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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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On 1/17/2023 at 6:56 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for the WaPo article. 

A small part of the Congressional report (and evidently agreed to by the WaPo, which printed this as a news article, and not an op-ed):

“The sum of this is that alt-tech, fringe, and mainstream platforms were exploited in tandem by right-wing activists to bring American democracy to the brink of ruin,” the staffers wrote in their memo. “These platforms enabled the mobilization of extremists on smaller sites and whipped up conservative grievance on larger, more mainstream ones.”


"to bring American democracy to the brink of ruin"?

A few hundred unorganized nutcases, texting away on their smartphones, almost entirely unarmed, occupying the US Capitol building, brought American democracy "to the brink of ruin"? 

If those occupiers had indeed imperiled the very foundations of American democracy---why did the exalted and lionized Capitol Police, 3,500 officers strong...let everybody go that day? 

From what I see, 1/6 has become akin to 9/11 or The Gulf of Tonkin...an event being dramatized and fear-mongered into a springboard to justify further repression.  

There was simply no chance that band of lulus on 1/6 was going to overturn the US government. That is laughable on the face of it. 

Why all the fear-mongering by the WaPo

To justify censorship? 



Edited by Lance Payette
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Let us accept your premise. 1/6 was a coup attempt. 

Ok, it was a storming of the Capitol, and what I never hear you say Ben, is that the motive was to stop the certification of a free and fair election, and yes that qualifies as a coup.

Ultimately, it wasn't going to be successful. I agree , let's  leave "democracy" out of it.

Ben: Some people were let in the Capitol.

That's probably because there  were traitors among Law Enforcement. As it was well known there were a lot of strong Trump supporters among them. A number of the disgruntled Law Enforcement who want justice and to have Trump prosecuted have said they voted for Trump. Now we're finding out Biden distrusts some of his Secret Service.

2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Why did the much-exalted 3,500-officer Capitol Police...let everybody go? 

There were probably a number of logistics problems which always seem to happen. Just think of how upset you'd be now, if there was a massacre? When faced with corralling who was left in the Capitol building , when no one knows how many people were concealing arms. A decision was made to let people go home and prosecute them later, just like we had told you for a year and you didn't believe us..


2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Why has Ray Epps, who played a vital (video'ed) role in instigating and then coordinating the breach of the Capitol..

I don't accept your premise, but as Matt said, even if we do. Matt answered your question. Do you really think one person could have turned that entire crowd?  You have no real evidence, You've got nothing.  Until you get something, and start making a case that leads somewhere , do we have to hear about Ray Epps?


Lance, aren't you up a little late? I'd think you'd be in bed or out in your back deck looking for UFO's?

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

I don't think he was, but let's be conspiratorial for a second and pretend he was;

He wasn't the guy that planned the coup or did the planning for the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers. Or anyone else.

How do I know that?

Because we've had almost 1,000 trials of 1/6 defendants, and not a one has claimed they did it cuz Ray Epps told them to.

The Ray Epps conspiracy theory is just getting mocked at this point. When goofy theories reach a certain point of silliness, it's really time to move on. 

There is no Ray Epps "conspiracy theory." (Love that expression!)

There is copious and undisputed video'ed evidence that Epps was a provocateur or instigator on 1/5 and 1/6.  No theory there.

OK, so was Epps freelancing, working for Oath Keepers or working as a federal asset? 

In other words, the record appears to show that Epps was not an embedded organizer (ala other undisputed federal plants in Oath Keepers and Proud Boys), but that he was indisputably a provocateur. 

I am asking if there is a possibility Epps worked as a federal plant in 1/5 and 1/6.

Epps, despite being very prominent in events, was never subpoenaed the 1/6 Committee to testify, just as the 14,000 hours of Capitol video remain secret, with little interest from the 1/6 Committee.  

As I have said, this gets fishier and fishier, and I smell a rat. 


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On 1/17/2023 at 10:41 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ok, it was a storming of the Capitol, and what I never hear you say Ben, is that the motive was to stop the certification of a free and fair election, and yes that qualifies as a coup.

Ultimately, it wasn't going to be successful. I agree , let's  leave "democracy" out of it.

Ben: Some people were let in the Capitol.

That's probably because there  were traitors among Law Enforcement. As it was well known there were a lot of strong Trump supporters among them. A number of the disgruntled Law Enforcement who want justice and to have Trump prosecuted have said they voted for Trump. Now we're finding out Biden distrusts some of his Secret Service.

There were probably a number of logistics problems which always seem to happen. Just think of how upset you'd be now, if there was a massacre? When faced with corralling who was left in the Capitol building , when no one knows how many people were concealing arms. A decision was made to let people go home and prosecute them later, just like we had told you for a year and you didn't believe us..


I don't accept your premise, but as Matt said, even if we do. Matt answered your question. Do you really think one person could have turned that entire crowd?  You have no real evidence, You've got nothing.  Until you get something, and start making a case that leads somewhere , do we have to hear about Ray Epps?


Lance, aren't you up a little late? I'd think you'd be in bed or out in your back deck looking for UFO's?


Edited by Lance Payette
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47 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

There is no Ray Epps "conspiracy theory." (Love that expression!)


