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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:


@Benjamin Cole I didn’t have a clue why you called them the “Donks” until reading that. 

Ha! Great history. 

I have always thought there should be a "Buffalo Party" in the US (yes, I know American buffalos are technically bisons). 

But for now we have the 'Phants and the Donks. 

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Ben - you are usually perceptive, but there was most certainly a Republican led attempt to overthrow the election in Jan 6. Finding fault with both political parties is fine, I agree with that. But this was something different. Trump was and is a disaster. Can’t we let go of defending him or the crazies that followed his lead and went to the Capital that day? It doesn’t lessen your equal opportunity stance on politicians to do so, in fact makes you more credible. 

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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Ben - you are usually perceptive, but there was most certainly a Republican led attempt to overthrow the election in Jan 6. Finding fault with both political parties is fine, I agree with that. But this was something different. Trump was and is a disaster. Can’t we let go of defending him or the crazies that followed his lead and went to the Capital that day? It doesn’t lessen your equal opportunity stance on politicians to do so, in fact makes you more credible. 


Thanks for your comment.

Well, the short answer is...

1. Yes, I think the 1/6 event at the Capitol was a scrum, largely involving 800+ of the most marginalized, least important, most incompetent and often (sadly) mentally challenged people in the nation. Read through the Capitol Breach reports, as I have. 


BTW, repeatedly, in real time, many, many scrummers texted they had been let into the Capitol. BTW, large numbers of scrummers were women, or had Hispanic surnames. There was even one rabbi. In all the audio recordings made that day, not one racial slur was recorded. This reality is much much different from the M$M image. 

So...you can say it was a 1/6 was a "innocent" scrum, or an instigated event, using useful idiots. You can rest assured the 1/6 committee will not investigate whether 1/6  was instigated by federal assets on the ground, or why the Capitol Police barely showed up, and then gave up.

2. Trump & Co. machinations. This may be more interesting. So far, no prosecutions. Like anyone, Trump and & Co. deserve their day in court. We will see. I am entirely open to an apolitical prosecution of Trump, and will accept the results. 

3. Was the election clean? Biden won by such a large popular margin, I think he should be president. But under the electoral college rules, the election could have been gamed. Until 2018, the NYT ran long stories warning that US elections could be gamed, by hacking certain voting systems. Then in, 2020, no more stories. 

There is also the uncomfortable but legal practice of "ballot harvesting." That is, ballots can be collected, or harvested, from apartment complexes or old-age homes, and then placed into ballot boxes anytime of day or night, in many states. Some people do this for money. This is a grey zone, and needs a lot more media attention. Voter ID is standard in Europe. 

The idea of clean elections is much larger than 2020 or blue vs. red, and the relation between the M$M and the D-Party is more than unsettling. 

Stay skeptical. 








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Republicans Criticize Biden For Not Starving Undocumented Immigrant Babies

By  Elise Foley May. 12, 2022



“Republicans criticized the Biden administration on Thursday for providing food to infants detained in its custody — effectively suggesting the babies should be starved because of their immigration status.

The Biden administration has been sending pallets of baby formula for illegal mothers and their babies while American mothers and babies cannot find baby formula,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said at a news conference. “This is completely unacceptable, and this needs to end now.”

Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals,” Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) wrote on Twitter. “This should not have to be said.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) accused the administration of giving “critical supplies to illegal immigrants before the very people he took an oath to serve.””


At least Marie Antoinette offered to give them cake.

Steve Thomas

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48 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

It will be interesting to see if Kevin McCarthy acquiesces in the persistent Trumplican contempt for the rule of law.

Wanking Rudy Giuliani refused to meet with the committee last week.

From what I've read, McCarthy was not as involved in Trump's coup plot as some of the other subpoenaed Republican screwballs in Congress-- e.g., Jim Jordan, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, et.al.

What is equally troubling is the tendency of Trump fans to dismiss the investigation of the historic January 6th coup plot as mere "political theater"-- as if this were a merely partisan, political "investigation" like Benghazi or White Water...

When in American history did a sitting President ever attempt to obstruct and overturn the results of an election he lost?

This is terra incognita in our history.

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