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35 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- can you link to an actual Democrat-leaning website that announces this as the Democrat's platform?

I'm guessing you can't.

It sounds like you're reading from the Fox website again, where they like to attempt the creation of alternate realities for gullible rubes.


"The Raw Story is an American progressive news website and online tabloid. It was founded in 2004 by John K. Byrne and is owned by Byrne and Michael Rogers."---Wikipedia

Raw Story itself chose to make an issue out of the mask mandate and a right-wing judge who ruled masks do not have to be federally mandated on public transit.

Raw Story chose to make the mask mandate a blue kool aid v. red kool aid drink. 

In truth, and let me tip my hat: Raw Story has covered the Amazon unionization drive. 

I credit Raw Story for covering that news. BTW, Tucker Carlson also, and favorably, covered the Amazon union drive. 

I sense a huge opening for a Third Party.

The two establishment parties (the purple kool aid)...well, they rotate major orifices liberally, let us put it that way. 



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58 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

you are making the dimmest, most uninformed comments. Why is it you refuse to read up on this matter and try to understand opposing points of view.


I'm calling out your hilarious attempts at waving away reality, and that's why you're chafed.

You think no one notices that you refuse to denounce Putin? And genocide?

We have a lot of practice here in the U.S. spotting bullsh*t spreaders, Chris. Your approach is the same as Trump's. And equally ineffective.

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34 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

You touch on an important point: the cheerleaders for Ukraine aren’t the ones on the front lines, aren’t the ones dying, and I would include Zelensky. Putin and his boys aren’t dying either. War is a racket. Everyone thought I was nuts or worse when I suggested that Ukraine might be better off laying down their arms. I was, truthfully, thinking of flower power. I’m of that age. And I recall Saddam Hussein and his Sunni army took that basic approach, choosing to take of their uniforms and go underground. We westerners are arming Ukraine and hoping that they hold Russia off. Americans have assumed the cheerleader mantle. We proudly display blue and white but have no clue, nor do we particularly care, what colors are on the Iraq, Yemen, Congo etc flags. We collectively cheer when Biden announces relaxed immigration rules for Ukrainians while continuing to deny refugee status to other nationalities at war, including Afghans! 


I remember you writing it and it would have meant no innocents were killed if the arms had been laid down, no buildings destroyed, no PTSD sufferers, no Ukrainian diaspora. However, there is one reason IMHO it could not, or might not work (or it wouldn’t be allowed to) is that the Ukrainians who were responsible for the ethnic cleansing going on in the enclaves, would undoubtably have faced reprisals if Russia occupied Ukraine, that includes politicians and military battalions. The persecuted people would remember them and Russia would have punished them. The Ukrainians who did that would have been the ones who were the biggest proponents of taking up armed conflict and inciting a powerful response (aside from the west), as they’d be the ones to lose the most. It seems logical that Zelenski and his acolytes would rouse the population to fight with everything they have. 

War is a racket, this one isn’t any different. The MSM and our supposedly virtuous leaders pick and choose which wars we support or shine a spotlight on. 

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15 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


I'm calling out your hilarious attempts at waving away reality, and that's why you're chafed.

You think no one notices that you refuse to denounce Putin? And genocide?

We have a lot of practice here in the U.S. spotting bullsh*t spreaders, Chris. Your approach is the same as Trump's. And equally ineffective.

It would be absurd for me to be chafed or bothered by your comments. I think you know why. 

I have been pretty consistent here; I don’t condone genocide, whether its at the hands of Britain, Russia, the USA, China or whoever. Which is one of the reasons I am against the conflict in Ukraine. For some reason you were OK with ethnic cleansing when it was Ukrainians doing it to people of Russian heritage living in Ukraine in certain regions between 2014 and now.
What we’ve established is; of the two of us, you’re the only one who is pro genocide, Matt. You also seem pro genocide or apathetic about genocide in Yemen, too. Funny how you can pick and choose. Not very consistent is it?  A tad hypocritical? Yep....


Still waiting for this detailed psychological evaluation of Putin from you, the one where you prove insanity or diminished responsibility. Fire away when ready ...




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While I know you're used to thinking you can mold reality to your wishes, as all your fellow Putin apologists mistakenly believe, we know you support Putin's lies, Putin's genocide, authoritarianism, etc., don't we, Chris? Yes, we sure do.

Serious question: who, precisely, do you think you're fooling with your clumsy attempts at propaganda? Throw us some names of who you think you've actually hoodwinked. 

And does Putin pay in Bitcoin these days, now that the ruble isn't worth anything?

