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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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25 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Translation: shameful attempt by a useful idiot to rationalize genocide.

I'd worry about your cognitive function if that's the way you interpreted that chat, Matt. It's a serious problem if many American's are blissfully unaware of the Monroe Doctrine or the way foreign policy has operated for the past 60 years. If all that's needed is MSM to beat the drums of war to rouse your emotions, then we are doomed to a future that mirrors the horrors of the twentieth century. The podcast does spell out the same modus operandi we see from the USA/UK/West when walking its troops into any war or using a developing country as the pretext for a wider conflict. How could you listen to the N*** issues in the podcast and think "yep, I'm on the right side of history, with the N's", knowing the Orange Revolution was a western Psy-Op. Perhaps that mirrors the political situation discussed by some of us here lately. You're happy for a candidate or party to sit leading your country as long as they appear to be a little less of a bunch of XXXXX than the other choice. In Ukraine you're happy to support a force that has Third Reich idealogical beliefs and even bears insignias, as long as they aren't the ones who worship Stalin on some level. That's madness isn't it? Unless of course you are being ruled by emotions and propaganda? Instead of logic or rationality. 

I read Neil Morton's "Dark Psychology" the other week. There was a whole section about how you know if you're in a "cult." You may find it an interesting read, in this day and age it was very difficult to differentiate between a political party and a cult. 

My position is unchanged. We need a detente, a rapprochement and a different track that ceases the suffering of all affected by this conflict in the Ukraine. If you feel so strongly about intervention, pack your gear and get yourself a flight over to Poland and cross into Ukraine, don't just be the "virtue signaller." 

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11 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Elon Musk-Twitter story will be fascinating to watch. Musk is a self-described free speech absolutist. 

I guess the acid test would be several years down the road, if Marxists began surging into power on the basis of their tweets and other social media postings. 

Of course, Marxists would be censored also by M$M and establishment groups....

Nevertheless, is is remarkable that establishment groups today hold that even one un-censored social media platform, that is Musk's Twitter, would amount to a clear and present danger to freedom and democracy. 

It's amazing the way a switch is flipped and you become the next one to go through reputation destruction. I am reserving my judgment, as the next deus ex machina may be being rolled out, the new saviour and he may turn out to be just another chameleon who plays a role. If just taken on face value, I would really love him to be that free speech absolutist to take us in a better direction. 




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39 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Does that mean I should worry that you daydream about genocide?

If you want to but, it may be an idea to get your own house in order and tackle your own issues before worrying about others. That's a very common symptom of mental illness in society, to assume its everyone else that needs to change and not yourself.

If you wanna continue virtue signalling, carry on, it won't be a surprise to me. Or, if you feel that strongly about it all, Matt, pack your gear and get yourself over to Poland and cross into Ukraine, you can even try and be in the Azof battalion and wear the same badges of the Germans in WW2, just like them, you'll still believe you are doing the right thing.

Rather than cheerleading a WW3 or mass conflict that you won't have to fight in. If you really cared ... you'd go. I'd recommend before you do, that you listen to a wide range of the statements from foreign fighters who have taken up the Ukraine cause, as the reality is quite different to the CNN version. You're silent on Yemen and the Saudi's though, what is that racial preference? Are you that guy? 

Unlike you, there are a few of us here who recognise war and conflict as deplorable and recognise the solution isn't bombing democracy into an Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq. A few of us here are against N***'s, Stalinists, totalitarians, communists and fascists. We just like that thing that we used to have, some resemblance of a thing called "democracy", that has been absent for a long long time, something which JFK made a stab at restoring while in office. 

I'd prefer to the the guy who restores peace than the guy who expands conflicts. 

