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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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38 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Rep. Louie Gohmert says Peter Navarro indictment means Republicans 'can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you' (msn.com)

Quite a number of jokes are made about Gohmert's lack of... shall we say, intellectual depth. It's easy to see why.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- The FBI suspected Trump had been compromised by Russia for years. Hillary was running against him for the Presidency; are you saying she shouldn't have been able to call him out on his foibles in an effort to win?


I am skeptical of the DC Donks and 'Phants, for their deep affiliation with the Deep State, a fealty demonstrated every year by huge and increasing military budgets, the reverence for a panopticon state, and a global guard service for multinationals. 

I contend the red-blue kool-aid pissing contests are a diversion, along with M$M-heightened divisive social issues, such as abortion, gun control, ID politics, immigration. 

Somehow, the topic is never what happened to America's middle class, or the perma-war oligarchy.  

But the real problem with America is...Mr. Big Bad Orange. Plus those lulus who took over the Capitol for a few hours on 1/6. 

You never think you are being played? 




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"The Justice Department has declined to prosecute two of Donald Trump’s closest White House advisers — former chief of staff Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino — for refusing to cooperate with the Jan. 6 select committee, rejecting the House’s recommendation that the pair be charged with contempt of Congress.

Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C., delivered the news to House Counsel Douglas Letter earlier Friday, according to a person familiar with the correspondence." ---Politico

Not sure this means for those of you who want Navarro to rot in prison.

Perhaps we need extra-judicial powers to incarcerate political opponents? 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Somehow, the topic is never what happened to America's middle class, or the perma-war oligarchy.  


Well, that topic is certainly on my mind, as it's a major problem.

The perfect example might be the town I grew up in, Rockford, IL. Once known as the "nut and bolt capital of the world", Rockford boosted numerous manufacturing powerhouses such as Amerock, Sundstrand, Woodward, and numerous others. It was once the 2nd largest city in Illinois; only Chicago had a higher population. Those companies provided thousands of working class/middle class jobs; I worked at Amerock the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college; worked the night shift and made a ton of coin..

Anyway, off-shoring those jobs to China destroyed the city, a scenario repeated in hundreds of towns across Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and other states that were once solid Democrat strongholds. Wealthy people soaked up the windfall and the middle class took it on the chin. It was a horrible situation when it happened and it's still horrible now.

Trump rode those voters to victory, and then didn't do squat to help them.

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"The Justice Department has declined to prosecute two of Donald Trump’s closest White House advisers — former chief of staff Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino — for refusing to cooperate with the Jan. 6 select committee, rejecting the House’s recommendation that the pair be charged with contempt of Congress.

What this tells you is any or some of the following:

1. Since Meadows provided a large amount of cooperation at the beginning of the committee's tenure, and was also COS to POTUS, DOJ doesn't think they have a better than a 50/50 chance of winning a contempt charge against him for not cooperating further.

2. He's actually still cooperating, in secret.

3. He's the target of a much bigger indictment to be handed down later.

So I guess we'll see.

Peter Navarro, on the other hand, doesn't appear to be living in reality, and is well and truly screwed.

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4 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Hill is a non-M$M website that does good work. 

Keep an open mind. 

Aaron Mate explains his POV, which seems very strong, that the FBI and Clinton campaign coordinated efforts to try to torpedo Trump pre-election. 

This is what I am talking about: The increasing coopting of mainstream political parties (ie, the Donks and the 'Phants) by the Deep State. 

This does not make Trump a nice guy. 

But if you are obsessed with Mr. Big Bad Orange...you are barking up a bonsai tree in a redwood forest.  


Some here have posited that 9/11 was actually a Deep State plot, involving the Team Bush & Cheney, Israelis, Saudis, NY real estate developer, and the Deep State. The most heinous crime of 21st century and also the trigger for $6 trillion in military waste in the Mideast and oceans of human carnage. 

Robert Mueller was the newly installed head of the FBI on 9/11, declared the investigation into the event mostly over a month later, and then told Congress Iraq had WMD. 

(See THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin---The Bible for some.)

Mueller then shows up in Russiagate witch-hunt. Cheney's daughter shows up in 1/6 committee. 

But remember..the story always and everywhere is Mr. Big Bad Orange. 

Does anyone here think there might be something beyond the M$M-approved red-blue kool-aid pissing contests? 


Though Ben always had what I thought was a naive faith in the U.S. Justice system, nonetheless perhaps the only restraint that t I sort admired of Ben is that he continually cautioned all the time that any anyone can bring charges but we should wait until we see if the charges stick. I was skeptical because  this came, with about every coming Trump or Trump crony indictment.. But you can throw that all out the window now. As Ben gives himself over to laymen journalist Aaron Mate whose criticism of Lawyer Durham is that he" brought the wrong case", and he gets an audience on the Hill for it.

