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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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4 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

The silence of our Neiderhuts, Gallways, and Allisons on this is rather revealing. They’re not worried about censorship, hiding evidence from the tax payer or a distortion of the truth, as long as it goes their way. For whatever reason their parents failed miserably when it came to teaching them values like morality and honesty. 


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Geez...and just like that Mathew Koch ignores the detailed debunking today of his Tucker Carlson J6 cover up to post an inaccurate non sequitur about COVID.

Way to go, Mathew!!

Skip the "rational dialogue" and change the subject, eh?

But why is your latest deflection inaccurate?

I'll tell you.

I never bought, or espoused, the narrative that COVID-19 wasn't a lab leak.

In fact, I suspected from the beginning of the pandemic that the virus may have leaked from the virology lab in Wuhan.

The proximity was suspicious.

MAGA spammer Mathew Koch strikes out again!!


Edited by W. Niederhut
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56 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    If you knew anything about American history, media, and politics, you would realize that this is a perfectly apt description of the delusional Trump/Fox/GOP cult in the U.S. today.

    Are you still unaware that Rupert Murdoch and the talking heads at Fox News admitted in their recent Dominion depositions that they had knowingly lied to the American public about Trump's Stop the Steal scam?

    Have you still not realized that Tucker Carlson selectively released J6 film clips to mislead the American public about Trump's violent J6 coup attempt?

   You're 0-for-2.


Chris?  Where did you go?

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17 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:


I first watched this years ago. I wonder how the “useful idiots” will rationalise this. Of course, I already know, as they behave so predictably....


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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Apparently William thinks that sharing a meme is a detailed debunking, you keep using that word "Scholarly" and I don't think you know what that means

Get a clue, Mathew.  You continue to misquote and misrepresent what other people have posted here-- a bad habit that you share with Ben Cole, Chris Barnard, and John Cotter.

In response to your page-and-a-half of MAGA spam extolling Tucker Carlson's false revisionist history of J6, I have posted several references here during the past 30+ hours, including;

1)  Congressional J6 Committee film footage of the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

2)  Detailed criticism of Tucker Carlson's false history by the Chief of the Capitol Police.

3)  Criticism of Carlson's false history by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.

I have also documented, along with others, the deliberate lies of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and others at Fox, about Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam.

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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

@Chris Barnardcheck out what is at the top of my YouTube search for Tucker.. 

Parrots are being told what to think 💯


'Liberal Agenda' is another accurate card from the Illumaniti Card game, pretty funny how they keep coming true! 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

And you and Koch are what a media scholar at Stanford has aptly dubbed, "ampligandists"-- people who amplify propaganda on social media.

Seems very much like a flatulist.  Which I thought of a spewer of gaseous, odorous hot air.  But according to the experts there was Roland the Farter.

Flatulist - Wikipedia

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

@Chris Barnardcheck out what is at the top of my YouTube search for Tucker.. 

Parrots are being told what to think 💯


A video with 1.5K followed by one of 4.4k views mysteriously sit above a video with 1.5m views. I am sure that’s just the algorithm doing its mysterious work. Does Musk need to buy that too?  


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3 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Seems very much like a flatulist.  Which I thought of a spewer of gaseous, odorous hot air.  But according to the experts there was Roland the Farter.

Flatulist - Wikipedia

Ron this aptly describes you and your 


1 minute ago, Chris Barnard said:

A video with 1.5K followed by one of 4.4k views mysteriously sit above a video with 1.5m views. I am sure that’s just the algorithm doing its mysterious work. Does Musk need to buy that too?  


Developing news

Tucker Carlson 'passionately' hates Trump, and eight more key revelations about Fox News from new Dominion filin 
 14 hours ago
The filings expose the face of the network, Tucker Carlson, as a fraud.
This is the message I get at the top in the same way Youtube put a warning on JFK assassination videos 
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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Seems very much like a flatulist.  Which I thought of a spewer of gaseous, odorous hot air.  But according to the experts there was Roland the Farter.

Flatulist - Wikipedia

Ron this aptly describes you and your memetic scholar buddies.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect

You guys love #FAKENEWS 


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Chris i don't see you particularly as  a person who thirsts after truth.  Or at least, i don't see you as a person whose very in touch with himself. I  think you see yourself as a person whose reached a pinnacle of logic where you' re supremely beyond emotion (as if that's so admirable)and you quickly characterize and pigeonhole other people's thought processes and often accuse others thoughts as being clouded by emotions. You tried this just last night with Matt.

And yet when your ideas are questioned or brought up to scrutiny, you lash out and become a hothead.


And now what I've seen you've written, just illustrates my point. You answer with a lot of anger and disain and condescension. ,


Chris; I guess that is rather wishful when people like yourself and William in your twilight years have been conned, coerced, scammed, bamboozled and beguiled your whole lives by the political elite and MSM

This is what I've been saying, Like the world and people will never understand you because in your mind, you're so much above them.   I think we can get sidetracked if we bring in a lot of this political stuff, though i agree with some of it. We couldn't just have a different view than you?  It's relevant in that it shows this same alienation to about everybody and society at large. I have some of that.

Chris:I do keep posting it in the hope that the superficially read, the ignorant, or those suffering from mass-psychosis will actually pick up the book and have a read.

But this isn't genuine. if you were really sincere in your stated quest of communication here. You wouldn't be deriding, belittling , and demeaning  the people you supposedly are seeking to improve.

Chris: PS each time you are triggered, you give away another tell which enables me to agitate and target you going forward. You make it so easy for me. I have to come to the conclusion that you have an underdeveloped mind. I mean that respectfully.

Oh yes, so respectful! Does your hostility ever end Chris?  Is this the vitriol of someone whose so above his emotions?

This is really dark, really stiff..  I see your processes as static. i don't think you're energy flows freely at all.

Is there really much here but anger and hostility, Chris?



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@Matthew Koch What you should know is that before you joined the forum with your ‘scholarly’ ways, @W. Niederhut Made the case multiple times for censorship. You won’t find him too bothered about people being silenced. It’s sort of funny as he claims to be opposed to communism and claims to have read “The Gulag Archipelago”, he must have missed the bits about state censorship and media control. 

We’re back to the list of 20 reasons, again. 🙈

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