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Ok, Chris, This is by far the most distant reference to N-z-sm in a post that I've ever seen pulled on this forum. This is as the result of the right wing cancel culture that has come on this forum, and you are perhaps an unwitting party to it. At least from what I've seen it's now Matthew and Lance, both right wingers.

What Lance did to you, as I understand it, it was unfair. I've never believed Lance's contention that people have to give their full resumes, because I've seen a history here of nuts invading people's privacy and it's happened to me even recently. I personally have never been moved to investigate anyone here. Though it's true it has been done and revealed many times. I used to remember Di Eugenio doing it rather frequently for my taste, on his ideological enemies..

You were obviously able to read it. You ascribe a lot of malice to me. I understand you could think that. But I try to deal in facts and the facts the subjects have told me.

I'm going to post this now but I'll leave out my skepticism about who you portray yourself to be,which I assume anybody can read back at Matthew's point of crying for  censorship. But more importantly,  I'll take out the specific reference Matthew had censored. That case in point involves what I see as your intolerance  and lashing out to people who have divergent opinions to what you wrote, and realizing that this is your own internal struggle, and not the fault of those disagree. And how, as i see it , in this specific example. the work you spent constructing your "20 points" ended up being  used  only  as  a tool of intolerance to pigeonhole someone who wanted to delve into it further with you.  Though i know you don't see it that way. 

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48 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Then do it.. apparently you are too dense to get that your whole postscript is inaccurate since it's based on Fascist Trump supporters doing an insurrection which has now been debunked by non other than Tucker Carlson who you even mention in it (How Ironic) 

The fact you used a logical fallacy straw man (Jack Posobiec) as a cope to not answer tells me all I need to know about your logical abilities as if your book didn't already. Why don't you start with your idol Margaret Sanger. 

Here's a review of your main source that you relied on for the book https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/627  The fact that you work for the Hunt family and didn't include any info on the suite 8f https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKgroup8F.htm group or his disproven story about the motorcade or his connection Claire Booth Luce or Alton Oshner tells me all I need to know about your skills as a "Researcher" and why I don't take you serious and I don't think other people should as well. 

90% of the info in the book was already published by William Torbett in the Torbett document back in the 70's. 


90% of the info in the book was already published by William Torbett in the Torbett document back in the 70's. 

If you mean Torbitt, that's laughable.

Choosing to ignore the detail found in the 1963 datebook maintained by Pierre Lafitte as presented in Coup in Dallas suggests that, similar to Greg Doudna, you haven't actually read the book or perhaps you're attempting to divert attention from the revelations therein?

You buy into Carlson's recent cherry picked analysis of January 6 knowing that he acknowledged behind the scenes that the Stop the Steal claims were absurd — Stop the Steal launched by Roger Stone and promoted heavily by your mentor Posobiec?  Why am I surprised when it was Stone who first infiltrated the Kennedy assassination camp with the distorted ideology that dominates so many forums today. Censoring the use of the term N a z i speaks volumes.  

There was a time when a majority of those who pursued the facts of the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas did so because they were aligned with Kennedy's political ideology. I wonder if you have a full grasp on what he stood for.

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3 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


Ok, Chris, This is by far the most distant reference to N-z-sm in a post that I've ever seen pulled on this forum. This is as the result of the right wing cancel culture that has come on this forum, and you are perhaps an unwitting party to it. At least from what I've seen it's now Matthew and Lance, both right wingers.


Nope, it began with people on the left telling tales on others to moderators. Then people on the left also started throwing around the word “Fascist” and just calling people all manner of things because they didn’t insist on all out war with Putin. This has gradually unfolded. The mods put in a new rule, for all to abide by. Now nobody can complain if they are doing what caused the issue in the first place. I didn’t see what you wrote, I was just told after the event. 

