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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Given Putin's demented mindset, it may be Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was seen as weakness.

Interestingly, the Soviets tried occupying Afghanistan with similar results as the US occupation, but a few decades earlier. 

I surmise that, going to back to at least Obama, the globalist community more or less ceded Ukraine to Russia. Obama said so out loud, calling Ukraine a "core interest" of Russia, but not to the US. 

Then Biden offered Zelensky refuge, leading to the famous Zelensky statement, "I want arms, not a ride." 

Having taken heavy losses, the Ukrainians likely now will never quit. This is the opposite of so many war planners think. 

But you think after Germany bombed London, the Brits said, "OK, this is too tough, we surrender."  How about the Vietnamese? 

Don't believe anything you read in the M$M. The Ukrainians have taken heavy losses under Russian artillery. The Russian changed tactics after initial bungling. 

But as stated, the Ukrainians now will never quit. A long stalemate ahead? 

The record shows Putin attacked Ukraine on Biden's, and not Trump's, watch.  Sheer bad luck, or an error made? 






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49 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Given Putin's demented mindset, it may be Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was seen as weakness.

Newsflash, Ben.  Trump and Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020.

Trump's surrender to the Taliban stipulated that U.S. troops would be out of Afghanistan by May of 2021.

Then Trump withdrew all but 2,500 U.S. troops from Afghanistan in January of 2021, before Biden was even inaugurated-- while refusing to share military intelligence with Biden's transition team.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal | US military | The Guardian

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

The Ukranians have taken heavy losses???

Hey Ben- In 6 months. Putin got as many Russian soldiers killed as the U.S lost in the entire Vietnam War.

Putin's Folly will go down as perhaps the biggest military blunder in world history.

Ukraine is not reporting its losses, and we really don't know Russian losses. Word is, Russians have netter artillery on the battlefield, and so are inflicting heavy losses.

We can hope the Ukrainians have figured out proper counter-offensive measures. 

As I said, heavier Ukrainian losses will only stiffen Ukrainian resolve. By now, everyone knows someone who was killed or injured, a brother, a neighbor, co-worker, former boyfriend etc. The more Russia bombs dams and civilian building, the tougher the Ukrainians will get. 

Russian troop morale? Who knows? Everything is propaganda. US troops always had high morale in Iraq and Afghanistan, no matter how futile the cause or unimportant to US prosperity and security. 

Russian troops may actually believe they are fighting an enemy right on their border. 

I hope for rapid conclusion, but fear a stalemate. 

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Newsflash, Ben.  Trump and Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020.

Trump's surrender to the Taliban stipulated that U.S. troops would be out of Afghanistan by May of 2021.

Then Trump withdrew all but 2,500 U.S. troops from Afghanistan in January of 2021, before Biden was even inaugurated-- while refusing to share military intelligence with Biden's transition team.

Top US general says Afghan collapse can be traced to Trump-Taliban deal | US military | The Guardian

If Trump got the US out of Afghanistan, then give credit to Trump.  I had been giving credit to Biden.

That was a stupid occupation from the start, 20 years ago. 

I salute Trump and his wise decision to stop occupying Afghanistan. 



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58 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If Trump got the US out of Afghanistan, then give credit to Trump.  I had been giving credit to Biden.

That was a stupid occupation from the start, 20 years ago. 

I salute Trump and his wise decision to stop occupying Afghanistan. 



I agree that the Afghanistan war was a boondoggle from the beginning.

My point is that most people tend to blame Biden for the abrupt collapse of the Afghan Army in 2021, without acknowledging that Trump's surrender to the Taliban at Doha in 2020 set the stage for that collapse.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

I agree that the Afghanistan war was a boondoggle from the beginning.

My point is that most people tend to blame Biden for the abrupt collapse of the Afghan Army in 2021, without acknowledging that Trump's surrender to the Taliban at Doha in 2020 set the stage for that collapse.

William, I think the Biden / Trump stuff is immaterial. Of course they’ll blame each other to agitate their supporter bases. To me the war was another Vietnam, it wasn’t fought to be won, it was fought to pour endless supplies of tax payer monies into the hands of defence contractors for as long as possible. The rest is just theatre. 

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I've read we threw 2 TRILLION DOLLARS into Afghanistan...maybe even more!

Do you realize what 2 TRILLION DOLLARS could have done to help our society back here at home?

Free 4 year term college and/or trade school ( nursing?) for everyone...including room and board!

We could have built TEN THOUSAND new hospitals and schools or renovated same.

We could have given 2,000 major American cities 1 BILLION DOLLARS each to create good paying jobs with benefits. Or the same to our most economically depressed rural areas.

We could have replaced lost Medicare benefits. Maybe even provided affordable dental care!

We could have hugely bolstered up and improved child care and convalescent home care all across America.

We could face our massive homeless problem with serious intent. Same with our growing child and adult drug addiction crisis.

We could have improved rail systems to a degree that would get people around proficiently, safely and affordably. Getting more people off our crowded highways.

All our neglected national health need areas.

But, like always since the end of WW II, most of our monies goes to the military instead of our huge social needs back here at home.

That imbalance is the reason we are way down the list on most of the World Health organization's standard of living index. 

Most modern nations have better national health standards then we do.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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I'm not sure this is appropriate for the" Queen thread." so I'll post it here.

Egads! Brits were spending 24 hours waiting in line, some through 45 degree evening weather to pay their respects to the Queen!

The monarchy is alive and well, indeed!

I think it would be a great comfort to all of us if Cliff could do a cameo here and pay his respects to the Queen and let us know things will carry on as they were, and give us some sense of continuity!

Perhaps honor the Queen with a playing from across the pond  of "American Taliban"

heh heh     Hey Cliff!,

I think I'm going to have to bone up more on the interrelations of the Royal Family, but right now, I've been more concerned about the Roy's on "Succession"..



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