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5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican, just returned from a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago with a request for his state legislature to dole out cash for a corporation he desperately wants to lure to the state. Not only did he ask for the money for the undisclosed company, but the legislature also did it without even releasing the bill to the public.
"So, after going to the fundraiser in Florida, Stitt came back with the idea for a rebate program to bring a company he won't disclose to the state and create 4,000 jobs. State leaders have been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements about the plan, which is called "Project Ocean."
Kansas has a bid for Panasonic, offering $1.2 billion in incentives. At a press conference Monday, Stitt said he signed a non-disclosure agreement preventing him from saying the name Still, with nothing to go on, Stitt wanted the GOP-led legislature to pass an economic incentive of the company or revealing anything about the job possibilities and financials of the project. package for the company, with details to come later. The legislature did it, offering at least $3.6 billion for 500 direct jobs and at least 1,000 in the second year, 2,500 in the third year and 4,000 in the fifth year. That's $900,000 per job that Oklahoma is offering to pay the company.
Oklahoma’s House Bill 3994 would prohibit sales of Tesla cars in Oklahoma because they don't use franchise dealerships the way others do. The company sells direct to the consumers. So, essentially, if the company is Panasonic, Oklahoma would pay $3.6 billion to a company to make batteries in the state for cars that the state's people can't even buy."

Steve Thomas

         In honor of this Oklahoma post, I'm posting my recording of my second favorite socialist, Dust Bowl folk song (after This Land Is Your Land.)   This song, My Oklahoma Home, was written by Woody Guthrie's black-listed friends Bill and Sis Cunningham back in the day.  (I borrowed Bruce Springsteen's arrangement, adding a 5-string banjo track.)

My Oklahoma Home by Guillermo Ambrose | SoundClick

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

A few of us here are against N***'s, Stalinists, totalitarians, communists and fascists. We just like that thing that we used to have, some resemblance of a thing called "democracy", that has been absent for a long long time, something which JFK made a stab at restoring while in office. 

I'd prefer to the the guy who restores peace than the guy who expands conflicts. 

NEWS ALERT: These things originated in Europe. The colonial arrogance is unbelievable. I bet anything that my family has more time fighting your f*ing wars than your's has ours (8th AF Polebrook, MIA over Zuiderzee). We have blood on the ground over their fighting for some ahole Brit who can't stand up for themselves and we have to go over and spend treasure making sure colonialists don't go crazy killing each other over borders? Do you remember those??

Now go ahead. You and the Crown can school us all up on democracy.

I'd suggest you go back to something else you know nothing about such as Covid. 


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1 hour ago, Bob Ness said:

NEWS ALERT: These things originated in Europe. The colonial arrogance is unbelievable. I bet anything that my family has more time fighting your f*ing wars than your's has ours (8th AF Polebrook, MIA over Zuiderzee). We have blood on the ground over their fighting for some ahole Brit who can't stand up for themselves and we have to go over and spend treasure making sure colonialists don't go crazy killing each other over borders? Do you remember those??

Now go ahead. You and the Crown can school us all up on democracy.

I'd suggest you go back to something else you know nothing about such as Covid. 


You’re showing a very naive understanding of history. If you think proletariat are responsible for these conflicts, you’re out of your mind, Bob. Also, you’ve gone very tribal, assuming I am some kind of proud British patriot, which I am not. My heritage is mixed, I have a sense of right and wrong. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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3 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Unlike you, there are a few of us here who recognise war and conflict as deplorable

Yet you refuse to denounce the genocidal madman responsible for the carnage in Ukraine.

It is endlessly amusing that you think anyone takes your laughable screeds on this subject seriously.

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9 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I dunno. The ABA itself described the judge in question, a Ms. Mizelle, thusly:

“Ms. Mizelle has a very keen intellect, a strong work ethic and an impressive resume. She presents as a delightful person and she has many friends who support her nomination. Her integrity and demeanor are not in question. These attributes however simply do not compensate for the short time she has actually practiced law and her lack of meaningful trial experience.”


Raw Story and the ABA do not like her ruling on the mask mandate for public transit, or that she is politically right-wing. 

Add on: Airlines and others can still require masks. They are not required to require masks by federal diktat, under Mizelle's ruling. 

