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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Absolutely, the 'Phants played hardball, and perhaps were hypocrites doing so. The current SC justices, of whom I have a generally low opinion, are the legal SC justices. 

To me, the current SC are political hacks.

But...you want to talk anarchy and insurrection? If we say the SC is illegitimate, it means we accept no final arbiter on constitutional-legal  matters. 

I wonder where this leads?  

Some people are in denial about the elections, others on the role and legitimacy of the SC. 

I accept the elections, I accept SC decisions. 

Or, we can have anarchy and civil wars. 



   The SCOTUS is far from infallible.  Look at the Dred Scott ruling!

    More recently, their 5-4 Citizens United ruling wiped out a century of campaign finance reforms.

    Shelby v. Holder blocked enforcement of the historic 1965 Voting Rights Act.

    And now they have overturned Roe v. Wade.

   After 2013, the Koch brothers' Senate bell hop, Mitch McConnell, stacked the SCOTUS with Federalist Society ideologues, some of whom lied during their Senate confirmation hearings.

    It's a disaster.


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55 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


   The SCOTUS is far from infallible.  Look at the Dred Scott ruling!

    More recently, their 5-4 Citizens United ruling wiped out a century of campaign finance reforms.

    Shelby v. Holder blocked enforcement of the historic 1965 Voting Rights Act.

    And now they have overturned Roe v. Wade.

   After 2013, the Koch brothers' Senate bell hop, Mitch McConnell, stacked the SCOTUS with Federalist Society ideologues, some of whom lied during their Senate confirmation hearings.

    It's a disaster.


Everything you say may be true from the left-wing perspective, and in fact I may agree with some of what you have posted.  

But, one vital role of the SC is that even when we disagree with its opinion, it that the SC settles an issue, and we must fall in line and civilly go one with our lives. 

A society in which each group and individual decides which laws are to be obeyed is not viable--that dissolves into anarchy.  

For better or worse (and you may think worse) all SC justices were appointed by a US President and confirmed by the Senate. To say this SC is not legitimate....

One might wonder why certain left-wing justices did not step down when they were old and frail....







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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

And yet you would actually accept Trump, of all people as the sole arbiter of  who determines classified documents? 

Case closed!

Bad judgment, No grown up table  for Ben!  But we have set up a nice card table, so he can listen!

Ben voted in High School least likely to tend to  his Father's candy store!

Kirk, Kirk, Kirk:

"And yet you would actually accept an elected US President, of all people, as the sole arbiter of  who determines classified documents?"

Yes, I do.  Any other arrangement is a bow that the national security state determines what enters the public record. 

So what, Trump declassified some documents.  

I am not ready to eliminate the power of successor Presidents to declassify documents, just because Trump was a lulu. 

You can bet your bottom dollar that is the standard the Deep State is angling for. With an assist from the Donks. 


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Donks eh.  I guess we all have to be a phant or a donk in the scrum.  Which is worse a looong nose sniffing and eating my peanuts or a . . .


Edited by Ron Bulman
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19 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Kirk, Kirk, Kirk:

"And yet you would actually accept an elected US President, of all people, as the sole arbiter of  who determines classified documents?"

Yes, I do.  Any other arrangement is a bow that the national security state determines what enters the public record. 

So what, Trump declassified some documents.  

I am not ready to eliminate the power of successor Presidents to declassify documents, just because Trump was a lulu. 

You can bet your bottom dollar that is the standard the Deep State is angling for. With an assist from the Donks. 


Ben Ben Binary Ben:

 You fit the Trump denial profile to a tee, continually talking about how repulsed you are by Trump and yet you'd slavishly grant him the powers of a dictator.

Plato said the problem with Democracy is that the everyday person  would eventually become so overwhelmed with the existential choices in his life, he'd eventually give up his freedom to a tyrant, and that Democracy would eventually cyclically lead to despots.

There's a sucker born every minute.

P.T. Barnum

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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Plato said the problem with Democracy is that the everyday person  would eventually become so overwhelmed with the existential choices in his life, he'd eventually give up his freedom to a tyrant, and that Democracy would eventually cyclically lead to despots.

There's a sucker born every minute.

P.T. Barnum

This is true but, representative democracies aren’t really democracy in the ancient Greek sense.

If you train people in helplessness, obedience, compliance and to deify the state, you only end up with tyrants in control. Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation. 

Obviously politicians desire a helpless society as it makes the rulers of more value. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Like a tyrant out of power hasn't ever tried to force his subjects to pick between him and the present government? And Ben just knee jerk swallows it and becomes his disciple and  proclaims to everyone here his allegiance to Trump over the government, and he actually thinks he's an original for thinking that?
How much more willing an attitude could a slave have?
" Sucker born every minute"
P.T. Barnum
*Reprise due to Ben's repetitive posting on another thread.
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Donald Trump, Still in Golf Shoes, Flies Unannounced Back Into D.C. But Why? (thedailybeast.com)


Is Trump about to play the "poor health:" card to forestall indictment? Did he go to Walter Read Hospital yesterday? Or is he up to more evil things?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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