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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Any truth to the rumor Tulsi Gabbard is going to just go all the way and change her name to Natasha?


Maybe you are jesting, and that's fine, we should all be able to take a joke. 

But we see too much of this in US political discourse---that anyone who opposes the US government must either be a subversive or foreign agent. 

I oppose a US government Disinformation Governance Board. 

I am the loyal opposition. 

And sure---maybe the Biden Administration would be judicious in use of such a board, no matter how Orwellian the whole idea.

Can you be so sure of succeeding administrations? 

I contend what modern-day leftists or liberals or Donks are missing is that the D-Party has melded into the Deep State.

Too many D-Partiers are reflexively endorsing authoritarian ideas and wars just because they arise from a Donk Administration, or they are "against" a (demonized) right wing. 

Believe me, Trump will be gone from the scene one day, and has about 1% of the influence and power of the Deep State. 

In my view, the Deep State has easily co-opted the D-Party, and has the Donks barking up the Trump bonsai tree in the redwood forest of institutionalized corruption and power. 

Tulsi Gabbard is the bad guy? Really? 

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Retro newsflash for Ben and Chris... 🤥

Accused Russian Agent Gave to One Politician: Tulsi Gabbard

Russian-American national Elena Branson was indicted this week for lobbying for pro-Kremlin policies while not registered as a foreign agent. She gave to one U.S. politician.


 March 10, 2022
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10 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Agreed.  But it's not "tokenism," per se, when highly qualified people are appointed.

Tokenism is when candidates with dubious qualifications are appointed because they are minorities.

Clarence Thomas is a classic example.  He's a Republican Uncle Tom who voted to undermine voting rights for blacks in the South-- in Shelby v. Holder-- something that his people were denied for almost a century after the collapse of Radical Reconstruction in 1877 (prior to the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.)

Meanwhile, the Trumplicans are suddenly outraged about public anger at the Republican SCOTUS judges who lied to Congress about upholding Roe v. Wade.

Where were these Trumplican clowns when right wingers were threatening Dr. Fauci and his family-- and Governor Whitmer-- for trying to save lives during the COVID pandemic?

Where were they when Trumplicans violently attacked the U.S. Congress on January 6th?

Bump.  Because it's well said W.  And posts get buried quickly here. 

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28 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Retro newsflash for Ben and Chris... 🤥

Accused Russian Agent Gave to One Politician: Tulsi Gabbard

Russian-American national Elena Branson was indicted this week for lobbying for pro-Kremlin policies while not registered as a foreign agent. She gave to one U.S. politician.


 March 10, 2022

And this means Tulsi Gabbard is a Moscow stooge? 

"While the combined total of those donations isn’t colossal by any means—a whopping $59.95—they do raise questions about why an alleged Russian agent, tasked with currying favor with U.S. politicians, would zero in on Gabbard, and only Gabbard."---Daily Beast

Gabbard is a Russian plant? She got $59.95 from an alleged Russian agent. 

BTW, JFKA researcher Dick Russell has identified the Daily Beast as a CIA mouthpiece:

"Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone"


To reiterate, the modern Donks have been co-opted by the Deep State, and the multinationals. Sheesh, they don't even hide it--Jen Psaki goes from the Obama Administration to CNN, to WestExec to Biden to MSNBC. 

Tulsi Gabbard? She controls US policy? 

BTW, I think Putin is a thug, and the US and Western powers should be more aggressive in pushing him out of Ukraine. 



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On 5/7/2022 at 8:32 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

But Kavanaugh's service to the Deep State, in obliterating Jeff Morley's FOIA requests for JFKA documents, was not even mentioned

Yeah "not even mentioned". Talk about a JFKA centric  1% bubble response completely ignoring the magnitude of the current 70% woman's right to choose response. Talk about fossil fuel!

Like the JFKA was some great historic turning point. That's certainly what Di Eugenio has been pushing for years, and now all the Trumpist historians.(??!)  If Detente had come 10 years earlier, would things be radically different today? You have only to look at the demise in U.S. Russia relationship in the last 20 years to know that long term prediction is like hitting a fly out in space.

If you want a true  turning point in history. Ask if FDR served a 4th term. For those who hold to this idea that the world would be completely transformed if JFK had lived, and that's why he died. Isn't the fact that JFK was assassinated evidence in itself to you that it was too late by that time?

A lot of the wind being taken out of America's sails in the 60's and 70's was just an awakening from a 50's illusion that was going to happen anyway. Just as eventually, economically they were to awaken to a new world reality.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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55 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yeah "not even mentioned". Talk about a JFKA centric  1% bubble response completely ignoring the magnitude of the current 70% woman's right to choose response. Talk about fossil fuel!

Like the JFKA was some great historic turning point. That's certainly what Di Eugenio has been pushing for years, and now all the Trumpist historians.(??!)  If Detente had come 10 years earlier, would things be radically different today? You have only to look at the demise in U.S. Russia relationship in the last 20 years to know that long term prediction is like hitting a fly out in space.

If you want a true  turning point in history. Ask if FDR served a 4th term. For those who hold to this idea that the world would be completely transformed if JFK had lived, and that's why he died. Isn't the fact that JFK was assassinated evidence in itself to you that it was too late by that time?

A lot of the wind being taken out of America's sails in the 60's and 70's was just an awakening from a 50's illusion that was going to happen anyway. Just as eventually, economically they were to awaken to a new world reality.


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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:


I believe Kavanaugh's quashing of Jeff Morley's serious FIOA is more important than Kavanaugh's possible groping of a girl at a teenage high-school beer party.

It would have been nice if the WaPo, NYT, CNN, Fox, et al felt the same way. 



