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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


Why do you feel the need to begin your post in a condescending insulting manner? This is a regular feature of your posts on this thread.

Ironically, in such cases, this behaviour is symptomatic of a psychological deficiency in the aggressor rather than in the target of the aggression.

Contrary to what you imply, I did not in any way endorse in my post an “anti-woke”, “right-wing” or any other movement. Therefore, your post is essentially a strawman argument.

A strawman argument is a logical fallacy. A logical fallacy is literally nonsense. But, as I’ve said previously, posting such gibberish is another regular feature of your posts on this thread.

Indeed, it bears out what I said in my post about gibbering baboons.


     Please accept my apology for being so abrasive about the subject of the "anti-woke" movement in the U.S. today.

     It's something that really pushes my buttons.

     IMO, this "anti-woke" nonsense is related to the larger subject of latent racism in the U.S., Trump-ism, and the white supremacist rage that surfaced in the U.S. after Barack Obama's election in 2008.

     It shocked me at the time.  I grew up in a mixed-race, working class neighborhood in the 1960s, and I thought that the U.S. had made far more progress on Civil Rights and moving beyond racism during the four decade period from MLK's assassination to Obama's election in 2008.  Boy, was I mistaken!

    David Axelrod nailed it in 2017 when he pointed out that Trump came to power as the Hegelian antithesis to Obama-- the poorly educated, bigoted, orange Anti-Obama.

    Recall that this moronic anti-woke reaction to the teaching of America's true, untold history originated with Trump's pseudo-historical 1776 initiative-- a reaction to the 1619 project to educate Americans about the history of slavery.

     It's popular with the Fox News-watching Trump cult, and is now being championed by Rupert Murdoch's favorite right wing alternative to the Orange Mar-a-Lago Baboon-- Ron DeSantis.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Yeah, Matt, something is rotten in Denmark, but not in the way that Tucker Carlson has claimed.  In reality, the FBI is infested with right wing goons, as in the case of Tony Ornato and the Secret Service.

      People tend to forget that Christopher Wray was the flying monkey appointed by Trump to replace James Comey and Andrew McCabe, after Trump fired both men in 2017 in an effort to shut down the FBI investigation of unregistered foreign agent Michael Flynn's illegal 2016 contacts with Sergei Kisylak.

       I also wondered after January 6th if Wray's FBI goons may have been complicit in obstructing proper security for the Capitol during Trump's coup attempt.  If the FBI had inside information about Trump's plan to block the certification of Biden's election, why didn't their intel result in heightened Capitol security on J6?

       Russian foreign agent Charles McGonigal and the FBI also played a role in sabotaging Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy.

       Wray also later obstructed the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh's sexual assault history during Kavanaugh's Senate SCOTUS confirmation hearings.

       And, finally, Wray's FBI goons dragged their feet in Trump's Mar-a-Lago classified documents case.

       Mark Sumner published a good summary of Christopher Wray's rotten FBI tenure yesterday.

FBI agents undermined Russia investigation, downplayed Jan. 6, tried to block the Mar-a-Lago search (dailykos.com)

 I also wondered after January 6th if Wray's FBI goons may have been complicit in obstructing proper security for the Capitol during Trump's coup attempt.  If the FBI had inside information about Trump's plan to block the certification of Biden's election, why didn't their intel result in heightened Capitol security on J6?---W


You realize the Capitol Police reported the legislature, which was run by the Donks, on Jan. 6.

The  Capitol Police are the agency with immediate and primary responsibility to protect a very small plot of land, but endowed with with enormous resources, and communication equipment to call for assistance from innumerable other police agencies, all close by. 

The Capitol Police showed up with limited force, without leadership of any kind (latest GAO report reiterates this), and then stood down. 

But the M$M, and M$M acolytes, give the Capitol Police a pass.  

Something fishy happened on Jan. 6. 

Jan. 6 may have been a spontaneous event, borne of normal government bungling and sloth. 

We know there were two, poorly organized, small and unarmed groups that day, the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, and even the federal panopticon has found no evidence that the two groups were connected to anyone except themselves (both groups were heavily, heavily infiltrated with federal assets). 

So how was the Capitol breached? 

Why was the commander of the Capitol Police civil disturbances unit at home making meatloaf when the scrum commenced? 

Were were any Capitol Police not on the duty that day? 

Most likely, the Capitol breach was just a scrum, and spontaneous. But it could have been provoked for political gain. 

The Jan. 6 Cheney Committee seems to have fizzled without result. A lot like the Russiagate hoax. There is no there there. 

There is a M$M pattern. The Russiagate hoax. The Wuhan lab leak. The Hunter Biden laptop. Brian Sicknick was murdered. The Jan. 6 witch-hunt.

Stay independent friends, avoid kool-aid of any color. 

The two-party system has rotted out.



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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11 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

He seems to have done well enough as the judge whisperer to afford high end attorneys.  From a modest living to two new mansions, four new cars, a wine locker and buyer at Morton's.  Yes, he did well in the chump years.  Hats off to Jane Mayer but is it really dark money, or dirty money?

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On 3/1/2023 at 7:48 PM, Matt Allison said:

Speaking of hyper-competence, high school wrestling coach and abuser coverup artist Jim Jordan got so thoroughly pantsed by constitutional scholar Jamie Raskin that his Committee of Fake Outrage seems to have imploded...





omg welcome to the Jim Jordan Sh*tshow



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21 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:



omg welcome to the Jim Jordan Sh*tshow



Interesting...is this the former FBI'er Peter Strzok? I assume so.

So...are the FBI'ers rotten and not credible, or not? 

Do we trust Strzok? He also said, "There is no there. there," regarding Russiagate. 

An interesting set of question:

1. Can any government investigate itself? 

2. Even more so, can government agency investigate itself? 

3. Were and are the Capitol Police the police arm of the US Congress?

4. Can you trust the Congress to fairly investigate its own police arm? 

5. Are you surprised the 1/6 Congressional Cheney Committee more or less absolved---well, never investigated---the Capitol Police of complicity or incredible negligence in the 1/6 scrum? 




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Full blown technocracy in Ukraine! Google, Oracle and Amazon behind it. 

Ask yourself if you want this in the USA. Estonia and Poland following suit.



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21 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Revealed: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism

Yep. The bottom line is that Jim Jordan belongs in the shallow end of the pool; his BS might work with the dummies that think Fox is really a news channel, but back on Planet Earth, he just got destroyed by the Dems using basic facts on him. His committee could literally be done before it ever really started.


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

The tweet is. The article is from Rolling Stone. 

Peter Strzok is not a writer for Rolling Stone lol


Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone

Part 1 of a two-part series takes a deep dive into the history of the CIA’s central role in orchestrating news and editorial coverage in America’s most influential liberal national media outlets — and its continued hold today.

Interesting. FBI'er Strzok's tweet is picked up by CIA amplifier Rolling Stone
And what do you believe? 
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