9 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

What Lance did to you, as I understand it, it was unfair. I've never believed Lance's contention that people have to give their full resumes, because I've seen a history here of nuts invading people's privacy and it's happened to me even recently. I personally have never been moved to investigate anyone here. Though it's true it has been done and revealed many times. I used to remember Di Eugenio doing it rather frequently for my taste, on his ideological enemies..

It was unfair, not that I was all that fussed, I just think it can’t be one rule for the goose and another for the gander. 

11 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

You were obviously able to read it. You ascribe a lot of malice to me. I understand you could think that. But I try to deal in facts and the facts the subjects have told me.

Rubbish, Kirk. I didn’t read it. I’ve seen your modus operandi too many times. If you conducted yourself with honesty and integrity, we would likely not have any of this truck. 

14 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm going to post this now but I'll leave out my skepticism about who you portray yourself to be,which I assume anybody can read back at Matthew's point of crying for  censorship. But more importantly,  I'll take out the specific reference Matthew had censored. That case in point involves what I see as your intolerance  and lashing out to people who have divergent opinions to what you wrote, and realizing that this is your own internal struggle, and not the fault of those disagree. And how, as i see it , in this specific example. the work you spent constructing your "20 points" ended up being  used  only  as  a tool of intolerance to pigeonhole someone who wanted to delve into it further with you.  Though i know you don't see it that way. 

The problem I have is illustrated above in the thread, Kirk. Your interpretation is unreliable, because it depends on the accuracy of your thinking. Either, you deliberately misinterpret me for mischievous purposes, or, you just don’t understand what everyone else does.

Of course, the funny thing is; this was a week or two back. Why did it pop into your head today? Because you were triggered and upset and desperate to try and get back at me. Nothing is more transparent and obvious. 

If you want to be treated better, then treat others better. You have been responsible for two of the most morally reprehensible things I have seen on this forum. One, which wasn’t directed at me, I wouldn’t even care to repeat as it will rub salt into the wounds of someone else who is kind, courteous and harmless and frankly an asset to the forum. 

In conclusion, you are in no position to complain or play hurt. 


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50 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

The fact that the "pro-establishment" (for want of a better term) members on this thread seem generally incapable or unwilling to engage in rational dialogue and instead rely on ad hominems and other non sequiturs speaks volumes.

It could be viewed as reflecting the hollowing out of western democracy in recent decades, culminating in the quasi fascist dispensations of covid and the Ukraine shambles, which have been characterised by authoritarian groupthink, censorship, the shutting down of open debate, "cancel culture" and the vilification of dissenters.   


     With all due respect, this is complete gibberish, and apparently posted without intentional irony.


      To whom are you erroneously referring here?

      As for "engaging in a rational dialogue," I'm still waiting for you to respond to my request for an explanation of your implied thesis that Putin's war crimes in Ukraine are somehow justified by America's war crimes in the Middle East, and our alleged "full spectrum dominance."

     Do let us know when you're ready to engage in a rational dialogue on the subject.

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32 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Nothing about the guided police tour for people in fancy dress then? 🤣😂😂



Wait for the end:




There is, in this very forum, a great deal of skepticism regarding the role of the US Secret Service on 11/22.  And indeed, the SS was inexplicably deficient on that day, such as allowing the hairpin turn in front of the TSBD, and not locking down office windows.

So now, only thanks to the efforts of Tucker Carlson, we see extended videos of the US Capitol Police apparently amiably escorting a meek Mr Buffalo Horns (The Q-anon Shaman) around the US Capitol.  For photo ops? 

How does this square with the M$M version of Mr. Buffalo Horns as a violent and dangerous insurrectionist? 

This is looks fishier and fishier, and I smell a rat. 

But is not PC today to regard the Capitol Police as possibly complicit in 1/6. That is an investigation that will not take place. 


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When he was a child, Tucker Carlson's mother abandoned him.

Did he get the therapy he needed to overcome this life-changing trauma? Sadly, no.

So his life has been unwinding ever since, a slow-motion train wreck that began as acting out, and has evolved into self-sabotage.