Ben's research has always been so article driven, he looks for people who share his view and never gets beyond a superficial knowledge of the authors themselves and their track records or biases. The example is clear here, with Ben's choice of Aaron Mate.

So now  foremost forum Ukraine hawk Ben,( far  to the right of his most despised woman in history,  Hilary and Liz), who with no restraint at the beginning of the Ukraine War jumped on his soap box demanding repetitively 15 times (as he does with everything) that the  U.S. establish a no fly zone, when every military expert up to this day has asserted it wasn't necessary and there was never a problem getting arms into Ukraine. On top of this Ben completely misinterpreted Poland offering us their old aircraft to man and use in Ukraine if we would replenish them, as an offer from  the Poles to serve as proxy fighters for us, which he repeatedly approved over and over again..

Now Ben uses Aaron mate who is diametrically opposed to Hawk Ben. Mate's a little Canadian,  pro Putin apologist, who reputed to know Putin's peaceful, innermost thoughts during his military buildup around the Ukraine borders, and was thoroughly humiliated when Putin invaded, not unlike Canadian Jeff,( though from pictures I think of Jeff with a greater stature, who'd probably look good in toga, heh heh, it's a joke , Jeff!)  In short, everything Ben isn't. 

Now Ben rushes to Mate  as an expert in the Durham case, though he has no legal expertise. So in the future, we don't have to show any restraint with upcoming Trump indictments or revelations, because Ben's cautioned restraint was just a bunch of garbage.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Though Ben always had what I thought was a naive faith in the U.S. Justice system, nonetheless perhaps the only restraint that t I sort admired of Ben is that he continually cautioned all the time that any anyone can bring charges but we should wait until we see if the charges stick. I was skeptical because  this came, with about every coming Trump or Trump crony indictment.. But you can throw that all out the window now. As Ben gives himself over to laymen journalist Aaron Mate whose criticism of Lawyer Durham is that he" brought the wrong case", and he gets an audience on the Hill for it.

Ben's research has always been so article driven, he looks for people who share his view and never gets beyond a superficial knowledge of the authors themselves and their track records or biases. The example is clear here, with Ben's choice of Aaron Mate.

So now  foremost forum Ukraine hawk Ben,( far  to the right of his most despised woman in history,  Hilary and Liz), who with no restraint at the beginning of the Ukraine War jumped on his soap box demanding repetitively 15 times (as he does with everything) that the  U.S. establish a no fly zone, when every military expert up to this day has asserted it wasn't necessary and there was never a problem getting arms into Ukraine. On top of this Ben completely misinterpreted Poland offering us their old aircraft to man and use in Ukraine if we would replenish them, as an offer from  the Poles to serve as proxy fighters for us, which he repeatedly approved over and over again..

Now Ben uses Aaron mate who is diametrically opposed to Hawk Ben. Mate's a little Canadian,  pro Putin apologist, who reputed to know Putin's peaceful, innermost thoughts during his military buildup around the Ukraine borders, and was thoroughly humiliated when Putin invaded, not unlike Canadian Jeff,( though from pictures I think of Jeff with a greater stature, who'd probably look good in toga, heh heh, it's a joke , Jeff!)  In short, everything Ben isn't. 

Now Ben rushes to Mate  as an expert in the Durham case, though he has no legal expertise. So in the future, we don't have to show any restraint with upcoming Trump indictments or revelations, because Ben's cautioned restraint was just a bunch of garbage.


Citing Mate's presentation as thought-provoking is one thing, as I have done.

Note, I am not declaring people guilty. I have not called for people to rot in jail. I have said Sussman is innocent unless proven guilty, and I regard him as such. 

Do I think HRC and the Bushes and the Cheneys and Mueller are Deep State apparatchiks? Yes. 

But...being a Deep State tool is not against the law. 

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On 6/2/2022 at 7:21 PM, Ron Bulman said:



What a great song. It's a little before my time, yet I didn't first hear it till I was an adult. They wouldn't play music like that in the LDS stronghold Provo area, where I grew up.

We tried to listen to "underground" music on FM radio, which to my young mind was the mysterious equivalent of the dark web. We had only AM radio in our area and it was difficult to pick up the lone hard rock station in Salt Lake City.

I missed out on a lot of good music.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Trump allies explored sending armed private contractors to seize voting machines in 2020 election

By Sarah D. Wire June 4, 2022



The Nov. 21, 2020, letter includes placeholder text at the top for an introduction conveying the document came from the president. The letter would have granted authority to three third-party companies to seize all election machines and election data at will, and given the companies and their subcontractors the authority to research, obtain and store offsite “all data and/or code regarding US election fraud, election manipulation, voter fraud, election interference, voter eligibility, and election systems wherever it resides.”

