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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:


      IMO, this stock market correction is way overdue.

      Part of the problem has been the large scale, programmatic investing in index funds by companies managing 401Ks-- divorced from traditional asset valuations.

      A lot of younger investors/day traders/financial planners (including my nephew) have never lost their asses in the market.   As with the crypto investors, these guys thought that these asset bubbles would expand indefinitely.

     Warren Buffet said it well.  "Sometimes it's hard to teach a new dog old tricks."

      I'm no financial expert, but I've been burned a few times, (2000, and 2008) and I haven't trusted these stock markets for a while now.




Edited by W. Niederhut
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On 5/18/2022 at 8:56 AM, Paul Brancato said:

I think I posted this before - if UAP’s are advanced aircraft from somewhere (even terrestrial) they may be able to cloak themselves. May sound farfetched, but in all the decades of sightings there has never, or at least rarely - I’m not up on all photos globally - been an undisputed picture taken of one. The clearer the pics are the more likely they are to be faked. What the military is showing us now are multi sensor, and there have always been believable eye witness sightings. Just not camera shots. So either they are difficult or nearly impossible to photograph, or we have to throw all the non photographic evidence out. 
btw what does being religious or not have to do with it? Wouldn’t it be the most astounding moment for all of us to have a scene like in Close Encounters? 

I am not sure about the religious aspects of it. "God made man in  his image." So it may rankle some when aliens smarter than us show up. 

Verily, I have seen photos of UFOs. The problem is, photos can be frisbees or faked. You notice the military does not have photos. 

Maybe...maybe not on UFOs. 

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“President Joe Biden confirmed yesterday the US will redeploy hundreds of troops to Somalia, reversing former President Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops from the country in January 2021. The effort is meant to counter al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked Islamist militant group responsible for the 2020 fatal attack on a US base in Kenya.”

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This article is must reading. The Hill is a reputable, left-ish but unaligned newsite.

Jonathan Turley professor at George Washington University Law School.

On Turley: 

Since the 1990s, he has been a legal analyst for NBC News, CBS News, the BBC and Fox News, covering stories that ranged from the Clinton impeachment to presidential elections.[20][10] He is on the board of contributors of USA Today[21] and is a columnist with The Hill.[22]

In appearances on Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Rachel Maddow Show, he called for criminal prosecution of Bush administration officials for war crimes, including torture.[23]

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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18 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

It's concerning, Ron.

At the same time, corporate profit margins have been high-- and not only for Big Oil corporations.

From a macro- perspective, the widespread 2022 price gouging of American consumers is evidence of supply shortages resulting partly from the pandemic, but also of the quasi-monopolistic power of the corporations that now own and control the supply of goods and services.

Housing costs in the U.S. are also now increasingly influenced by private equity "investors."

Rents are increasingly unaffordable here in Denver.

Treating American "patients" like ATM machines has also been a serious problem with our for-profit corporate healthcare "system" for many years.

In the case of rising food prices, the shortage of immigrant farm labor in the U.S. has been a significant factor.  (WSJ.  May 7, 2022. pA3.)

Obviously, this inflationary corporate profiteering is Biden's fault.  🤥

The American people need to vote out the libs and elect more Republicans who work for Big Oil and corporate CEOs.

Is this part of the Donk platform: more desperate immigrants to hold down labor costs? 

(Well, in fact, it is). 

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Stock market already down hundreds again today? Lost almost 1200 yesterday?


Someone showed me a chart yesterday showing how much stock value dozens of major American corporations have lost in the last 1 to 2 years.

I think of myself as fairly current event news savvy including economic.

However, I was "stunned" regarding seeing companies like Amazon, Netflix and so many others losing "hundreds of billions" of dollars in stock value during these last 24 months.

I think Apple lost more value just yesterday than major companies are worth in their entirety!

As much as the entire value of Toyota! Almost 200 billion!

This stock market boom /economy stress fact dichotomy is not being reported in the MSM in it's true reality at all.

I had to see these charts showing these massive stock value losses by the biggest corporations myself to see this.

This stock market boom since early 2021 has all seemed extremely illogical to me and especially in tandem with seeing the reality of unprecedented financial stress upon half our country's citizens since 2020.

Massive job and income loss.

Basic necessity cost inflation at public health crisis stress levels.

New car sales and so many other commodities dropping to record low levels.

It's like half the country is living month to month.

Home prices so high most have given up even thinking about being able to buy. Rents so high it takes two jobs just to pay these. 

Point being, one hundred million plus Americans can't afford anything but the bare necessities anymore. No new cars. No vacations. Discount grocery and dollar stores have lines out the door. Clothes more and more being purchased at thrift stores. Cheapest gas here in Calif. is $6.50 a gallon? 

Millions of young people struggling with student loan debt. Many holding off marriage and child births due to their inability to even make it themselves.

And yet, the stock market has been booming in point value during all this massive financial loss and societal stress with over half our citizens the last 2 1/2 years?


Wouldn't be surprised at all if the stock market drops another 5,000 or more points in the next 6 months. To reflect the true reality of financial stress upon 150 million Americans.

And this insanely high real estate value/rent cost hyper inflation madness should be next on the correction list as well.

Rents should not take entire two job take home checks to pay.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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27 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Stock market already down hundreds again today? Lost almost 1200 yesterday?


Someone showed me a chart yesterday showing how much stock value dozens of major American corporations have lost in the last 1 to 2 years.