48 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

he was indisputably a provocateur. 

I am asking if there is a possibility Epps worked as a federal plant in 1/5 and 1/6.

There it is!

That's your conspiracy theory right there!

So who did he provocate? Why hasn't a single 1/6 defendant blamed their criminal behavior on your provocateur? 

For endless months you've implied Ray Epps played a major role in the insurrection. 

You have absolutely no evidence that's true, do you?

In fact, the mountain of evidence we do have seems to indicate this Ray Epps stuff is a comically silly and vapid conspiracy theory.

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38 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


There it is!

That's your conspiracy theory right there!

So who did he provocate? Why hasn't a single 1/6 defendant blamed their criminal behavior on your provocateur? 

For endless months you've implied Ray Epps played a major role in the insurrection. 

You have absolutely no evidence that's true, do you?

In fact, the mountain of evidence we do have seems to indicate this Ray Epps stuff is a comically silly and vapid conspiracy theory.


Not at all. 

Ray Epps is video'ed exhorting others to "go into the Capitol building" on 1/5 and 1/6, and was present at the initial breach. 

He wore a big red "Trump" hat.

Epps was obviously, indisputably, a provocateur.

No one has said he played a role in planning an overall assault on the Capitol. 

How many people were inspired only by Epps? Probably few, if any. Crowds respond to lots of stimuli. 

In your view, what provoked the 1/6 scrum? The crowd entry into the Capitol was spontaneous? Or triggered?  

Indeed, Epps may have just been a freelancer. 

Or, he may have been a federal asset. 

Or, Epps may have been loosely affiliated with the Oath Keepers. 

It would have been nice if the 1/6 committee asked Epps to testify under oath. An oddly curious absence. 

You may be right---the scrum on 1/6 may have been spontaneous. 

I do not believe there has been a real investigation of the 1/6 event. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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31 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Ray Epps is video'ed exhorting others to "go into the Capitol building" on 1/5 and 1/6, and was present at the initial breach. 

He wore a big red "Trump" hat.

Epps was obviously, indisputably, a provocateur.

Ben- there are 2 MAGAs that live just outside of Chicago, in the town where my in-laws live. I know their names. They video'd themselves scaling the Capitol grounds fencing and running to the Capitol. Along the way they exhorted everyone behind them to "C'mon! Let's Go!" over and over again. 

They haven't been arrested, because, like Ray Epps, they apparently never entered the Capitol building.

They aren't Feds. They're just traitorous assholes.

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2 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

Well, hey, we agree 1000% on something. IMO, Jan. 6 was closer to a Monty Python skit than an insurrection.

Great minds, but unfortunately un-great minds too, often think alike. 

Let us hope we are in the great category. 

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As Steve first reported. It's Breaking Bad Revisited in New Mexico! Defeated MAGA candidate Solomon Pena hired gunmen to target the houses of 4 elected Democrat officials, claiming his election was stolen, even though he lost by a landslide!

I can understand how  people from other countries can't imagine how one person like Donald Trump could enable all the borderline personalities to come out of the woodwork. But come on!, Is this  just Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Yes it is! But no, there's nothing wrong with us! And this is a danger that we have to deal with!

Monkee see-------


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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Ben: Some people were let in the Capitol.

That's probably because there  were traitors among Law Enforcement. As it was well known there were a lot of strong Trump supporters among them. A number of the disgruntled Law Enforcement who want justice and to have Trump prosecuted have said they voted for Trump. Now we're finding out Biden distrusts some of his Secret Service.


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Biden takes swipe at Second Amendment supporters: 'You need F-15s' to take on the federal government


Maybe true.

But the WaPo says a few hundred unarmed lulus brought the federal government and US democracy to the "brink of ruin" on Jan. 6. 

The US government is house of cards...but you need some serious weapons to take it down. 

Have the Donks gone schizophrenic? Or bipolar? (The 'Phants may worse, btw)

Personally, I detest AR-15s. But the number of people killed in mass shootings every year is rather small, in relation to the US population, maybe a few hundred. And other causes of death are much larger.... 


Drug overdose deaths have risen fivefold over the past 2 decades. In 2021, 106,699 deaths occurred, resulting in an age-adjusted rate of 32.4 per 100,000 standard population. From 2020 through 2021, the rate for males increased from 39.5 to 45.1, and the rate for females increased from 17.1 to 19.6

More than 100,000 die in drug OD's a year?You think the US might have a problem? Especially for men? Fivefold increase? This sounds serious to me. But then I am pretty good at math. 

More than 46,000 people die in car crashes each year, according to Annual United States Road Crash Statistics (ASIRT). The U.S. traffic fatality rate is 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.Oct 10, 2565 BE

The American people are told to be scared.

Foreign terrorists, in their biggest year ever, killed 3,000 (9/11).  After that, small numbers. 

Domestic terrorists likewise. Little numbers. A bunch of punk outfits. 

150,000 Americans die every year of drug OD and auto accidents. 

Are you scared? You want more police, more censorship, more surveillance? Why are you scared? 

Are you scared of driving? Of drugs? 

About 24,000 people every year are murdered by drunk drivers. That scared me, when I lived in the US. 

Should alcohol be legal? 





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