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Daily Beast

"A Ukrainian commander trapped in Mariupol, calling the situation “critical,” requested an international evacuation effort to get civilians and troops out of part of the besieged port city on Tuesday. “Hundreds of civilians” and many wounded troops were “completely surrounded,” according to Maj. Serhii Volyna, sheltering in the massive Azovstal steel factory, and subject to heavy bombardment and dwindling food, water, and medical supplies. In a phone call with CNN’s Clarissa Ward, Volyna said, “I have a statement to the world. It may be my last statement, because we have only a few days, or even hours, left. We appeal to world leaders to apply the extraction procedure to the military of the Mariupol garrison, to the civilians who are with us here at the plant.” 


Seem like a huge leadership vacuum in the West. I guess no one is going to help these poor souls in Mariupol. 

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This is for Matt. 

The 'Phants drink the red kool aid.  

"DeSantis moves against Disney with push to eliminate special status for Florida theme park"--CNN

I forget what the details are on this one, if there are any worth recounting, but somehow Disney is pro-trans-rights and DeSantis is not, as I recall. 

A perfect kool aid story. Red v. blue! 



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12 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

While I know you're used to thinking you can mold reality to your wishes, as all your fellow Putin apologists mistakenly believe, we know you support Putin's lies, Putin's genocide, authoritarianism, etc., don't we, Chris? Yes, we sure do.

Serious question: who, precisely, do you think you're fooling with your clumsy attempts at propaganda? Throw us some names of who you think you've actually hoodwinked. 

And does Putin pay in Bitcoin these days, now that the ruble isn't worth anything?

You're unravelling, dude ... 

26 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Still waiting for this detailed psychological evaluation of Putin from you, the one where you prove insanity or diminished responsibility. Fire away when ready ...

And still waiting ... 

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Ben- the Ukranians have beaten back the Russians to the point where Putin has exhausted mind-boggling amounts of hardware and manpower to only end up being able to fight for this area. They've been losing up to this point, and will eventually lose here as well. At that point, the people around Putin will move to usher him out of the Kremlin.

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3 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

Still waiting for this detailed psychological evaluation of Putin from you, the one where you prove insanity or diminished responsibility. Fire away when ready

Chris thinks wantonly murdering civilians, and randomly bombing hospitals and schools is the mark of a perfectly stable mind. 

Quite a take, eh?

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3 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Chris thinks wantonly murdering civilians, and randomly bombing hospitals and schools is the mark of a perfectly stable mind. 

Quite a take, eh?

That isn't the definition of madness. That's only you trying to redefine the meaning of words. That's the reason I asked you for your psychological evaluation to prove it. As I suspected, you couldn't provide one, as you're just spouting whatever your favourite newscasters are reading from their prompts. 


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Sorry Chris, I didn't realize your fragility extended all the way to daring to describe your hero, a genocidal murderer, as a madman.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to know that your hero doesn't stop at simply executing innocent men, women and children, but animals too!


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3 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- the Ukranians have beaten back the Russians to the point where Putin has exhausted mind-boggling amounts of hardware and manpower to only end up being able to fight for this area. They've been losing up to this point, and will eventually lose here as well. At that point, the people around Putin will move to usher him out of the Kremlin.


I hope you are right.

Most observers expect 2,000 or more Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol, the ones at the steel plant, to be killed by Russian missiles, bombs, or even chemical warfare. 

We agree that Putin has become a madman, a rabid dog, worse than Kim Jung Un and maybe on a level with Pol Pot. 

There is a leadership vacuum in a splintered West.

First I blame Europeans---this is on their doorstep. The Germans, French, Brits, Poles have plenty of capacity for humanitarian interdiction. 

The US looks inert also. 



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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I dunno. The ABA itself described the judge in question, a Ms. Mizelle, thusly:

“Ms. Mizelle has a very keen intellect, a strong work ethic and an impressive resume. She presents as a delightful person and she has many friends who support her nomination. Her integrity and demeanor are not in question. These attributes however simply do not compensate for the short time she has actually practiced law and her lack of meaningful trial experience.”


Raw Story and the ABA do not like her ruling on the mask mandate for public transit, or that she is politically right-wing. 

Add on: Airlines and others can still require masks. They are not required to require masks by federal diktat, under Mizelle's ruling. 

I wonder if this is really the hill to die on for America's liberals. Nothing seems to prevent the spread of the omicron variants of C-19. 

But this mask mandate and other culture war artifacts are what appears high on the liberal agenda these days.

Mask mandates, the need for an open border with Mexico, and the rights of transexuals to compete in women's sports, the lionization of George Floyd, but a hyperactive globalist DC establishment---this is the New Donk Party. 

Meanwhile, some employees at Amazon are trying to unionize, carve out a semi-decent existence for themselves. Who cares? 


This is so hysterical. The whole anti-mask thing is sub-stupid. 

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