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Just now, W. Niederhut said:

Senate Republican Leader McConnell slams Fox and Tucker Carlson for Jan. 6 portrayal

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March 7, 20234:17 PM ET

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., says he agrees with a letter by the Capitol Police chief as he speaks to reporters at the Capitol on Tuesday.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell joined a chorus of widespread attacks on Fox News host Tucker Carlson for his portrayal of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol since he accessed more than 40,000 hours of security footage.

Carlson and his team had exclusive access to the security tape surrounding the attack thanks to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, drawing concerns the host would use the tapes to spread a new wave of disinformation.

McConnell said he aligned himself with remarks issued earlier Tuesday by U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger to his rank-and-file slamming Carlson's "offensive and misleading conclusions" about the siege. He held up Manger's one-page statement — called "Truth & Justice" — near the Senate chamber on Tuesday.

"It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that's completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks," McConnell told reporters.

Earlier Tuesday, Manger asked his statement be read at roll call meetings for rank-and-file and posted on all Capitol Police bulletin boards. In the memo, which was obtained by NPR, Manger listed out a series of falsehoods portrayed by Fox:

  • Carlson pushed "outrageous and false" allegations that officers acted as "tour guides." Manger refuted that characterization saying that officers who were severely outnumbered were using "de-escalation tactics to try to talk rioters.
  • The program "cherry-picked from the calmer moments" outside the violent attack to push a false narrative dismissing the violence of the siege.
  • The Fox News host claimed fallen officer Brian Sicknick's death had "nothing to do with his heroic actions on January 6." The department maintains, Manger wrote, "that had Officer Sicknick not fought valiantly for hours on the day he was violently assaulted, Officer Sicknick would not have died the next day."

"TV commentary will not record the truth for our history books," Manger said in closing. "The justice system will. The truth and justice are on our side."

McConnell said Manger's comments are the correct view. But the Senate Republican leader stopped short of criticizing the House speaker when asked if McCarthy made a mistake in giving Carlson access to the security footage. McConnell responded by saying, "My concern is how it was depicted, which is a different issue."

"Clearly the chief of the Capitol Police, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand on January 6. So that's my reaction to it," he said.

Earlier this month, McCarthy confirmed reports that he had allowed the release of the extensive footage to Carlson as an exclusive. Carlson began a two-part show series on the violent attack last night with the false claims, continuing a previous theme by the host.

Already, Democrats had warned it was a dangerous move. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer doubled down on those concerns speaking to reporters after McConnell's remarks.

"Last night, Fox News, with Speaker McCarthy as a willing, capable and powerful accomplice, aired one of the most shameful hours we have ever seen in the history — in the entire history of cable television," Schumer said. "Tucker Carlson is a propagandist publicly pretending to be a newsman."


Alluding to revelations in a case brought by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News, Schumer said the network's efforts have been outed and that "they're XXXXX."

Both Fox News and McCarthy's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

And now...the latest New Donk hero...joining Liz Cheney...is Mitch McConnell.

If you live long enough....you will see everything. 

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15 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

There was a time when a majority of those who pursued the facts of the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas did so because they were aligned with Kennedy's political ideology. I wonder if you have a full grasp on what he stood for.

Do you even know what he stood for? Because I don't think you do.. 


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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


There is, in this very forum, a great deal of skepticism regarding the role of the US Secret Service on 11/22.  And indeed, the SS was inexplicably deficient on that day, such as allowing the hairpin turn in front of the TSBD, and not locking down office windows.

So now, only thanks to the efforts of Tucker Carlson, we see extended videos of the US Capitol Police apparently amiably escorting a meek Mr Buffalo Horns (The Q-anon Shaman) around the US Capitol.  For photo ops? 

How does this square with the M$M version of Mr. Buffalo Horns as a violent and dangerous insurrectionist? 

This is looks fishier and fishier, and I smell a rat. 

But is not PC today to regard the Capitol Police as possibly complicit in 1/6. That is an investigation that will not take place. 