I wonder if this is really the hill to die on for America's liberals. Nothing seems to prevent the spread of the omicron variants of C-19. 

But this mask mandate and other culture war artifacts are what appears high on the liberal agenda these days.

Mask mandates, the need for an open border with Mexico, and the rights of transexuals to compete in women's sports, the lionization of George Floyd, but a hyperactive globalist DC establishment---this is the New Donk Party. 

Meanwhile, some employees at Amazon are trying to unionize, carve out a semi-decent existence for themselves. Who cares? 


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20 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Mask mandates, the need for an open border with Mexico, and the rights of transexuals to compete in women's sports, the lionization of George Floyd, but a hyperactive globalist DC establishment---this is the New Donk Party. 

Ben- can you link to an actual Democrat-leaning website that announces this as the Democrat's platform?

I'm guessing you can't.

It sounds like you're reading from the Fox website again, where they like to attempt the creation of alternate realities for gullible rubes.

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4 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Yet you refuse to denounce the genocidal madman responsible for the carnage in Ukraine.

It is endlessly amusing that you think anyone takes your laughable screeds on this subject seriously.

Please detail your psychological profile of Vladimir Putin, and the evidence that he is indeed mad. 

I have to be honest, on this Ukraine/Russia debate, you are making the dimmest, most uninformed comments. Why is it you refuse to read up on this matter and try to understand opposing points of view. Mearsheimer, represents an informed perspective, yet you refuse to acknowledge it. I can tell you why, because you are consumed by emotion, media agitation and tribalistic instincts, as opposed to wanting to reach a balanced, informed perspective. Just to give context, you'd have been a cheerleader for Curtis Le May in the missile crisis, and you'd have called JFK an apologist for his views on Cuba/The Soviet Union. Where would that have led us? Do you even know who you are? What do you stand for? 


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9 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

If you want to but, it may be an idea to get your own house in order and tackle your own issues before worrying about others. That's a very common symptom of mental illness in society, to assume its everyone else that needs to change and not yourself.

If you wanna continue virtue signalling, carry on, it won't be a surprise to me. Or, if you feel that strongly about it all, Matt, pack your gear and get yourself over to Poland and cross into Ukraine, you can even try and be in the Azof battalion and wear the same badges of the Germans in WW2, just like them, you'll still believe you are doing the right thing.

Rather than cheerleading a WW3 or mass conflict that you won't have to fight in. If you really cared ... you'd go. I'd recommend before you do, that you listen to a wide range of the statements from foreign fighters who have taken up the Ukraine cause, as the reality is quite different to the CNN version. You're silent on Yemen and the Saudi's though, what is that racial preference? Are you that guy? 

Unlike you, there are a few of us here who recognise war and conflict as deplorable and recognise the solution isn't bombing democracy into an Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq. A few of us here are against N***'s, Stalinists, totalitarians, communists and fascists. We just like that thing that we used to have, some resemblance of a thing called "democracy", that has been absent for a long long time, something which JFK made a stab at restoring while in office. 

I'd prefer to the the guy who restores peace than the guy who expands conflicts. 

You touch on an important point: the cheerleaders for Ukraine aren’t the ones on the front lines, aren’t the ones dying, and I would include Zelensky. Putin and his boys aren’t dying either. War is a racket. Everyone thought I was nuts or worse when I suggested that Ukraine might be better off laying down their arms. I was, truthfully, thinking of flower power. I’m of that age. And I recall Saddam Hussein and his Sunni army took that basic approach, choosing to take of their uniforms and go underground. We westerners are arming Ukraine and hoping that they hold Russia off. Americans have assumed the cheerleader mantle. We proudly display blue and white but have no clue, nor do we particularly care, what colors are on the Iraq, Yemen, Congo etc flags. We collectively cheer when Biden announces relaxed immigration rules for Ukrainians while continuing to deny refugee status to other nationalities at war, including Afghans! 


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