 11/22(1963) relates to the J-6 (2021) trumph led insurrection how?  Both were treason?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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