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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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4 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

Ben, your last sentence is one point upon which you and I might find agreement.


I am happy we can find agreement, and look forward to pleasantly exchanging views.  

Biden sure looked bobby-trapped by that Afcrapistan departure.

Then, right at the end,  the Biden drone strike that murdered an innocent family of 10.  I wonder who told Biden to authorize that? 



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The Special Master Judge stated in the court hearing today that he can complete his task of examining the 11000 documents in four weeks. It would be completed by October 20 or so, not by end of November as the Trump biased federal judge ordered. He sees the biased judge for what she is.

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Trump Demands Special Master Be Fired and Replaced with Extra-Special Master

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The ultra-liberal The Atlantic is militarily hawked-out to the max also.

I happen to support Ukraine, and think Putin is a thug...but if there could a negotiated peace or armistice, take it. Not so at The Atlantic.  War is better. 

In DC, the Donks define every aspect of US society as white supremacist---but never the military-defense complex, or foreign policy, or a globalized military ruling a largely non-white world. 

IDEAS-The Atlantic

Putin Is Cornered

The west faces a simple choice: reduce aid to Ukraine and deliver Russia a victory, or else finish the job it has begun.

An illustration featuring Volodymyr Zelensky and Vladimir Putin
Getty; U.S. Department of State; The Atlantic
SEPTEMBER 20, 2022, 11:45 AM ET

About the author: Eliot A. Cohen is a contributing writer at The Atlantic, a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at CSIS. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Counselor of the Department of State. He is the author most recently of The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force.

President Volodymyr Zelensky is playing the role of a Ukrainian Churchill, minus some of the fantastical notions and with an infinitely better workout regimen. Like Churchill in 1940, he has been the indispensable man in a mortal crisis, without whom his country might well have been lost, and whose eloquence has rallied not only his fellow citizens but a larger democratic world.

I recently met him in Kyiv, and found him as I had hoped—relaxed, optimistic but not cocky, determined, and on top of the details of the war for survival that his country is waging successfully. Zelensky’s key subordinates—generals and ministers alike—echoed his mood: realistic, courageous, and utterly committed to ridding their country of a brutal invader. They told our small group of American, British, French, and Australian experts brought together by the Polish foreign-policy think tank PISM what they needed and—guardedly—how they assessed the enemy’s military position.


This was all reassuring and, with caveats, encouraging. But the trip also brought home the importance of that least romantic of military subjects, logistics. A visit to the transshipment points for aid to Ukraine, and discussions with Polish and Ukrainian military leaders, revealed some disquieting facts.


When it come to DC, there is no more loyal opposition to any amount of military spending, actions or entanglements. The Donks used to be somewhat anti-war, but have evolved into being anti-peace.  The GOP was there all along, although the newer, populist wing is perhaps less interventionist. 

Lately, it has been said on this EF that it was Trump's decision-making that actually resulted in the US leaving Afcrapistan, and not Biden's.

Interesting, if true. 


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    You're someone who repeatedly criticized Biden and NATO for not intervening more aggressively in Ukraine after Putin's invasion earlier this year, so I'm a bit puzzled to hear that you are now advocating less belligerence.

    The only consistency in your opinions about U.S. policy in Ukraine seems to be that Biden and the Donks are making a big mistake if they pursue war or peace.

    As for Afghanistan, it's not a matter of opinion that Trump and Pompeo surrendered to the Taliban at Doha in February of 2020.  It's a fact.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Trump Demands Special Master Be Fired and Replaced with Extra-Special Master


Funny.  I guess the special master is not whipping him hard enough, yet (though he is doing so, probably the cause of the article headline).

Edited by Ron Bulman
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