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7 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Hammer that wedge issue in deep. 

There you go. Someone feels strongly about child deaths from gunshots and you respond by chastising them. If you think gun laws should remain as they are why not argue your case? 

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I thought officer Edwards was compelling, a great way to end it.  Knocked down backwards, head hits steps, knocked out.  Recovers, helps others sprayed with pepper spray, gets sprayed herself.  After treatment she goes back, to get teargassed.   She deserves a medal of honor for defending the Capitol.

Chenny was pretty good, I think.  I liked the line about words to the effect of  dj will someday be gone, and you will still bear the stain.  A lot of meat in tonight's presentation for me.  We'll see what the msm has to say.

Others here?  JFK to tonight?

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

There you go. Someone feels strongly about child deaths from gunshots and you respond by chastising them. If you think gun laws should remain as they are why not argue your case? 

Actually, I think automatic weapons should not be legal. I think a six-shot revolver is all the gun anyone needs, and even that because the leadership class does not keep streets safe in America. 

My point is these relatively rare mass shootings become M$M headline issues for weeks---and why? Because they are divisive. A mass shooting becomes a way for political parties to score points, make self-righteous proclamations. 

Even taking the dubiously defined high estimate, about 500 people a year are shot dead in mass shootings. Entirely horrible. But we are a nation of 330 million.

46,000 a year die in auto accidents. 

Drug Overdose Deaths in the U.S. Top 100,000 Annually-CDC

I am glad you try to see what the vast bulk of people in any nation have in common, which is their economic lot in life, and how someone can work for a living, and who and why taxes are paid. 

If you happen to believe even six-shot revolvers should be banned, I say, "So what? You have a different point of view than me. Let us not become divided on a social issue." 

Let us not sink into Donk and 'Phant camps, blue-red whatever. ODS or TDS 


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26 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I thought officer Edwards was compelling, a great way to end it.  Knocked down backwards, head hits steps, knocked out.  Recovers, helps others sprayed with pepper spray, gets sprayed herself.  After treatment she goes back, to get teargassed.   She deserves a medal of honor for defending the Capitol.

Chenny was pretty good, I think.  I liked the line about words to the effect of  dj will someday be gone, and you will still bear the stain.  A lot of meat in tonight's presentation for me.  We'll see what the msm has to say.

Others here?  JFK to tonight?

Impressive opening statements by both Thompson and Cheney, IMO.

They certainly laid out the case for Trump's historic, unprecedented crimes against the United States.

The testimony of Bill Barr and other Trump staffers about the absence of any evidence that the election was stolen, and Trump's persistence in lying about that fact and actively seeking to overturn the election, was compelling.

The footage of the attack on the Capitol was chilling, as was Edwards' testimony.

Trump should be hanged on the steps of the Capitol, along with his co-conspirators, including Eastman, Giuliani, Flynn, Meadows, et.al.  What a bunch of scoundrels.

It won't happen, but it should.


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2 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Impressive opening statements by both Thompson and Cheney, IMO.

They certainly laid out the case for Trump's historic, unprecedented crimes against the United States.

The testimony of Bill Barr and other Trump staffers about the absence of any evidence that the election was stolen, and Trump's persistence in lying about that fact and actively seeking to overturn the election, was compelling.

The footage of the attack on the Capitol was chilling, as was Edwards' testimony.

Trump should be hanged on the steps of the Capitol, along with his co-conspirators, including Eastman, Giuliani, Flynn, Meadows, et.al.  What a bunch of scoundrels.

It won't happen, but it should.


Do you prefer this hanging happen through extra-judicial means? 

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17 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Did you watch the hearing?

I live in Thailand. I watched a live-stream for a couple minutes, of the pretty blonde Capitol Hill police officer. I gather the commentators thought her presentation was effective, from a quick read of the MSNBC site. 

My guess is the hearings will move the dial against Trump, but I have no idea by how much. The hearings offer a chance to hammer at a divisive wedge. 

As I have said, I think the 'Phants are far more vulnerable on the abortion issue. No doubt there are devout religious people who are against abortion for moral reasons, and I respect them.

But I think most women want the abortion option, even if the practice is horrible. If the 'Phants start outlawing abortion that could backfire. 

But, these are all wedge issues, that the political parties like, and keep Americans divided. 



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38 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Do you prefer this hanging happen through extra-judicial means? 

No.  It should happen post-judicially, on gallows erected on the steps of the Capitol.

What Trump did was an abomination.  And he was in a position of public trust and great authority, making his crimes all the more egregious.

Not sure what it will take to de-program the Trump cult, though, especially when they wall themselves off from reality.



Edited by W. Niederhut
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The Trump cult wasn't brainwashed overnight, and they won't be de-programmed overnight.

And there are a great deal of them that want to embrace Trump's Russian/Hungary fascist model, as the trademark racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc that those countries practice is also the most important thing to MAGAs and their identity. There's no point in trying to change those cretins.

We already know what their future looks like; the face of America's criminals in 20 years will likely be largely white, diabetic and bereft of critical thinking abilities.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

No.  It should happen post-judicially, on gallows erected on the steps of the Capitol.

What Trump did was an abomination.  And he was in a position of public trust and great authority, making his crimes all the more egregious.

Not sure what it will take to de-program the Trump cult, though, especially when they wall themselves off from reality.



The Trump supporters likely feel the same way about Biden supporters. 

How has this division been engineered? 

When Trump is hung on gallows erected on the steps of the Capitol as is your wish, should this ceremony be televised? In prime time? With or without commercial interruption? 

Would a firing squad send the message better? 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Ben- The MAGAs set up a gallows at the Capitol to hang Mike Pence because he wouldn't break his oath to the Constitution.

Anyone that wants to hang Donald Trump likely wants to do so because he did break his oath to the Constitution.

You can try to find a worthwhile equivalence there, but I'm not going to make any bets that you succeed.

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16 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- The MAGAs set up a gallows at the Capitol to hang Mike Pence because he wouldn't break his oath to the Constitution.

Anyone that wants to hang Donald Trump likely wants to do so because he did break his oath to the Constitution.

You can try to find a worthwhile equivalence there, but I'm not going to make any bets that you succeed.


So the state, or the Donks, should act like violent fringe elements, to prove there is no moral equivalence?  

You agree with this proposition, that Trump, and several other high-ranking officials, should be hung from gallows on the Capitol steps?

Should this hanging ceremony be televised during prime time?

Should the bodies be left hanging for a few days? Should cheering crowds be assembled?

Would you travel to Washington to cheer the hanging? Take videos with your smartphone? 



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