The directive also would have allowed the companies to inspect and analyze any records or equipment related to the election, as well as details about who had contact with them and when. In addition, the letter specified that the U.S. Marshals would assist the effort and the employees of private companies authorized to perform the work would be “granted the authority to be armed when conducting these investigations since most of the operations would be conducted under hostile conditions.””

Former U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Christopher Krebs, who was fired by Trump shortly after he made comments affirming the security of election machines, said the Nov. 21 draft appears to have been written by someone unfamiliar with executive orders and the authority they can and cannot grant.

Requesting that private contractors be armed to assist in the process of inspecting machines is “chilling” and “implies that whoever drafted this [letter]... views this as some sort of warlike event,” Krebs said.

You’re talking about issuing letters of marque effectively to a private sector organization to go do some sort of activity on behalf of that executive office of the President,” Krebs said. “A private sector organization has no authority to go and seize state government equipment. The federal government doesn’t even have that authority, particularly in the context of administering elections. And we are looking at a document that says that’s OK.””

Steve Thomas



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     Perhaps we all owe Ben a certain debt of gratitude.

     In a sense, Ben has served during the past year as an erstwhile canary in the Trump/MAGA coalmine.

     He has tirelessly promoted dubious theories from the right wing, Greenwald/Carlson MAGA-verse-- e.g., that Russiagate was a Deep State hoax, that Trump's January 6th coup attempt was a scrum-like Deep State "patriot purge," and that Bill Barr's Durham investigation debunked Trump's Russiagate scandal.

    Ben's singing about his theories has forced all of us to be mindful of the toxic Trumplican fumes.

    Then, ultimately, Ben succumbs to the fumes and stops singing, before moving on to the next MAGA mine shaft.

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Perhaps we all owe Ben a certain debt of gratitude.

     In a sense, Ben has served during the past year as an erstwhile canary in the Trump/MAGA coalmine.

     He has tirelessly promoted dubious theories from the right wing, Greenwald/Carlson MAGA-verse-- e.g., that Russiagate was a Deep State hoax, that Trump's January 6th coup attempt was a scrum-like Deep State "patriot purge," and that Bill Barr's Durham investigation debunked Trump's Russiagate scandal.

    Ben's singing about his theories has forced all of us to be mindful of the toxic Trumplican fumes.

    Then, ultimately, Ben succumbs to the fumes and stops singing, before moving on to the next MAGA mine shaft.


All the same, do you regard Robert Mueller as an accessory after the fact in 9/11, which you regard as one of the most heinous crimes of this century, and which triggered two fantastically expensive, yet counter-productive wars of carnage in the Middle East?

THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin 

The above book--I guess it is your Bible on 9/11. Griffin regards Mueller, FBI director, as necessary and instrumental to the 9/11 cover-up. Do you agree? 

That fact that I regard Mueller as a Deep State apparatchik---am I wrong? 

Are Griffin's views on Mueller Trumpian? 

You seem very confused on 9/11, and Mueller's role in it. Is Griffin a conspiracy nut? 


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28 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


All the same, do you regard Robert Mueller as an accessory after the fact in 9/11, which you regard as one of the most heinous crimes of this century, and which triggered two fantastically expensive, yet counter-productive wars of carnage in the Middle East?

THE NEW PEARL HARBOR Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin 

The above book--I guess it is your Bible on 9/11. Griffin regards Mueller, FBI director, as necessary and instrumental to the 9/11 cover-up. Do you agree? 

That fact that I regard Mueller as a Deep State apparatchik---am I wrong? 

Are Griffin's views on Mueller Trumpian? 

You seem very confused on 9/11, and Mueller's role in it. Is Griffin a conspiracy nut? 



     Rather than repeating myself, I would suggest that you go back and read what I already posted recently in response to your (tangential) questions about Robert Mueller and 9/11.  

     Apparently, you didn't read my comments about the FBI, Louis Freeh, Sibel Edmonds, and 9/11.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Rather than repeating myself, I would suggest that you go back and read what I already posted recently in response to your (tangential) questions about Robert Mueller and 9/11.  

     Apparently, you didn't read my comments about the FBI, Louis Freeh, Sibel Edmonds, and 9/11.


You did not address the topic of FBI Director Mueller telling Congress "that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Saddam Hussein may supply terrorists with biological, chemical or radiological material."

Was Mueller aware he was lying to the US Congress about WMD, while simultaneously playing a key and vital role in covering up the truth about 9/11? 

In other words, Mueller abided by the murder of 3,000 Americans, in order to promote the multinationalist visions of Bush-Cheney neo-cons?

If Muller had such character flaws (to put it mildly), how much faith would you put in other, subsequent presentations he made to Congress? 

W, you seem deeply confused about the character of Mueller. 

It seems to me you should, logically, regard Mueller as an absolutely discredited individual, craven, horrible and beneath contempt---by your own lights, and that of author Griffin. 



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