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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Retro newsflash for Ben and Chris... 🤥

Accused Russian Agent Gave to One Politician: Tulsi Gabbard

Russian-American national Elena Branson was indicted this week for lobbying for pro-Kremlin policies while not registered as a foreign agent. She gave to one U.S. politician.


 March 10, 2022


1) Wasn’t it decided some months back that the Daily Beast was a CIA front? You went quiet at that point, not wishing to confront the idea. Yet you are very pro the idea of corporates, the CIA and elites using the media to manipulate the masses. 

2) Its amazing how if you listen to people talk long enough, that they’ll eventually be pro the things they espouse to be against. Are you still a democrat if you use the tactics of Senator Joe McCarthy to try to repel critique of your party and its policy? Do you really think with the US’s draconian laws on spies and enemy agents that Tulsi wants to risk that? Or, is she perhaps more patriotic than you? Had you considered that for a moment. 

3) What’s very predictable is that if I point out that the elites/deep state/NWO/globalists are pulling strings, you more or less have apathy, like some others here. But, if I post something that concerns your leader/party directly, you have to respond as if its an attack on your person. An educated mind might consider what the globalists/elite are doing, as the greatest threat to democracy and your way of life. And the inter-party jibes as less significant. Ultimately what it says to a neutral is that you are a direct reflection of the news outlets you absorb, instead of somebody independently thinking. ie, your responses are driven by tribal urges, emotive thoughts as a result of the programming you receive from your chosen outlets. This logic of “I’ll support my party with conviction as long as my favoured news outlets make the Republicans look more demonic” is a kind of madness in itself. There is a bigger picture and the frustrating thing is that you can see glimpses of it, the tip of an iceberg but, I think your ego won’t let you let go of a belief system that you have been a cheerleader for your whole life. You assumed your JFK assassination clinical patient was in denial, and after some time you realised he wasn’t. Somehow with 9/11 you are able to see the corruption, accepting it. Is it because it happened on the Republican watch? Do you know how long something like that would need to be planned? It means at the least that Clinton was in office.
Then you’re ready to default back into this belief system time and again, assuming its suddenly virtuous again. Have you thought that you just need to believe in something? It doesn’t make you a nihilist if you just accept your political system is highly corrupt.  

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1 hour ago, Douglas Caddy said:


I've spoken to a few pals about this today and I still remain on the fence. 

If he was signalling to his already growing audience that he is to be the next champion of the people, this kind of post would be magnetic to his audience. If this is the next 'deus ex machina' being rolled out to consume the people, this would work well. How much of his revenue comes from government contracts? 

Making such a comment, if taken on face value, could lead us down a few paths. Has he received a veiled threat? Has the world's richest man decided there is more to the world than money? Does he now want to reshape American society or the world in his own mould, using his ideals? Perhaps the answers are in his personality make up. He is so ambitious and driven, he may, with that forward thinking brain of his, have vision of the world functioning better, in a way that doesn't follow the Gates, Rockefeller, Carnegie path. The one thing we know 100% about the worlds billionaires is that they become so engrossed in their own self importance and ego that they do want to have increasingly more influence in the way the planet works, almost like an emperor or king. 

Does this type of message make him harder to kill? It didn't for McAfee. Even after a JFKA, it didn't stop the same guys getting MKL Jr and RFK in some short years. Does this type of message just appeal to the masses in some kind of metaphysical spooky way if Musk does happen to die in some questionable circumstances? 

Musk has also warned of the very real dangers of AI. He has intimated that it will be misused. 

I am on the fence about it. I'll reiterate, if we can have free speech restored without censorship, I am for that. I hope that he isn't just another manufactured messiah for people to follow who turns out just the same as the rest, we commonly see this in politicians, an Obama or a Trump being rolled out to save America and the world. 

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10 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

If you want a true  turning point in history. Ask if FDR served a 4th term. For those who hold to this idea that the world would be completely transformed if JFK had lived, and that's why he died. Isn't the fact that JFK was assassinated evidence in itself to you that it was too late by that time?

You sound like a very cynical old man here, Kirk. I don't think any of it was, or is set in stone. Technology is making a break from this more unlikely. FDR opted not to pursue those responsible for a potential coup against him in 1933. If Henry Wallace had been his successor we might have taken a better direction. If JFK had better understood the beast he was dealing with when he took office, he may have lived. As we understand it certainly was a very tough task, though not insurmountable. I think your pessimistic view is one that if everyone subscribed to it, they'd be doomed to it in perpetuity. For that reason we should have high ideals and strive for something better. Robert F. Kennedy in his ripples of hope speech in South Africa warned of such things like apathy, timidity and futility. It only takes about 3% for a revolution. Consent still sits with the masses.

How did Robert Welch of the John Birch Society see this coming as early as 1958.
You should all listen to this prophetic speech:


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Whilst everyone is worried about Musk taking over Twitter, nobody is worried about Soros buying MSM control and influence. All of your usual outlets are mentioned. 

Just 7% if reporters identify as Republicans, hmmm. 90% of political donations from Big Tech workers during the last election cycle went to Democrats. Hmmm 

What's going on here? 🙂 

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Five years ago, Trump secretly celebrated firing FBI director and gave Russians classified intel inside the Oval Office

by David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement May 09, 2022



“Exactly five years ago tomorrow then-President Donald Trump gave top Russian officials code word classified top secret intelligence, putting Israeli spies at risk, and celebrated his firing of FBI Director Jim Comey, all during a meeting inside the Oval Office. No American journalists were allowed to be present, but a photographer from Russian state media was. “

“Ten days after firing Coney the world would learn that inside that secret Oval Office meeting Trump told the Russians: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” as The New York Times reported.

“I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”


Steve Thomas

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