You’re looking at this the right way. We suddenly have footage that should have been available as soon as the protest happened. People should demand full transparency and truth. You didn’t elect people and use your taxes to pay their salaries so they could choose what you are and aren’t allowed to see. You don’t pay them to deceive you or for theatrics.

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16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


There is, in this very forum, a great deal of skepticism regarding the role of the US Secret Service on 11/22.  And indeed, the SS was inexplicably deficient on that day, such as allowing the hairpin turn in front of the TSBD, and not locking down office windows.

So now, only thanks to the efforts of Tucker Carlson, we see extended videos of the US Capitol Police apparently amiably escorting a meek Mr Buffalo Horns (The Q-anon Shaman) around the US Capitol.  For photo ops? 

How does this square with the M$M version of Mr. Buffalo Horns as a violent and dangerous insurrectionist? 

This is looks fishier and fishier, and I smell a rat. 

But is not PC today to regard the Capitol Police as possibly complicit in 1/6. That is an investigation that will not take place. 



    This is a no brainer.  Perhaps even you and Chris will eventually be able understand what happened.

    Start by reading the statement of the Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger today on the subject.

     He explains, quite clearly, that the police were numerically overwhelmed, and resorted to de-escalation tactics, when they weren't engaged in direct hand-ro-hand combat with Trump's J6 MAGA mob.

Capitol Police chief slams Carlson's comments about Jan. 6 video as 'offensive and misleading' in internal memo

The Fox News host claimed the Capitol attackers were peaceful "sightseers."


Edited by W. Niederhut
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26 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Choosing to ignore the detail found in the 1963 datebook maintained by Pierre Lafitte as presented in Coup in Dallas suggests that, similar to Greg Doudna, you haven't actually read the book or perhaps you're attempting to divert attention from the revelations therein?

You buy into Carlson's recent cherry picked analysis of January 6 knowing that he acknowledged behind the scenes that the Stop the Steal claims were absurd — Stop the Steal launched by Roger Stone and promoted heavily by your mentor Posobiec?  Why am I surprised when it was Stone who first infiltrated the Kennedy assassination camp with the distorted ideology that dominates so many forums today. Censoring the use of the term N a z i speaks volumes.  


You're the one who discarded most of the Assassination community's research in the Kennedy case in favor of a date book where you guessed  what the initials mean.

Explain how the F curve 4am votes from 8 states came in at the same time, you should be able to explain it if there's no truth to it. The part you wrote about Rodger Stone literally doesn't make any sense, I'm not a LBJ did it guy but I did read the book and apparently you didn't based on what you said... And the fact that you think that he had any influence on the research community and that the world (N)azi was censored by our ultra liberal mods and admin makes me think you should unironically take meds💯.. 

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8 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

You’re looking at this the right way. We suddenly have footage that should have been available as soon as the protest happened. People should demand full transparency and truth. You didn’t elect people and use your taxes to pay their salaries so they could choose what you are and aren’t allowed to see. You don’t pay them to deceive you or for theatrics.

So...the don of the 'Phant establishment---Mitch McConnell---and a Capitol Police official take umbrage at Tucker Carlson for his release of videos regarding 1/6. 

And this means what? Think about it.

The New Donk heroes are Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney.

When Carlson dismisses the "DC uniparty," is he wrong? 

The 1/6 videos, at least regarding Mr. Buffalo Horns, speak for themselves. 

There is no way to square the Capitol Police amiable escort of Mr Buffalo Horns to various photo-ops inside the US Capitol with the M$M version of Mr Buffalo Horns as a violent and dangerous insurrectionist. Now in prison for four years, btw. 

Sure, I expected the Capitol Police Chief to say, "Oh, we showed up with minimal force, no radios, and then let the crowd into the Capitol. So what?" 

This is sad, just sad. 

When the Donks embrace Liz Cheney and Mitch McConnell...can any true Democratic Party voter be blamed for leaving the party? 


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