I think of myself as fairly current event news savvy including economic.

However, I was "stunned" regarding seeing companies like Amazon, Netflix and so many others losing "hundreds of billions" of dollars in stock value during these last 24 months.

I think Apple lost more value just yesterday than major companies are worth in their entirety!

As much as the entire value of Toyota! Almost 200 billion!

This stock market boom /economy stress fact dichotomy is not being reported in the MSM in it's true reality at all.

I had to see these charts showing these massive stock value losses by the biggest corporations myself to see this.

This stock market boom since early 2021 has all seemed extremely illogical to me and especially in tandem with seeing the reality of unprecedented financial stress upon half our country's citizens since 2020.

Massive job and income loss.

Basic necessity cost inflation at public health crisis stress levels.

New car sales and so many other commodities dropping to record low levels.

It's like half the country is living month to month.

Home prices so high most have given up even thinking about being able to buy. Rents so high it takes two jobs just to pay these. 

Point being, one hundred million plus Americans can't afford anything but the bare necessities anymore. No new cars. No vacations. Discount grocery and dollar stores have lines out the door. Clothes more and more being purchased at thrift stores. Cheapest gas here in Calif. is $6.50 a gallon? 

Millions of young people struggling with student loan debt. Many holding off marriage and child births due to their inability to even make it themselves.

And yet, the stock market has been booming in point value during all this massive financial loss and societal stress with over half our citizens the last 2 1/2 years?


Wouldn't be surprised at all if the stock market drops another 5,000 or more points in the next 6 months. To reflect the true reality of financial stress upon 150 million Americans.

And this insanely high real estate value/rent cost hyper inflation madness should be next on the correction list as well.

Rents should not take entire two job take home checks to pay.



Each time I even hint at this here; I am the “conspiracy theorist.” We’re in a bear market and a half. 

When the WEF said: “By 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy about it.” Did anyone ponder the sequence of events that would need to take place to make that prediction a reality? 


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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Each time I even hint at this here; I am the “conspiracy theorist.” We’re in a bear market and a half. 

When the WEF said: “By 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy about it.” Did anyone ponder the sequence of events that would need to take place to make that prediction a reality? 



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9 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:



     It's not that U.S. and global wealth is disappearing, per se, it's that it has been increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  

     Thomas Piketty has documented this phenomenon in considerable detail, In Capitalism in the 21st Century, and subsequently.*

     Since 1980, almost all of the marginal increase in U.S. wealth has gone to the wealthiest 1%.

     Republican "trickle down" economic tax cuts since 1980 not only created our gargantuan national debt, they have played a major role in the gradual destruction of the American middle class.

     No wonder Ben dislikes the "Donks."  🤥



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4 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     It's not that U.S. and global wealth is disappearing, per se, it's that it has been increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  

     Thomas Piketty has documented this phenomenon in considerable detail, In Capitalism in the 21st Century, and subsequently.*

     Since 1980, almost all of the marginal increase in U.S. wealth has gone to the wealthiest 1%.

     Republican "trickle down" economic tax cuts since 1980 not only created our gargantuan national debt, they have played a major role in the gradual destruction of the American middle class.

     No wonder Ben dislikes the "Donks."  🤥




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The American Controlled Demolition
- 20 years of war on terror, chasing blokes who don't use mobile phones, and live in caves. Media manufactured consent for it, creating hysteria on a daily basis, at the time vending machines were killing more people. Innumerable wealth was passed from tax payers to oil companies, defence contractors and god knows what. $3 Trillion missing from Pentagon budget in the 9/11 year. The money flowed, benefitted the few, but, it was money that should have been spent on American infrastructure. The ever accumulating debt devalued the USD. The poor and middle class pay for it.
- 2 years of pandemic, likely from a lab, that nobody cares about the origins of. We see the biggest upward passing of wealth in human history. Tax payers money in almost every country is passed into the hands of pharmaceutical giants, nobody has a problem with politicians trading in these stocks. We see the high street or shopping precincts die. Hyper inflation starts, we are all around 15% poorer, unless we've had wage rises. The nation is saddled with even more unsustainable debt, currency devalued. Everyone's life gets worse apart from the 1% to 0.01% who are rejoicing, its been very lucky for them. 
- Just as all of the bad data about the pandemic and V's is surfacing, the MSM switches off C19 propaganda and switches to Ukraine. The masses are consumed by the latest crisis. There are talks of nuclear war, Putin being the new Hitler. We're all so consumed by compassion and anger, that we again don't see the oil giants tripling their profits. We don't even think about tax payers money being funnelled into this new war and the same elites profiting. It is better for them if we have a long conflict. We're all hurting at the fuel pumps, yet very few countries reduce fuel tax, it's better for government if fuel prices rise. It's another thing that makes people struggle and makes people poorer. 
- When there are food shortages because of supply chains collapsing, guess what the food and beverage manufactures will do? Raise their prices. 

That's an unbelievable sequence of events that benefits the few and not the many. We have some of the most educated people in the world looking at this, and they can't see the bigger picture here? Yeh, right. What you're ask to believe is that your politicians are emotional compassionate beings, and that rules foreign policy and spending. Wake up guys. 

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What do you guys think about the WHO treaty? None of us voted for it. Do you think it's a good thing that there is a supposedly international organisation will now rule over our health in pandemics? 

Orwell and Huxley's writings are looking increasingly like instruction manuals. Machiavelli's "The Prince" looks like bedtime reading for our leaders. 

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